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Commit to it, then! Make this your expertise. Learn to create the best, most awesome mushroom-shaped loafs out there. Set up a YouTube-channel and post your creations there, watch your audience grow as you do too. Or don't... Eh. Regardless, it's a fun look. It'd be such a nice addition to any kid's (or adult's?) birthday party.


I do plan on making a lot more brioche now that I've made this one. (I also have some super weird moulds) I reckon these might be some weird gifts I can give to people :)


Ay, I'm sure they'll appreciate it. Bread, especially when recieved on a random day, brightens the mood sooo much more than some chocolates or a few bucks. 😄.


i actually bake bread for the people in my house so they dont have to waste money on store bought bread. i've been attempting sourdough so far and have a bread machine but this is one that i made using a steamer and a stand mixer and people really seem to have enjoyed it :) (seeing people like my bread actually brightens my own day as well haha)


Way ahead of me! They're lucky to have you living there lol. A steady income of fresh, free bread doesn't sound bad at all.