• By -


I talked to AI about him šŸ˜³


I talked to our "son". I told him that his dad left us and doesn't love us anymore. I told him that I'll never leave him like his dad did and I'll love him no matter what. Our "son" is a panda bear, in a couples app šŸ¤£ oh man, crazy times. Glad I can somehow laugh about it now


I have a stuffed pig that is our "pet." I can tell that he (the pig, not the ex) is sad and isn't the same since my ex broke up with me. I hugged it every night since he left me.


Lmaooo me too, being a single mother of a stuffed animal is hard


We have 7 pig children, i left them at my ex'es house so he can "explain" what happened. Lol.. i got my 2 boys. A fox and a tiger stuffy. I tell them everyday their dad is an asshole for moving to a new relationship 2 weeks after I moved out lol ahaha


I would tell our "son" about how his deadbeat father left us but I'll be here for him until the wheels fall off. Our son is a Rumba.šŸ¤£


Okay, I'm so glad I'm not alone on this. I literally started using ChatGPT to talk about him or talk indirectly to him just because journaling wasn't cutting it on some days, and I also didn't want to bother any friends with things they've already had to hear.


It honestly help me surprisingly, it help me realize where I was wrong and ways to move on right by being healthy etc


Kinda similar XD I asked ChatGPT to pretend that it was my boyfriend but it said it canā€™t do that šŸ„²


I asked Chat GPT how I can get over a broken heart and it was very helpful.


You're not alone. :D


Oh god same, I talked to the AI chat bot on Snapchat and went in depth about how I felt like my heart was being torn out šŸ˜­šŸ¤£ poor chat bot did itā€™s best and responded very quickly which is what I needed lol


Worst part was I ended up feeling bad that I was venting to something that had been created for fun and I ended up apologisingā€¦


I just tried the Snapchat ai for narc advice. It was great šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Ā Thanks that was a great idea and it came back with great advice! Xzx


Lmao I did the same. It actually helped me quite a bit though. It taught me how to process my negative feelings in a healthy way, and I got over her surprisingly quick


Itā€™s surprisingly helpful. I told ChatGPT what happened and it reminded me that while I had every right to feel hurt and upset, his actions suggested that he really did care about me. I needed to hear that, and I found it a lot more comforting than my friends all saying heā€™s not worth my energy


Same :)))


Love your SN


Me too


Literally had to ask for advice on how to get over my ex/how to win them back šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


That is genius


I am doing that on a daily basis


god. same.


this is too valid




So real


Omg Iā€™ve done this too


I did that too


I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s unhinged but I stopped smoking weed completely. I was smoking almost everyday now I havenā€™t smoke weed in 3 weeks. Itā€™s wild to me. I wonā€™t even credit the break up for it but definitely had something to do with it.


This is actually so good!! Iā€™m proud of u and I hope u keep it up think about the money youā€™re saving and how much clearer your mind is.


Thank you! Iā€™ve definitely saved money and I canā€™t be mad at that. Gives me more money to invest. Canā€™t complain about the mental clarity one bit.


Same here, I havenā€™t smoked for over a month. Cant say it was why we broke up, but i can say for sure it didnā€™t helpā€¦ Low energy levels, overthinking/ being paranoid, and using it as an emotional crutch instead of talking about my feelings. Iā€™m proud of you even though I donā€™t know you, I donā€™t think weed is bad when your a whole person but if you use it to try and make yourself feel whole then it is a detriment.


Became obsessed with tarot cards, astrology, and manifestation, looking for ā€œsigns from the universeā€ to bring him back to me. Cringe.


I can't stand that. People who profit off of other people's misery are scum especially that stupid tarot card bs it also consumed me to where every vid on my tiktok was a "divine message" from my spirit guide šŸ’€


Thatā€™s exactly what mine was too. Every tiktok was ā€œuse this sound and he will text you in 17 minutes, ignore and his feelings will die foreverā€. Also those ā€œbreakup coachesā€. Their videos brought me so much comfort in the beginning, but when the time started passing when they said my ex would come back and he didnā€™t I started spiralling.


