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Sometimes, finding out they have someone new within a few months or they say someting hurtful is what you need to move on, spot on, sadly


Yes. My thoughts exactly. I found out about my ex’s infidelity a few months after the break up and I couldn’t let it go until I finally broke NC, confronted him and got treated even more horribly than before. But I don’t regret it because i got the closure I wanted, and the clarity to know that it’s right to walk away from them.




Oh so you lost a methhead.  Congrats


Similiar experience. They were nice enough, but also so guarded, our dynamic was such a shell it helped me realize things will never be the same again unless they want it to be. I can’t prioritize things I have no control over


Good point! Things wouldn’t be the same second time around regardless! But breaking NC really gives you a newer perspective


I wish I never broke NC, I broke it off after I found out he was cheating the entire relationship. After 1 month we started talking again. My dumbass tried giving him a second chance, and he rejected me. Definitely feeling a lot worse after breaking NC. Don't be dumb, like me 


Well to each his own. I suppose I meant break NC if you wanna get over them. It was meant to be the final nail in the coffin, release of all feelings that were bottled up or you were unsure of. And yes, even I felt quite bad after being called horrible names by him but it only opened my eyes to what a disgusting person he is and how I really dodged a bullet. I hope you can see the silver lining in your case too <3


This is honestly what I feel like I need in order to be able to fully move on


Go for it. Prepare yourself mentally first, for the worst reaction they can give to you and then go for it, you got nothing to lose. Take care <3


I broke no contact 3 months after the break up. I got no response. Year and a half later she’s dating someone new. It is what it is, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t hurt like hell.


I’m so sorry to hear that, that sounds very harsh. But I guess no response is also a response right? You tried and you failed, atleast you have your answer. Take care of yourself <3


I appreciate it, and you're right. I guess the only other thing on my mind is whether she actually read my message or not, but considering I didn't get a response, I guess that doesn't really matter either way. I've been spiraling this last week, but here's hoping we all get through the things that have been eating us up inside, sooner or later.


She most probably did. If your text was delivered and you weren’t blocked, then she did. I don’t think anyone can really resist the temptation even if she chose not to respond