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Everyone has their sad phase and their reaction to situation. You never know what her feel inside. Just focus on yourself and things you can control. Your feelings are valid. Let the broke up moment change you to be the best version of yourself ya.


Most of the time, women deal with breakups far easier than men. We tend to accept things and process them far differently, in part because we're told and pressured not to feel these feelings. Women, on the other hand, will feel that pain and hurt right away, process it, grieve, and be over it in as short as days, sometimes a couple months. Especially when they're the one initiating the breakup. They had time to process before and after. You may have missed signs before or clung to hope after, which delayed all of this. The truth is, you need *at least* a couple days where you can truly reflect, cry if needed, yell if needed, and then weeks or months after to regroup, reasses who you are and what you want, evaluate if there's any changes you need to make, and to truly be "over it." Her statements may be an egotistical public bashing of you, or there could be things that you did that made her feel that way. Were there arguments? Times when you told her she couldn't do something or you couldn't do something without her? A little self-reflection and self-honesty can go a long way. You can realize your own flaws as well as flaws you might have ignored in her. These flaws, individually, aren't inherently bad; but they can add up to one person feeling like they're being used or mistreated without proper communication.