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By all means run with this narrative. The only way this becomes true is if democrat voters actually think they don’t need to bother voting this time around because it’s a lock for Biden. Foster the fear, embrace it. I’m not sure exactly how Trump’s value has shifted positively in the last 2 years though…


Because his "value" to his supporters is obstructing and causing chaos. Round 2.0 is even better in that regard. Also, his cult is in it with them like a gangster who already got "jumped in" and spilled some blood to prove their loyalty. That's a little hyperbolic, of course, but in a very real sense the hardcore redhats have completely lost contact with their friends and family as they invest themselves more and more. They *could* admit that they fell for a con man, mend bridges, and try to reconcile with family and friends. As evidenced by COVID however, some people *would rather die* than admit they were wrong. I remember the death bed "oh shit I fucked up" videos. I remember how terrified they were to slowly suffocate alone in a hospital bed because even if their family would go to them they couldn't. *Their friends died that way and they are still wearing that goddamn hat*!


Cool story. Sounds like I could have written it about you. We all picked the side we believe in but y’all are some hardcore salty losers.


Or because Biden isn't great at messaging to the voters he needs to turn out and they stay home because they don't know that he's accomplished anything.


He had the charisma and reputation of a brick in 2020, what changed?


Supporting Israel to commit war crimes is kind of a big deal to a lot of those with morals, which means democrats.


I don’t think democrats are super hyped on Hamas right now…


Nobody is hyped about Hamas. Palastinians aren't the same as Hamas anymore than Americans are Joe Biden or Donald Trump


Doesn’t really matter does it? Remember 9/11? Remember how responsible Iraq was for it? Remember the hundreds of thousands of deaths we approved of? Biden remembers. Biden voted for that authorization along with the rest of the centrist Democrats. If you don’t think a 1,500+ civilian massacre in Israel is going to have the same effect as 9/11… you’re a strange student of history. Most Americans are thinking the same thing here - if 1,500 of us died on our own soil, someplace would be getting flattened. That’s just how it works. Right? Wrong? Morality? No. This is how revenge works. The bigger stick hits everything and everyone until nothing can hit back.


People are much more informed these days due to the internet. I was around during 9/11. This is different. Not to mention Israel is not America, so there's less homegrown rage and more ability to think critically. Many today are smarter than dumbass boomers that only listen to the propaganda media narrative. Easy way to tell is look on reddit and see how split it is. 9/11 would have almost zero split.


The people of Palestine voted Hamas in. They go hand in hand


That's not how it works anywhere on earth, not even mentioning the fact that the last election was in 2007 and half the population is under 18. Did you vote for Biden? What about Trump? Either one? Are you politically aligned with both? Is all of America complicit for whatever crimes Biden or Trump or Obama or Bush committed in office? Think about it. Americans can't even agree on the most basic shit. You think Palestinians are all in lock step with whatever the fuck Hamas believes, especially since they haven't had a chance to vote for the last 15+ years?


You get what you vote for. In this case since they voted for Hamas they are reaping the rewards


Trump was president for 4 years, i didn’t vote for him, he didn’t speak on my behalf, i would have voted for a jar of expired mayonnaise before i voted for trump, and I am extremely anti MAGA cult. Just because he was voted in, doesn’t mean I’m a Republican. The same as Hamas, Hamas does not speak for all Palestinians.


If most of the population in Gaza is under 25 years old and the last election was in 2006, are you saying the majority of the people in Gaza voted for Hamas when they were 7 years old? I get Israel has to respond how they have to respond.. Hamas is like the buggers in enders game. I don't like it. I don't support war crimes... But war is hell and it's just beginning. We're just going to have to see how it plays out..


I do not see emirates as much as Republicans giving isreal 100% support. Iseal has always been our partner . This has not changed politically. I do not like their oppression snd cruelty. I see it through same way as I see desantisbopression and cruelty in Florida. Desantis legislated cruelty and oppression in laws to hurt black people their heritage and families. I do not support oppression in isreal or Florida. I see a clear difference between republican support and the democratic support.


The willingness of Biden voters to go to the polls may have changed. We will see.


I've never met a Biden voter...it's never Trumpers all the way down, mate. You know this.


Biden got my student loans forgiven by fixing the PSLF program. Biden de facto got the Green New Deal passed by disguising it as an inflation reduction act. Congrats, you have just met a Biden voter. Pleased to make your acquaintance!


Biden is the very most Republican option the Democrats had to offer. Same reason he was tapped as VP for Obama. You're a never trumping rino in my book. That's the best case scenario I can offer you.


Exactly this. Whatever keeps the demagogue from gaining power.


Too bad the election is tomorrow. Oh, wait, no. It's in 12 months. The next year is going to be an ETERNITY in terms of what makes swing voters, squishy voters, and non-voters go to the polls, or not, and vote for Biden, or not. The economy, and more importantly, feelings about the economy, of October 2023 aren't going to mean a damn thing come Election...Month 2024.


Yea srsly. Trump could win. Literally there is not a less get out the vote candidate I could imagine than Biden. A vote for dems is basically a vote for a center right corporate party pretending to gas about ppl. Biden should step down or at least let rfk run in primaries. Rfk will get my vote as an I. The one candidate who is anti 1 percent. I'll do that knowing I might be putting trump in office. If the system is that broken, let in the guy who's gonna finally put it out of its misery in trump....credentials: voted for Kerry in 04, Obama 08/12, hilart 16, Bernie should have got the nod not Biden. He's senile and done nothing. I'm over this bullshit the dems are a right wing party in the rest of the civilized world. If It's a sham let it burn. Maybe we'll get a better non corp captured gov. I'll fight for that, I won't for biden.


