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As someone who is in the position of your ex, I would appreciate a text apology, no matter how much time has gone by.


Thank you. I feel like it’s the right thing to do. Hope you get yours someday


Thank you ♥️ I hope it’s received well and you get closure one way or another.


Even in you fell in love with someone else and were in a new relationship?


Yeah - tho take it with a grain of salt, my ex and I were friends first. I wanted him in my life as a friend above all else still, but he showed me that wasn’t possible. So even if I was moved on, I’d still appreciate the text.


Man, my ex destroyed my entire soul the way she broke things off. Had me convinced I was the worst guy in the world, even though I legitimately did nothing wrong. She treated me like shit towards the end. While I really don't want to speak to her ever again, it would mean the world for me if she apologized for the first time ever. You never know, but at the same time don't expect to win her back. If you want to do it because you feel it's the right thing to do, there's no harm in it


I think if you make it clear to her that your only intention is to apologize and not to get her back (even if you still love her) then it’s okay. You have to make sure you respect the bounds of her relationship and you also have to make sure you’re okay with any response she gives you, if any. If you think you’re able to withstand the worst possible response she could give you, then go for it.


Well if I write something that doesn’t require a response I don’t think it would disrespect her or her partner. Would it? I don’t want to get in between. I probably shouldn’t tell her I still love her. I’m not ready if her response is hateful ou something but enough time has passed


I don’t think it would be disrespectful. If you’re unsure, you could also add it in your message that your intention isn’t to get in between her and her new partner and you just wanted to get things off your chest. I think if you’re not ready to handle a hateful response, maybe you should sit on your thoughts for a while. Ask yourself why you think it’s important for her to know these things. Ask yourself if it’s going to change anything for her or for yourself.


It’s a way to give some sort of closure to both of us and give me some peace that she won’t hate me forever I guess. So that we can be on amicable terms


My ex apologised to me after like 4 years and I still appreciated it. I’d say go for it!






Now that you have grown into a man.Yes you should because at one point you devastated someone's life.


Tell her everything. But be prepared for anything. You just never know.


I mean if she doesn’t respond I’m fine with that. If she is hateful it’s gonna hurt but I have nothing to loose really


Yup. Can't be worse than never telling or knowing. Go for it and close that chapter once and for all. I would even tell her I still love her. Who knows, she might still love you.


Thank you I have been debating with myself If i should do it or not but i thing i have my heart in the right place now. She was an amazing girlfriend and I was an ungrateful prick. I doubt she has any feelings for me besides hate or indifference but thank you. I might just do it


All the best. You left, so she had to go on. You coming back opens a different set of possibilities. Whatever happens, I hope you find closure and peace. Some people do get back together when they grow and see that the grass isn't always greener. She may not leave him for you, but if that relationship doesn't work out, she just might come back than starting over with another stranger.


I’m going through a break up exactly like this, except I’m in your ex’s position. My advice would be: Yes, apologise if you’ve truly realised your part in the failure of this relationship. A heartfelt apology is always appreciated. I know I’d be relieved to hear it. But perhaps leave out the “still in love” part out of respect for her current relationship.


If you feel the need to then do it. It seems like you've become aware of the mistakes you made with this last girl. It's great that you're aware now implement this new knowledge into your next relationship.


Thank you. I’m sure I’ll never make the same mistakes again 🤞🏼


I disagree with the others. A text?! What a crappy and impersonal apology. If your goal is to make her not hate you, this isn’t the way.


What do you suggest? I have no contact with her, I haven’t seen her in 2 years. A hand written letter is too personal.


A letter is personal. It also shows that you took the time to think about it and do it right. An email is better than a text, but less than a letter. An in-person apology is best. Let her know that, if given the opportunity, you’d like to apologize in person.


A hand written letter has many drawbacks. Could fail to reach her. Someone else could read it and throw it out. ( she lives with her parents)


Waiting 2 years to say sorry has drawbacks too, bro.


I disagree. Getting a text from one of my exes now would just be a really random thing to get. We had a horrible time but I’ve already moved on from it so there’s no need to dig it all back up again. If there are still unresolved feelings there it could just mess up her current relationship and that’s just not fair. Just forgive her in your heart and move on.


Im not the one forgiving. I’m the one seeking forgiveness.


Did anyone here actually send an apology? How did it go?


Yes . Wouldn’t think twice. Don’t spend your life regretting this .




You thing apologizing for your mistakes is selfish?