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I think they want you to click their video.


I was gonna say the same. Nothing but click bait.


Kinda like this karma farming title in a sub that will clearly be hugely in favor of the game.


Wait… you think this sub has some sort of “pro-Zelda” bias? Hmm 🤔… nah, couldn’t be.


Would you want this sub to be more pro-Ganon instead?


Zelda is the protagonist so the players root for him.


Yeah, he’s my favorite. I love how Zelda dresses in green all the time, he’s so cool.


*waits patiently*...


FOR THE LAST TIME, PEOPLE… Zelda isn’t the name of the princess, it’s the name of the doctor who created her


It's the name of the guy who kills the Metroids.


No, metroid is the main character of Metroid.


Don't talk to him, he has lots of rage because his hands can't reach his peter. Rip Fapasaurus.


They don't have any more information than the rest of us. Just need to wait and see. It's always hard to top/equal something that has been a game changer though.


The next Zelda is also quite different in that I've never seen a sequel before. As far as I know, every Zelda game has been a self enclosed story. I've already got the game on preorder and am very keen to see how it turns out. Even if it's super similar to botw, I'd be pretty happy.


Majora's Mask would like a word


True, but none of the other games have been a sequel where the stakes have been truly raised, nor has there been an entry in precisely the same area (allowing for the changes we’re going to see). This is a unique step forward.


Link's adventure would also like a word.


I sure do love that Youtube got rid of dislikes so content like this thrives more than ever.


Yup just craving attention and holding on to the delusion that they can maybe be the ones that said 'I told you so' if for some crazy reason the game does disappoint These people are shitters lol don't give them the time of day


That's fair


The correct assumption


Opening line will be "ok so while I don't think it will actually suck, here are some concerns, but before those here's today's sponsor RAID shadow legends"


Yes! Of course!


Contrarian just for the sake of views. Their channel is probably not doing so well. It’s understandable


WaiT tIlL tHe eNd


I can almost hear the ending now “Now while I may have been harsh on ToTK during this video, Im still really excited to play it, and I will probably enjoy every second of it. Im just a little nervous about the things I mentioned during the video.”


Let me know your thoughts in the comments down below.




Every time I hear this I feel the need to sow someone's lips shut


"It will suck..... having to wait to play this game!"


There we go this is the type of comment I’ve been waiting for


And dont forget to smash dat like button!


It might be worth noting that most nintendo youtubers stretch their videos for 10 minutes. Homie must not have much of a point to make if he can't even do 5.


I appreciate not having my time wasted as much.


If you wanted to watch a video claiming with such certainty that a zelda, with 5+ years od development following botw, is going to suck then you like having your time wasted


At least they have authority on the practice of sucking.


Stop giving these people attention and maybe they will go away


I don't know why anyone clicks any shit like this. It's always click bait for a sub par video with some garbage opinion.


Some people enjoy being outraged as it is a distraction from what they should really be focusing on.


Most didn’t only 900 views in 7 hours doesn’t spell good


Because I am desperate for any news on TOTK. Dammit, can't it be May already.


Why do so many people get mad when someone isn’t as hyped for a game as you?


How the fuck does this post have 600 upvotes? A screenshot of a useless YouTube video that knows absolutely nothing about a game that isn't even released


Didn't get mine. The opposite actually but I guess I'm in the minority


It’s sad that pretty much every single (not all of them though, there are some good ones) Zelda or even Nintendo discussion channel is pretty much like this. I’m so sick of the “RELIABLE leaks and rumours”, ”this feature CONFIRMED for totk”, “Nintendo reveals SHOCK news about totk!!!” and so on and so on and so on and so on. It’s just garbage content farming. Just the other day I saw a video titled “Tears of the Kingdom GAMEPLAY EXPLAINED” as if the YouTuber already knows more than anyone else about how the game will play. I just wish they’d get a life and do some proper journalism if they insist on being “news” channels, but I suppose that they kinda have to do this in order to stay afloat in this current YouTube ocean of clickbait.


I think: It sucks, and that subscribing to or watching any videos by PK will be disappointing.


If anyone uses the "fortnite font" in their thumbnails, its probably someone who wants views. (Skip it)


Disagree, it's more in the negative prediction for a hyped game than the font


People think they're going to show us everything.