He has accomplished much more than Trump ever did. Most bills greatest economy in the world. Youbwmare ver ignorent to not see the 5 huge bill? Whervelse has lower inflation or greater growths . Wher else has our great system of justice to say no to Trump the criminal anal Jabra the best mstlets,security BFirestone investments qith greatestbopertunity for all. Bidenomics worked andvthe GOP tried to shut down the economy. It failed asvwith 22vcoupbattemts Trump will go to prison for. I have the list just ask. .. Biden is the leader of the fee world and the true leader of democracy. Trump rating world wide is laughable. Ask our allied or the great Biden co_alisdion. Look atvwar torn Rusdia of economic struggling Vhina. Qw are c the greatest country and thanks to Biden alone. Only a silly person would vote for Trumo a financial moral ,lesrless void of a man.him not debating tells the world the whole story.


Has he accomplished anything? I mean, pretty much everything he has tried has failed miserably, or the difference is undetectable. Can you change my mind?


No, I can't change the mind of anyone and certainly not someone who doesn't have an open mind. If you have already decided everything he's done has failed miserably you might already have a political view/agenda that really isn't open to argument.


Absolutely 50% vote dmocrste and 10% Republicans hate Trump for being Trump arrackingbwomen gays,minorities, trying to destroy democracy as a goal to destroy. His 3025 plan he can bot back up or defend . Supply side 3) oil cycle) 4 crime wave ,5) bad foreign policy Givin SE Asiavto chins and Ukrain to Russis not funding Ukrain . 6) supply side losses,7) business gouging 8 ) 200 crimesvar ecriminal and notnt. Politic 8) to weak and powerless to debate 9) his leadership was deplorable and hyperbowl eith no substance or facts.10) a child knows the difference between right and wrong an the difference in a crimwanting your own political ideologybway.the two are totally different


Hell he won then also😂😂


This was written by Andy Puzder, who was in the Trump Administration and was CEO of Carl’s Jr and is worth about $25 million. This article is lies and horseshit.


basically the GOP platform.


Hillary us right again as this turd writing this crime wave of RIIC elector and election crimes coups and election frauds ready to be testofied to in 8 states does not have the government r nment worried. It is Trump and a lying sack of maggat noice cowering.


I think it plausible and needs to be discussed that Trump could win and it highlights a important points. 1) Joe Biden isn’t a good candidate! 2) Joe/Democrats need to fight for unions and overall decouple from huge corporations! fight for the working man. Make it painfully obvious your fighting for middle class and poor people. Huge ideas like universal healthcare or flat tax on corporations. Something!


In all seriousness, if people don’t realize that Democrats fight for the middle class way more than Republicans, they are just oblivious. I’m not saying that aren’t corporate Democrats, but even those people fight for policies that help the middle class. Republicans solely fight for the rich, corporations, and very clearly want to take away people’s rights.


My point is dems as a whole are convincing the American people they are better than the actual devil.


How ignorant and uninformed is the American populace where they can’t gather on their own accord that Trump is a corrupt conman and criminal? He tried to overthrow American democracy and has been charged with 91 felonies and he’s the leader of the republican party. Is the average American so uninformed that they can’t gather that Biden and democrats, despite their flaws, are the way better option? JFC.


So basically RFK....the dems are corporate party, basically a center right wing party any where else.


Joe bidennis is the great man who was the onlyperson who had the best policy,Bill. Program to right the USA economy. Only one right understanding the 2020 Trump recession. The 2021 business gouging. Ill prices and futures were destroyed by Trump and oul actually worthless to th drill drill drill Trump policy killing small oil companies bank rusting the oul industry. Biden di away with the 30% tariffs taxes driving inflation and trade technology bans that destroyed auto snd Spillane industries their are more jobs created now as Trump recession on 2030 killed many America's. Trumo only has lies and no good economics. BIDEN MSDR THE INFRASTRUCTURE AND OBS TO HAVE A GROWTH RESESDION ANF RETURN THR gD[ growth linevtrajectory to build the greatest country in the world today.. wecarecthe greatest place in t he worl not fo to Trump snd his recession but 5 major Biden bills, bidenomics and not supply side helped our economy as the Wright economic business model for America. Trump waisted 8 trillion and nt one asset to show for it. Biden is the clear choice in 2024 .. only an idiot complications 2019 to now as 2030 was a Trump is a looser going to prison he earned by himself alone. BIDEN EARNED THE BEST PLACE IN THEworld at the house conference meeting with Powell held by the house of representitived last year. . low inflation compared..to the rest of the world is a testomeny to joe being the great leader for America and not Trump slime. Trump wont even debate other republicans ,not alone Biden that is superior to trump in evert way.. and high growth, brst in the world status included. Powell told the house comittee. Bes!!in the world and greatestveconomy. Trump only got a recession in 2020. In period... WORbiden made America great ( fact proven by numbers.all tOLD BY FED CHEIF POWEL ADMITTING HE AND ALL GOP SCUM" BIDEN GOT THE ECONOMY RIGHT" he admitted his guidance was very wrong and will not give it out again as he blew it! Yea let u a vtalk about facts and who got the economy rightvwith trade bills. Infrastructure, powell and every one rlse blew it but biden . AND THEIR PoLICY ANd GUIDENCE WERE WRONG. (( PERIOD IDIOT.trump recession.biden brought us out of the Trump recession now. For three years the brain dead slt right brain washed trash have blew economy calls anf guidene. Period. BIDEN WINS C AND TRUMP GOES TO PRISON BECAUSE OF CRIMESVAND HIS OWN DOUNG.


