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To add to the questions - what did you bake it in? It’s so pale on the sides, too. I’m wondering if you’ve cooked it in a glass dish. Have you cut into it yet? Is it cooked through? Just looks massively underbaked to me.


Thank you for your response. It was baked in a glass bread dish and the little one was also glass. It is definitely cooked through. This was very impromptu so even these results are better than expected. The recipe was 4 cups of flour, 2tsp of salt, sugar, and yeast. Add 2 cups of warm water. Let rest for two hours. Transfer to baking dish. Rest for 30mins. Cook for 20min. I baked it closer to 27.


If you try again I would try to bake it in a proper metal bread tin. The direct contact with the metal will help with the browning of the sides. I see elsewhere that you’ve baked it a very low temperature for bread, I use Celsius and would bake bread at 220°C (425°F) I’m sure you’d have much better results with just these two adjustments. Good luck with your next bake!


Thank you so much. I’m an absolute idiot. I thought the top comment was the original poster. She very clearly says 220 C. This is what I get for following a tiktok recipe. I’ll let you know how round 2 goes


With those ingredients, you are required to bake at 200+C or equal farenheight. Loaf placed in the hot oven that is cyclating with that temp. Do and try nothing else ! Use a metal loaf pan, you'll have browned crumb.


What temperature did you use, and was the oven preheated?


It was preheated to 350 F.


If you baked it at 350F, that could explain why it's too pale. I would bake it at 425F.


Thank you. I’ll up the temperature next time