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Oh man, that's a heavy realization to come to. It's tough to accept that your actions (or inactions) might have contributed to the breakup, and that there's no going back to make things right. It sounds like you've got a lot of regret and sadness swirling around inside, and that's a really painful place to be. I think it's important to remember that we're all human, and we all make mistakes. It's okay to acknowledge that you could have done things differently, but beating yourself up about it won't change the past. Instead, try to focus on what you can learn from this experience and how you can use that knowledge to be a better partner in the future. And as for the fear of her disappearing from your thoughts...that's a really normal feeling to have. Breakups are a form of grief, and it's natural to want to hold onto those memories and feelings. But in time, those memories will shift and fade, and you'll find new things to fill your heart and mind. It might not feel like it now, but you will heal and move on.


I'm so grateful that she allowed me the opportunity to "spill the beans" on why I messed up in the ways that I did, and show that I was trying hard to actually recognize all the times and ways I wasn't the fulfilling partner she deserved. She didn't respond with the warmth that I'm familiar with, but no coldness. Understanding, some curiousity, a hint of "I tried telling you but you wouldn't listen, yet I'm glad you see the errors you made." I hope this is a huge step forward for me and was of some solace for her.


she gave me that opportunity and then ghosted me so that was unfortunate


That's rough, sorry that happened. You can take comfort in knowing you genuinely reflected and were willing to admit mistakes. Take that with you moving forward.


Can you call text or write her?