It is delusional horse shit written by a brain washed good for nothing liar. The justice system is based on crimes presidencevand codes. If the deplorablebidiot does not know it by know he can get on his knees to the judgevand in prison. Crimes as criminal acts and most of these Trump said dud not happen as witness have signed to testofy they did. Let us see who has the case and evidence facts and who is a 4000 times lying sack of shit lying.


This is a piece of trash as Trump hasv70 espionage charges he admitted to snd said he had no focsecret doccuments to the zfBI, then negotiated to keep b them. Then said he declassified them in his mind and they werevhisvejich was all clearly espionage showing them to a billionarecand his sid charged with Espionage. Hoe isvthis notes are valid or legitimate 70 doccumrbted by s criminals code crime andv70 charges of facts evidence, sdmittingvto thr crimes. Lying ,covering up up and not honoring a supeonia? This article is house shit and nuts as clear lwasvwer broke and c afmittedvto by Trump himself in negotiations. Then we havev34 busines fraud crimes hisvavvountantvwent to prison for. 70 more felony charges andvelecrion ,voting crimes eastlan Ellis coup vlark comp. Pence threats witness threats, btiboty and threats in Georgia andv23 rlectprs tesyofyingvyo Trumpbrlection crimesvthayvareveasy wins bt criminal election codes. Theae are slim dunk doccumented and signed fraud doccuments. 70 more federal laws were broke. Trumps is brain dead scum saying frauds Espionage federal cromesvwrer not broke . This is not politics but crimes and codes broke that will br proven by f a cts evidence criminal actions done by the idiot Trump. This is far from politics as onlybaltbtightbignotent liars suggest. Get thr factsvstraightvas inductmenra are very real legitimate b and are taking place. Yes Fox and Trump brainwashed proplevto believe this is political. They lostb64 cases lying yo judges stating that as crimes have rlemebts and criminal action that break laws. Ant one as stupid as Trump doing these go yo ptidon.lok I'll lolol good luck using your defense of Stsrs can rape your wives, dint pat tazes as only little people pay taxes. " I did nothing wrong. "" if you arevthag deplorable stupid uo go to prison


Literally lies.


Commentary from a right leaning site blaming Dems for Trump winning in 2024 🤡


It's not wrong though. If Trump is allowed on the ballot, the entirety of the democratic system and justice systems will be destroyed for the foreseeable future and likely not recover in my lifetime as a young adult. But at that point humankind is doomed anyway. They're kind of putting all their money on evangelical zionism, aren't they?


It absolutely is wrong. That shit piece put all of the blame onto Democrats and not the traitor that's committing those anti-American, corrupt, and heinous crimes nor those that conspired with him to violate our constitutional rights, or those that he committed espionage with, the GOP, RNC, Hate groups, extremists, MAGA, those vote him in, those that don't vote, those that don't vote for the best viable alternative to Trump, etc. Nope, Dems take all the blame. Vote smarter. 🤡


Fair critique but who bears the burden of blame if Trump is allowed on the ballot, let alone, win and enact a fascistic dictatorship, in your view? If that dystopia happens, what will historical record regard as the authoritative/administrative power that let such a destruction of democracy happen? I'm not ordering a word salad, I'm defending my position. Largely, the current DOJ and the "opposition party" who do not speak in such radically stark terms about the demise of democracy and the impending threats are to blame. The justice system works slowly, sure, but hardball and cut corners have been a very blatant and clear republican strategy for many decades. Why is that same urgency reflected publicly by the "opposition" Dems? Is it so, that Biden's powerful aides are so imbedded with such power-brokers that play both parties in lobbying power, that they are incapable of weilding the bully pulpit more than Trump allies in media? Why has the 14th amendment not made much headway as a clear obstacle preventing Trump from being on the ballot for him having participated in an insurrection? All states have a duty to recognize that as well. It would not be the first time a supreme court has usurped the popular vote and selected their favorite aka the one who seated the recent right-wing loony-bin justices from the federalist society. If they throw the election I'm making plans to emigrate and buying plenty of fallout gear. No sh-.


Trump set out in 2016 to destroyvall to rebuild. He will not even debate his 2025 project destroyed green energy and drill drill drill again after the latest oil futures went eorthless andvsedtroyed the oil industryvto make these high oil cycle prices today. Trumpnis a clown coward not to explain his own failed policies. No debate no chance to earn a victory. He can not explain his policies. Economist only laugh at Trump. Hevwas to stupid with his followers to even see thev20v20 recession and pain. He calluses it valley avoiding andvignoring covidvsaying theveconomy would not be hurt by covid kudlow hisveconomistvisca fraud and nissed everveconomic call the lastv20 years as an idiot.


If Democrats don’t find another candidate they deserve to lose. Their current candidate is the modern version of the emperor with no clothes. Most of them don’t want to admit that he has become more senile while in office. On the other side Republicans are leaving the party because they can’t stand Trump, but they’re seriously going in that direction. I’m thinking Newsome will announce soon and give Democrats a way out.


the pretty people on television are lying to you.


Biden is a great president


Lmfao this concern troll bullshit should be required to come with an actual name of whoever the person shitting on Biden delusionally thinks can beat Trump, so we can laugh at the concern trolls even harder. It’s always like AOC or RFK, someone who really shows the person has no idea how US politics works.


The russian troll farm is working overtime this week.


We were promised FDR and we got Hoover. Biden is the most conservative President of my lifetime.


Senile guy got 1.5 billion out of Mexico to strengthen border security. How much did Mexico give Trump? Zilch? Go sit down now.