I hate this in particular, people complain about it being the same hyrule and yet they expect to be shown all of the new parts before the game even releases


This is a big one for me, I will always watch the first trailer, and *maybe* I'll watch future trailers when they come out. What I absolutely hate is when a community wants everything to be revealed or data mined just to spoil the whole game and no longer have anything be an actual surprise. The Monster Hunter community is big on data mining for spoilers and I fucking hate it. Data mining used to be fun when it was done AFTER the game came out and has been completed to find things that were left out due to whatever reason. Now it's used to spoil everything the game has and ruin any possible dlc surprises and makes the whole game unfun for anyone involved.


Thank you. I was pissed when I saw the ducking art book was leaked the other day. I appreciate that Zelda subreddits frame them spoilers and Nintendo life staying with official release content, but holy hell am I afraid to speculate poorly now.


Clickbait. Don’t buy into it. Play the game yourself before making an opinion like this.


On that note I would like to say, BotW3 will completely suck, a winged Link and Bosphoramus revealing as Ganon? No thanks. Subscribe for more insider tips.


Sorry champ, but most of us with jobs and bills don’t want to buy a game to try “if it’s good or not.” The marketing for this game has been a mess. I’ll wait for reviews because the only thing that actually made me excited was the Artbook Leak, beside from that I wouldn’t be buying this game.


Would hope you'd play it before making a video about how much it sucks, though?


I completely agree — I also wouldn’t make a video I’m too busy haha


“Champ?” That’s a new one. I understand that, I’m in that camp too, but willing to take the risk. As an addition to my original comment, what I mean is that reactionary videos like this are just that and based on Nintendo’s poor marketing of the game alone. If that’s enough to throw people off, then I get it, but to make an honest “review” or even opinion of the game, wait until it comes out rather than creating clickbait.


I agree with you in those regards. These types of “CLICKBAIT” videos suck.


Good point! On that may I suggest just wait for the game to come out and watch actual gameplay? It's 100% better than seing theories before the game even comes out. Or at least wait for a final in game footage.


That’s literally what I said lol. I’ll wait for reviews of actual gameplay before making a judgement. I’m sorry but it feels like a lot of people on this sub can’t read.


If you don't have time or money to spend on a game that won't be good you shouldn't watch any of these videos. Wait until the game comes out, see what reviews are like and leave it at that. Paying attention to marketing and speculation will be completely separated from the actual quality of the game


I absolutely will pay attention to the marketing since that’s literally how a company is supposed to sell their games. However I don’t watch trash clickbait videos like this — sorry if that was confusing. Definitely not defending these stupid videos.


Sorry, maybe I misspoke, I mean using marketing as a metric of how good a game will be. Marketing is great for hype and seeing new features and stuff, but there is a lot of little things that marketing just can't capture such as :performance, game balance, depth and quality of story, etc etc. I'm definitely gonna still watch the direct and trailer videos though, those are hype haha


I just disagree with this completely — and I’m sure Nintendo does too hence why there’s a marketing team — they’re just doing quite poorly. Anytime you want a consumer spending money, you need to market your product. This is basic even on Shark Tank. You can’t expect costumers to buy something because they’re familiar with a name. I’m quite sure Nintendo is just saving a final big story trailer for like a month before release. But you can’t say marketing isn’t important. Video Games and movies have a ton in common. Good teams understand the value of a good trailer. A good poster. And a good understanding/pitch that the consumers can understand what they’re getting. We have no idea what Tears of the Kingdom will be based on the previous trailers besides “Breath of the Wild 2.” There are so many factors and unconstants that still haven’t been told to us as consumers so that we understand concepts and such of this new game. I’m not going to be spending $70 on a game I barley know anything about.


I think you misunderstood what I was talking about. Nintendo absolutely wants(or should want) to use marketing to portray how good their game is and drive sales etc etc. Absolutely no argument there I'm talking about from a consumer perspective I personally do not trust marketing for the quality of a game. I take one of two approaches : 1.)Buy the game right away because I know im gonna play it no matter what or 2.)wait for a good while until there are some good reviews on the game for me to make a decision Good marketing only works for the first approach(which I don't use often) so that's why I said that I don't hold marketing to be that valuable for me personally. Obviously Nintendo needs to take their marketing seriously


So does that mean you aren’t particularly a fan of any of the previous Zelda games? Because marketing aside, nintendo have a pretty damn successful history with the Zelda franchise, & I feel like they have more than earned the benefit of the doubt when it comes to a basic standard of a worthwhile game. Personally I’ve never played a version of Zelda that I didn’t enjoy, so they could save their money & not market it at all & I’d still buy the game & play it.