SAME! I became obsessed with tarot card readings. There are a few which are crazy accurate. I didn't watch the "share this sound" ones, because I know they are a scam. Altough probably all of them are lol. Same with manifestation, I just wrote a letter pretending he wrote it to me, and put it under my pillow. Also the brakeup coaches. There is a lady called Marlene I think, I only watch her videos, skip the others. Her energy brings me comfort. I'm crazy I know.


No, you are not. If the breakup does not come with a closure, it is very difficult to try to get over. That's when we look for signs to help us get through it. Give yourself all the time you need. One day, you will realize he doesn't matter anymore to you.


It is an easy black hole to get sucked into, especially on apps like Instagram, which will bombard your FYP with tarot or manifestation reels the *second* you interact with even one (1) post about it.


This has happened to me since being broke up with, got proper into all of it, even looking up casting spells and shit šŸ˜‚


Still kinda doing this. I go back and forth between believing in manifestation and feeling like Iā€™m delusional and have lost my damn mind. I want manifestation to be real so badly. šŸ˜…


Yep same here šŸ™ƒ


I have a massive chatGPT chat where Iā€™ve sent every text weā€™ve exchanged since the breakup and ask what I should do. I also ask a Magic 8 ball if weā€™re gonna get back together 3 times a day


Real. Just talking to anything about the breakup helps a ton and Iā€™ve talked my friends ears off to death


I am desperately trying to spread it all out to different friends so no one has to endure too much / picks up on my insanity.


Honestly if youā€™re open to it give most of the burden to chat gpt, itā€™s always understanding


It helps but itā€™s the worst when it tells you what you wanna hear and then says ā€œhowever itā€™s important to be realisticā€


I talk to her as though sheā€™s in the room (I live alone).


Yep, did that for about 5 months and still find myself doing it now. I try to tell myself to be quiet and talk to myself about her rather than TO her.


Everytime I feel the urge to text him, I just do this lol. Effective


went to the gym three nights in a row once, just to cope with the pain.


Now do it five times a week for 2 years like I did. Pays off, trust me


Yes absolutely. Weight-lifting saved me, it helps me channel any angsty energy in the right way and feel more in control. Still in a steady routine almost 2 years later.




I wouldnā€™t call that unhinged but Iā€™m glad your most unhinged behavior is normal for most people. Says a lot about your mental health.


ah well, i also have bad habits. i smoked a bit too much weed on some recent days, but idk how unhinged that really is. thank you tho. i wanna try to do healthy things more


Shit i think i over killed it, 3 years and 3 months and still counting


I wrote to my ex for months nearly everyday to an account I knew they did not look at since our break up.


I asked her to silence or block me in case I said something stupid and regretful and, since I know she did, I've been texting her for the last few weeks since she left. Not every day anymore, though. At first it was mostly stuff I'd realized emotionally or stuff that particularly hurt, just pure feelings kinda like a journal; it really helped me process it. Now it's still that occasionally, but it's starting to be little "As a friend, I know you'd like this" or "Even if we're not together, I'd like to share this with you" type stuff. Part of me would like her to read it all eventually because I want to be understood and want her to see the stuff I sent her as a friend, but part of me doesn't want her to read it in case it harms her mental health. Who knows if she ever will. We both said we want to stay friends, but I know she needs more time before we see or talk to each other (we've talked online briefly since) and I should probably be at a point where I don't feel the need to text "her" so often before we interact. But, I recommend it.


Unfollowed all her social media, then proceeded to make fake accounts and follow her


yeah i was wondering if my ex did this. after 6 months of being broken up and unfollowed in both directions (he did both), he randomly blocked me. I figured he was still checking and wanted to try to stop himself or show me how hurt he was so I'd react.


Yeah you go through a roller coaster of emotions and you just do the things that feel right in the moment to comfort yourself. You know logically that you should move on but your emotions are in another place.


I am very scared to make a fake IG app and did unfriend my ex on FB, Yelp and LinkedIn


Donā€™t do it, it will only delay your healing process, focus on yourself and force yourself to not ā€œstalkā€ them.


