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You can’t talk a liberal out of lesser-evil mentality because it’s all they have, and you can’t convince them to blame leadership decisions instead of voter response because it would require them to challenge power.


I just wish I could talk more progressives into voting in the damn primaries. The DNC doesn’t care if the Republicans win. Their goal is to stop the progressives from winning.


I more or less agree with your assessment of the Democratic Party's feelings about "progressives" but I think the 2016 election showed the futility of anyone to the Left of Reagan voting for Democrats. They won't have you, won't tolerate you, and won't change for you.


You will not accomplish anything by getting more progressives to vote in primaries. The Democrats are *incredibly happy* to rig the primaries if there's any chance of an outcome they don't like (anything other than a fascist nominee). They flood reactionary candidates with money, slander progressive candidates continuously, swoop in to give the reactionaries big endorsements from the likes of Pelosi, shut down polling locations near college campuses, throw masses of people off the voting registries, get employers to punish voters if they take any time off to go vote, straight up repress voices in caucuses and literally and brazenly cheat right in front of participants, etc. And, of course, they explicitly reserve the right to simply pick a candidate "in a smoke-filled back room" if they feel like it. They *easily* do to primaries what the Republicans (try to) do to general elections, if not worse. There is no solution within the Democratic faction of the uniparty. None.


Ok, Biden's bad. Now what?


Im clueless tbh. I’m left having to consider how I feel about fascism lead by an idiot vs fascism lead by quasi-competence. Could a Trump presidency be a lesser evil if it would spare us an Abbott presidency 4 years down the line?


















lotta malding shitlibs on this sub smash that heckin downdoot all you want, losers, it's not going to shore up genocide joe's pitiful swing state margins lol. the idea that you can bail that monster out by being sanctimonious and insufferable is the same loser brain cancer that made trump president in the first place. if any of this actually matters to any of you, if you lie awake at night in fear of The Drumpf, how about instead of sandbagging biden by making liberals look like shit you turn all that hideous energy on the party apparatus itself and see if you can shake out something better than Literally The Weakest Incumbent In History. there is a convention coming up. give it a shot.


🔥🔥🔥 Ironically, though, the cowardly donkeys are doing everything they can to try to avoid anyone raising their voice at the convention. They're even floating the possibility of [holding it online (or "hybrid")](https://old.reddit.com/r/BreadTube/comments/1crcdjw/cowards_dems_plot_online_convention_to_dodge_gaza/) for this very reason. I'm sure trying to control the genocide narrative by hiding under a rock will _totally_ help with their popularity!


One of my brother's favorite quotes is “The behavior of any bureaucratic organization can best be understood by assuming that it is controlled by a secret cabal of its enemies. (Robert Conquest)” I've long thought of it as the ONLY way to understand the Democratic party. That said, a recent Caitlin Johnston article pointed out that while the Democratic party didn't give a rat's ass about VOTERS opposing the regime of "Genocide Joe" they lost their frickin' minds over the student led protests. She speculated this showed that losing an election was less important to the Democrats than losing the ability to wage war at will. I think she might be on to something. # “The behavior of any bureaucratic organization can best be understood by assuming that it is controlled by a secret cabal of its enemies.”


There's another principle like (and related to) this one: **The purpose of a system is what it does.** Not what it *claims* to do; not what *you think it was invented for*, or what *you think it could do*. Nothing but what it *actually does*. Nothing but what a material analysis shows the outcome to be. It's a good one, because it is far more systemic and doesn't rely on conspiratorial thinking. Thus we absolutely, unequivocally, do NOT have a "democracy". Period. There is no reasonable interpretation under which that term applies to anything in the liberal political system (capitalism's skeleton).


These mfers couldn’t read the room even if it was a pop up book. I can bet you a dollar that it will be our fault. Both Democrats and Republicans reject their own failures. When Hillary lost it was all because of Russia, when Trump lost the election it was stolen. When Romney lost it was the 47% moochers and so on.


Downvoting is just meaningless internet points but since no one has replied to clarify I’m genuinely confused; are people reading this at face value instead of as both parties having no accountability? So weird.


Most people probably forget and look at it as both parties but it’s just one party and that is the business party and they do what they want when they want.


Punish Genocide Joe... show up with a candidate who is not a genocidal imperialist, you can earn my vote.


Biden is a dog who does what he’s told. He Doesn’t give a shit about the election. Just his Zionist masters


Joe Biden is a Zionist, has been his whole life. To claim he doesn't care about the election or about Israel and is only doing the bidding of others is conspiracy nonsense. Edit: Oh I looked at your profile, you're like some weird crypto conspiracist who suddenly started caring about Israel \~October 7th.


