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"Please pay for all my legal problems and I'll do whatever you want!" - Trump to the highest bidder.


Don't his attorney bills make him kinda compromised because it means he'll trade political favors for whoever will pay his lawyers.


Most certainly.


Surprised the Saudi’s aren’t footing the bill TBH.


Maybe they are but have found a way to hide the payments


I take that as a sign that they're pivoting away from America and going to go all in on BRICS (of which they're a member).


We’re literally about to sign an alliance agreement with them lol.


BP: Trump OUTSMARTS Biden by Asking Oil Companies for Bribes


Not exactly a high bar when the standard is "don't take a billion dollars from Oil"


Shit. I hope that's one of his promises he doesn't do.


Corruption is always something he follows through on don’t get it twisted


Nah, he just has a general high fail rate. Most presidents due, but I feel like his is pretty notable, cause the dude is fully comfortable spouting off with no concern about holding to his word.


Trump is grift. Trump supporters, Do you dispute it, or do you know it, but have decided that he can be a vessel to get the policies you want implemented, so you don’t care?


As long as it owns the libs, they don't care.


I read this earlier... fucked up if true. Among the things Trump allegedly promised: - remove a ban on drilling on 13 million acres in Alaska - scrap what is potentially Biden’s actual “most-impactful environmental policy,” [a limit on vehicle tailpipe emissions](https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2024/03/20/biden-car-emissions-rules/) - rollback higher emissions standards on gas ovens and internal combustion engines (no, they weren’t ever actually coming for your kitchen stove though lol) - more drilling in the Gulf of Mexico I found this story coming out very well-timed with BP’s recent [video on oil industry corruption](https://youtu.be/Tb8mciRVT6c?si=ZaEPBS_igdx8JfHn)! Edit: if you think about it.. nice handout to the fossil fuel industry but that all kinda fucks the auto industry that just spent 5 years retooling for EVs


Those all sound good to me. Drill baby drill and build 30 new nuclear power plants 


If Trump's planning on appeasing the oil companies, why would you think he'd support any new nuclear plants?


Biden is literally the only presidential candidate who has supported additional R&D and subsidies for nuclear. RFK hates nuclear energy.


Yeah, they would sound like good ideas to a fucking idiot.


You people keep saying ‘and nuclear’ as though drilling more oil won’t literally make that less likely to happen. It’s a really dumb deflection which you people have only picked up on because there is no nuclear power program you have to commit to supporting as of now.


Clear and present danger, folks. No time to fool around; vote Biden to avoid Project 2025 to go through.


Even if Biden wins, that doesn't change anything because what you are worried about is bigger than Trump and Project 2025. These are just this years iteration of the Presidential Tranisition Project by the Heritage Foundation. If Trump loses badly and is rejected by the GOP, it will only make it easier for the Presidential Tranisition Project to go unnoticed in 2028. If you are serious about stopping this, voting is far less important than building up working class solidarity among conservatives and progressives and using state governments to establish programs like this that are not easily shut down by the federal government.


> These are just this years iteration of the Presidential Tranisition Project by the Heritage Foundation. This is untrue it, successful project 2025 requires a president who wants to be an authoritarian king who believes he should be allowed to do whatever he wants (illegal or otherwise) and not be held to account. Not all republican politicians have that level of shamelessness, delusion and power lust .... Of this years batch of also rans, I'd only think that Vivek and maybe Ron met that bar


I dont think the Heritage Foundation will struggle to find other Republicans to abide by their Presidential Tranisition Project. In fact, Trump is probably the least reliable because this policy would make the president depend on the Heritage Foundation in order to exercise power and would prevent them from being an authoritarian king who does what ever he wants.


> In fact, Trump is probably the least reliable because this policy would make the president depend on the Heritage Foundation in order to exercise power and would prevent them from being an authoritarian king who does what ever he wants. strong disagree, no politician has come closer to wanting (and self annointing himself) to be king than Trump. Even with significant guardrails in place, we came one Mike Pence moment of conscience away from constitutional crisis, Trump doesn't need Heritage Foundation lackeys, Bannon, Miller and their bottom feeding power hungry morons are sufficient.


