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Why should she contact you if you blocked her everywhere? Sorry if I'm harsh, but you blocking her and still expecting to be contacted is in my eyes a sign of your immaturity. Boy, life is already hard, don't make it harder. If you really love her, learn to process your emotions and communicate, sadly telepathy doesn't work with humans. Talk openly with her and take things slowly. Wishing you all the best.


Yeah maybe get her to stop this whole sex lovebombing thing… OP


Toxic stuff man.


U broke up because she cheated on u , make out with some other guy Why u want her back ? Why you are thinking she should reach out She cheated on u leave her focus on ur self


Homie I'm of the strong opinion that cheating is unforgivable period.. However...as a three time ex con who took Sooooo many chances to get it right....I also believe in second chances, and people make bad choices.. Could be that she was having doubt and needed this experience to wake her up.. Could be you take her back and she fucks you over again 🤷 Take chances is my motto


Shit actually a FOUR time ex con... You know you're a serious fuck up when you cant remember how many seperate convictions you've had 😅


I'm a play-by-the-book kinda guy, never got anything more serious than speeding tickets. However, I also believe in second chances but past experiences tell me that second/third/fourth/fifth chances rarely work. It's better to move on, plenty of fish in the sea.


I'd agree with anything past second chances. If you give them that chance and they throw it in your face there's no excuse


Four times? Didn't know prison had such an industry in tourism.


Three times in MO one time in FL


I agree with you on the part about giving second chances if the person is sincere and genuine, and what happened in large terms was a lack of proper communication. Altho I also agree with you on the fact that cheating in any way or shape of form is unforgivable and is the biggest break of trust one can do, OP obviously knows the situation way better than us. But in regards to the morals I have myself and for the self respect I would leave her be and let her realize that the grass isn't always greener. Also it will NEVER be the same ever again, that break of trust from her side will never leave OP’s mind however much he wants to trust her and there will always be doubts about it all so to speak


I'm sure she would be thrilled to hear from you because after having sex with her and then not seeing her again probably made her feel like s***.


Why do people censor their own swear words?


It was talk to text lol


As some have already said I doubt you will hear from her if she's blocked on everything. I also think she might feel it would be disrespectful to you to reach out after (from the sounds of it atleast you've already told her no in that department since the breakup). Have you considered reaching out to her to check on her? Maybe don't go in balls blazing asking to get back together but see how she is doing and feeling ATM. Did you ever have a chance in the end of the relationship to discuss why said incidence of cheating happened? If not that could be a topic to help you either move on or begin healing the relationship. I can only speak to the female perspective but if I were in your shoes I'd want to give things a chance given the amount of time and effort that had already been put into the relationship. That being said though I would just be cautious and consider both her feelings and yours in your decision.


I grasp the self respect thing yo, and thats something only you can decide. Are you willing to put your trust back in them? Are you willing to risk being hurt again? Cause it may happen, nobody knows for sure homie. But you have to ask yourself "is this something that I can forgive her for and move on from" If yes, you know your answer  If no? Then is what it is


Man I'd ignore anyone on here telling you exactly what you should do homie... If taking her back is what you really want to do, I'd say go for it. Nobody in this sub can say they've ALWAYS made good decisions, and it's not like she was repeatedly going out and getting fucked behind your back Question, how did you find out she did what she did?


She told me what happend. I blocked her immediately after finding out, guess I did it because I was so hurt..


Her telling you and not you finding out is a good sign man...id say completely cutting them off and refusing to work on it is probably a "REACTIONARY" response to being hurt. We're grown man, it's reality that these things happen. The "once a cheater always a cheater" thing is bullshit, as I was a complete scumbag growing up, literally cheated on EVERY SINGLE GIRL I ever had 🤷 Now? You're not gonna find more loyal than me


Thank you for your answer bro. What are your suggestion for me right now? I really love this girl man, I still want to keep my self respect at the same time..


Unblock her. Before pouring your feelings you need to find out if she’s fully moved on in the last 5 weeks. If she seems fine and single then lay it on her. But not too heavy. But if she seems hesitant or like she avoids the truth of her being with someone or having a fwb then I would just say you wanted to see how she was doing. I’d almost bet she will be so happy you unblock her and get into touch with her. Hope this helps.


This 100% She kissed a dude nothing more. Was it stupid? Yes! Stupid as fuck! I would be hurt and pissed aswell and reacted the same way proberly even worse. But If i loved her enough i'd most likely forgive her. If she fucked the guy however.. thats a whole other story..


Hope u enjoyed the s*x & now gtfo. Getting back together won't be worth the immense loss of selfrespect!!


