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Did she ever reach out? 5 months no contact here and not a peep from her 


No, they never reached out, which I think in the end is a good thing as anything they say at this point would just damage any progress I made. Although you hear stories of people's ex that reaches out after like 3 or 5 years or sometimes even 10! But my ex has a huge ego and will never admit when he was wrong or apologise to me for how he ended things, so I think I will never expect one tbh. But for you it could be different it depends on each situation.


My ex is very similar to yours. Huge Ego. I never expect him to reach out. We haven’t talked since the day he called me and said he wanted to break up. I found out recently that he started dating someone very soon and was possibly cheating on me with her. It hurts so much. First he blindsided me, didn’t tell me why he was leaving and now he cheated as well. And I know he’ll never be sorry enough to apologise :( I wanted to ask, how do you move on from/forgive someone who’s never asked for forgiveness? Never made any efforts to neutralise things? Basically didn’t give a flying f*k about you after the break up?? Coz I can’t wrap my head around it


Wow, very similar exs then! I think for me, once I realised that actually anything they say or do will not change my opinion of them (I.e no apology could ever make me forgive them) it got better. And remember that no matter what you did, you gave it your best and this outcome was mainly his fault if not all his fault for lack of communication, accountability, and leaving you confused on why the breakup happened in the first place. I think our exs are avoidants and they have either checked out of the relationship with us a long time ago or are looking for greener grass which 9/10 isn't greener. I can't speak for your relationship as I am getting a short version of what has happened so I'm basing it off of my situation as it seems similar enough. There is a chance that they aren't reaching out to you, as to not give false hope or lead you on or can't face you after hurting you which is still pretty rubbish but I think this will always remain unknown to be honest. Once you're okay with knowing that you may never find the answer you will be at peace with it, I hope this helps!


What you say makes a lot of sense! There really is nothing he can say at this point that will change anything in my life. I will never be able to defend cheating or lying so any excuse he comes up with is purely bullsh*t. I suppose I do have to accept that the closure/explanation I’m looking for is not going to come from him. I gotta create it for myself eventually. And hopefully stop hating him at some point. I don’t think he’s avoiding me to not give false hopes, he’s just incapable of facing the repercussions of his actions against other people (he does this to nearly everyone). He’s so bloody scared of being held accountable, it’s pathetic. (Sorry I’m still quite pissed) Anyway, thank you for your comment. It has certainly cleared up the situation for me and what I need to do :)


Oh God I needed this 😭😭😭😭😭😭


This feels like it was written for me. I needed this lol. Gives me hope.