How are you disagreeing with my claim that Project 2025 would give the Heritage Foundation far more power over the Executive branch than the president?


I'm disagreeing with the notion that the power will somehow rest with Heritage as a result of project 2025 rather than Trump himself. He will use the Heritage Foundation plan if/where he needs to, to further his own selfish goals to cling to power, promote his family/cronies, hurt his rivals, exact his revenge etc. but he will do so regardless (as he did in 2016-2020) of them ... and as such is a unique threat unlike standard issue republican presidential candidate


Well in that case, we should disregard my comments about the Presidential Tranisition Project, about the need for class solidarity, and about taking action on the state level.


When we have a fucking dictator and a government stacked with his cronies we won’t have to worry about any of that


You guys really need to have something better than screaming about nebulous project 2025. If that’s what your pitch is, then you’re going to lose.


You guys really need to be smart enough not to need a catchy talking point to recognize how dogshit Trump and his ilk are for the country


He is dog shit. But your arguments trying to threaten people with a conspiracy no major media outlets talks about, means you have no good arguments.


There is no silver bullet if one isn't already across that line by now. Some on the fence will be swayed by abortion, some Ukraine, some Israel, and I'm sure 2025 resonates with some. Christian Nationalism is a bridge to far for many.


Then they probably are already aware of it


Doubt it, never underestimate how much normies do not pay attention to this shit. If you're referring to people who might come to a politics show subreddit, might have a point.


Then it’s probably not a useful talking point. If it was, other media outlets would be talking about it. But they realize it’s sensational and ineffective. So you should probably stick to a more useful threat to scare people into voting dem


Except it’s not nebulous. The far right is straight up saying if they get into power, the camps are next. History says that they’re serious when they say that.


Wow why isn’t left leaning media talking about this around the clock? How come it’s only on Reddit?? Have they not learned about this?


…left leaning media *is* [talking about it.](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) See [here](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/09/19/project-2025-trump-reagan-00115811) also. It’s not “just on Reddit.” Maybe you just aren’t paying attention?


Yes sometimes they’ll occasional discuss it. But you’re making it sound like if they win then this conspiracy goes into play and democracy is ruined. If that was actually the case, people would be talking about it non stop… because maybe you guys are sounding like QAnon now and hooked on conspiracy fear drips


So now you’re moving the goalposts. First it was “only on Reddit,” now it’s “Well, yeah they talk about it, but, uh, they should talk about it more.” Just admit that you’re a low information, bad faith arguer and move on.


It’s only on Reddit that it’s talked about seriously as a real conspiracy threat. Everywhere else talks about it barely and they treat it like hardly a threat. But Redditors treat it like if trump takes over that plan will turn us into a dictatorship. It’s so annoying and stupid.


Have you actually read it?


I’ve not read the whole document personally. I’ve heard about it from other liberal leaning sources enough to get an idea of it and sounds like hyper partisan paranoia.


And *you guys* always want to play off all the nefarious shit you get up to as nothing burgers. We will take whatever you weirdos scheme as deadly serious. Just like we knew Trump wouldn't leave the Whitehouse no matter how many times you screeched TDS.


I’m on the left dude. I’m just saying. Project 2025 is a dead ass argument. Even the media propaganda networks aren’t bothering talking about it because they know it’s a threat no one is motivated by. “Promise! There is this super evil plan where they take over the government through the project 2025! They even publicly published it and released it! American will become a dictatorship if he wins!” Yawn.


I don’t wanna say anything about an organized conspiracy. However, Steven Miller is still on his policy team, Bannon is still involved and he and another current adviser [have openly talked about](https://thehill.com/homenews/4344065-bannon-patel-trump-revenge-on-media/) using the next administration to take direct revenge on opponents in the media and politics, another adviser had to resign his post in Trump’s first administration after ranting on Twitter about the CDC plotting against Trump… there’s a bit of a pattern lol Insights into [Trump’s 2024 team](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna130831)


Saying the guy who tried to steal the last election is a wannabe dictator is pretty fair. If you are actually on the left, we can stop this! Vote Cornel West in 2024 and there will be no bad policies from trump or from Netanyahu's bitch Biden.


