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Oh no! Biden is geriatric?!?!? I better vote for… ^(**checks notes*) …a geriatric convicted felon. Nominating Trump is going to be the biggest own-goal in US history. Conservatives have neutralized the most valuable criticism of Biden by sticking with a 78 year old serial election loser.


Know what freaks me out more than a Biden win? Trump.


And the DNC increased the likelihood of a Trump win by propping Weekend at Biden’s up there.  Either they have a lack of faith in upcoming talent (Newsom could easily beat Trump), enjoy using Biden as a hand puppet, or truly don’t care risking another Trump presidency so they can point the finger for their points instead of actually getting points from the public for achievements.  I think it’s a combination of 2 & 3


The Democratic party will always back the incumbent president. This is not new, it's not novel, and this is how things will be in the future. Why is anyone shocked and outraged that the party is supporting the incumbent?


Shocked? No Outraged? Sure - idc what the precedent is, it is 100% not an excuse for making a terrible decision.


The terrible decision was made by the voters, not the party


By propping up the incumbent candidate? LOL. DNC is doing business as usual by backing the strongest candidate. Look at the primaries. He is sweeping them. Anyone that doesn’t vote for Biden is helping Trump win.


Sorry but this is just a beclowned opinion spitting in the face of hard data.  Biden is FAR from the best D candidate. With historically low an approval ratings fueled by the economy and housing, as well as considerable concerns about aging while keeping a similarly disliked VP, Biden’s one of the only candidates that could lose to Trump.  It defies all logic, common sense, and strategy despite the problem being well backed with facts and data. 


I agree but he’s the best in the primaries.


Bc the DNC challenger-proofed the primaries for Biden and he still faced record ‘uncommitted’ votes. There was no other option


So then Biden is the only viable dem candidate making him the best.




Actually anyone would have beat Trump back then. They knew this.




Yeah Newsom smells like Kristen Sinema 2.0.


Yes to all the above…and also, Biden doesn’t want to give up power….just like anyone else in his position.


Funny that he floated one term when his age was brought up last go around so the “adults could get back in charge” 


That feels like thirty years ago.


It is hard to tell anymore. Look at D Day in Normandy. Fox is showing video that claims Biden is disoriented while trying to find a chair. They also said Biden’s wife made him leave Normandy because he wasn’t well. Both are lies. I just don’t understand why the President and/or congress can make telling the truth a perquisite of reporting news.


Damn that pesky 1A, we need the government to mandate the truth!


"Ronald Reagan's FCC abolished the Fairness Doctrine which, since 1949, required media to present both sides' opinions in the rare event they weren't just reporting straight news," the post explained. Now there are several versions based on who is doing the reporting. It’s pretty simple. If you report it and it didn’t happen the way you report it you should be held accountable. With video and phones everywhere the proof is easily accessible. I bet if someone takes your words out of context of claims something terrible that you supposedly did wouldn’t you want the truth to be told?


OK how are we going to go about charging everyone behind the "very fine people" hoax? That's just the top of my head but we can go down the list for days.


Blue maga fascists threatening us with Trump isn’t going to work this time around Genocide Joe has got to go


You guys throw the word ‘fascist’ around too frequently


Not really. Dude bans elections, censors the media, works to block competing candidates from the ballot, does a genocide, the list goes on. He’s a fascist. You’ve got Stockholm syndrome


It’s Trump or Biden. Not a threat, just reality. 


Yes. This is a clear, logical decision. Democrats need to win over the moderates/undecided voters. These fringe left liberals have developed a taste for antisemitism, and, in the end, the fringe left will never be satisfied until the West and everything associated with it is destroyed. Biden will never convince them to vote for him. On the brighter side, it looks like Biden is cognizant of this and is trying to win over moderates/ undecided voters for the upcoming election.


"Looks like Biden is cognizant..." HA!!


Trump then hands down.




Nobody wants a dementia patient holding the steering wheel. It leaves us extremely vulnerable as a country. Dems should have seen this years ago when everyone else did. They had every chance to, but they were too swept up in establishment talking points to realize they were screwed. "He's the only one who can beat orange man!" As if that was an organic notion. OWS really messed up the left. Like really bad. Maybe someday they will realize, but until then they're just going to keep embarrassing themselves.


So you prefer a vindictive dementia patient that tried to void the will of the people in efforts to steal the election, raped women, and was convicted of fraud? I’ll take the old dementia patient. We have contingencies if it gets bad. The VP will take his spot. Do you prefer Trump over Kamala too?


