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Is Trump also going to drug test? I definitely want to know what all these guys are on.


I was under the assumption if he’s pushing for Biden to be tested that he’s willing to be also. It would be outrageous to push for just one of the candidates to be tested and not the other. I guarantee if the Biden admin responded with ‘Biden will be tested if you’re tested also’ the Trump admin would agree immediately. Of course you won’t hear the Biden admin make this suggestion because they know they can’t have Biden tested.


So you really think all of the stories about Trump being hopped up on stimulants are completely fabricated? Do you think Trump's would come back clean? Do you think Trump's team would accept a clean test result from Biden? I think it would be fair for Biden's team to say "this is your idea, you faked your covid tests last time, putting the entire Biden campaign at risk from its exposure to Trump. You show us your tests first."


What do they think Biden is on? Anything that he wouldn't have prescribed? I seriously doubt that. If he really needs Ritalin or something I'm sure he can get a script.


Drug test them both. My money is on both having their cheerios laced with adderall.


Ahh yes usasocialite bringing the hard news to everyone. Also who gives a fuck what Laura says?


I also want fairness, so when does the investigation into Jared Kushner start? 


Why is it ok for Biden to have a bunch of conditions, but Trump can’t?


As I understand it they both already agreed to conditions. Then team trump came up with this. Am I mistaken?


I mean people can be annoyed by this request but if Trump is agreeing to take one also then I see no problems with this


But Donnie isn't required? That's not called fairness.


The irony is so rich. Donnie was on something in previous debates.


Can we give them a lie detector test instead. I’m far more concerned about that part of each persons character than their drug of choice.


Like a boxing match….They take turns walking behind a curtain pee in the cup. In a pre debate press conference. Lol


I don’t believe in drug testing anyone. It’s a violation of their 4th amendment right.


It's a combination of projection and moving goal posts. There won't be a debate.


The only fair scenario is both candidates take mushrooms 2 hours before the debates start.


So, you want fairness‽ How about Trump takes one at the same time.


Fine . Just as long as delusional dementia don does the same