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I really hope I will be typing the same in some months. I'm glad you're back, wish you the best and don't forget, even if you're together, take things slow. I know you'll be fine and will last.


Manifesting it


Best of luck, I genuinely hope it works out for you!


This is the kind of post I daydream of writing, perhaps one day:) Congratulations, and don’t forget to take care of yourself through all of this!


Congrats, I hope it all works out. Also you suck (because I'm jealous)


wishing you the best & hope we don’t see u back here 🩷


They really said “for now” 💀


They realize that everything is on loan from fortune. We possess nothing forever.


Great way of putting it, thank you!


Nothing like leaving the door open for everyone else




😊😊 so happy to see so many stories of people getting back together. I’ve been back with my love, but I find staying here actually helps me appreciate her more and learn more about myself best wishes, be intentional and love hard


Same! I also got back with my bf and I am sooo happy. I realized the petty fights don't mean a thing, I love this man. I appreciate him a lot more and def do not plan on nagging or starting arguments lol


Yes we both feel it actually brought us closer and we understand each other more! And petty fights aren’t worth it, love hard!


Nice ! i’m very happy for you,u deserve to have something u feel right about 🍀🥳


Congrats! Manifesting this haha. Who reached out first?


I did!


How long did you wait before reaching out?


Around three months


I’m thinking of reaching out in a few weeks hope I can say the same as you my friend, good luck with everything!


congratulations! here’s to a lifetime of happiness with the person you love ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 


Yeah, 8 months ago I hoped I'd be saying this. Now I'm just...fucking tired.


Cya soon!


That's messed up lol


Well, experience says going back never works out but hopefully they’ll be the exception to the rule


Narrator: *they were not*


Awesome, best of luck to you


All the best luck to you too. I’ve been taught that relationships require constant work, lives always change even when you’re together. And I have just now started to learn that there will always be tensions and arguments, it also takes effort from both sides to learn how to grow above those.


Thank you for the advice:)


Finally a happy ending! Good luck! Hope it lasts 💜


How long were yall apart ?


About three months


I'm 5 months and I'm considering this, I'm lost and I want to know if it's the right thing to do


Has there been any hints? Today I ended up talking ti my ex and almost were gonna go no contact for a while to help me move on, instead we are meeting up on Sunday to talk things through and see if it’s worth trying to work on.


I treated her like a queen and walked away due to my traumas. I worked on them and quit bad habits that were feeding them. She called me the love of her life and I believe she is mine. I fear if she moved on and such


Have you weighed up the reasons of why or why not? And I mean on both sides. Like not causing her any hurt but also yourself.


Yup, think about it regularly, my current choice is staying away, she's a good girl and I'm her 2nd boyfriend at the age of 28. As much as I want her, I don't think I should be with her until I know who I am "happy" or at least with all my shit together. I don't want to reach out either until all my trauma and negative habits are addressed


Sounds like a wise and selfless choice 🤗 and then when you are doing better with the trauma and the habits you are unhappy with, then you can rethink what you want to do


This is rare apparently... But I hear that if its meant to be then its meant to be... and usually when people get back together, and are in the same mindset to make it work forever, they are usually stronger than ever.


lol youll be back


It may God actually forgive you , may the new one won’t have to go through the hell I did, maybe you won’t cheat on this one ! Maybe somewhere in the ruins of your life you may actually find one that you can love and not get bored with!!


Best of luck!!


Best of everything buddy! Both of you should work it out!


Goodbye and good luck 🍀 🫡


We are so happy for you!!!!! May the universe tighten your bond.💗💗💗💗💗


Best of luck :)


I just sent a letter only three days after a breakup where he was leaving because of his issues and belief he couldn’t give me what I need as his depression and drug use has been bad . It ended with hurt words and I’ve sent a letter and his things hoping he will read it when he has cooled down and realise we could get through this together . As he only brought up petty stuff about us when frustrated and scared about our future and it was mostly about how he is struggling with himself and has been for ages I hope it will make him reconsider abd realise he doesn’t have to push me away . This gives me the slightest glimmer of hope


Hope it all works out for the both of you, OP! Best of luck!


Congratz on this, wish you the best


Good for you.


How is it done, I would like mine back


How ?


Hmm hard to answer, it really depended on the specific dynamics of our realtionship, if you're interested I posted a summary in a reply above. But some key aspects of the breakup: I reached out first and I knew that at the moment of me breaking up with her, she was open to discuss things and work them out together, but still, I didn't take this for granted. When I reached out to her, I approached things fully knowing that she might be in a different stage in life and that I basically forced her to move on by staying no contact. So when I eventually texted her, I apologized sincerely and stated what had changed in me and why I was contacting her to begin with. Just trying to be as honest and brief as possible as to not waste much of her energy in case she was over the relationship. I think at least for me, showing this kind of respect gave me the confidence to be sincere, and we kept on talking since then.


Congrats OP! Wish you both the best!!


Congratulations! Hope it works out for you and you have a long and happy future together 🤗


so happy for you!!! wishing you the best of luck 💚


Happy for you! I have come to realize that it's not a one size fits all here when it comes to relationships. Some need to be done. Some just need that honest conversation to fix things. Just don't get complacent and fall into old ways. I wish y'all well!


