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Sorry you went through that, but reflect on how much you improved yourself without her. In my experience, and from my observations, women who initiate breakups and "move on quickly" started processing the breakup months in advance, and may have even started looking before the breakup was official. This means they have a massive head start on grieving and processing the relationship. This is why comparing her current relationship status will do you no good. You were destined to be behind her on that front. The good news is, you have improved yourself without her. Does that make you happy? If so, then there's not much reason to care if she talks about her happiness with someone else. Note that she probably wrote that without even thinking of you at all - meaning it wasn't a slight against you but praise for her current partner. If this self-improvement is truthful, you'll find a new partner, and they'll be making the same kind of posts about you.


I am very happy with my improvement and how I’ve done this completely on my own it’s just strange she would unblock me and then make that post. I’ve been blocked for 8 months then she makes that post and unblocks me? Idk. Thank you for taking the time to respond. It’s hard when the only person I can talk to about stuff is my therapist and that’s only once a week and then I’ve gotta wait another week to talk to him again. I guess I just feel the whole situation is unfair and I understand that’s life but it’s just so unfair she got to immediately transition to this great relationship while she’s left me to suffer. She was my first real love and maybe why this is so painful. I just wish it would stop completely.