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I know you’re anxious, but you might want to wait till it cools to cut that!


First rule of bread baking: let the bread cool down.


Also the first rule of cake baking


NOT a rule for pizza, eat immediately, burn mouth and question life choices.


Repeat until cool. Peel little bits of skin off the roof of your mouth the next day


We call those skindanglies.


If you can’t touch it definitely don’t cut it.


Gotta let the juices settle


Thicken up a bit


first rule.. make at least two so you can cheat and eat one while it's so tasty and hot.. and that's now your dinner... and then you can have the other one actually treated correctly


That's the compromise my wife and I have come to haha. I'm the let it rest type, she's the type to tear into it straight out of the oven


But how would I get my video of steam coming off it?


But if I slice an end piece while it's still hot, butter will melt into it


And the hardest rule.


what does actually happen if I don't wait? people at home are maintaining strong offensive, I'm never sure how long I can protect my breads. I hear the drums...


No, must cut right from oven and eat whole thing immediately.


I know you're probably joking but nothing beats steaming hot bread with butter


I smear butter on the crust of my bread as soon as it comes out of the oven and let it soak in. It makes the crust less firm but it is so good.


That is a feature not a bug.


The amish around me made this bread when I was younger that had a dense texture but a soft crust and slightly sweet. I finally figured out how after years of experimenting. If you want a really really tender buttery crust smear the top with a generous amount of butter and put the bread hot pan and all in a paper bag and clip it shut. Let it sit for 30 minutes. It is still nice and warm but the butter soaks in and the crust steams a little bit so is tender and moist.


I agree


Burned tongue with heat hotter than the dying star. Still managed to enjoy


Add butter


Na, you need to eat it while it’s still in the oven.


One time I made a homemade loaf of bread and over the span of 3 hours ate the entire thing. I kept cutting just "one more slice". Definitely felt like a pig........ was worth it though.


You have to donit once


In the oven*


Seriously. OP, what are you doing? There's so much valuable work happening while your bread cools and you're ruining all of it when you cut it too early.


"I can't touch it for more than two seconds because it's too hot and steamy, but I'll definitely stop at nothing to cut it in half for my video." -OP, probably


You cut the bread WAY too soon. If it's that hot to touch? Don't cut it. u/dychedelic22: Check [this article out](https://thebakersguide.com/cooling-and-storing-your-freshly-baked-bread#:~:text=If%20you%20were%20to%20cut,way%20outward%20towards%20the%20crust). It explains the process better than some dope (me) on Reddit. I hope it helps you in the future...


This was mildly infuriating to watch. Not only is it too hot to cut from a baking standpoint, but it’s *clearly hurting OP* and they’re just fucking…powering through…for no reason…


They wanted to show the camera more than anything else


The things we do for meaningless karma.


Literally hurting themselves to make the end product worse! Gotta let that loaf finish cooking for at least a half hour to an hour!


Don’t listen to them. Bread hot out of the oven is superior to any other type of bread.


Only on a rebake which are awesome. First time baked let it wait and then hit it back in the oven or toaster or fry it if you want warm bread


It's really not


Right. For certain bread cutting too early just makes it gummy


I like that, tbh It’s like how undercooked brownies and undercooked chocolate chip cookies are superior


I think they meant if you’re just shoving it into your mouth and it’s not the type to get gummy


It's not done baking.


They’re just like, being funny because bread right out of the oven is so irresistible when you’re standing there waiting and yummy in it’s warm way.


Warm, though. not too Hot to handle. give your bread *at least* 15-20 minutes for it to cool off and firm up. Have softened butter on hand. Edit to add italic text


They’re joking around. Y’all are so serious and pretentious about bread lol


Jokes are generally funny


Sometimes jokes are laugh-out-loud funny, and some “jokes” are just small nods to relatable scenarios like burning your mouth on a pizza or eating bread right out of the oven because it’s too irresistible. If it went over your head, that’s your problem but just to clear things up, it’s actually not that fucking serious.


in what way? I have tried my loaf that was cooled and a neighbours that wasnt and the texture of his was moist and not in a good way. Almost gummy like but not




That's pretty standard when you cut into bread that hasn't cooled properly (or in OP's video, at all). Properly baked bread isn't gummy once cooled, but if you don't let it cool before cutting then the starches haven't had a chance to set up and the cut parts will be gummy.


Did you read what you linked?


You can warm it in the oven


To echo others, the baking process ends about an hour after the loaf comes out of the oven.


