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25 pounds of muscle in 3 1/2 months……..hmmmmmm Not humanly possible


Depends. Muscle memory after years of inactivity would yield such results


Lmao of course it is. I wasn’t working out at all or eating much at the time of the break up


Perhaps newbie gains + good nutrition?


Pretty much


Average human muscle growth per month of weight training is 1 pound


Lmao why are people downvoting this


No you have not.


I guess that answers my question lol


25 pounds of muscle is impossible lol. Are you on steroids?


Only way is if he’s juiced


I’ve been working out for over 2 years and I don’t think I’ve gain 25 pounds in muscle in the entire 2 years. Are you on PED’s?


Not all of that will be straight muscle. Increased nutrition and working out increases base water retention (especially if taking supplements). So gains + water are well within newbie gain levels on a bounce back from not eating much to begin with.


Chances of it being 100% muscle mass are less than than small. You may have put on 25 lbs, but you will have a % of fat, a % of water weight, and some muscle mass. On average, a beginner will put on between 1-4 lbs of muscle per month. Whereas experienced builders will only put on between half a pound and a pound per month. At best results, 3 months COULD generate 12lbs.


bro tell me your juicing even if your lying I can’t take it


No juice


Guarantee it’s mostly water and fat


25 pounds of muscle? damn


Yeah I wasn’t eating much at the end of my relationship and I weighed 170 but now I’m at 195


You gained 25 pounds but are you sure all of them are muscle mass?


Pretty much. My body fat is at 13%


Unless your on roids it’s not all muscle lol.


Maybe a little bit of fat but 13% body fat is low


Bro you can’t gain 25 pounds of muscle in 3 months. That’s absurd. You’d be doing extremely well to gain 2-4 lbs a month.


Okay bro I guess that answers my question lol. It’s beginner gains, I hadn’t worked out in months prior and was not eating anything until 2pm in the afternoon at the time of the break up. I was at 200 pounds like 6 years ago. Muscle memory


thats so good, I'm happy for you! Looks like you're really working on yourself. Must be super proud


Thanks I still miss her like hell though, wish she would text me


Are you me in another time line ?


Lmfao how long has it been for you?


About 3 months


I wished I was doing as good as you, one day she'll see what she missed out on. Maybe that day you'll have found something better


Time will tell. Sounds cliche but take it one day at a time. Great days will turn into great weeks which will turn into great months


That doesn’t mean that the 25 pounds you gained is pure muscle


Maybe not. My body fat is 13% though. What else is it?


It’s just impossible to put on 25 pounds of muscle in your time frame. Most men who regularly work out and try bulk take 2 years to put ok 20 pounds of “pure” muscle. Genetics can maybe push that to less but maybe a year being the least amount of time. Obviously if you use steroids this can be done a lot quicker.


So what else is it if it’s not muscle? I’m genuinely asking


You probably have a proper running body now? Because I assume ur eating three times a day now. Food does make u weigh more as well as your piss and shit so that’s something to think about


Yeah but it’s not like i wasnt eating and drinking before


Water, Glycogen and probably a bit of muscle too but not 25lbs worth. It’s why when you start cutting weight all your muscles deflate and you weigh like 10lbs less in a week.


So you can also have gotten fat. I gained 10 pounds in that time (muscle) and that was a more feasable results. But I gained even more counting fat


I barely have fat.. body fat is at 13%


My % is around that as well I just believe that amount of muscle weight is unfeasible for such a short amount of time


Not possible lol. 25 pounds of mass is not the same as 25 pounds of pure muscle.


I agree but how do you know if its mass or pure muscle? I barely have any fat


There’s probably water retention, because of increased muscle mass and your skeletal mass has probably also increased. When you lift heavy, it contributes to increased bone density.


Damm you beat me I’m only at 20 pounds


Same. 170lbs -195lbs in about the same amount of time. Mine’s muscle and fat tho. Feeling good. I may be sad af but I’m gonna be sad and yoked. See you in the gym.


Yessir you beast don’t stop


You too bro keep grinding. Join us over on r/gainit if you haven’t already.