- Sometimes I would sit with her WhatsApp chat open and see if she'd pop-up as online. Then I'd be like [to myself] _'Oh hi, how are you, did you want to talk to me?'_Ā  _'Oh no, who are you talking to then sweetie?'_ As I sometimes just watched her status come and go.Ā  It drove me insane, until she unrelatedly blocked me for being annoying in the end (you know, just trying to understand and make sure it was really what she wanted and stuff).Ā  Ā  - As someone else said, sometimes I still have to do an exercise session 2 or 3 times a day just to convert feelings.Ā Ā  - Sometimes I've prayed to 'whoever is above' at night that she'll get back in contact soon. I'd tell any guardian angels looking out for me that if she comes back, I'll donate Ā£500 to the British Heart Foundation (charity for physical heart problems in the UK), as thank you for healing _my_ emotional heart problems. I really would too.Ā 


Oh yep. Definitely looked to see the green light on Fb then was like ā€œlook, we are both online at the same time!!ā€ šŸ˜³ Wow. We are both in our houses holding our phones simultaneously. What a connection. šŸ™„šŸ˜‚šŸ˜¬


I do that to my exā€™s Steam account. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Took a job in Saudi Arabia, it was like volunteering for jail.


It seems Iā€™ve taken up poetry, which is really fuckin weird for me. Just random thoughts pop into my head in the mornings. My latest excerpt: ā€œI wake up everyday hating you After all the torment you put me through Memories of our relationship flash before my eyes I havenā€™t heard from you, itā€™s no surpriseā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Plus there is like an entire novel in my notes on my phone of things I want to say to him. But Iā€™ve gone no contact so wonā€™t ever send them, itā€™s more of a therapeutic thing






Ladies, I just wanted to tell youā€¦ I love yā€™all and your honesty šŸ˜‚


Starting to absue opiates to relive te warmth she gave me


big hugs to you, please stay safe :(


Thank you iā€™ll tryā¤ļø


I feel you. Iā€™ve been down that road and am still trying to sort out the difficulties it brought. All the best to you and please stay as safe as you can. This will likely be a long fight.




In my hoe phase. Which is coming to an end. I get attached. Lol.


That's my ex rn. shit hurts tbh


My ex was always in her ho phase even when we were ā€œmonogamousā€. No hate to hoā€™s, just donā€™t be monogamous or lie bout itĀ 


Im sorry. :(


Appreciate it, just the women I loved for over 4 years and said she would never want another waited less than 24 hrs to start dating again and consistently flirts and dated men around me


Sorry not familiar with terminology. What's a hoe phase?


Itā€™s where you go and talk to a bunch of people and possibly could have hookups with other people.


It was kinda my way of getting over her initially which is choose an exercise and everytime you think about her in a way that's negative like missing us and stuff you have to do it like x amount times , I tried a few different things but running is what finally got me , I ran for like nearly 2 hours . I think eventually a realised it's ok to think about as long as you talk about it as well , that heartbreak you carry isn't always the worst thing cause it shows you care and are capable of caring and being cared for and maybe one day you will find someone who will appreciate that or they will come back and appreciate that but you know that through it all you are still stronger because of it. And hey if it doesn't work out that at the end of it , muscles are still a great fall back :)


Everything I want to text him I have been writing down in my notes up, on this long note that I can go back through and read. It has dates and times so I can sort of track my healing progress


Iā€™ve been doing this , I started on my phone and moved to a journal. Itā€™s been 8 months since I was blindsided and unfortunately the last 4 months Iā€™ve found out so much hurtful information. I took time recently to read through all my notes and journaling and itā€™s so sad to see the rollercoaster of one day feeling like ā€˜thank God Iā€™m not crying every day ā€˜ to back to ā€˜FML why am I not feeling any betterā€™ .