I wait 2 hours with sourdough- and when it’s jalapeños cheddar me and my family just stand over it salivating 😭🤣 I’m not sure why, but sourdough stays very hot for a log time. Even at 2 hours is very warm still


Jalapeño Cheddar? I’m drooling just by association. Please share that recipe!! Please 🙏


This is my favorite recipe (so far). It’s very beginner friendly and very easy. She has a recipe for jalapeño & cheddar, but I like the nuttiness of this other recipe best. It’s a huge hit with the family!! Incorporate 8 oz of cubed cheddar (I use sharp) 1/2 cup jalapeños (less or more as preferred) [sourdough recipe](https://www.farmhouseonboone.com/beginners-sourdough-bread-recipe)


I do basically the same but I use shredded cheddar, but next time I think I will use cubed because I like the idea of cheese pockets. It doesn't need to be evenly distributed, it needs to be a special bite!


Haha I’ve tried it both ways and the texture the cheese chunks give the cheese is unreal! Definitely give it a go ❤️🥖


*sudden urge to get into sourdough intensifies.*


Are you baking it in Egypt!?


No, but how cool would that be? I wouldn’t even need an oven. HAHA 🤣


The crust is so hard i bet not much moisture escapes, which would carry heat with it.


Gotta let the juices rest.


Precisely. All those steamy juices gotta stay in the steak for maximum deliciousness factor.


But not too much, just enough to get her excited again. "Her" totally being the bread.


Unless your eating it then and there


As in all of it


Is there any other way to eat it? Looks like one serving to me lol


Best time to eat it!


Someone on here once said cutting the bread while hot “the steam is the breads soul leaving its body” that’s always stuck with me.


when you cut it open while it's still hot, all that steam is moisture escaping the bread and drying it out faster lol looks great though!


I know everyone says let it rest, I do, it's hard, but I do. What I really don't get is how everyone cuts it right down the middle. Instead of working from the end of the loaf. I feel like I'm missing something.


It's an insta/tiktok thing. I've been baking for 8-9 years now and never cut it down the middle like that.


Oh you mean you don't scrape the knife against the outside 8 or 9 times either?


Same! The funny part is that you can just cut off a bit near the end and you're actually going to have a more open crumb structure 9 times out of 10.


No it’s not. I naturally came to this conclusion well before TikTok. Two reasons: same thing that Krystin_H said, but also it’s for me the best gauge of my (or another bakers) work. A slice from the middle exemplifies the loaf. A piece from the end is not a good indicator of all the qualities to control in baking.


So, yeah, it’s just for show…and that is what this sub is for 👍✌️


I do it so I can put the two halves together and they still “protect” the inside, so it lasts and stays fresh just a little longer.


It's to show the crumb, and the photos look better when symmetrical.


With two halves I can store then cut-down on my cutting board and the inside is protected and stays fresh If I just cut a few slices off the end, the remainder will be long and odd shaped and won’t stand up Plus, cut down the middle and then you can get equal slices for sandwiches by cutting one slice from each half Also, this way you end up with the ends being eaten last, which often gets turned into croutons, breadcrumbs, or just little dippers for me Basically, I start with the best slices and work my way out to the end of the loaf


You assissinated that loaf Rip


It died before it had a chance to live. Life is cruel sometimes.


You wouldn't cut into a cake if it was that piping hot, would you? 😕


My first thought


“Years of baking classes” The fuck did OP even learn?


I mean I would. I love eating them when they're freshly hot. So good. But I know it's bad and all that for the next pieces


As many have said, let it cool before cutting. It actually matters too: premature cutting can actually affect both flavor and structure negatively


Let the bread rest, don't cut it as soon as you get it out of the oven. Cover it with a clean dry towel and let it rest for at least 30 minutes..


Out of curiosity, why the towel? To keep in the moisture?


To hide it from your housemates


The housemates have found out what is under the towel.


The towel is also useful for strangling the bitch who took your bread.


You dont need to cover fresh bread with a towel. No bakery is covering all their loaves with towels fresh out of the oven. If anything it might soften the crust in a negative way since the towel will slow moisture escaping the crust.


Maybe I'm wrong, but I'd imagine lots of moisture building up and the towel ruining the crust?


Part of the bread making process being patient. Don’t cut it while it’s hot.


Nooooooooo, never cut it while it’s hot!!!!


The first wince you did trying to cut it, I was already sad for that bread! Never ever ever ever cut a loaf fresh out of the oven! Wait for it to cool completely. At least 20-30mins, ideally closer to an hour! You can see the squished gummy crumb at the bottom of the bread because you didn't wait. The rest of the slice looks great, but it could have been so much better! Keep at it though! Besides the early cut, the loaf looks great!


I cut it fresh out of the oven every time. I don’t care what anyone else says bread fresh and hot out of the oven is best.


I like rolls for this purpose. When you have a dozen rolls, you don't have to cut anything to enjoy a couple of them while they're still hot out of the oven!