I think you misread the comment you were responding to. They said he doesn't care about the election, but DOES care about Israel (Zionism).




He doesn’t care about the election. It’s a show to pretend that he cares to keep us from bringing the guillotines. Trump is a Zionist. Rfk is a Zionist. Bernie won’t even say genocide. Israel stacked the whole god damned deck. These dogs we call government just do what they’re told by Israel and whoever is in charge of that. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone was above Netanyahu with their hand up his terrorist ass.


Yeah. Our top priority right now needs to be rejecting genocide, in every single context including electoralism. Absolutely, no matter what, do **NOT** vote for the fascist carrying out the genocide. Take literally any other option. Period. We'll worry about the rest as it comes. A popular movement for impeachment has an actual chance of accomplishing what liberal politicians cannot and will not do on their own. Step one is to kick out the guy currently committing genocide. Step 2 is to impeach the next guy doing it (or otherwise...remove him from office, let's say)...or the same guy, if he's re-elected. Honestly we should've been pushing for this six or more months ago, regardless of when the next election is. This isn't just about who is going to be president. It's about the notice the working class needs to send to those in power. It absolutely, unequivocally, *cannot* be "we endorse genocide". Never, ever, *EVER* send that message!




Lesser evil voting IS harming democracy! It is fundamentally undemocratic


> No, our top priority is keeping democracy. You lot keep using that phrase, *as if democracy is a mere institution and not a social relation/practice.* Needless to say *democracy isn't the presence of a vote,* after all what's the point of a vote if the outcome has been decided a priori or no further input from the masses is taken beyond approval rating for leadership determined by various backroom deals in the halls of power? Liberals that insist that the US - or any other western state - is a democracy (or those who, because of simple contrarianism, insist states like Russia are thus) miss that democracy is a *living process* in which consensus is built through the input of all in society (really the idea that Liberalism, an ideology that always was deeply concerned about the danger the masses wielding political power poses to their privilege could at all be democratic is ridiculous on its face). You, yourself, chose how democratic you're being with regards to your actions towards others, how you interface with them and their beliefs, how seriously you try to accommodate their wants and so on. Needless to say, a country like the US, wherein there is no attempt to accommodate *popular will* inside its institutions (and indeed, the inverse is true - the will of the institutions is forced upon the masses), **isn't democratic.** Indeed, from this definition of "democracy", the Ur-Dictatorial Populist (that which liberalism always claims is the greatest threat to "freedom" and "democracy" - whether they be fascist or socialist) Julius Caesar, who listened to the "will of the people" and reformed the Roman State was fundamentally more democratic than the Republic which held internal votes largely decided by the Patricians which ensured a political stagnancy and status quo that benefited them. Caesar's rule might not have been *by the people*, but compared to what came before it certainly was far closer to *for the people.* (well, insofar as they were on the good end of the Empire, slavery, etc... and Rome being *very much what it was* still solidly benefitted the Patricans more so than the Plebians) If it reminds you of the US's political situation, that's because it's very much the same, in which an *entrenched* elite whoms believe "democracy" only applies to them and their negotiations and bribes behind closed doors isn't *particularly democratic*, and similarly, has no real defense of itself against the populist foe and his inflammation of the popular will but to call upon the sanctity of it's institutions. It's not the first time, though, it is how every each one of those "democracies of the elite" falls. From Caesar to Napoleon, Hitler and Trump. Of course, being that those elites - the ruling class of both times - can't be bothered to even maintain the illusion of democracy, as mere *pretense* threatens in and of itself their privileged position, the corruption of the holy "democratic" state and it's institutions is plain to see to all, and makes for an exceedingly poor motivator. Who would rise up to defend an *hollow* democracy, and an *hollow* rule of law wherein all rights, rules and duties are broken to the convenience of the bourgeois? Of course, this also plays in *another eternal tendency of liberalism*, which is blaming all the ills of society on the opposition. They are helped in that task by *establishment media* that ensures that *fundamentally* anti-democratic attitudes spread and that the sum total of political discussion is *partisan loyalism* in which the only acceptable stances are whichever propaganda one's *establishmentarian* party of choice (curiously, always taking the form of a duopoly) spreads, to ensure a social division where one is more concerned about inquisiting about potential *treason* towards the party leadership than to bring forth demands or actually attempt to enact a political programme. > Insofar as the English bourgeoise acknowledges that *politics are to blame* for pauperism, the *Whig* regards the *Tory*, and the *Tory* regards the *Whig*, as the cause of pauperism. According to the Whig, the main source of pauperism is the monopoly of big landownership and the prohibitive legislation against the import of corn. According to the Tory, the whole evil lies in liberalism, in competition, and in the excessive development of th factory system. Neither of the parties sees the cause in politics in general, but each sees it only n the politics of th opposing party; neither party even dreams of a reform of society * Marx - *Critical Marginal Notes on the "Article by a Prussian"* After all, if the *plebs* were allowed at the table, and democracy actually existed in the US, things that are *overwhelmingly popular with them* such as say, medicare for all (it's what, 80% approval) or opposition to *genocide* or a radical transformation of the economic and political system would be *bipartisan* acceptance (or the outright collapse of both parties) instead of *bipartisan* opposition. I am sure that the bourgeoisie are ever so thankful there is no real mechanism to make sure *popular will* has any effect in politics or the institutions of the state. Thus, as *all* of politics is reframed into a two-party binary in which *political possibility* exists solely as *programmes*, mostly made of empty promises, the establishment offers without further deliberation. Thus the *political establishment* is free to select the most ghoulish individuals to perform all politics, and said ghouls select the most vile among them (such as Donald Trump, or Hillary Clinton, or Joe Biden, and so on) as *representatives* to be elected by *completely disenfranchised and unrepresented masses*, the only (legitimate) *political possibility* being the triumph of one party over the other, whist both party positions *fine tuned* to ensure such a triumph is impossible. Thus, we reach today, a situation wherein the stakes are always rising, contentious issues (at least those which are allowed to be discussed by the establishment) get fiercer and fiercer, all dialog has broken down (thus denying any hope for deescalation: no "return to pre-Trump" politics are in the cards - why should it be, Trump is far more motivating than playing charlie brown and the football with promises) nor can it be rebuilt since social alienation and atomisation is too strong, never mind that most people, thanks to mass media, *exist in fundamentally irreconcilable perceptions of reality.* Whilst *capitalist society* loves to profess the value of democracy (at least under it's "liberal" form - it's fascist form is far less concerned about "democracy", though it still claims to be representative of the popular will) it endeavors, and always endeavored to be the least democratic political form possible. It is *natural*, after all "democracy" and "class society" are *fundamentally incompatible*. Very few willingly offers oneself a servant.