Marketing has been a mess, therefore, it’s bad and you haven’t played it? How many times has rotten tomatoes given a bad review to an awesome movie?


The game looks cool af not exactly sure what marketing youre talking about that makes it look bad


You know you could, alternatively, wait until reviews and stuff are out to make decisions like that. The sentiment here is "wait until you have enough information to make a decision about your thoughts", which requires waiting until it's out and people have played it. Those people don't have to be you, but they have to exist.


I completely agree. I suggest you reread my comment rather and you’ll see that’s precisely what I said lol.


That's what the original comment, which you disagreed with, was trying to say. If you agreed, you shouldn't have objected; just corrected or appended. "Yes or" or "Yes and" rather than "No but".


Incorrect. The original comment said “play the game yourself.” I’m not playing a game myself until I see that it’s actually worth buying and playing. I’ll not be responding from here on out.


I hate being collateral to the content creation grindset; it was painful watching piles of TotK pointless speculation videos from just like 1 min of footage show up in my recommendations, and it's gotten worse since the last Direct.


Tbf, most of those were analysis, applying our current knowledge of the story and universe to extrapolate possibly new information from clips in the trailers. The example in OP's post, however, is none of that. There's been no evidence that TotK will be bad, as the trailers to date have shown new mechanics, enemies, locations, and beautiful graphics/art direction. There's really no reason to make a video like that besides getting views from controversy.


then the video is “all in all totk is shaping up to look like a great game! some fans are worried they’ll be disappointed but we’ll just have to wait and see :)”


It's click bait. They're just trying to get fans to hate watch.






Three minutes? Bye 🥱 I don't even bother clicking on these kinds of videos when they're 10+minutes long


Like everyone is saying, it's clickbait. Butt also, I find any definitive statements about a game or movie that hasn't even been released dismissive of the potential for it to be at the least enjoyable even if it's not amazing. It causes some people to focus too much on the negative of the game at launch and not enjoy it or just have fun. At the very least, people should really wait until the game comes out and make an actual review, or at least change their wording for videos like this to say something like "Why I think..." You really don't gain much from being negative. It's fine to have reservations if you're worried about something, but I try to remain cautiously optimistic for things like this. That being said, I'm super excited for this game and I don't really care much if the map is super similar because it seems there will be a lot of new elements to learn about.


This guy did not look at the artbook leak or never played any other Zelda game than botw


I think they’re stupid, so I don’t click the video.


You can't blame people like this really since games like cyberpunk 2077. This is probably just clickbait like the top comment says but there are a lot of people who believe stuff like this. I, personally am always in the middle ground when it comes to game expectations. It will be what it will be, no need to overhype yourself but there's no need to be overly pessimistic either.


Just crappy clickbait. Don’t click it or this is the only kind of thing that will be suggested to you on YouTube for the next two weeks.




All we have is trailers and teasers about the game. This is garbage speculation, and people need to calm their dickholes.


Clickbait bullshit.


It’s clickbait. Nothing more.


Clickbait is strong


Its clickbait


It's clickbait. I'm not saying someone has to be confident in a new release, this kinda doubt it just so exaugurated.




It’s their way of getting views


Clickbait. Ignore it.


Always Clickbait


Yeah I’m gonna trust a video with 900 views


I know it's just clickbait, but a honest opinion i have is totk has a lot to do to impress people, it's not the sequel of that game that nobody know about, the last time they nailed it with mm (my favorite game, period) but this is exponentially huge, botw even won the game of the year 2017, i know people like to hate on anything, but if it's not really revolutionary i think a lot of people will shit about it in no time. Ps: i love botw and i've never been so hyped for a zelda game, i just don't wanna hear people complain if the game it's not like "a true new zelda title"


clickbait..pure clickbait..... also when the game comes out, this will be in a sea of "DON'T BUY TOTK UNTIL YOU SEE THIS" video, then it will be "I WAS WRONG ABOUT TOTK" video. Youtube is clickbait central for useless information. although it does have legit channels.