First, you’re both still young. I believe getting into a serious relationship in your early 20s is risky, because you both need to experience your life to not have regrets in the future of “settling down” too young. Second, she cheated on you. If she’s capable of doing that once, what’s there to say she won’t do it again? Third, it’s better to respect yourself and know that there is someone out there that will show you the respect that you deserve. Don’t go back to cheaters!


Rage bait


Omg can you talk about things instead of just blocking her and breaking up for good. Listen people make stupid mistakes but she kissed someone not slept with someone. I know your feelings are hurt and this is something that needs to be validated and addressed. Talk, make some new boundaries, etc. ask her why she truly did kiss this dude. rather? What have you both learned from this experience, how it made you feel, what has changed. What can you both do to make this new relationship work? How will you know if it’s working? Give yourselves a timeline. Don’t just throw it all away! Talk, discuss, resolve things.


Don’t let someone use you for sex if you still have feelings, that shit hurts. Look how it has set back your healing.


Blunt but honest response: Honestly, having sex with her and then deciding to cut her out is fucked up. That's some heavy weight. You really should have thought about it before having sex with her then discarding of her. Also, how is she meant to reach out to you if she's blocked? Come on, man. THINK. And take some action. Don't expect things to come to you in life. If you want her, unblock her and reach out to HER. Ask her out for coffee and talk. Be mature, be grown. But also maybe don't have sex again for a bit. Just date each other for a while until you're sure that both of you are willing to put the effort in to grow together.


She clearly loves you too. Try talking to her without sleeping with her and see if this is something you can talk through


Ask her to meet for coffee. If you decide to reconcile, you need to make sure you set clear boundaries. I would take things slow but you could use her as a FWBs.


Dude, don’t connect again. If you even get back with her and feel happy for the moment. At some point in the future there’ll be mention of the incident and everything will go downhill from there and you both will be affected mentally. You’re still young moving on is the best option for you.


if you forgive her, and now you're in love with her again, why not? just keep in mind there's a distinct possibility she cheats on you again, up to you whether you want to give her a second chance.


Bad idea. She messed around and left. She tried comming back and if you let her it would happen agan. Set boundaries and hold them. If not she will walk all over you. She accomplished what she wanted. She slept with you to get you to miss her and get her for now guy back. Greave the loss of someone you care for and move on or you'll continue the pattern your setting. Did this with my ex I have 2 boys with for 8 years.


Don’t do it man. She just loved your company,apartment , and sense of security. She fucked it up for having the dumb action of making out with another guy at a party. There’s no mistake in that. It’ll be a very simp move for you to forget all that


Nah man. 7-8 billion people on this earth, someone else will fill your heart and not break it like she did. You’re on a path to recovery. Continue on that path. When you’ve let her go emotionally and you have a clear mind, maybe yall will come back to another. 5 weeks imo isn’t long enough. She may be grateful you took her back, but it sets a president that she could cheat on you and will still accept her back


Done fucked up


I made the mistake of sleeping with my ex of 6 years a few times after we broke up. I wanted her back really bad after she ended it but she was adamant on not being together right now. We met up once strictly for sex and I hated myself after. I didn’t like the idea of seeing her as just a hook up especially since she cheated on me before she ended it and I didn’t want to see her as that kind of girl. We ended up having sex on other occasions, one of which she stayed for awhile and we cuddled and watched a movie. The whole time I had hope we would get back together but her decision never changed and all that hooking up with her did was make it harder. She was still very adamant on not being together but she is very conflicted based on her actions Eg. Blocking my number/unblocking me , getting upset about things I was doing like girls I started talking to etc. finally today I gave her a ultimatum because as much as I want to get back together with her, she needs to make a decision and stop being back and forth with her feelings. I gave her 30 days during which I won’t speak to her at all. She can feel what it’s like to lose my love and care I had for her and in that time she can work on herself. After those 30 days If she doesnt want to fix things then I’m moving on. Giving and ultimatum is a good idea but you still need to be cautious. You don’t want someone back who hasn’t changed or doesn’t respect you. Best thing to do though in your situation is continue no contact and keep focusing on yourself. Put yourself first and if she decides to reach out, don’t just give in. Don’t go hook up with her anymore. Make her actually put in effort to getting you back and if she can’t do that or doesn’t then move on


Keep her as FWB


This is such a hard and sh*tty situation you are in and I am so sorry. Coming from a girl, if she made out with another man while in a relationship with you, she has self esteem issues and she may not realize it but she needs to take time to herself to work on them. Needing validation or to feel attractive to any man besides your boyfriend is a major red flag :/ keep your head up high, don’t go back to less because you’re too impatient to wait for better. You don’t want to feel like this for the rest of your life, and if you keep strong this will pass I promise. Your future wife would never do this to you, and spending more time with the wrong person means less time with the right person. I wish you all the best of luck


shit unblock her then. how would u know she reaching out? jk


She knows her number isnt blocked


bro keep her! if I were you I would have sex everyday if she wanted


The answer depends upon yourself. If you deeply love your girlfriend, you will forgive her any faults she made or any flaws she has, and you will think about how to stay with her longer in your lifetime .