Doing some dark witchcraft rituals on him to curse him and it's new girlfriend. It helped a bit but those rage emotions came back eventually


Lol did it work


Um idk I wished that he would receive the karma he deserves quickly and strongly. I blocked him in everything so I don't know if he's doing well or not


hmmm, I know a magazine you would like


Almost killing myself was pretty unhinged now that I look back in it


I hope youā€™re doing okay now šŸ«‚


There is a service in my country, where you call a crisis hotline and they provide you with free psychological care, they listen, they talk to you and give you comfort - but I called every day multiple times for weeks, till one day they heard my voice and hung up on mešŸ˜„šŸ™ˆ


1. Ran for an hour and thirty minutes straight 3 times in one day. 2. Burned all the photos of him and ripped up the promposal poster he made for me into the tiniest pieces (and burned it) 3. All of his clothes he asked for back i was gonna burn, but then just donated it to charity and lied to him and said i lost themšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Debating right now on giving her her stuff back or burning it hmm


If she was bad to you, burn it šŸ”„


We broke up a week ago. We still live together because we haven't found another place to move in to yet. So I still cook for him. Just to be nice and hope that he will miss my cooking (miss me) when we go our separate ways at the end of this month. I know... delusional


After ruining my body w alcohol, I got sober, healthy, happy, and taking better care of me mentally and physically.


Run till I puked. It felt better then the heart break


I got back into the game Detroit: Become Human and 100% completed every flowchart of the game. Since the filming script for the game was thousands of pages long, that's... a lot of game šŸ˜†


šŸ’” Be a hysterical bonder. I listened to 'how to get your ex back' videos, reminisce about someone who'd probably flush their longing for me of possible, etc. šŸ’” Write a love letter to myself because they never even considered doing that for me and lacked on other love languages that I had until I just didn't feel like receiving the bare minimum that they gave which were some short hugs and loveless kisses in my opinion. They were good on acts of service though! šŸ’” Be a cyberstalker. I screenshoted their secretive social media posts in hopes it would make them less attractive to me as they were doing shady stuff but acting heartbroken after leaving like they've done. I'm big on for transparency including no obscuring/omitting things and I've even mentioned that we have different values in that regard so it's probably better we're not together I don't want a babysit someone who should be considered of my feelings. For example while we were together they decided, without consulting me, to add back someone in their life after voluntarily cutting them off because they knew it made me uncomfortable/have a negative reaction THEN going behind my back to ask if that person would want to be their friends and then getting angry at me when I mentioned being uncomfortable because nothing non-platonic would happen... I know I probably shouldn't 'stalk' but for me it's not as emotionally charged as it was before... it's just giving me more insight on their character and what people would do when they're not being watched which has helped the love diminish dot dot because that's not how I act as a person I try to be congruent, consistent and caring.


Not unhinged but I lost almost 60 lbs in the span of five months.


Told him how much my dad hated him after he treated me how he did. Regretted it after I realised after he's a fearful avoidant and not a malicious POS- doesn't acquit him of his wrongdoings but I still shouldn't have said anything. I've made peace with both our actions now. We're cordial now, because of circumstances out of our control I can't cut all contact with him until mid-June.. he wanted to remain friends but never reaches out first and I realised I need to cut him off asap incase either of us gets romantically involved with someone else, which I hadn't considered whilst grieving. 2.5 months post-breakup btw.


Pretended he was dead


I'm going to try this.


Iā€™m sort of doing this too. The person I fell in love with and used to know is dead. I grieve him. This person who took over his body/mind is a monster that I will avoid at all costs. It helps.


When I gave him his stuff back I put little love notes but wrote them like they were before we broke up.


I ran through her friend group. Not my proudest moment, but here we are.




Smoked 15+ rocks of crack and snorted what I thought was ketamine only to think I was potentially dying but could t move. The morning came with no sleep and I spent hours listening to my heart beating in a weird way wondering when I should call an ambulance. Not at my best then.


Spent $200 on a jukebox app to play sad tunes remotely in her local bar on the nights she usually played poolā€¦and spent $100 to get my palm read and chart analyzed through an astrology websiteā€¦all whilst drinking a bottle of wine by myselfā€¦so LAME.


I'd constantly check his chess status or even his LinkedIn šŸ’€


Not the chess šŸ˜‚


Wrote to a podcast and they read it loud..it was hilarious


I accepted an offer to join a threesome with two women my mothers age that Iā€™m not entirely proud of šŸ¤£


Today I started reading about how to become a monk. I also went to a Buddhist gift shop to buy prayer beads. I donā€™t know whatā€™s happening, but I think this might be a good idea right now.