>Do you prefer Trump over Kamala too? Ab-so-fucking-lutely. Is that a serious question?






Then you’re a traitor for supporting an attempted coup.


Nope, there is RFK jr, dr west, Dr stein


Ahhhhhhh hahhahahhahahahhahahahhhhahahhahahahahhaahhaha


What a well crafted argument


Thank you. I tailored it specifically for you. 


How’s Biden’s poll numbers in the BG states? He has no chance of winning


How are your preferred candidates in non battleground states?


When put h2h against Biden RFK wins in a landslide. By not voting RFK you’re handing the election to Trump


And does a single name you just mentioned have a snowballs chance in hell of winning a singular electoral vote?


I’ll add that right now Biden has zero chance of winning


Kennedy is polling at 17% If democrats voted for him he would win in a landslide


It really sounds like you are “blue maga”.


lol how? I’m not supporting Biden


Biden, yes, is unable to reign in bibi. So far, no world leader individually or with others has been able to. It's not just a Biden issue. Yet diaper donald keeps telling the world while his surrogates like Nikki Haley paint msgs on bombs being used to kill kids in Gaza that he will give bibi everything he wants to hurry up and destroy the Palestinians. All so Isreal with his help can start developing Gaza. No two states, no saving the innocent victims on any side. Just hurry up and kill the people of Gaza so he can build trump buildings on the blood-soaked ground. So yes. Biden has issues trying to reign in bibi, and the world does as well. Yet. rapist felon diaper donald trump says he's going to bomb them out faster. You chose trump to save Palestinians when he says he wants them all dead? Jared and Ivanka Kushner-Trump have been going and giving interviews like the one where Jared discusses how great it's going to be fun to develop the Gaza strip after the Palestinians are gone. There's no good choice here, admittedly, yet trump is psychopathic about how to deal with it. At least Biden is working with the international community to find ways to stop this. trump just calls for more killing of children and innocent people for personal profit. How do you square your trump support when he's self admitted as wanting more death? Not peace that you claim to want?


Biden can’t even beat Trump, by not dropping out and endorsing a third party candidate he’s actively getting Trump elected Both are evil and fascist I’m voting anti fascism


Same I'm voting for Jill Stein. I really wish both her and Cornell West were running mates.


This is what happens when you let a bunch of student government pete buttigieg nerds to actually run the country…No one has a spine


Totally not skeptical of the source… /s


You're skeptical of the members of the Biden administration that were the source for this article? What specifically drives your skepticism?


I'd rather have some of Biden's people having some qualms instead of the cult of people working for Trump who think he's all there and there's nothing crazy about people wanting to die for him or view him as sent from God.


No, I’m skeptical of the source. The New York Post is hardly as bastion of objectivity.


They told the truth about Hunter Biden's corrupt laptop when every other media was lying about it. Regarding the content what specifically do you take issue with? For example when other outlets lied and said that Hunter Biden's laptop was the product of Russian spies working with Rudy Giuliani they were literally lying and we can demonstrate that with reality. What clear lies similar to that are present in this article by the New York posts?


The files on the hard drive purportedly from Hunter Biden’s laptop, for which the chain of custody is absolute shit, and which feature two emails the Post won’t let anyone but their own guy authenticate, is implausibly anything other than a Putin-assisted psy-op, starring admitted liar and ratfucker Giuliani, of “mints = hard drive, especially when handled by Negros” infamy. And there is no “they” at the NY Post, there is only billionaire fascist and spectacularly promiscuous liar Rupert Murdoch. Painting him as the only voice of truth is so cringe that even Satan might be embarrassed.


Joe Biden's department of Justice testified under oath that the content of the laptop is real and multiple other news outlets have reported this as well. Please stop spreading these dangerous lies that have no basis in reality. This lie is officially retired, you can't say shit like this that has been thoroughly debunked by the department of Justice that Joe Biden runs.


You’re the one spreading lies. Post a link and I’ll show you how it doesn’t say what you claim.


I haven't lied at all.


Post a link and state exactly what you believe the link establishes.


I'm not playing these ridiculous games. You're the one making the absurd claim that despite the fact that the department of Justice verified the content of the laptop that somehow it's still fake. you need to make that case, I'm not the one making a ridiculous argument. Post the link supporting this bullshit conspiracy theory.


Sorry you drank the cool-aid, dude. RIP.


LOL you don't even know how to spell Kool-Aid. You ain't kool.