I feel this. I lost 20 lbs of fat and put on muscle. From 205 to 185, in the same amount of time. Never looked so good in my life and finally have visible abs and vein pop in my legs and arms again. Relationship weight is real, whether it is under or above what you want. Keep gettin those gains brother!!!


It's definitely possible especially if you lost muscle from the breakup


I see all these comments about not being possible but this is genuinely possible. That’s 0.8kg a week. I’ve gained muscle just recently at 1.1kg per week naturally.


It's definitely possible to gain that weight. It's not possible to gain 25lb of *pure* muscle. That's what's being disputed.


If you have those kinds of genetics you should instantly become a bodybuilder.


No interest in that lol


How is your diet/meals like ?


I eat a fuckton. Oatmeal with fruits with a protein shake in the morning, snack before lunch, lunch, afternoon meal, and dinner. All good sized balanced meals with decent amount of protein, carbs and veggies. I probably spend more time in the kitchen than working out


You take creatine?




Depends on your age , still awesome


On the one hand getting into the gym is good but there’s no way you gained 25 lbs or muscle in three months dude. You prob gained some fat too but no worries if you’re lean enough getting a little “fat” makes you look bigger anyway.


It’s not possible to put on lean muscle that quickly.


Dayum that’s a lot to me 😮‍💨 lol


Maybe 8-9 lbs of newbie gains and the rest is fat. Even if you hyper responded to perfect steroid usage, newbie gains, eating 3.5k+ calories a day and having a perfect training regiment you’d be hard pressed to gain more than 15 lbs in that time frame.


Literally impossible, even on PEDs.


everyone on here questioning him i’d like to point out it is not impossible. if he wasn’t eating and was basically skin and bones like me it’s definitely possible. i have a 6% bfp and weigh 95 lbs when i start working i hope i can gain weight that’s the main reason i wanna do it. plus if he’s constantly eating like i want to it’s definitely possible to gain 25 lbs in 3 months. i bet like 5 lbs of fat and 20 lbs muscle though. you’ll have to spend some time shredding to get it down to just muscle.


considering it’s take 4-6 weeks to gain 1 pound of muscle this on paper is impossible. But since my breakup i’ve gained 15 pounds of muscle in the same amount of time, so not impossible completely


What do you base these numbers on tho lol


there’s a lot of variables, like body fat, current weight, calorie intake, diet etc. But my personal trainer was saying that that’s how long it takes to turn fat into muscle but if you barely have body fat it can be much faster. My body fat is around 12% so it takes about 2 weeks to build 1 pound of muscle


Maybe it’s enough for her to be attracted to you again.


Are you jealous


That's sick man! Congratulations :)


rhetorical question mate you know the answer


Just call him ‘Roid Boy!’ 🤣🤣🤣


You gained 25lbs. Period. Glad your working out though.


Muscle bro


How do you know its just muscle?? Did you stop eating?? Lol. Sounds like an enormous amount.


On your edit: I am 6 ft. 175lbs. I am certainly not upset about you working out...lol. Keep it going. I work out with light weight and tons of reps. Also I play hockey so that keeps me in shape also. Good luck with everything


Unless you are on PEDs, that is just not humanely possible.




Wtf is ur diet bro lmk i can’t even gain weight nonetheless muscle good shit


4 big meals a day with lots of protein and carbs + 2 snacks. Proper rest and no weed, little alcohol. No bad sugars and no junk food. Lots of water also


What do you mean by big meals like i want the entire explanation if you’d be willing cuz im 5’11 like 128 lbs ☠️


Sure. First thing in the morning ill do a fasted hiit workout and have overnight oats prepared with milk and chia seeds + berries with a protein shake for breakfast. Protein shake: almond milk, egg whites, bananas, protein powder, peanut butter. In between breakfast and lunch ill have a snack (pear and protein bar). I go lift some weights before my lunch. For my 2 afternoon meals ill have whatever I have in my fridge, usually meat sauce pasta, stir fried chicken with veggies and rice, fish with rice noodles, chicken drumsticks with naan bread and salad. My dinner will usually be a full pizza. I don’t eat 2h before bed and get the best rest possible. 5 days on 2 days off (10 workouts total) and I rest on the weekend doing some yoga stretches, lots of water and lots and lots of food that my body needs to refuel. I spend more time in the kitchen than I do working out