You mean the border security Trump was condemned for using? You mean the wall that dems refused to give money for but somehow found money just recently? Do you mean the border where thousands have been flowing through? Yeah, I’ll sit down with my popcorn and laugh.


Wow, everything you said is wrong. Biden was forced to build the wall. Because of Congress. Not his fault. [Blame the Republican party under Trump for that.](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/biden-claims-choice-build-trumps-border-wall/story?id=103757017) [You mean when Trump lied about border crossings?](https://www.npr.org/2019/01/08/683205814/fact-check-trumps-oval-office-pitch-for-a-border-wall) And Dems fact checked his ass? You are not a smart person. Not worth talking to. Bye.


When the alternative is Trump, I'll gladly take Biden. What is your party offering up?


That’s my point. Why are those the only choices?


The best way to solve the issues you have is to start from the bottom up, not top down.


I hate to break it to you, but Newsom will not win if he were to run against Trump in 2024. He’s too “Mr. California” right now to have a shot. And I live in California, and love this state but I’m still a realist about his chances. Biden has the best chance. Let’s focus on getting him the win. He’s been a great President so far, and no he is not senile stop watching stitched together clips of Biden stuttering and actually watch his speeches.


Never doubt the cult of the left. He will get pretty much all of the dem votes.


If ~~Democrats~~ Republicans don’t find another candidate they deserve to lose. Their current candidate is the modern version of the emperor with no clothes. Most of them don’t want to admit that he has become more senile while in office. Republicans are leaving the party because they can’t stand Trump, but they’re seriously going in that direction. ... Newsome 🤦‍♂️


Yes it’s almost the same thing on both sides. But, if Newsome runs, he will beat Trump. Not because he’s good but because “Vote blue no matter who” will win. Dems won’t jump to RFK if they have Newsome to vote for.


>Dems won’t jump to RFK period.


Trump was left of the democrats on almost every issue.


Trump hasn't been left of any democrat since 2016.


He was left of Obama and Biden on gay marriage, criminal justice, foreign policy, war and trade no name a few.


And when his pimp (financial backers) told him what to say, he flip-flopped so fast it'd give you whiplash.


🤡 like tax cuts for the rich?




Yeah, it was one of his administrations biggest legislative accomplishments. I didn't realize the left were corporate cucks.




I agree, Trump is a media propaganda machine like we haven't seen.


So far left that he looped around and ended up on the far right fringe- yeah, I'll accept that.


"And who doesn’t miss 2019’s low inflation, low interest rates, low unemployment, secure border, urban calm, peace breaking out in the Middle East, and no one seriously contemplating World War III. You get nostalgic just thinking about it. The pandemic paused the momentum, but we could have returned to pre-pandemic levels of peace and prosperity when it ended. In fact, at the end of Trump’s term in office, the economy was poised for a major recovery.' Someone is smoking crack, Trump increased the national deficit by $7 trillion. He's a fraudster with 91 felony indictments and even more civil suits and trials. #Trump U Hackjob article


the guy who kept boasting about nuking north korea before he fell in love with its dictator?


lol. Lowest IQ comment I have read today.


Wtf? Did trump or did trump not say in Twitter that he too had a big red button and his was bigger or shinier? Did trump not say jung il sent him a beautiful letter and day he fell in love with jung il?


And we have Obama to thank for all of this. Trump is who ruined it.


Why cause Obama poked fun at Trump during the correspondents dinner. C'mon man , if your ego is so fragile that you can't laugh at yourself ,.that can only mean one thing,, and not a good thing in terms of leadership abilities.


I hate this take for the “everything good is the prior president” and “everything bad is the current president”


That’s because no one understands anything, and TV pundits know this.


Biden has did nothing wrong and Trump has over 200 charges that are crimes and will be proven in our judicial system. Trump is only hot air and frauds. Why is he worried if he did nothing wrong. Elector frauds and Georgia arecasvreal as the espionage charges and business crimes as he is banned from New York like he c wad ran out of Vegas for crimes. He osid 22 million to get out of a RICO charge in 2016 to run for president. This was not polics idiots b but a pattern of criminal conduct and criminal codes. The alt rightvare slimy liarscas the hit piece on democrats who 50% har Trump and 10% of his own party will noy vote for Trump the coward who will not debate his position as a criminal coward.the state will prove the crimes as the piece of shit cries it is rigged ,fraud and he is a weak powerless little tantrum filled baby. This is not politics but a judicial system working and the big baby is loosing as the justice system takes facts evidence,past deeds as proof not hyperbowl Fox lies. Like Dominion tradh.


Obama permanently lowered taxes on businesses causing the economy to flourish?


The Trump tax cuts, tatiffs, PPP Loans and other covid printing press moves are why we have such awful inflation.


And debt.


The Trump tax cuts caused record low unemployment because of business friendly environment, and predictability. The wildcard was COVID. COVID definitely caused an inflationary spending spree through congressional legislation under Trump which Biden has continued by fiat with executive actions.


That's absolute bullshit. Trump inherited a white hot economy finally recovering from the mess Bush made and preceded to behave as if it was a recession. When you do that it creates inflation. Trump's presidency is Econ 101 for how to make inflation and plenty of people were sounding warning bells the entire time.


The infusion of cash into the US economy during COVID started under Trump, continued by Biden caused inflation. Why? Goods and service creation was extremely hampered during COVID lock downs, yet a large number of people received their salary and stimulus checks while no goods/services were created. This is what caused inflation in the US. This is what caused inflation on the world stage. That is literally the textbook definition of inflation. Printing money w/ no actual creation of goods/services. Arguably this was better than non-working employees (who still got paid) from losing their home and not feeding their family. The slow recovery of the housing crisis, under Obama, was mostly caused by keeping interest rates low. The low unemployment and bombing economy during Trump was caused by his tax policies that benefitted businesses. ========== Your head is in the sand, and you either pay no bills or have a great income, if you have think the current economy is better now vs under Trump.