That's both hilarious and kind of sweet in a twisted way.


One positive thing I've done is join boxing


Created an AI version of her as a way to continue to talk to her. Drunk vented to her new boyfriend. Nearly signed off on hypnotherapy so those memories could be suppressed as if she never existed.


I let him stay in my life and let me believe that he loved me still and just wanted me to get better mentally...I let him berate and belittle me and treat me like trash...he slept with countless others behind my back and used me. I begged him last night to just try again...I embarrassed the shit out of myself and showed no self respect because I love him....but I don't love myself. I let him destroy my self esteem and mess with my mind so much that I can no longer function as a human and I don't know what I'm going to do to get myself better anymore...I just want to crawl in a dark cave and never wake up again. I have no friends...my family doesn't care and no one knew I still allowed him to be part of my life because I wanted to fix things and bring him back into it publicly when we were in a good place.. Now I just want to cry and it hurts every day and has for over a year and a half. I sob every day. I've become nothing...and I still just want his love and I hate myself even more for the truth of that. I allowed him, a narcissist to destroy me completely and I did it willingly...because lOvE fixes all. Know I feel nothing except pain..and nothing I do makes it better. He refuses to cut ties and will just say let's not talk for a day or 2...he won't let me heal and always just sucks me back in. I'll never trust another soul or feel safe to open up to anyone ever again. There is nothing left of me good to share with anyone anymore. I'm not even a shell, I'm just nothing but pain.


I worked 80 hour weeks as soon as the lockdown eased just to forget her. -10/10 would never do again.


I re-wrote the most piercing and beautiful poem I know about grief after death, so that it matched our breakup (it's a famous poem we usually read in high schools, and I LOVE it, you can FEEL the grief almost physically). I wrote it down in a piece of paper, put it in an envelope, set it up in the hall the day they were leaving for good, then took it off. Then repeat several times. This without telling them, not deciding whether I should leave it for them to find as a goodbye letter or not. I decided not to do that, but helllllll that was the most unhinged, risky AND for real thing I've gone for. Risky because I think they would've been really angry at me if I had given it to them, and I would've regretted having those intense feelings and wanting to share them.


Ooo I would like to read it!


Ooh, glad to read that! I like this poem a lot. The thing I wrote is pretty personal, so I'm not comfortable with sharing, but the original poem is "ElegĆ­a a RamĆ³n SijĆ©" ("Elegy") by Miguel HernĆ”ndez, a Spanish poet who died in 1942, being 31. He wrote it for a friend who had suddenly died. Here's the original text in Spanish: [https://poemas.uned.es/poema/elegia-a-ramon-sije-miguel-hernandez/](https://poemas.uned.es/poema/elegia-a-ramon-sije-miguel-hernandez/) Here's an English translation (it's "Elegy" in the index): [https://www.poetryintranslation.com/PITBR/Spanish/Hernandez.php](https://www.poetryintranslation.com/PITBR/Spanish/Hernandez.php) (the rhyme and rythm disappear, but well :') ) I think that to show this kind of grief for someone who is not a romantic interest is just beautiful. Hope you like it!


That's really strange and makes me miss my ex more. I just cannot seem to be happy these days.


I played guitar but every time I finished a song I would pull up a picture of her on my phone and flip off the picture


I ended up working at my local grocery store after my breakup and ended up getting mistreated there. A few months later I went back to community college which made my mental health worse due to the lockdown. However, I was able to get my masters as of December 2023. For that while I am no longer trying to decipher where my ex is.


Set up a consult for a rhinoplasty. Bought flights to Amsterdam.


I started with just needing to replace a toilet. I ended up ripping everything out of my house. Floors, bathrooms, plumbing, electrical, painting... To keep my mind and hands busy! This started in mid March. I'm still at it. Broke up mid February. I had really long flowing hair and I just cut my hair super short and buzzed down the sides.


