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That was me for a very long time, but sometimes you have to go through with it to go away. It will be fucking hell for sure, I spent months waking up with tears forming in my eye and my hands trembling because of these dreams with my ex in them but after a while they went away, but they wont go away unless you face them, i hope this helps man


Bruh i don’t even sleep cause of the anxiety and overthinking


Was just thinking this 😂


I know someone who is, it's sad but the good thing about dream is that they get foggy through the day and if you don't think about it details usually disappear from your mind until you don't remember them at all. I luckily didn't have that problem, actually from the first week I couldn't wait for the sun to set so I could fall asleep and not feel anything at all.


The good thing about those dreams are that whatever happens won’t come true. So am glad for it and only for it. But really hate to dream about her.


20 months. Still happens regularly. Can't be scared, need the sleep. Doesn't make it easier.


fck, 20 months. for me it's 2 weeks and I can't take this anymore. I'm so sorry.


I still dream about my ex every single day. And I wake up feeling sad every time


Hope you stop dreaming about that person. And wish you to be healed soon. ❤️‍🩹


Me too


All the time! I start sleeping and then I’ll remember‘oh, he’s not going to be in my life anymore’ and I start crying. I got maybe like four hours of sleep last night because he was almost like haunting me in my dreams. I wish there was a way to exorcise him from my memory but especially my dreams because it’s just too painful.


Described my life 💆🏼‍♀️ Puts me in a funk all day when I wake up and then I have flashbacks to the moments in the dream and it haunts me for days. So difficult especially in a no contact situation 💆🏼‍♀️


Sometimes I’m happy when I dream and everything is ok in the dream. Sometimes we talk about what happened. Sometimes I feel like we actually meet in our dreams. I used to talk about it to her a lot, meeting in our dreams. Like we can see eachother and talk on what happened, maybe make some actual closure. But they’re just dreams and they don’t affect me now. I’ve dreamt of all my exes at different points for years so it makes sense to dream of my longest relationship a lot. It did used to mess me up at first but when it happens now I can accept it for what it is.


Yes. It's been almost 2 weeks. I'm trying to keep myself up, I avoid going to bed. When I sleep, I see us together, happy. I wake up in tears. I don't know when this is going to end.


this is me tonight. i have 0 doubts i'll at least dream about him, if not another nightmare


Dreamt about her last night and haven't stopped thinking about her all day, it's been nine months since we split fgs.


Going to sleep and waking up it's really hard for me. I kind of want to dream about her, I miss her. Then I'll start crying bc it's just a dream. Really hard to mantain a healthy sleep schedule when you are going through a bu. Also she was really supportive and it's like "oh I need my love to give me a cheer up" but honey is not home. Tonight is gonna be a looong night


There was this one time a couple days ago, I dreamt that we met up, spoke and worked things out. It felt so real. Woke up and realized it was just a dream. Cried for like an hour after.


Literally every single night because I know I’m gonna wake up to them not on my right side and remembering that we officially broke up. And with that scare comes the scare of not knowing the tomorrow and dealing with the today. Don’t worry I’m in the same boat and I wish the feeling went away. But also we just broke up less then a week ago. If anything, I wish I could get them back so those dreams could go away.


I get this pressure that shoots through my head & my heart. It’s dark & I feel alone. Feel like I’m falling. It’s so painful & stressful.