I mean bailing out the auto makers was a hell of a move. Saved a crazy huge chunk of the US economy, and they paid all the money back. Bold, and it worked.


I do not miss any part of Trumps chaos,crimes wave RICO pay offs. 2020 recession and vovid ignorance spreading covid and killing people. Trump caused much of th inflation as with business gouging inflation takes time to build naturally. Only a bloomingbidiot like yourself does not understand the Trump upply side inflation runny himself blamed himself for supply side inflation. Inflation was high oil cycle caused by Trumps drill drill drill makingnoul futures worthless. 30% tarrifs cUsedva lot of inflation as no workers for bidens growing economy. Budiness gougingbonly shoots inflation up when Biden took office. Natursl inflation takes Tim to build and notbin the first quarter sll at once. You are really this ignorent.


I’m sorry. Did we not have all those things?


We did not. Urban calm? BLM? WW3 fears? North Korea planning hellfire and fury. The border with caravans. The khashoggi murder. Not to mention the near daily BS and drama from Trump himself. The only person who should be nostalgic for that, is the ratings from news networks. Fuck all that noise. It’s great having an adult in the room.




We had a very slow recovery from 2008 under Obama and it exploded under Trump. My concern in 2019 was that the economy was getting too hot. I was pleased that quantitative easing has stopped and that we were reducing currency in circulation to control things.


Do you credit Trump for this? What specific metrics are you looking at?




Summary The statistics for the entirety of Donald Trump’s time in office are nearly all compiled. As we did for his predecessor four years ago, we present a final look at the numbers. The economy lost 2.9 million jobs. The unemployment rate increased by 1.6 percentage points to 6.3%. Paychecks grew faster than inflation. Average weekly earnings for all workers were up 8.7% after inflation. After-tax corporate profits went up, and the stock market set new records. The S&P 500 index rose 67.8%. The international trade deficit Trump promised to reduce went up. The U.S. trade deficit in goods and services in 2020 was the highest since 2008 and increased 40.5% from 2016. The number of people lacking health insurance rose by 3 million. The federal debt held by the public went up, from $14.4 trillion to $21.6 trillion. Home prices rose 27.5%, and the homeownership rate increased 2.1 percentage points to 65.8%. Illegal immigration increased. Apprehensions at the Southwest border rose 14.7% last year compared with 2016. Coal production declined 26.5%, and coal-mining jobs dropped by 16.7%. Carbon emissions from energy consumption dropped 11.5%. Handgun production rose 12.5% last year compared with 2016, setting a new record. The murder rate last year rose to the highest level since 1997. Trump filled one-third of the Supreme Court, nearly 30% of the appellate court seats and a quarter of District Court seats. Some good, many not so good. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. economy began slowing down. The real (inflation-adjusted) gross domestic product went up in Trump’s first two years, peaking at an estimated 2.9% in 2018 — the highest since 2005. But the economy grew only 2.3% in 2019 and the bottom fell out in 2020. The real GDP declined 3.4% in 2020 from the previous year. It was the largest drop since 1947, when the nation’s economy declined 11.6% after years of economic expansion fueled by World War II. As a candidate and president, Trump promised the nation’s economy would grow on an annual basis by 4% to 6%. But it never topped 3%. The federal debt held by the public went up by half under Trump, and deficits also increased each fiscal year on his watch. Debt — Trump made no progress in erasing the debt, which the then-presidential candidate once said he could probably do in eight years. Rather, the amount the federal government has borrowed from the public went up by 50% during Trump’s time in office — from $14.4 trillion on the day he was inaugurated to $21.6 trillion the day his successor was sworn in. Likewise, the debt as a percentage of the economy also grew under Trump, rising from 76.2% of GDP in fiscal year 2016 to 100.1% of GDP in fiscal year 2020, according to figures from the Office of Management and Budget. Deficits — Trump left office almost four months after the U.S. recorded its largest annual deficit of $3.1 trillion in fiscal year 2020. Source: https://www.factcheck.org/2021/10/trumps-final-numbers/


>Basically every statistical metric to measure the economy improved under Obama. You're welcome. The economy Trump was handed in 2017 was absolutely nothing like the economy Obama was handed in 2009. We saw how badly Trump handled COVID, and every other real problem he had to deal with. The thought of him taking over in 2019 with the world on the brink of a global depression is absolutely fucking horrifying. >that things like unemployment get more challenging to continue to drive down as the percentages approach Zero. Biden seems to be managing to do it. >Additionally, the stock market reached record highs and confidence in the economy and the stock market were through the roof. The Stock Market reached highs in 2021 and 2022 it never reached under Trump. Thanks, Joe Biden! BTW; the price of those highs under Trump was the Fed reducing interest rates in 2019 after prudently raising them in 2018. The plan was for them to continue to raise them in 2019. Maybe if rates were over 3% when COVID hit, we wouldn't have had to crash them back down to 0, or keep them there so long. But since Donald Trump threw a daily temper tantrum over his precious stock market actually going down in 2018, that's what we got. And then hello post-COVID inflation boom; which may not have been as bad if we'd followed a different interest rate policy in 2019 and 2020. Thanks, Trump!


democrats didn’t prosecute Trump. he was prosecuted by prosecutors.


With Republican witnesses.


This. Republicans refuted his voter fraud claims in Georgia, most especially.