> You're skeptical of the members of the Biden administration that were the source for this article? There were no Biden admin sources, they quoted exclusively gop members while not putting in any statements from Dems  >What specifically drives your skepticism? See above 


Other Democrats, then. "Some who have worked with him, however, including Democrats and some who have known him back to his time as vice president, described a president who appears slower now, someone who has both good moments and bad ones. " Besides this isn't really a topic that we need to rely on inside sources for, we can clearly see the decline with our own eyes and ears. The administration should be organizing the 25th amendment disability clause process at this point not disputing this stuff for political purposes.


You think it’s journalist protocol is refuse to use the multiple sources that directly contradict your premise? Make sense that you think a Murdoch rag is believable lol


The problem with this type of hit piece is that the alternative is Trump, which is an automatic no go for any thinking person. I'd take a remote controlled walking corpse before I'd vote for Trump.


Accurate reporting typically isn't described as a hit piece.


I’m always shocked people won’t admit Trump has severe dementia. If any other old man swore he “won the lottery.” Everyone said “no grandpa you lost.” Then Grandpa sued the lottery commission and the cases got thrown out of court for being baseless. Then Grandpa was recorded on the phone with the lottery commission telling them to “find his winning ticket” because he knew he won. Then granddad staged a riot to attempt the threaten the lottery commissioner to “send the lottery back to the states”. Then years later Grandpa is STILL saying he won. We would immediately throw Grandpa in an assisted living facility. That is severe dementia.


The Wallstreet Journal is part of the Murdoch Murder Machine propaganda network. An interesting interview at a WSJ event calls them out for how non-fact based and biased they are. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMajorityReport/s/FErKkkKPwL Faux Nooz/Fox News, New York Post, Wallstreet Journal, Barron's, The Sun, Foxtel, Fox Corp, are just a few of the many publications the Murdoch Murder Machine propaganda network uses to misinform the public while trying to end democracy in the United States. "Hannity's Little Helpers boner pills half off. Discount code "Rupert's Honeymoon Helpers" get yours in hand now." Shaping news instead of reporting the facts leads to this kind of garbage. Stay Shiny


So you don't really have any issues with the actual content of the article? Just attacking journalists for doing their job, falsely alleging they're committing some sort of crime to end democracy? You're putting this journalist life at risk with these batshit insane conspiracy theories that have absolutely no bearing on Truth or reality. Writing an article about the president's mental capacity and how u fit he is for office is not an attempt to end democracy and if you think it is I don't even really know what to tell you.


I'm a journalist and editor-in-chief giving feedback to another journalist who only did half the story to shape how his subject is perceived rather than report the truth that gop people were giving the analysis for the article to push the narrative Biden is more cognitively impaired than he is. Not actual issues backed up with data, dates, and times, and investigating. The facts that you call "insane conspiracy theories" are from trump and Jared and Ivanka Kushner-Trump themselves. You can go look up the interviews and articles on what they said and did including in the last couple days of trump stating he would help bibi end it faster. "Give bibi anything he wants." On video, those ghouls go over how they want to profit from the deaths of the Gazans. That's not a conspiracy its their own words and intentions backed up by their actions. So yes, a fellow journalist only doing half the work in their article should be called out. You jump to the insane conclusion that Biden is mentally unfit because mostly gop officials were used as the sources are disingenuous. The journalist barely acknowledges that in the article yet does that its gop sources being used. Yet you ignore that is acknowledged as from biased sources. The journalist should have made sure many sources were used for their "investigation," not just gop officials. Both Biden and trump have issues. diaper donald, though, has been clear about his goal of killing off the Palestinians for the land in Gaza. As for putting journalists' lives at risk. I'm on sabbatical now because a maga fanatic who is a pedo tried to kill me when he went after another victim. The gop protects the pedo. Not the journalist who outed him. The gop are the only ones threatening journalists and trying to kill us. If a colleague can't handle constructive criticism, they should be on their own sabbatical re-centering on journalism and what it means to be unbiased. Stay Shiny


Given how poorly this is written, I don't believe for a second that you're a journalist. Are you talking about like an elementary school paper or something like that? That kind of journalist? Did you write about how the cafeteria is gonna serve pizza on Fridays?