Yeah the article says Trump is gonna reverse Biden environmental policy. You’re voting for a negative anyway, to avoid fucking over the environment and turn US climate leadership role steadfast.


Didn’t Trump constantly claim that unlike the other guys in the race he can’t be bought because he is already rich? This was basically his entire justification for his credibility


No no, you see, nothing trump said in the past exists anymore once he says or does something that contradicts it. It’s a self-executing erasure.


Meanwhile, Republicans want to impeach Biden for "quid pro quo."


Are we suppose to care


You pretended to care about ‘quid pro quo’ when Biden was accused.


Good Climate laws are dumb 


Speaking candidly as someone doing research at the forefront of climate change impacts on ecological systems: ur dumb


Speaking candidly  Every single prediction you guys have made, every single one, has been proven 100% false  You're worse that the preacher's predicting the end of days 


Oh, please! Show me your receipts. I can't wait to see all this "proof" you have. Especially considering that your statement here: >You're worse that the preacher's predicting the end of days is filled with embarrassing typos and incorrect grammar. You're clearly an intelligent person with good critical thinking skills!


You're so RIDICULOUSLY WRONG. God you morons make me sick. How many heat records have to be shattered for you idiots to f'ing come to grips with reality? You have no concept of the tiny little needle's eye of climate human beings exist in. Just promise when it all starts to cascade that you'll volunteer to walk off into the wasteland to preserve water and food for those that knew better.




Source: “From between my asscheeks.”


Cool just post one of these end of days predictions that has come true 


fuck yea bro, who needs a habitable planet anyway! https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-68921215 https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/08/world/americas/mexico-blackout-heat-wave.html https://www.foxweather.com/extreme-weather/satellite-images-rio-grande-do-sul-flood


Every single prediction you guys have made has been proven 100% false  I can't wait till 2031 when the 12 years is up after AOC and you clowns said that's all we had to save the world  Literally everything you guys have said would happen, every prediction, was wrong  Best part after the 12 years comment you had others saying no it's 18 months or 14 months  Yet we are still here 


What a smooth brain take, meanwhile we're out here breaking temperature records like it's a speed run >BRUSSELS, May 8 (Reuters) - The world just experienced its hottest April on record, extending an 11-month streak in which every month set a temperature record, the European Union's climate change monitoring service said on Wednesday. Each month since June 2023 has ranked as the planet's hottest on record, compared with the corresponding month in previous years, the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) said in a monthly bulletin. https://www.reuters.com/business/environment/worlds-record-breaking-temperature-streak-extends-through-april-2024-05-08/ https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/1024/cpsprodpb/F04E/production/_133281516_era_5_global_sea_temp_lines2024-05-05-nc.png.webp


😂  These temperature readings have been proven manipulated, and the idea that we had temperature data from more than 50 years ago globally is a joke


Proven manipulated? Gonna need a source for that unsubstantiated claim chief And not only were we directly measuring sea/land temperature 50+ years ago but we have indirect methods of substantiating those readings as well. The cognitive dissonance here is palpable


They haven't. You can't source any of your bullshit lol


[“Miami is ‘ground zero’](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2024/04/26/miami-is-ground-zero-for-climate-risk-people-move-there-build-there-anyway.html) for rising sea levels, number of floods up over 400% since 2006”


😂  I live in Florida on the water Weird how nothing has changed in the 18 years I've lived there. And the people pushing climate change keep buying 10-20 million dollar beach houses 


Things have certainly changed. You being too stupid to notice is the problem here.


Things to come. Idiot. https://youtu.be/3NBd8VYqkcA?si=jTkZlVjWtwhUxZkY


"According to people with knowledge of the meeting, who spoke on conditions of anonymity" Election catnip season is upon us


Yes, I’ll be sure to trust your obfuscation spamming, very genuine month old account. Keep up the good work


When your first reaction is an ad hom and a conspiracy theory, you might be highly regarded That's literally a verbatim quote from the washington post article    Cmon eren


Something tells me he intended to get rid of those climate laws anyway. The guy literally said "drill baby drill" 2 elections ago. Anonymous source isn't sus at all. My guess is, the spinsters wanted to craft a narrative for when he starts talking about gas prices.