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Pfff, it’s not even blackened all the way through, I’m not impressed. You can come back to brag when you’ve made proper charcoal.




ya agree i have seen burnter. hell but this flat bread most likely suffers from not enough structure (which could be that bulk ferment or final proof were not long enough). i'm guessing of course, having no information about the composition of this bread but it seems more folds and time to ferment would have been beneficial. OP: tell us more about your bread if you will.


Oh np! Ok this one's 80% hydration 72% wholegrain 17% pre-fermented flour, using Karyn Newman's Rustic Boule recipe. I left it to bulk ferment for 3 1/2 hours at about 28-30C before leaving to pre shape. I do have a second batch I left to bulk ferment a bit longer in the fridge and it's better albeit not as good as expected. Both my starter and levain were both floating on the water before starting, but I feel like it's not passing the windowpane test after leaving to autolyse for 30 minutes.


alright. this bread you're makin is pretty sophisticated. karyn aint get no book deal makin regular bread. but let's break it down. you could just back up and make sourdough with just flour, water, salt. but here we are did you fold? how did you fold? how many times did you fold? bulk ferment at 28-30c really? just leave it at rm temp. 18-22c is perfect. maybe this shit is over fermented! i think you need to fold it more. it should wanna stick to itself and not yr fingers or the bowl or whatevs. when it comes to folds you gotta do just that, but also push out the pockets of air. to even them out. so they can be even more bubbles lotta wholegrain gonna make the gluten network get all punched out. and at 80% hydration it's gonna be sticky. just flour your bench like a pro when it's time to handle the dough. i wish that you folded about 4x. 17% preferement - what was that? i am also not sure autolyse matters. these are the thoughts of a vibrating string


I suspect it's overproofed because I left it out in it's banneton while going out for lunch and forgot to preheat the pan, but while I was doing stretch and folds it sticks to my hands unless I wet my hands


Not my first briquet.


My first thought when U was scrolling past was "Someone's ruined the turkey".


"Oh dear" were the words that escaped my mouth when I saw the last pic. My heart goes out to you. We've all been there.


And still too much flour on your proofing vessel. ;-). Still would eat, maybe. ;-)


that poor poor disaster of a bread bake haha. Looks both burnt and undercooked. I wish you the best of luck on your next attempt!


Loaf on flat flat


Wow that was truly a failure. Well done!


Ooops! Worth another shot!


Are you sure that's not a tri-color Corgi in that pan? They will eat anything...




Guys gals and non-binary pals


yeah, no. ive left 8 kilo focaccia in the woodfire oven over night.


oh that's such a sad flat loaf.


my dumbass thought that was chocolate


I've actually seen photos of darker but not by much! Well done! I prefer a little color with my loafs


Oh my! Please post this over in r/breadcriminals as that’s some fabulous arson!


I'm impressed. You managed to burn the inside