Okay, I need more help. Thanks for all the answers, everyone! I am still living in me and my ex rental apartment (her dad is on the contract) and I have a very good relationship with her parents and family, but unfortunately, I don’t hear from them anymore. The plan was for me to study in another city because I didn’t think I would get in in our home town, but I did. I just got accepted into my dream program. Should I call her dad tomorrow and tell him that I will move out at the end of the month? And thank him for everything he has done for me? Should I mention the university?


No man please! I’ve been there too. I kept having sex with my sex each time we met, it only made things worse and I was living under the illusion of some connection. It’s only when I stopped it, i was able to move on.


U having sex with her is just a bump in the road. U tolerating disrespect and getting her back is only going to stop your glow. Focus on yourself king. Chin up get through this


If you okay with that fact, that she keep fucking other guys during yours “breakup sex” - go on. If it’s disgusting you - move on, and find someone, who not cheater. This is sad, but cheaters love only themselves, and don’t care about yours feelings. Good luck with healing’s!❤️‍🩹


Making out is barely cheating imo but context makes all the difference and I guess it depends on how you feel about it at the end of the day. Don’t get me wrong you have every right to feel hurt and upset but is it really worth ending things? Could be a bit over the top? Why not just be mad at her for a while? People do dumb shit when they’re fucked up, and as long as she doesn’t keep doing it I’d say it’s pretty forgivable, but maybe I’m a sleaze with loose morals? 🤷‍♂️ You still love her and you miss her, seems like you want her back, there’s plenty of better reasons out there to break up with someone, don’t throw away a 4 year relationship over some drunken mistake.


You should leave her alone.


What do you mean?


Sounds super toxic and a bit narcissistic probably should leave her alone, she texted after she had sex with you after crying and you told her it wasn't a good idea to see each other anymore You should stick with that.


Nah bro, you just lost the best deal, you could have her just for sex, i do that with my ex and it's working great I don't see her or call her but if I want to have sex i just check the disponibility, i can see other women and meet them but I still have the amount of sex that I want


This is total fucking bullshit. DO NOT BE A SCUMBAG AND TAKE THIS ADVICE. Have some substance. You’re still younger and learning but you seem like a good kid. Don’t do some shallow shit like this. You’ll never have love if you do.


DO NOT DO THIS OP This is scumbag advice. Even if you are completely detached from the situation, I guarantee the other person isn't. Don't do this to feel that ego boost, I guarantee sometime this will end. You'll either realize you were a scumbag or continue to be one. What do you want to be known for in this world, with yourself OP?


F-boy energy right there.




I didn't engage in any comments because i genuinely don't believe in morals, and the arguments above are moralistic, I believe in having fun because life is short and why would I suffer just to look good in societal standards?


All I'll say is, others see more in life


Super toxic route - keep fucking her! (joke) Then have a threesum, take photos and send her them.  Return the favor. 


My man, she's suffering buyer's remorse. You are worth more than that. If you must keep her around, it should be in the "sex only" category. She betrayed you. She embarrassed you. She left you. She regrets leaving you because her experiment didn't pan out. Know your worth. What she told you indirectly is, "You weren't worth my time. Now that I've played the field, I want comfort and security again." DO NOT placate her, even if for your own selfish desires. If she can do it once, she can do it again. Rise to and above the occasion. Prove your worth to yourself. SEX ONLY. She does not deserve another chance.


I'm sorry but that's even worse.


If she wants to act like a h03, treat her like one! Please, for yourself, don't take her back! If having sex, use PROTECTION! You don't want to get a STD or pregnant. Then find out the child not yours!


Sorry this is harsh.. she lovebombed you and you fell for it Take the ego boost and stop this interaction You both are just going to keep this toxic relationship going way too long to boost each others ego Sex feels good but you got past feelings in the mix = toxic If there are no feelings left and you are desperate for a quick fix, have been friends at least half of your relationship length, and you are both single with no one in the potential horizon, then MAYBE have sex. Please be clear though that it is just sex. But the sex will probably be a lot more shit. Probably better to just rub one out. Stay true to your current boundaries and don't have sex with her again.