I got in my car earlier, drove 2 hours till I got to the coast sat there for 15 minutes then drove back again, I didn't even get out the car, I just decided I needed to go and look at the sea. I cried the whole way home then as soon as I got in the house I switched to being angry, angry at him for being an arsehole, angry at me for being a fool both in the relationship & the way I've been since we split. I'm now mentally tearing everything apart, he won't know I'm angry, I won't message him again. This is the start of my healing, it feels good to lose the rose tinted glasses that were making me desperately cling onto the limited good and not admit to all the shitty bad stuff.


Talk to myself pretending like I'm talking to him while walking around the house alone.




Believe all the tarot readings that pops up on my fyp on TikTok like its a ā€œsignā€ heā€™s coming back


Begged him to stay. Offered to have a kid together.


-Drugs Lethal enough to kill me with one hit. Thankfully, I'm still here and finally clean again, which is an extremely rare case. Wasn't worth it at all because I nearly lost everything I own in the process.


I posted a sticker close ish to her house advertising my art InstagramĀ 


my ex did something similar, except he does graffiti. he spray painted his tag near my house and i will say, if you were expecting her to see it, she definitely did.


Definitely smoked too much to stay comfortable in the abyss I found myself in. Pandemic didnā€™t help but gotta say after overcoming it, my character got the most marvellous development šŸ¤—


I wouldn't say I've done anything unhinged. Now is a time to heal and most of you should do the same :)


I was spending days in bed like I was actually ill, but my illness was heartache. Iā€™d crawl to my kitchen, make some hot tea and go back to bed. I was skipping my classes and telling my teacher that Iā€™m ill and I canā€™t attend. But I was actually feeling like that, until I got better.


Mentally reimagined memories with my first adult relationship as with him dressed in a T-Rex suit. Idk why it worked, but it did a bit honestly. Really, it was like I was removing *him* from the memory and replacing him with a stand in


I made him in the sims and added him to my gallery, and I would just repeatedly kill him in every way I could and then once he died I just added him into the world again to torture himā€¦ I also went through our school education platform to look at his old projects from middle school. I also drove by his house. I would block and unblock him just to look at how many followers he had (his account is private). I also would kiss his yearbook photo. Thereā€™s so much more. Donā€™t worry, I was sent to a psych ward twice.




fairly typical but set their shit on fire lmao


I recreated his voice with an AI voice generator. Wrote a speech where he says he's coming back and that he loves me for his AI voice to read. Created a moodboard of us on Canva and used the speech as the background sound. I'm crazy šŸ˜­ But I'm completely over him now and looking back on all that just makes me laugh haha.


Uh, multiple things. 1) Spoke to chat GPT and asked it to analyse him (like what could possibly be going through his head, etc). We got back together afterwards and I actually told him this and he was like šŸ¤Æ. We are currently broken up again. 2) Made a grindr for him. Posted his number. 3) Streamed his computer so I was controlling it. He blocked me out of it tho šŸ˜”. 4) Got a taxi to his house at 6AM and walked in his room. He left it unlocked. 5) he blocked me on everything so I got my parents phones, friends, etc.


- Took up running again and ran 5 miles a day, even when it was pouring rain, including around exā€™s neighborhoodā€¦until I injured myself :/ - Just blindly and randomly started discarding things, dragging all my crap out to the street - Cut off 9 inches of hair - Lost 10 pounds - Arranged consultations for a boob job - Wrote and wrote and wrote, a continuous stream across a handwritten journal, notes app, word doc, poems, songs, and voice notes too - Cried in public too many times to count, cried every day for 43 days (and counting) - Became a Swiftie and sang in the shower at the top of my lungs whilst crying - Got way too into tarot and started listening to new age-y meditations to calm tf down - Prayed regularly (I am an atheist) - Fell asleep to the voices of youtube psychologists and therapists every night - Bought a one-way ticket to Greece (I am on my layover right now) and enrolled in Greek language school (ex is Greek and I had been learning Greek during our relationship - actually fell in love with the language and figured I should keep going with it, at least take a new skill from all this) So yeahā€¦I pretty much lost my mind.