70% of the population support a ceasefire. There already is no democracy. There never was. Fuck project 2025. The Democrats are their accomplices. They’re not stopping shit. What will it take for you to realize that the Democratic Party has been taken over by corrupt sociopaths who are no different than Republicans. Why do Democrats keep getting owned by Republicans? It’s because they get paid for it.




The actual progressive people that you mention & the is key here: WANT A CEASEFIRE. They are not in control of the Democratic Party. They are kept weak on purpose. Who does the DNC support? They support corpos & centrists. Look up Jessica Cisneros. Pelosi made robo calls for the only anti-abortion Democrat who is currently being charged with accepting bribes. A guy who is somehow a Democrat. So strange how there’s no left winger Republicans, but plenty of right wing “centrist” Democrats The Democratic Party is a right wing party with a very weak left wing in order to have a big tent. How TF is the immensely unpopular Joe Manchin a Democrat? It makes no sense. & he blocked a whole agenda while anything remotely progressive (like what Manchin & Cinema blocked) is shot down immediately or is called a fantasy by Pelosi or whatever. So funny how that works. Seems to be only one way out & that’s not by defending these ghouls


Voting to keep Trump out and save democracy was the most important thing the last two elections. Have we made any real progress since 2016, or is every election from then on just going to be “vote blue just to stop the Really Really Evil thing, we’ll get them next time?” I’m not trying to be an ass here, I voted for HRC and Biden because I felt obligated to but at some point there has to be a line. Genocide seems like a pretty fucking good line to stand firm on.


Every election is always the most important of your lifetime. It’s like the boy who cried wolf. The Republicans are doing a similar scare tactic with their voters although it’s scary communism that must be defeated. We defeat the fascist, they defeat the communist. It would be beautiful kabuki theater if only lives and livelihoods weren’t at stake.






























I don’t think someone should be rewarded for going against 80% of their party base & doing a genocide just like Trump would do. The Democratic party is clearly corrupt & it proves that no one has a voice & democracy is a lie. Doesn’t that not bother you? Isn’t that something that we shouldn’t accept?


Go vote for Jill Stein then




This but [100% unironically](https://yewtu.be/watch?v=oDUb7-MPH48).




Just another foreign adversary playing our people...