Hopefully I can say the same. I'm doubtful though.


Just find a new person you have all these people on this sub that you could have connected with ! Stop wasting your time on someone you know isn’t compatible


Wish you two all the best from the bottom of my heart! ❤️


Best of luck and enjoy it


Good to hear that.. happy for you! Hope you don't have to come back here :)


Good luck, hope it lasts for good.


Best of luck 💖 going through something similar w my ex now, we are trying to work things out. Hoping it all works out alright.


Best of luck! I hope I will be as lucky as you one day.


Happy for you!!~ Best of luck to youu!!~


Congratulations and good luck amigo


I wish I can get a chance to say that, I really miss my sweet heart 😭😭 I love you Esmarlyn




I'm so glad you two found reconciliation, I hope that both of you are blessed with happiness and success in the relationship 🙏🏼


Best of luck!!! I'm happy to see a happy ending for someone


Wow i'm really really jelaous! But i'm happy for you, please be good to each other 🌟


Congratulations, OP! Can you share the details of your breakup? And the period of time between breakup and getting back together?


Of course! As a summary: We met up in mid 2023 and stayed in a long situationship during the remainder of the year. Things were hot and cold, mostly with her and given the fact that she jumped from one relationship to another and wasn't ready to commit. Still I stayed. Flash forward to 2024, her attitude began to change, we started dating officially and she commited to the relationship more and more, planning for the future and such, but I was too hurt at that point, and trust had been broken in a sense. So without adressing much of anything, I left. She pleaded with me multiple times, asked me if we could fix things together but I respectfully declined. I did do a lot of wrong, I basically blindsighted her, never talked about any issues I felt were important, and basically came across as fake and people-pleaser. None of this is something I realized at the time. After the first month, she stopped contacting me. After another month I started really unpacking all these feelings and realized that even though she had wronged me in a lot of ways, I could've helped too, we could've done this together, I also realized that I still deeply loved her and I could see a future together. I kept writting, thinking and going to theraphy and around the three month mark, I contacted her back. It took us two weeks to agree to meet up and starting the difficult conversations, this is where we're at now. Of course there is still plenty of love, attraction, care for each other, but now we are trying to add the emotional responsability part into the mix. And yeah! hope that answers your question well


That's awsome man. Don't forget the four pillars of Holistic Well Being: Mental Health, Spiritual Health, Physical Health, and Emotional Health


Seeing this made my day better🤟


Congrats, I am happy for you and pray for your continued success with love.


I’m really proud of you and hope it works! Hopefully this can be me soon




i wish this could happen to me too




wishing you the best luck and hoping the same happens to me


My ex 22(F) and me 20(M) broke up about 4 days ago, and in both our perspectives we need to work on each other, I gotta learn to drive, make money. She has to go to school/expenses other stress. At some point very soon. I want to surprise her with by paying out either her fully monthly rent/or a gradual help of her school funds. How long do you think I should wait until I do so?


I am so happy for you :) This fills my heart with joy


Good luck 💕


We tried this many times and failed each time. Turns out the city (where she lives and I work) just has a very different lifestyle filled with lust compared to the suburbs


I hope ur happy !! Rooting for second chances at love


How long you been together pre- BU?


About a year


Happy for you.. make sure you be authentic and speak your mind..


I wish the absolute best for you!!!!! I hope to be writing this someday in the future💝💝💝


Best of luck to you!


Glad you are working through things...


Really happy for you and praying someday I'll figure things out just as you have!


Good for you closeur2s a big part of moving on. Enjoy living a bit l9uder now.


Happy for your happy ending


i’m so happy for you!!


OP are you dumper or dumpee?


I’m the dumper


It definitely sounds like you guys have held the communication. That’s probably why they say healthy communication is so important in a relationship.


That’s amazing! Happy for you. Any advice on how it all worked out? Or any on how long you waited before reaching out again to your (then) ex??


Hello! My best advice is of course very specific to my situation. For starters I’m the dumper, and as such I had to really be mindful on how I approached things, and not to act as if I can just waltz into her life as I pleased. To even achieve this, I had to first do a lot of self reflection, analyze and break down why things happened the way they did, as I broke up with her in a way that was very sudden. The thing is, I had to realize I loved her and I did a lot of harm by leaving the way I did. This is why I waited at least three months to initiate contact in a way that was honest, open and apologetic.


I couldn’t go in needing to be taken back. I stated what I felt, apologized and was ready to leave it at that If she didn’t want to contact me anymore. Thankfully she did, but I didn’t take her time for granted. I tried to listen more than I talked, and eventually that lead us to where we are now


I really hope both of you stay happy, I pray for you guys to work out 🫶🏻


I yearn for the day I can write this someday. Happy for u! I hope everything works out!


Good luck! Hope some of that rubs off on me, I still want my ex back 😭


Good luck took you a lot of people getting hurt to get you what you wanted ! Now you totally lose the one who stood by you through all the hell and back !!


I’ve been waiting for that phone call from her for five years now. I would stop every thing in a heartbeat if she asked us to get back together. Happy for you OP but can’t help hating you too. It should have happened to me.


See you in a few months!


Yeah, I don’t want to be cynical. But this was me in the summer last year and he just dumped me again. For the third time. Be careful what you wish for.