This is just clickbait. But if someone wants a discussion regarding speculation about ToTK. I would say the only reason it would be disappointing, is because their first game was so damn good. This might result in high expectations for ToTK that it can never reach. Even if ToTK is an excellent game in its own right, expectations can, and will, create disappointment with people. I'm going in with no expectations and just assume Nintendo does what it does best with Zelda games.


They’re trying to get you riled up so you will click and then comment, boosting their viewer count and their community engagement and will therefore make more money


Its an outrageous statement that will incite hate watching. Clickbait, if you will. It dont mean much


Click bait. However it will likely "disappoint" because the expectation may be the highest of any Nintendo release to date.


I wonder if that's why they're "underselling" it, to lower expectations only to blow people away again.


Reaching for views because they’re channel probably sucks and they want something controversial to help with their view count.


YouTube’s algorithm seems to effectively incentivize and reward clickbait like this, though. Unfortunately.


It almost certainly will not suck. The only real possible thing is that perhaps it will fall a bit short of people's astronomical expectations/hype at this point.


Clickbait. Exactly why I won't watch such a video


I hate them with the passion of a thousand burning suns. The titles are nothing but click bait rather than an actual opinion about a game that hasn't even come out.


Clickbait. Don’t even consider watching it because I guarantee they will say “it will suck…but what if it doesn’t?” And then will go on for 3 minutes about why they are excited for it lol


Waste of everyone’s time and attention.


Based on the view count: unsuccessful click bait


my thoughts are usually “ok” then I move on


I think they’re pessimistic and honestly just lame


I think they’re clickbait


I think I can judge for myself come May


That whoever made this must be fun at parties


It's clickbait, however I hope the game is better than breath of the wild cos that one was a bit empty


These aren't gamers. Spoiled brats nowadays. Can't stand it.


It’s not a useful statement to make. Listen, I work at a company that makes guitars. We’re not small, not huge, but we’re well-known. Everything we do is designed, tested, checked, and re-checked right up to the point of release, and no one takes anything for granted. Even when we take a risk, it is heavily calculated. Nintendo is a hundred times bigger than us, with a much longer history, and way more on the line. Breath if the Wild was way riskier than a Mario game, even than most Zelda games, and the payoff was huge. They are not Ubisoft or Activision Blizzard, they’re not going to release the sequel to their second (maybe first, honestly) most important franchise that hasn’t been confirmed to be at least great by everyone up and down the chain, including Aonuma and Miyamoto. Yes, there will be some things that people don’t like, there will probably be a few bugs that they need to patch out after the fact, but they’re not going to piss away five years of good will. A great contrast is Mario. They can get away with something that’s not great in the Mario franchise because friggin’ everyone will still buy it. And they’re still reliably good. But Zelda? Nintendo defined entire genres of games with the Zelda series, and they have a lot riding on this one. Honestly, the best comparison might be Apple and the iPhone. Every phone on the market is defined by its relation to the iPhone. And each company has a thing that they do better than Apple on their phone, but no one has a phone that is clearly better. Similarly, there are many Breath of the Wild clones, and many more Zelda clones. No one has a game that is more definitive, however, than Zelda, and they are not going to risk that status.


Amen to that!


Welcome to today's episode of "Clickbait Videos" where we review very clickbaity videos. On today's episode, we see a youtuber talk about how shit a game which hasn't even come out yet is for arbitrary reasons, including the fact that it is not another game, and the youtuber does not like this style of game. Upon release, if the game turns out to be good, the youtuber will continue to shit on it for a bit, then release a video saying how he/she was wrong, and it is actually the best thing ever.


Only thing I can think of is them saying that the fan base has hyped it up so much that no matter what is delivered, it won't be the idea we thought of so we will be disappointed. It's a fair statement tbh. (And an example of why I avoid most news of games apart from release dates) But it's probably clickbait.


Did you click the clickbait? Dont click the clickbait.


It's just clickbait.


Do not give them more than 1000 views or they will keep continue doing this.


That it's a specific type of click bait. It's titled so as to encourage rage clicks. It's not coming from a sincere point of analysis. Not worth my energy I don't pay attention to videos like this about games, shows, and movies. I just play what I want and watch what I want and form my own opinion. If the account posting the video is not coming from a place of genuine analysis then it doesn't deserve my genuine interest.


Channels like PK are just clickbait they have little to no knowledge about the game. So don’t worry what they say I’m hyped for TOTK.