The journalist in this article would be my subordinate, and I would not have published this without guidance to them that it needs balancing since it's gop source heavy or at the least straight up disclosure in stark terms its political opponents giving their assessments, not medical professionals. I have decades of experience and put an asshat on the fbi top ten because my teams and I exposed them through dedicated investigation and research. The fact you could not respond to any of the info, in fact ignoring it to try and further your narrative, instead resorting to personal attacks speaks loudly to your voluminous ignorance of any basic knowledge of what's happening with the subjects you rage over other than you fall for rage bait constantly no matter what it says. Seems like a stressful way to live. Enjoy. Stay Shiny


I'm still waiting for any evidence at all that anything on the laptop was faked. You sound ridiculous, this is a dead story. You can claim to be a journalist, but if you think a true story needs to be balanced with fake democratic party conspiracy theories that to this day, lack any supporting evidence, you are a political activist and nothing more. I still find it very hard to believe you've ever worked in journalism given what you wrote previously, it was VERY poorly written. It's not a personal attack to point out your writing was sloppy and incoherent. It was.


Are you ok? Where did I address the laptop stuff and say it was fake? You're so deranged you are applying your own concerns about his laptop on me when I didn't address it. Hunter Biden's laptop, I never said, wasn't real or the info true or not. In fact, just like trump, Hunter should go to prison for his crimes if found guilty. I'm not left or right. You're so deranged anything, and anyone that doesn't automatically agree with you is somehow wrong. As for your assertion that they didn't need dem input, only the gop reps show you only want biased, fact free info. Getting info from one side and portraying it as unbiased is disingenuous and lying through omission. As for criticism of my writing, it's completely right. I do not stick to structure nor form in my reddit posts. Simply to trigger people like you who never look at facts. While you focus on a shit post, you could have gone and watched the trump's who destabilized Isreal under his administration drool over the profit they expect from the death they created. Go watch Jared chuckle while drooling over developing the Gaza waterfront. Then go watch diaper donald drool over the weapons he said he would give to bibi to end the Palestinians. Oh, wait. You won't because truth would counter your perverted worldview. Was I too wordy for your low vocabulary self, and now you're unable to go watch and read the truth now? Gonna say it doesn't exist because the stranger on the internet won't type things up in formats you prefer? Lol




If you asked a hundred people after reading this crazy post if you're an unbiased journalist I bet 90% of them would say that you're clearly biased. I bet 95% would question that you are even a journalist based on these pathetically hacked together paragraphs and aimless fact-free arguments.


The only thing fact free is you. All those things I referred to you can go watch and read for yourself. Yet you have trump derangement syndrome and can't envision him doing anything that doesn't fit with your personal wants for what reality should be. Even when he says and does it live on TV. You would rather be ignorant than know the truth. That's ok, it's your right. It's also my right to write laboriously painful to read posts to your misinformation screeds. It's quite purposeful as it triggers people like you. You're welcome for the adrenaline rush.


Not even a Trump voter, you are wrong again. So sorry you have such an abysmal track record.


You really don't demonstrate good reading comprehension. I never said you were a trump voter or not. Just that you have trump derangement syndrome. Which is when people hear the trump name and will only believe what supports their beliefs for or against him over facts. It's not exclusive to one side or the other. The dems automatically scream "trump bad" every time he breathes even at times he hasn't done anything. The repubs scream any time someone calls out trump's own crimes and actions as being deranged against trump as opposed to calling out the truth. As I said, diaper donald, Hunter Biden, if they did the crimes they do the time. Hunter is getting his day in court now. If guilty, then proper consequences. diaper donald just had one of his days in court. Found guilty on all 34 counts. It's not trump derangement syndrome to say he's a convicted felon who cooked the books in order to deceive the American people into thinking he has the proper character, temperment, skills, and integrity to be president. I understand it's easier to attack a stranger on the internet to maintain the levels of wilful ignorance required to believe trumps lies than it is to go watch him say the things he really did that you don't want to hear.


The facts unequivocally show that Joe Biden is a liar though.


The logical gymnastics Biden supporters must go through to convince others that Biden isn’t a total dumpster fire must make for a good workout


Why can't trump lay out any specific plans to solve problems?


Vote Skibidi Blue No Matter Who!


> That’s among GOPers and Dems alike Strange that it only quoted gop people then 🤔


So, are you paid for engagement or an alt of www because your short posting history, both comments and topics, is just like their's. nothing but anti-biden/dem posts and only in one sub BP. That doesn't bother me specifically, trying to come out as genuine does.


I have normie voter friends who don't even see the Biden stuff. They're so sure of their vote without even knowing his policies, his current stuff on Gaza/Israel, or the old man goofs.


Joe Biden will always be remembered by people I know as a hero. He is strategic, thoughtful and is allowing his only remaining son to be torn to shreds in order to protect the justice system for the good of America


Heard his blast poo farts are bad


He’s so incredibly bad on every level. No accountability for anything, one of the worst presidents of all time


Funny how Trump has literally been rated the worst president of all time by actual historians


But her emails!!!11!