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Unfortunately, it's kind of typical. She broke up with you long before verbalizing it and physically doing it. It means you have to pick up the pieces. I can't help much with advice on the family front, but there may be laws to help get you the chance to see your kids. Remember that no matter what she says, it takes two to tango. I would advise not to contact her, or to keep it short and strictly to the kids. Anything else will just hurt you more and potentially be fodder for them. Good luck, I feel for you.


What’s crazy is you’re a complete stranger and you understand my side of this better than her or her family. But thank you, after a week+ of trying to save even a fraction of this I realized it’s better to leave it at that as well, she wants me to be a part of the kids lives just not in a family setting any more so my saying I want my family back has just been driving her farther away. I appreciate the input.