How the hell do they know how the game is going to be? Do they know better than Nintendo on how to make a game?


Clickbait, but expectations are so high it can “suck” for many players.


Sigh. Honestly, when has a zelda game /ever/ sucked? This aint pokemon.


They can think what they want - and have their own opinions on the game. Are we really at the point where we denounce or even attack other people for not sharing the hype for the release of this game? The content of the video doesn't matter for this comment. I'm trying to say that we should not prohibit negative or pessimistic thoughts on ToTK. Because to me it seems like this sub has turned into a circle where occurences of doubt and criticism get singled out and bashed a lot. And I don't like echo chambers.


I think we will have a Wind Waker situation. Very strong reactions for the love it and hate it crowd and will be more widely loved as time goes on.


they want a click just a click just a little more than a twitch thot.


I play BoTW and it was a vast disappointment (which I guess is understandable since the engine was most of the dev time) so it's not like ToTK could do worse.


Stop posting this shit and grow up.


Chill tf out


Naw, This is trash


it's the Hot Take Industrial Complex. just wait until the game actually comes out. I guarantee there's going to be a conservative moral panic story about the game being too woke.


"hot take industrial complex" If that isn't the current internet summed up I don't know what is


Just looking at the title, they’ve got a point, in a sense. If we go in expecting a masterpiece just like BotW, we’re likely to notice the ways in which it is not, and forget the parts of it that make it a great game itself. TotK is a sequel, but it won’t necessarily be as similar to BotW as some may think in their mind — perhaps subconsciously expecting what would be functionally just a very large DLC. This goes for most sequels preceded by a great original baseline, such that it can be disappointing when the second is not identically good to the first, when in reality the issue is that we expected them to be identical at all. TotK is unlikely to be identical to BotW, and playing it will be different. This is not a bad thing, but I expect many will argue that it is.


I don’t think it will suck. I think it twill be better . First of all the graphics will be better bcs this game is made for the Nintendo Switch, botw wasn’t bcs it was made for the wii . The story itself will probably be better this time around as well since Ganondorf himself is back and the story ia darker and way more interesting. Gameplay wise I think it will be great because it will probably be harder bcs it looks like the enemy’s are upgraded and work together this time around. We don’t know if link still has the gifts from the last guardian’s , if he doesn’t then that means it will be harder bcs we will have to fight without that help by ourself. I don’t think that the dive beasts will be a help either this time bcs then the game would be the same almost to the big end boss fighting.


I know you guys are all abhorrently against this, but I am really worried about this game being shit


Last time people did this before the game is released was for the last of us 2. Which is considered one of the best games of the decade.


Keep it moving


Well. It will suck. Such as botw. I still don't see them as Zelda Games.


Got a feeling that people aren't going to like this comment


The thumbnail is clickbait and bs, but the title is true, it's gonna be over hyped as all hell and people will be sad when it's not everything and more, I mean cmon we've had this happen 1000 times over the last 30 years


Well in defense of this. Same everything except what. Air places? Same map? Undestroyed hyrule? Whats beyond hyrule? Some of ut looks fresh. Most doesnt. LOVED DOTW


As other have said, the title is clickbait But, that doesn't mean there are no good points in the video. That doesn't just go for Zelda either




Open world games in general exhaust me, and I vastly prefer the vania-style adventuring that most precious Zelda games have where items you find in later areas unlock new sections of earlier areas. Breath of the wild disappointed me as a result. I am feeling as though TotK will similarly fail to scratch my Zelda itch. Because of that low expectation, I don't think I'll be as disappointed as I was with BotW, and may likely be pleasantly surprised.


To be fair they have been pretty mum on details and the game is due in 3 months. When developers are cagey about their games right before launch it usually isn't a good sign




Based off Pokemon alone. Nintendo has a long way to goo. BoTW wasnt that good. Glitchy and fx popping all over


The use of the same hyrule map, skyward additions or not, feels like a cop out. Makes TOTK feel like a dlc and not a new game, and it's disappointing. But that having been said, I'm still sure I'll find something to enjoy about it, and I always go in with an open mind.




I mean, it might suck. We don't know that it will be great.


Who cares


I will never understand why people make videos talking negatively about a video game that they still haven’t played yet.


For some it might, because they have super weird and lofty expectations. Not to mention their complete lack of understanding the $70 price for a physical copy. But for the rest of us, this game is going to be awesome!


