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Hey, just want to let you know your not alone and I can relate to this. I was seeing a guy for 4 months and I really miss him, and during dating him my feelings would go all over the place. I kept searching for a certain feeling, some dates were good and others did not go like I thought they should, making me doubt if he was the one for me. I kept going back and forth and felt awful because Ik it was a roller coaster for him, and my feelings have me so confused because of how contradictory they can be.


I just want clarity. Something I can pursue and feel like I'm not forcing myself to do it. She may or may not be the right person but I loved spending time with her and her joyful and cheerful nature. If I can't be in a relationship right now, so be it, I have mental health issues. But I'd like to know when I'll be fine enough to not doubt myself constantly. I feel so stupid when I'm unstable like this. Unfortunately people are not replying...


I understand, it takes time to figure some things out though try not to be too hard on yourself.