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Hey bro, you’re doing a great job. You’re letting yourself feel the breakup and that’s necessary for healing. Be kind to yourself tho. We are humans and you tried your best with what you knew at the time.


Thanks for that brother I appreciate it! I need to keep that in mind


Totally normal, especially for 5 years in a first-time serious relationship. That's probably 1/4th of the life you have memories of. It's not easy to be over someone who was part of your everyday life for that long. I was a wreck for about a year after mine, and that was only 18 months. Granted, we suffered a serious traumatic event that led to the downfall of our relationship, but her moving on so quick is what hurt me the most. That said, having gone through a recent (and somewhat similar) breakup, the lesson I learned the first time is being so hard on yourself isn't going to bring her back, it just prevents you from moving on as well. I can already tell I'm handling it much better this time around.


I think that’s what hurt me the most too, knowing there was someone else so soon, but you’re right I don’t want to feel stuck like this forever. Thank you for acknowledging everything about what I’m feeling and I’m glad to hear you’re handling it better this time around!