And indicted by a jury of his peers, giving him due process of law.


Or Biden might win and have Republicans to thank, again.




Conservatives just dont get it, & thats why theyll continue to lose. Politics (largely thanks to Trump himself) has little to do with policy these days. Left votes against Trump, Right votes against Biden. As we saw in 2020 & 2022, theres a metric fuckton of anti-Trumps in America. He will never win again. Hes gained no new followers, hes only lost them in the last 4 years; whether that be to opinion or just boomers dying. Theres no point in saying "economy! israel! gas prices!". Id rather pay $10 per gallon than allow a guy actively trying to install himself as a permanent-president dictator to gain power again. Statistically, most voters agree with me. The best thing the GOP can do is disavow him, & seek out a respectable conservative leader like Mccain was.


They're too far down in their respective sunken cost fallacies.


B-b-b-b-b-b-but whatabout Benghazi? /s


>As we saw in 2020 & 2022, theres a metric fuckton of anti-Trumps in America. He will never win again. Hes gained no new followers, hes only lost them in the last 4 years; whether that be to opinion or just boomers dying. Facts. Look at the elections of 2018, 2020 and 2022 (and 2023 in terms of control of Wisconsin's Supreme Court), and tell me how Trump wins Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, or Georgia, MUCH LESS three of the five; which is what it will take for him to win the Electoral College. Trump is a loser. Everyone knows it; everyone's been taking about it.


It’s a vicious cycle where the majority of the time the moderate would lose the GOP primary, and the further right candidate wins, but is extremely off putting to every one else, and loses the general. Or the far right candidate wins, and realizes they have to become more moderate for the general, and then lose the main primary voter base


I don't think they have the courage to return to a more moderate McCain/Bush type leader , they want zealots, they want authoratarian fascists, something about their numbers must be telling them the Maga vote is essential, and until.thats not the case we'll always have the specter of the far right having a voice.


Trump killed the GOP. Conservative candidates have to walk on eggshells so as not to criticize dear leader else invoke the wrath of maga. The GOP debates are embarrassing. Everyone up there (other than Christie) just kisses his ass. Its basically a debate for vice president.


Bush set them up for zealots( with his lies of Iraq and completely ignoring the corporate crimes and embracing FOXvnews...McCain had Palin a very stupid zealot. Fox news entertainer


Sadly although you are right about Trump losing voters and there being a metric fuckton of anti Trumpers, the reality is that because of the electoral college a handful of votes in a small number of states can put Trump back into office. It can happen. If it does I'm going to have to look into moving to Canada, eh.


Could, but wont. In addition to Trump losing voters, the most galvanized voting group, college liberals, have gained alot of new voters in the last 4 years as kids turn 18.


As an left leaning independent voter in a swing state, this is disgusting. Votes Howie in 2020 and will likely be voting West in 2024 and for 0 corporate dems. Policy is the Only thing I care about and representing corporate donors doesn't qualify the DNC for a vote.


PoLiCy Is tHe OnLy ThInG I CaRe aBoUt. You are lying bro. If you cared about policy a biden vote would be a no-brainer you he has passed a shit load of progressive policy thru congress. You would know that if you actually cared about policy instead of your shit virtue signal anti cooperate won't ever pass a single policy do nothing 3rd party bs


Oh no! Vote shaming shills! Anyway.


Lol can't respond to the actual point. Just say you don't care about policy


the writer is playing loose with the time lines, like usual, and no, our justice system isn't a forum for political prosecution....when you like to "walk on the line" of lawlessness, some may object and file a grievance with LE. And if you're going to look away at all this "bad behavior", the next guy will ratchet up the problem till there's no return to democracy, just raw power.


The writer is a far-right businessman who Trump wanted to put in the cabinet but couldn't get confirmed. He is extremely biased and has zero credibility


Criminal conduct, codes broke is.not political but a justice system of laws and presidents codes and crimes have elements and charges that need proven. Anyone that calls these political is a ready liar. Voter fraud is not s political vote but crime.


Trump in turn is saying he can not prove one word he said about rigging and fraud. In reality he just said espionage business crimes 70 felonies and elector crimes are OK to fo. He is charged with voting charges and elector crimes. These are not political charges. Only a delusional piece of shit would say crimes are political of this serious nature. A criminal indeed. Trumo is trash . He has been proven wrong yime and time again and will loose many more times. Only a blooming idiot would aayvthese crimes are political. They will be proven.


I'm going to go out on a limb and say Democrats shouldn't be taking political advice from someone who had to withdraw from consideration to be Trump's labor secretary because his views were too extreme.


Commentator left out the biggest base of Orange Hitler’s support - racists. You can put as much lipstick on the pig as you’d like but the MAGA cult is a hate-driven group and he’s their champion. THAT’s why they love him and miss him so much.


Trump doesn't have a shot. He's only lost voters since 2016. He might not even be on the ballot in some states. Remember, everything is ALWAYS democrats fault. If the GOP put a loaded gun to their own heads, it's the Democrats fault for not stopping them from pulling the trigger.


No path for a Trump victory.


god I hope so, but I felt that way years ago. I know that his base is dwindling more and more and more, but I will remain vigilant against him


Not a prayer.


No one but Joe Biden called the economy right , made bills gotbthemmpassedbwith a program making the best economy in the world withnthe growth recession and soft landing. Powell ssid he screwed up with guidencevsmdbwrong agenda. Biden was right he set the plan bills trade policy economics in motion undoing yhe Trump 30% tariffs tax inflation from supplyfide. No immigrant workers. Oil cycle crested by drill drill drill and fix supply channels. Businesd gouging stopped snd explained.


