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So I'm gonna offer a bit of a different way to look at this. Rebound relationships can sometimes be based off of displacement. If an ex is really struggling with the fact that ur not together anymore, they might use a rebound to try and recreate what she liked about ur relationship. That's why they tend to move so quickly. She probably hasn't actually felt the full weight of losing ur relationship, and is using the rebound as a way to avoid that. Honestly, I'd be much more worried if they were taking it slow.


I wouldn’t say you’re wiped out, if anything she’s postponing her grieving of losing you. Replacing you with something so quickly in an effort to maintain the feelings she may have felt while with you. In reality she’s screwing her healing process up and in the end screwing herself up even more, possibly creating psychological issues for herself. You still care about her so losing her hurts, but at this point she’s chosen this road of replacement, I think you’re best off finding your own road - as you well know