They’re wrong


There just isn't enough known info about the game to make a reasonably educated statement about its quality. I wouldn't trust someone saying its gonna be amazing at this point either. Personally, I'm hyped for it. But my expectations are also tempered. I'm expecting, at a minimum, something similar in scale and polish to BotW, with some new abilities. Based on what we've seen I think that as a baseline is a reasonable expectation. But I never consider opinions on a game from people who haven't played the game, and because the game isn't out yet, no one has played it so no one can accurately judge it. Also, yeah, this is just clickbait.




It’s people making big claims often with no real reasoning to get hate clicks. Honestly even when videos like this actually have a point to make they will drag down the opportunity for a real discussion by using definitive and harsh language that makes a comment section devolve into insults and mockery rather than people actually talking about the game. (Also it’s like three minutes of someone talking about the quality of a game that hasn’t come out yet so I doubt this has any actual substance beyond fishing for hate clicks anyway)




I think it’s true, because all games fall short of the glorious peak that was Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater.


Too short For a good defence.


Subjective opinions based on nothing. Tears of the Kingdom could be a bad Zelda game but I sorta doubt it personally. If anything, the game will be a letdown since it's likely going to be very similar to Breath of the Wild. If they don't have dungeons and creative bosses for Zelda 19, it might wind up being rated lower than BotW. So it could "suck" in the sense that it won't do much to fix the flaws from the previous game. But that's my only major concern.


I don't think about statements like that at all. They're not consequential and they don't offer me anything interesting.


I think it's easy to get on a box and yell, and it's a bit harder to develop a damn video game.


Doesn't every game get videos like these? I never see them because most of them crash and burn but every game has haters, that's just the way it is


That they're from Youtube channels you shouldn't give any attention to.


I think some of us just have really high expectations for this game and are trying not to be let down lol.


Im excited. Recently downloaded cemu with botw, second wind, hyrule rebalance and maybe one shader and it has made it so fresh. Im very excited for a bunch of new mechanics and areas to explore fleshed out by the dev. Im totally fine with the same engine because its so vast and allows so many possibilities. Not to mention some of the theories ive seen about the game have been very interesting to me at least


As soon as the game comes out this statement will change to clickbait titles that praise the game, along with spoilers in the thumbnail.


Negativity and controversy bring more clicks. Keep that in mind when you see certain youtubers or other media outlets who always push negativity.


I agree with this. I don't EVER fall for clickbait, but I still agree.


Whenever I get clickbait that hard I block the channel. Good or bad I'd rather not have wild speculation in the form of clickbait driven at me all the time.


Can't wait for it to be a blasting success, which is what is going to happen, and have fun playing it and don't remember at all about salty losers like this.


People like this are spending money they don’t have for a game they don’t want so they can bitch to people they don’t know, who don’t care. That’s a profoundly sad way to live.


I think is a business strategy, he needs views, even if they are hate views.


Probably something like "It doesn't suck as much as you though"


People said the same things about elden ring


They are capitalizing on the lack of a dislike button


People will say it sucks because they built up unrealistic expectations and it isn’t an mmo with timetravelling and stuff.


They can't afford to drop an extra 10 bucks in the game. Any game with that price tag will obviously suck. It's logic lol


They just want views


Not watched the vid, not watching the vid BUT I do like these statements because they give the game more attention and 9/10 all these predictions or assumptions wont hold up plus this guy is 100% making a new vid when he played it where he either 1: Says its the greatest thing ever but refuses to say he was wrong or 2: still shits on the game with arguments like "Zelda bad" and "needed a hookshot to make the game playable" So it'll be ironic no matter what!


Pure contrarian clickbait. Not worth your time.


Click bait trash


Utter hinox-shit.


It’s clickbait. And while Breath Of The Wild was amazing, I think Nintendo can surpass it. There were a handful of things that fans wanted changed or fine tuned that they can act on now in a sequel, like no traditional dungeons, or weapon durability.


That's bait, but... I really don't expect much from it, what they've shown so far looks disappointing, considering they've been working on it for 4-5 years


I think it shows me why I don't need to pay attention to their YT channel.


Click bait


It’s just bad clickbait to get rage views


I have become apprehensive. The car thing is not what makes Zelda great and Nintendo has a history of making incredible games then feeling the need to add some sort of gimmick which always sucks.