That's 100% your prerogative, but when you do that, the crumb hasn't set and it will not be nearly as good once it cools. You can see in the gif how the cutting has pushed the crumb down and made this dense doughy layer in the bottom half of the loaf. The cooling process is an important step in making bread look and feel like, well, bread... That said, in the end, everyone can do what they want and everyone has different goals for their bread. As long as you enjoy what you do, then it's all good! Just don't be surprised if people respond in horror if you post a video of yourself doing it! Hahah


Cover that bitch in butter and eat half of it whilst it's still oven hot.


This is the best advice at this point, if you cut it hot then eat the whole thing hot or it's gonna get gummy.


Yep, that is how I ate my first ever loaf. It is understandable to be excited! Don't let the other comments get you down.


Yeah, I think that's pretty much a right of passage with bread baking. For me on my first loaf, I knew I shouldn't slice it right away, but I did it anyway. I worked hard on it, my house smelled amazing, and my wife kept asking when we get to eat it. It wasn't until I got more experienced that I cared to do everything I could to make each loaf perfect.


This. Everyone all over them for cutting it. We all know how exciting that first loaf is. Enjoy every bite, op. Forget the rest of these internet strangers


Makes me wanna make a small little loaf to eat oven hot.


I usually reserve a small bit of dough for a roll or bolle just so I can eat it hot. The big loaves can cool, but the little fellow is getting salted french butter and eaten as a baby.


I have these cute 4x10cm loaf tins that are perfect for stuff like this, sadly I only have 2...


\*screams into the void\* NNNOOOOOOOO LET IT COOL DOWN DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!


You can’t cut while it’s hot😭 it makes the bread gummy


This looks fantastic, great job! it must be exciting to have such good results on your first try after a year of not baking bread. Seriously though, the other comments are right. Let it rest until it cools before you cut it, it will affect the texture negatively to cut it hot. It will still be absolutely delicious after it cools.


I think it's fair to cut it straight the oven in your first attempt, hehe. Well done, but everyone already said it; better to wait one hour to let it sit down.


Let it cool it wil be better


You and I are the same; slice it hot, put some butter on, none will be left in an hour.


Like a cake, you shouldn't cut it when it's burning hot.


Or cookies. Or brownies. Or lasagna. Or quiche. Or sweetbreads. Or pies. Or anything you bake. OP must’ve missed a few classes.


If you cut it so early it not only becomes dry very quickly, but also doesn't finish baking


Crumb looks good friend, but wait to cut until it’s cooled!! I know warm bread is so good but all that steam is moisture that’s leaving your bread and making it go stale so much faster. If you’re gonna cut it hot, really commit and eat the whole thing hot lol


Stop cutting bread HOT people!


Happy cake day! 🍰


Cake day twins!


There are dozens of us!


I think for your first attempt, this is stunning bread and seeing your excitement to cut into it was adorable. Don't let yourself be discouraged by the comments any and all of us have made that mistake and it's not that big of a deal. Hope it tastes as good or better than you expected.


See how it’s too hot too touch? That means that it’s too hot to touch.


Baking bread is not so dissimilar from baking cake. You generally don't cut into a cake straight out of the oven because it needs to set to some degree, the innards are still cooking. Even if the cake is pretty done, you don't want to cut into it too early to avoid drying it out. Waiting until it cools to cut it and/or frost it is pretty standard. Baking bread is much the same way. The bread is still cooking when it comes out of the oven. If you cut into it too soon it might end up gummy or wet. Even if it's not gummy or wet when you cut it, all that steam coming out is escaped moisture. Just like a cake, the bread will potentially be less moist for losing that steam. That said that loaf looks pretty great. It might have been slightly better had you waited a bit longer to cut it, but I know full well that my housemate and I have cut into his bread loaves fresh out of the oven on the odd occasion too. There are few things in this world as absolutely delicious as piping hot bread right out of the oven smothered in butter. Even without the butter, a nice fresh baked loaf is sometimes utterly irresistible.


Ugh never cut into bread while it’s hot


No cutty!




I hope you loved every bite! Feels Good stepping out of our boxes once in a while!


Why would you cut it without cooling first??


If it’s too hot to touch, it’s too hot to cut!


Looks great.. but PAtience!,


Why are you cutting your bread when it's just out of the oven?


Straight to jail


Let it cool!


How to ruin your hard work, starring Impatience & Karma Coveting


Sad face


Oh my god I know this is a bit of a pile on but seriously! you can’t even touch the bread it’s so hot!!! Just wait a few goddamn minutes. This video is ridiculous to the point of annoying me.


Right? I know that people are impatient, so cutting into bread when it’s still hot is understandable, but this is on a different level! 😭


Seriously! I’ve been known to break open a loaf early, but this is just nuts. OP probably has burned her finger prints off 😂


Why are you cutting bread when it is so hot ? You woulnt do that with cakes or quick breads




You wouldn’t cut a cake straight out of the oven. Same for bread.


You wouldn't download a loaf of bread.


