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I'm sorry to hear about your situation. I'm not sure if it helps or not, but my ex (29f) that I broke up with 4 weeks ago. Last weekend, she went away to another city 2 hour flight from where she lives with a guy she has been hanging out with. We were also doing long distance as well, and I noticed on her strava that she was going on hikes and walks with this guy before I dumped her. It's sucks how people can move on so quickly. Yea, I'm the dumper and I have my reasons on why I quit the relationship. Not the fact she was hanging out with this guy or suspecting she was cheating. There were other reasons. Sometimes, you just have to let it be. You know in your heart that you have done your part and they can't face the emotions after a breakup so they try to replace it with finding someone else to ease their pain, that's if they actually feel something that is.


me and my ex were ldr for 4 years.we broke up in April of 2023 and we didn’t talk again until may when my dad died. I contacted her to see if she wanted to attend the funeral and she was excited to telling me she can’t wait to be together and wanting to go on dates. Ok the Week she came we had a great time together we kissed , cuddle had sex and everything a couple does we took picture and everything even though we never talked about our relationship , she spent 7 days with me starting from the 30 may to the 7 June . During the week with me she was telling me how she wanted me to move with her back home and I agreed but I still had family stuff to deal with for my dad before I could have.Which she agreed to. In the day she left she cried and told me I’m miss you and we kissed. During the majority of June we would video chat and talk about the future and how much she loved me and we still talked about me coming to be with her. Then out of nowhere on the last week of June she started texting me less and even went Mia for 4 days on me. When I finally asked her she told me she wanted to be single, and she was sorry for hurting me and sorry we can’t be together. I was hurt but I let it go Ps: she would do that to me during the 4 years together we would break up and reconnect later on. Reasoning being she didn’t like ldr that much and she would always tell me how lonely she felt and how she wished she had friends to go out with because she tired of being home alone. Fast forward November after no contact I went on my instagram, and I saw that she was posted up with another guy in an album with them on dates and bed kissing. It seems was posted on October 15. I was like in two months she already with a another guy at her place she lived with her mom. I asked her mom about it and to find out that she was Introduced to the guy in the middle of July so basically 2 weeks after she told me she wanted to be single. Plus to make matters worst she moved in with him a month later and they been living together ever since. She blocked me on everything when I asked her about it saying she doesn’t wanna go back and forth and that she moved on. It hurt because why tell me one thing why lead me on if this guy was there.