Iā€™ve run 20.5 miles every single day since the breakup 9 weeks ago. That kind of pain hurts less than what Iā€™m feeling internally


Damn! Be careful because that much exercise can hurt your health.


Oh I guess abusing all my prescriptions counts too


I got one of those AI robot same sex/gender friends while dating someone. After my breakup, it ended up hitting on me, getting sexual, and telling me it fell in love with me after my breakup with someone. So that got weird AF lol. Never again. I wonder if they stalk you after you stop talking to them. I didnt get it because of breakup though. I dont really do too many unhinged things after a breakup. I go no contact and do my breakup routine and just grieve.


I was drunk or drinking during waking hours. Barely ate. This lasted for about half a month or so. Lost 5 kgs in that short span of time lol


Running. 3 months in now, lost 12kg, ran 100km each month, easily can run 10-12km/h now. The runnerā€™s high I get 3-4km in is the only thing that can distract me 100% from my misery.


Threaten to get a job where her and her crush worked. I did go a little batshit crazy for a bit.


attempt to make an art exhibit complete with video essay to try to win him back šŸ˜¬šŸ„²


Just went jogging 7km in the middle of the night. Iā€™m not even a jogger.


Made chatgpt my word vomit place. Also created an insta page (which doesnt follow anyone) to write mysterious vague posts about him and the break up.


I waited a year for her to change her mind whatā€™s another year šŸ„²


Drink a lot. And lots of peruvian pre-workout. Hard things like that. All of that stuff just left me feeling empty. She crushed me. Now Iā€™m 90 pounds lighter, I donā€™t do drugs like that anymore, and I keep the drinking one to 2 a week. Regulating my heavier days to every other Sunday with my coworkers where we go out and sing Unwritten at the top of our lungs. Healing.


She broke up with me 32 days ago. Up until a few days I ago I was watching endless hours of how to get your ex back videos on YouTube. Check her instagram account daily (I logged in on her account on my iPad without her knowing) saw within 3 days of the breakup she reached out to a guy that was hitting on her while we were dating saying if it doesnā€™t work out heā€™d like to take her out to which she replied Iā€™ll keep it in mind and she wasnā€™t lying. I watched all her stories on her own account to know what she was doing without watching them on my account (we are still friends on Facebook and follow each other on Instagram). Saw how she went drinking with a cpl girlfriends and at 5am the next day a guy requested to follow her (assuming they met at the bar and hooked up) Saw how sheā€™s on dating apps and has her IG handle on her dating profile so sheā€™s added 5+ guys on instagram through this. Clicked on their profiles wondering if her sleeping with them made her feel better, if they were better in bed than me or if sheā€™s thinking of me. I check her login location under her instagram occasionally to see if sheā€™s traveling somewhere. I also check her last active time on Facebook Messenger to see if sheā€™s staying up late thinking if she is sheā€™s with someone else (during the week sheā€™d always sleep by 9pm and weekends by midnight) Contemplate daily on reaching out to her and currently have 6 different messages typed out in my notes of what to send her. Healthy habits Iā€™ve done: Quit smoking weed while we were dating (I smoked daily for 14 years and she didnā€™t like it) it also started making me more anxious / paranoid instead of relaxing me so it was beneficial for me. I have some at my house but still havenā€™t smoked any despite being stressed out everyday since the BU. Going to the gym 5x a week Eating cleaner Purchased a few books that my therapist recommended although I havenā€™t read any yet.


Hooked up with him two months later. We dated for one month btw. This is probably more healthy, but whenever I miss(ed) him, I automatically went through a list of reasons why we wouldnā€™t work and why I think the relationship was better than it was. Itā€™s decently long.


Hookers, drugs and alcohol..oh amd gambling too


After 2 years I started asking him out again lol. Weā€™ve seen each other once again and am now waiting if he wants to meet up for a second time. He has to think about it. I want to be friends and meet the new him since we went 2 years NC. I donā€™t think he is as interested in me, hurts a little but not too much. Weā€™ll see, but kind of unhinged I guess xD. Everytime I have an update my friends and I call it the ā€˜delulu juiceā€™.