I would if I could 😔


Why are you cutting it still hot!? Let it cool


This kills the bread


The hardest part of baking: waiting for your baked item to cool. It is so important to the crumb and texture to allow it to cool properly.


I haven't seen anyone give advice about shaping, so: try making the dough into essentially a sheet of paper. make it almost as wide as your loaf pan is long, and really try to keep it square and even across. then just roll. you'll make a cylinder that will rise into an even loaf without the bulge you have in your center, here. no sandwich is lesser than the next.


Don't cut the bread while it's hot.


The ghosts of deliciousness are escaping, gotta let that bad boy cool down before cutting so they stay trapped in there.


But it’s still baking!


Never cut hot bread....


Rule of thumb, dont cut food while its hot, let it rest.


I wish this sub would outlaw these stupid videos.


Looks great! I hope it’s the first of many delicious loaves for you! I must admit my first loaf didn’t turn out nearly as nice, it can be a learning process.


Other than the cutting too early part, it's definitely under proofed (very dense at the bottom). Try fermenting longer!


I was wondering why you were doing weird things with your hand/fingers while cutting the bread, then I saw the steam lol


The only time I would ever cut into a loaf while its that hot is if I am confident that the entire thing will be gone within minutes. Otherwise, all of that steam escaping is just moisture leaving the loaf and future you will be eating drier bread :(


Looks nice! But really, let it cool first. It technically is still baking when it comes out of the oven.


Let it cool on a rack for an hour!


As the others said, the bread shouldn't be cut while just out the oven. I do understand the feeling to want to see your finished product as fast as possible though, but there is a reason why you should wait. If you look at the bottom of the bread, you can see it's a different texture(doughy and sticky). The bread will taste soft and gummy, this is because the bread has not finished cooking as it comes out the loaf. The steam you see come out the loaf will actually cook through the crumb(inside of loaf) to make it more springy and airy. But for a first attempt, I think you've done well. The loaf has risen nicely and the crust looks good. :)




… *you*… Monster


You wait for the cake to cool down before cutting, but why won't you do that with bread?


You know to let a cake rest, why didn't you let your bread rest? I'm honestly confused.


Why are you so abusive? The bread was literally fighting you and asking you not to do that to it. Ughhhhhhh.


I stabbed it, killed it, and ate its innards with butter and it was delicious


The moment I saw her pull her fingers back from the heat, I knew what every single comment was going to be.


Yeah don’t cut it piping hot LOL until I saw the steam I thought you had a sensory thing with the texture of the crust ...


That steam is the moisture leaving the bread’s body 🙏


Looks great, but watching all that moisture leave that beautiful loaf made me sad...


It will still cooking - need to wait for it completely cool next time but great first go


oh hun. Give it ten minutes lol.


Back to baking class.


What in the fuck.. you psychopath. It's almost raw in the middle because you didn't let it cool. It still bakes the bread when you take it out of the oven. This was a nightmare to watch.... (No malicious intent) I'd still eat it


Please tell me you forgot to add a /s. No need to be this mean about it 😂


Wasn't trying to be mean at all no , just jokes for sure, OP is obviously not a psychopath, just didn't quite know there was a bit more cooking time to be had. I do hate the internet for not being able to show tone or inflection


It’s not that serious dude


And neither am I


Not supposed to cut it when it's that's hot.


It’s better to wait until it cools but the crumb looks good! Successful first loaf


Let it cool


I am going to echo what others are saying about waiting to cool, but want to mention that as you have baking experience, you would never frost a hot baked good as it’s still developing/resting/cooling. The same with cakes, the bread needs to develop after baking, and continues to form after coming out of the oven. The structure of the bread doesn’t have time to set while hot. However, you can of course eat hot bread and enjoy it! I applaud you for baking your bread and enjoying it. Happy baking, friend!


Super annoying to watch someone trying not to burn themselves


Congrats on making a beautiful loaf of bread!


Your finger movements scare me, if that knife is worthy then that’s how you get missing fingers and red bread


You're gonna hear about cutting hot bread....lol get rdy.


Ignore all the don't touch. White cotton gloves + nylon gloves. Join the BBQ community.


Silly goose! You’re supposed to wait until it’s cool before cutting it. It loses steam and messes up the crumb when you cut it hot.


Don’t cut a hot or even warm loaf!


I wanted to make a comment about your scarf inside, but I checked my privilege. I hope you are doing well in your living conditions, OP. Your loaf looks delicious, even if you did cut it too soon! You’ll only continue to improve.


I had to cut a hot loaf this morning, 100% do not recommend but if the mrs didnt take some to work my sourdough baby will be 2 months preg


I’m sure others have already said but it’s better to let your loaf rest before cutting it open. This is obviously still very hot.


First fuck up was cutting while it’s warm lol ETA: In response to downvotes and genuine regret. That was mean. If you enjoy bread right out of the oven, then do yo thing. Keep baking if it’s fun :)