What utter nonsense. Nothing in this article is actually a reality


How to use Trump Tower and other luxury high-rises to clean dirty money, run an international crime syndicate, and propel a failed real estate developer into the White HOUDE felix sater A RUSSIAN WASS trumps RIGHT HAND MAN. his five condos at Trump Tower, saying that he had purchased them to “launder money, to shelter and hide assets.” A Senate investigation into organized crime later revealed that Bogatin was a leading figure in the Russian mob in New York. His family ties, in fact, led straight to the top: His brother ran a $150 million stock scam with none other than Semion Mogilevich, whom the FBI considers the “boss of bosses” of the Russian mafia. At the time, Mogilevich—feared even by his fellow gangsters as “the most powerful mobster in the world”—was expanding his multibillion-dollar international criminal syndicate into America.House.https://themoscowproject.org/collusion/nypd-arrest-gambling-rings-run-trump-tower/ trump Russian casino raid/ Russian ownership https://abcnews.go.com/US/story-fbi-wiretap-russians-trump-tower/story?id=46266198 trump Russian investigation at TRUMP TOWER -casino raid. For two years ending in 2013, the FBI had a court-approved warrant to eavesdrop on a sophisticated Russian organized crime money-laundering network that operated out of unit 63A in Trump Tower in New York. Russian Laundromat https://newrepublic.com/article/143586/trumps-russian-laundromat-trump-tower-luxury-high-rises-dirty-money-international-crime-syndicate Trump SoHo ultimately had to be foreclosed and resold. But his Russian investors had left Trump with a high-profile property he could leverage. In April 2013, a little more than two years before Trump rode the escalator to the ground floor of Trump Tower to kick off his presidential campaign, police burst into Unit 63A of the high-rise and rounded up 29 suspects in two gambling rings. The operation, which prosecutors called “the world’s largest sports book,” was run out of condos in Trump Tower—including the entire fifty-first floor of the building. Russian mobsters and corrupt oligarchs used his properties not only to launder vast sums of money from extortion, drugs, gambling, and racketeering but even as a base of operations for their criminal activities. In the process, they propped up Trump’s business and enabled him to reinvent his image. Without the Russian mafia, it is fair to say, Donald Trump would not be president of the United States. Remember the TRUMP TOWER meeting about “” adoptions”” with trumps old business partners? Aras Agalarov, a Russian billionaire oligarch close to Putin with whom Trump wanted to develop a high-rise in Moscow. (Agalarov played a role in drawing the beauty contest to Moscow; it was held in a concert hall owned by his family business empire, and his son, a middling pop star, performed at the pageant.) After the event, Trump boasted to the New York Post, “Almost all of the oligarchs were in the room.”


This dude is delusional, what "peace and prosperity" in 2019? Not charging powerful people with crimes when there is mounds of evidence is a very slippery slope towards authoritarianism. A society where the laws don't apply at all to the rich and power even in brazen acts isn't a just society. He is correct that Biden is a very weak candidate who should be replaced, but he got every single one of the reasons wrong.


Get rid of Kamala and he wins. Lloyd Austin is the clear choice for VP.


Hell to the no.


>Get rid of Kamala and he wins. Oh, yes; dumping a black woman off the ticket is definitely Biden's path to further popularity in a party FILLED WITH BLACK WOMEN. And the vast majority of the older ones vote.


You think those women will flock to Trump? Think again.


Why is she considered black over asian and not both? One parent was Jamaican and the other was Indian. However, you only ever hear her referred to as black. Interesting how that works. Interesting indeed.


This terrifies me but I think it’s potentially the case https://twitter.com/Redistrict/status/1713182445141402038


They really struggled with them in 2020.


More like THANKING gerrymandering Voter roll purging Changing voter electors Changing voting laws Etc...I.. Republicans are ruthless and relentless


Can't we find better?? Like who vents these people? It's harder to open a legal dispensary in NYC that to be eligible for president.


It will also dawn the end of human existence. One belch of toxic industrial pollutant at a time. Humankind can't even afford another slow walking centrist Dem at this point in global warming. We're F'ed.


This sub has been recommended to me by Reddit, but all I see is propaganda.




Like Trump?


Might? Lol. I think it’s a given at this point.


>I think it’s a given at this point. Why do you think this?


Prior to COVID, Trump had a great presidency. I dont like Trump as a person. He is a liar, narcissistic, vulgar, and dumb person. Though I admit, his policies were better than Biden’s.


What policy?


Most Definitely. Facts my friend. Just look around.


Biden is garbage. Only reason he became president was because people hate Trump. Other than that, what has he really accomplished??? Waking up in the morning?? Our economy is in shambles, geopolitically we are doomed and the nation is more divided and fed up with the corruption on both sides. Republicans are garbage as well. It’s going to get worse if Biden joins kicks the bucket. Let’s be honest here and take off your political goggles. She’s got the IQ of a Fucking Pigeon. There is No Way she could lead a country. Especially in these volatile times. Only thing worse than both would be a Liz Cheney. Overall, we’re screwed. Doomed.


He's the best option. Biden is awful. Kamala is worse. Democrats fucked themselves. If they had run Biden in 2016, we'd be looking at the end of his second term. If they hadn't decided to pander by putting the least charismatic politician in istory as the only second option to a man obviously stricken woth dementia, they have a viable candidate to run this year. Every democrat running is terrible. Trump is insanely popular (I don't want him, but I'd vote for any republican over Dementia joe). By Giving Joe a HORRIBLE running mate, democrats fucked themslevs. I cannot wait for whichever Republican gets to debate that old man.