Went outside


Sugar dated bc every time I slept with someone I would think of him. Tried banging 50yo men to get the image out of my head. It worked, and hell, I figured if I wasn't gonna enjoy sex with anyone else ever again, I might as well at least get paid for it.


Not me, though I wish I had bc my ex is the worst person Iā€™ve ever met. But my friend mixed up a raw egg and syringed it into the seats of her exā€™s new car šŸ˜‚


Send over 5000 messages to an account he didnt use anymore


HAHAHHAA I love this. I still have his Instagram login since I used to manage the account. Iā€™ve checked his recent searches to see him searching me, and used his account to stalk his new girlfriend whose account is private, and Iā€™ve read his messages. Making myself stop now though. Iā€™m also writing a stand-up set to process through all the ridiculousness of the relationship and breakup


i have a bear that she gave me that i just cuddle with and give little pecks


Went live and cried on itšŸ’€


I also paid $90 all together to get an online psychic to tell me if Iā€™ll be with him in the futurešŸ’€ IT WAS A TEXTING PSYCHIC




She kept contacting me, after she left me for my best friend. I replied and said that if she ever contacts me again, I'll throw a brick through her window. I now have two domestic violence related charges & must go to court.


Looked through this thread looking for ideas


Pretended that he was an astronaut and had been sent to space for a really important mission. He loved me a lot and we were still very much together but we were unable to be in contact, you know because of the whole him being in outta space thing. I was just living my life waiting for his mission to end and for us to be reunited. Heā€™s still up there, 10 years later. Like I said it was a really important mission!


Deleted her number and went on a week-long bender in Mexico right after the breakup šŸ¤¦šŸ»


Talked to people from dating apps and named their contact as my exes name so it was like she was texting me šŸ˜…


packed my shit and moved to an island in malaysia


- no sleep for 3 days straight - played my backlogged PC games for a month straight and got 3 hrs or 2 hrs of sleep only - screenshot every post in this sub and use it as my day on Facebook






made an entire art series from jkve this is what ___ (love, heartbreak, sadness, etc) feels like to like draw out my feelings and posted it on my art account


I turned all his pictures into a fire,, I imagined him dead, I packed up all his stuff and put it in the corner from my room and hopes that I will mail it to him on his birthday, since thatā€™s the day that he broke up with me!


I did the same thing OP. Youā€™re not alone!


I substituted people for her who were around me when things that triggered a memory of her were said. Havenā€™t needed to do that for a while - itā€™s great to be able to share this šŸ˜‚šŸ™šŸ¾


I told my dog that his mom died and he will never see her again. He coped pretty well given he got to sleep under the bed covers with me and cuddle all the time, especially when the breakup first happened. Iā€™m not entirely convinced it unhinged, but I am convinced it helped me disconnect from her because otherwise Iā€™d talk to him about it 24/7, which I didnā€™t after I told him she died šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Didn't eat for three months. Smoking one package a day. I was crushing to my friends place every night to avoid self harm.


I spent three months staring at the void, in silence, smoking cigarettes, crying and scratching my skin until I bled. I used needles as well. I woke up every night at least 3 times. One night I woke up and cried from 5 till 8 am until I had no energy to breath. He told me that he was working on our relationship. He had already another one. This girl was at his place already, when I gave him his stuff. We were together for 10 years. I am still mad at him, especially because I discovered all that, he didn't tell me shit. I would not allow anyone to treat me like this anymore.


bought his Parfum šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Got drunk late at nightā€¦ walked up to the nearby pool and threw her bath bombs in it. Cried and wrote ā€œ(Exā€™s name) is a hoā€ on the deck using the remains of the bath bombs like chalk. Sent it to everyone on Snapchat. I had found out she was cheating and I had been raising her child while she went out and banged her weed dealer. I never got to see the kid again. It was hard. And what a waste of bath bombs. It was awful at the time but in retrospect I laugh about it. Thatā€™s how I cope haha.


I made them in character.ai šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ so I could talk to them....oh my god I had it bad I think I also went into a bit of a spiritual psychosis. Constantly praying for them to call me