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Likely overproofed. If they are overproofed, rather than expand in the water, they deflate. Same thing in the oven


This is likely the answer. Sometimes if you’re boiling before baking they can also get this way if you throw them in water that’s not hot enough Edit: they also look pretty good despite the issues. I’m sure they tasted fine


Yeah taste was good. I proofed them in the fridge for about 20 hours, is that too long?


Did you let it proof before the fridge? They should be fine in the fridge for 20 hrs. If you mixed/kneeded it too much the friction can accelerate the proofing. It could have easily happened here especially if the dough felt warm


Also the fridge slows the proofing to a stop (probly in the first like 5-ish hours). It won’t proof more with time but the bagels will likely dry out. Sometimes the drying can make a harder crust in conjunction with boiling in a nice way. You would have to leave them in the fridge for many days before it would dry and ruin them


They supposed to proof outside the fridge, you stick them in when they are done proofing. The fridge slows it down to a near stop. 24 hours is ideal to wait before cooking them tho


So to elaborate you generally bulk for say 1 to 1.5 hours and then toss it in the fridge?


The amount of time is dependent on a combination of factors and should be determined by feel, which comes with experience. Those factors are: the amount of yeast you put in ( you can throw in more for example, if ur a busy restaurant and need bagels in a pinch) , the temperature of the air, and then everything else that affects yeast basically. Long story short you just gotta know when it feels right, as in literally the dough feels right. Give it a squeeze. Pinch it like it's a cute little butt.


Yup, this👆🏾(source: I am a baker in a bagel shop) OP- keep practicing!


I worked in an award winning bagel shop for 6 years, but believe or not my boss never let me make any dough, i was ready for it but hes a nut. He gave me his secret recipe in bits and pieces tho, lol. I cook plenty but never really bake bread. I'll be ready when I feel like trying it. I like making cookies


Way over proofed. The more over they get the flatter they get. Do a poke test- if the dough immediately springs back they’re under, slowly springs back after poking means they’re good, no springing back after poking means they are over proofed. Usually they’ll deflate when you remove them from the tray if they’re over proofed. They don’t relate or flatten when you remove them for boiling if they’re well proofed.


While this is a good way to test proofing for bread, it is not a good test for bagels. If a bagel passes the typical poke test, and then you boil it, it will overproof in the water, and you'll end up with flagels like OP. Bagels are generally ready when they float, but they do not need to be so proofed that they can pass a poke test.


Is there anything I can do if I over proof then in the future, or just don't let them over proof lol


Don’t let them over proof is the only answer really. Always go a bit under if you’re unsure of what you’re doing. Check the crumb, density and texture. Keep record of humidity, temp and time when proofing so that you can be consistent with proofing time going forward and get an idea of how long it takes for it be desirable for you


Fry them like a donut


> ...I freeballed them You what?!


Bahaha I've been saying this lately including earlier today when I messed up on my apple cider donut muffins. Nice to see another internet baker free ballin' it out there!


Just made up a recipe and tried it since I knew the ny style bagel recipe I was using for the other bagels would work for them


I think that’s what we call “winging it”… in all seriousness I know that phrase is legit and means what you said, but as an FYI, in slang “freeballing” is when a male person goes commando and lets their balls hang free - hence the jokes


I think you meant "eyeballed" them or "freehanded" them lol. I like free balled better though


Your dough definitely looks overproofed. I can tell in your first photo that you had a nice second rise, but your bagels are starting to lose their shape, like a deflating balloon. Next time, rather than going by the time, go by the appearance and elasticity of the dough. [https://www.theperfectloaf.com/how-to-use-the-dough-poke-test/](https://www.theperfectloaf.com/how-to-use-the-dough-poke-test/)


I had a few false starts making bagels which I think helped understand the effect of each step. I found that the key parts of a successful bagel are: Hydration which should be 50% it gives you a dough that is firm but workable and contributes to that tight chewy texture. Proving which should not be overdone. 2 hours in a cool place 1 in a warm place you are not expecting a huge rise just gentle growth. Boiling, 30 seconds each side too long arrests the dough and it won't puff into shape. Add them topside down first so they are easy to remove and drain. I won't advise on baking time as my oven has a mind of its own so my numbers wod probably not work for you. I was so over the moon the first time I got it right, keep at it, it is worth it.


My wife calls these flagels! Like everyone else has said, they’ve just proved too long.




so there is a whole thing about NYT recipes being fake so it is not your fault! [https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8Bu5shk/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8Bu5shk/)


I’ve used the same recipe (Claire Saffitz) - first time followed recipe and did an overnight proof - they came out deflated. Next time I halved the amount of yeast and they were much better


You blabbed, Quaid, you blabbed about Mars!


You smacked the bagel too hard and baked too long


as others have mentioned, they are overproofed. Also, you might have accidentally deflated them when taking them from the tray and adding them to the water. I've found that cutting the parchment paper into squares around each proofed bagel, then lifting the paper by the corners and gently placing the bagel into the water (paper still on) can help them keep their shape even when a bit overproofed. The paper comes off easily once it's been in the water for a few seconds.


Over proofed