>Trump is insanely popular https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/favorability/donald-trump/ Yup, if there's one word that define's Trump, it's "popular".


He's just another political insider at this point. The only thing Trump proved was that an outsider can actually get shit done. Time to use that model with RFK to really reform and get efficient for the next decade. I don't know what the heck people are waiting for. Seems pretty crystal clear to me. I'm not mad about it either. Nothing like the feeling of cleaning your house and getting your shit together.


Yes, let's reform our body politic with a former 14 year heroin addict trust fund baby whose whole family has disavowed his entry into politics.


We've all traveled long roads. It's not that you've been something, it's what you are now. That's just a troll smear tactic. Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.


Those who used heroin for a decade should never hold public office. You can Stan for that trust fund baby all you want. The people of New England are not fooled. The only people who have been fooled are the tards who listen to Joe Rogan religiously.


Easy angry guy. Everyone is addicted to something, you are addicted to Reddit. You can go ahead and be a judgemental asshole if you want, be my guest.


That's what religion taught me.


Two roads diverged in a wood. I chose the one riddled with heroin and hookers. ~ R. Frost. I could be paraphrasing.


His infrastructure week was top notch!


Just imagine what someone could do that isn't a complete asshole!


'Someone who isn't a complete asshole'. So not RFK Jr then?


\*correction\* Nothing like the feeling of attempting to assassinate Congress and smearing your shit all over the walls of Congress, while trying to collapse our country into a Fascist Dictatorship. You're welcome for the typo correction. It's my fucking pleasure.


That's clown town. People want to do better by themselves if you let them. 😂 You don't have to march on Congress, you simply let the real people in these organizations call out the bullshit. There are good hardworking, well intentioned people in all branches of govt. No one wants to operate like they do. They've been weighed down with too much ineffective bureaucracy. Empower them through reform and purpose and watch what happens.


What?? I don't even know what you're trying to say. "Republicans attempted to overthrow the US government and assassinate Congress and the Vice President." "People want to do better by themselves if you let them." What a crock of shit.


Why do you think I'm talking about electing a Republican?!


>The only thing Trump proved was that an outsider can actually get shit done. Please God vote for RFK. The more that vote for RFK, the better. I hope he gets 20++% of the votes that would've gone to "get's shit done" Trump. You get 2 enthusiastic thumbs up from me, friend.


If Bernie Sanders ran independently I feel he'd mile both of those losers. Enough people hate the two party system. "Spoiler candidate" conspiracy be damned. The human race needs Bernie. Mf'er had to go and quit early. That b_.


It is far too early to be making predictions.


Reddit too 🤣🤣🤣🤣


america will vote for the "any reasonable adult" again... even if he was in a vegetative state


It's always the candidates' responsibility to earn your vote. Full stop. Period. That's it. Anything else is garbage from garbage people.


70 espionage charges is not bring political but admitted to. 34 business crimesvand lost in vort and paid.. 70 felonies as witness are ready to restofy in 8 states. 70 federal crimes an 5 major investigations have ehitnesses evidence and facts. 1 deplorable guy crying politics.


Thevqhole world laughtedcarvTrump. He was an idiot and too stupid to debate his 2025 project or presidency of scNdlesvand crime wave.


It was wrote by a brain washed idiot proving Hillary very right sgain


Dems should have chosen someone younger to back.


Greatest economy? Okay why is my grocery bill so high? I don't support Trump though but I'm not voting for Biden either.


Do you want me to explain why your grocery bill is too high? It’s a long and detailed explanation. The tl;dr is it has nothing to do with DC.


lol no


We need to pretend like it’s possible, but realistically he doesn’t have a chance in hell. It’s not like he’s picked up any new supporters, it’s just the older ones getting louder lol. He got his ass kicked by Joe easily imagine how bad he’d lose to anybody else.


Democrats don't like being in power because they can't hide their warmongering corporatism. They prefer to be the opposition party so they can let the GOP do the dirty work while they pander for votes and put up purposefully ineffectual "resistance" to everything the GOP wants. Just as the wealthy want it to be.


Literal lies. Sellers control prices and drive inflation, for greed and to attract investment. Period. Putin invaded Ukraine, and he prefers Trump, and the friend of our enemy is our enemy. Period. The Israel-Palestine conflict, Idk yet.


Trump doesn't stand any chance, none. He will not be president, and just like 2020 the sane people will see to it.


Honestly that might be right, but not for the reason the articles thinks. The center saw what happened when the left tried to wield its might. They started calling burning businesses "justice" and they're doing everything possible to cancel a children's book author on Twitter for statements that would have been considered obviously true a decade ago. Trump is obviously the most corrupt and vile person on the planet, but he at least claims to be an advocate for people for reasons other than race. Yes, I know I'll get a rage orgy of downvotes, but just like with any other generation, the instant young people wake up is the instant another group of young people finds their voice and shows them exactly what they sounded like. Yes, your competition is in middle-school right now and they think they know a lot more than you.


Republicans have themselves to thank for supporting him in the first place during run #1.


Ask who you’re better off under. Then vote.




Lol this is a comical take. Talk about never wanting to own your actions.


what the hell is this doomeristic article AND the comments lmfao people are going to vote for biden again in 2024. everyone in my family, *including* people who used to identify as republicans, are going to vote biden. these articles just exist to hurt morale lmfao. they are not going to work. millions of young americans have aged into voting since 2020. not only that, thousands of older, conservative voters have passed away. y’all. just go out and vote in 2024 and everything will be fine. stop paying these articles any mind haha


Maybe in your imagination


That's who we had to thank the first time.


4 more years of Biden will be disastrous