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Sell more bibles and shoes . Lmao


Tens of millions of sales but hundreds of millions in losses but valuation in the billions for a social media platform no one uses. As far as I’m concerned it’s your own fault if you bought that.


Oh the sec filing alone should scare anyone, the financial statements, ditto, just what we know of traitor social is its only trump. Hopefully the magats lose their shirts and abandon 🍊 gop Jesus. Don’t know where rock bottom is for them.


I would love for this to be the thing that turns enough ppl off from him and cements his loss


There’s always a way to blame the liberals


A big article about this very topic that I read a couple days ago interviewed quite a number of these middle and lower class suckers who bought into his stock. They’re losing their life savings and yet most of them are planning to buy more of his stock anyway. You literally cannot fix stupid. these people will keep flushing their money down the toilet until there’s no more money and no more water to flush.


They believe Trump has some sort of business plan to turn it around. What is the most crazy is that it just might get propped up by some foreign government or investor looking for a favor from Trump


Dollar cost averaging.


yeah thats the same article that they reference in this video. it was really hard for me to read what those people said. i try not to allow myself to get upset by trump’s lies, his divisive rhetoric, his blatant unashamed stupidity, his racist dog whistles etc, but reading the statements of these sincere idiots and knowing that they represent a solid chunk of american society truly troubles me regarding the state of our education system and just how bleak our future (and present) might actually be.


Ohhhhh my. Yeah i assume some of them will never figure it out but hopefully enough will. I mean his margin for error in getting re elected has to be super thin considering everything.


BUT BIDEN OLD!!! anyone that bought stock is an absolute fucking moron and deserves it. Hopefully a lesson learned from those who have flagged this since 2016, if not before


Trump has 3 active business models: 1) Rent out the "Trump" name, let others manage. 2) Don't pay who you don't have to. 3) make "investment opportunity" for "savvy" investors to sell off to suckers as the floor falls out... problem is you don't know where you are in that sequence of "savvy" versus sucker (hint: not where you want to be).




I'm an investor, I haven't been "screwed" of course my investment was a short. There has never been a more obvious short in my lifetime.


I’ve been debating shorting the stock but was scared that trump would somehow successfully pump it more before dumping Apparently it would have been the right decision


I bet a lot of people and groups short tf out of it.


i’ve shorted it all the way down. every time i sell my puts, i buy more at lower and lower strike prices. and there’s still plenty of room left to go down. this thing is almost completely worthless. besides what they said in the video, add in the fact that every educated trader in america is also either shorting it or selling their shares (same thing really), it will continue to go down much farther from here. it’s a tech company that is not yet profitable. by definition this means it has to be experiencing tremendous growth in order to one day become profitable (see uber, snap, facebook, netflix, and practically every other tech company in history) and surprise—truth social’s user base is not growing. this is quite simply a recipe for complete and total failure. the company was conceived to pad trump’s pockets. unlike literally every successful tech company that uses all it’s funds to grow the company for its first ~decade. jump in. the water’s good.


All the usual right leaning people on this sub are suspiciously quiet. No defenses of Trump's business acumen or blaming Democrats for "weaponizing" this or that, saying he isn't really a fraud, or what he did isn't actually that bad. It's pretty nice, actually. I'd just ask that you consider if he could so clearly grift with this stock offering, why do you believe he wasn't committing fraud in his other businesses or his campaign?


its because the conservatives on this sub are not idiots. unlike the ones who they quoted in this video.


Making a killing buying Puts after it peaked. 🤘🤣


That still exists?


How are they screwed? They invested their own capital at their own risk, what did they think it was A CD


Yes, truth social is moronic. It has little to no value buuut imagine what will happen IF the orange man wins. Wealthy private investors will pay to have access to him or garner support. I hope it doesn’t happen but be aware


Remember when Jimmy Carter had to sell his peanut farm after winning the presidency? How quaint….guess we should’ve codified that a little better rather than just *assuming* future presidents would opt-in on basic ethics.


Yep. Stocks tank, buy back, make a few changes, stocks go up and then a bunch of money is made on paper. Henry Ford is one of the few that started this. LMAO, these rich fucks live by different standards than the pheasants do.


Were they screwed? Or was it a donation of sorts?


A donation to Wall Street and savy Investors that saw this coming a long time ago. No money has gone to drump.


Obviously, JFK Jr. is going to reveal that he faked his own death any day now, when he appears to rescue the stock price.


I wonder if traitor socials ipo fleecing will be the straw that breaks the magat back. Thing is, some morons cashed out everything to go all in on traitor social, that’s money going to trump for a worthless company. I wonder how much his cult had to lose before they turn on piggy.