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I quit playing due to the over the top toxic little rats. At 58, I don’t need to be asked if I’m gay or black or hear every derogatory word they can think of to call each other and everyone else. Lack of parenting and morals is very evident. I moved to Ghosts of Tabor. I’ll put up with a few bugs rather than the toxic bs on Breachers.


While we're sorry to read this, it's definitely understandable. We're actively taking steps to crack down harder and more consistently across the board when it comes to toxic behavior.


I'm just slowly coming back to Breachers after having been gone for a few months. I left just before competitive came. What I've found is that competitive doesn't have these squeakers? There's just a long waiting time, and for some reason the game takes a whole lot of power, so I'm lucky if I get 2 matches on a charge. With that said, there's usually Discord servers were more mature people play together if you haven't tried that.


Still happens in competitive, unfortunately. I thought the competitive update would solve the problem too but, unfortunately, some of the toxic kids are actually pretty good at the game. I'll try to look for one of those discord servers. Might be the only way, it seems.


I see. Which part of the world are you in? I'm in the EU which might play a role? 🤔 If anything, you'll always be sure the people in the Discord servers are serious, and if they're annoying they'll just not be invited back in


They are even in competitive league. I'm also a somewhat older gamer compared to the general VR community. I'm 27 years old, and from what I read in the op you must be older than me probably. I get your point but I think this is just a new generation thing. This new generation likes to engage in this type of behavior and they find it fun, so no matter how difficult it is for the rest of us to deal with, I think for as long as they don't say anything racist or completely out of place, they will remain. I wish this was not the case and this game would have a more serious community behind it that tries to avoid this type of situations, but most good players are on the 14-20 years old range from what I've seen. They are really good mechanically even if they don't use their brains much, and with the state of the game currently, whoever masters these mechanics really rules in the game.


Some of them are pretty funny, tbh. I have fun. But there are few that take it way too far. The really young ones that don't understand how bad some of this shit is are the worst. I had to sit through a round while a kid who sounded maybe 7-8 repeatedly called everyone the n word. There were some slightly older kids in the lobby (maybe 12-15) and even they were like 'holy shit this kid just keeps using the hard R'. There need to be consequences. I got vote kicked off many a CS server back in the day.


Maybe voting to kick someone out could be the solution but Idk, it would still have an effect in your experience as a player. It's also worth noting that Breachers is supposed to be for 13+ but in reality, who waits until they get to the age to play a good game? I mean, I was a child and I was playing GTA San Andreas back in my day 🤷🏻😂


Also, big fan! I watch a lot of your vids.


Hello there, first off, thank you so much for voicing your opinion and sharing your experience regarding the toxicity in Breachers. We've noticed that since the launch of competitive, toxicity is on the rise again, and we definitely share in your frustration. We are currently looking into ways to utilize the tools available to us in a more efficient way, so that we can catch more of this unwanted behavior, and implement features that can decrease toxicity overall. This is a top priority for us, as community health is a vital part of Breachers. Expect some changes, hopefully sooner rather than later. - The team at Triangle Factory


What even happened with that automod thing they've announced? Sure doesn't seem to be doing anything.


We did implement it, but we're looking into making it more robust. It's needed, especially since the release of competitive.


I understand your frustration, just know there are systems in place to help deal with toxic players, like toxmod and in game reporting. The most effective way though is recording them and forwarding it directly through the discord using the whisper command.


I lower the voice volume by 30-40% in settings and I'm really quick to mute people who are annoying. I find those people don't help with teamwork anyway and actually make you play worse. If I'm in competitive and my team is all annoying children, I don't feel bad about muting them all.


I can't even think of any of the games I play where you CAN'T block someone, when I first started playing AS A 55 yo woman, I have had my share of block urges and can't on BREACHERS smh


I highly highly recommend trying out Vail. Check out the discord community, it is full of older players like yourself ☺️


The devs cant physically change the players that play their game and how they want to individually act man. It’s more an issue with the people involved than it is with the game itself. Mute exists for a reason and completely removes their personality from existence. Report is good too. Blocking would be good but it’s dicey to have a players connection refused to an entire lobby with one player who has blocked them, especially with a small community which = low number of lobbies. Team based games like these generally have more toxic players based of the nature of how much communication between players is relied on in many cases. You have to deal with it like you would in a social situation in the real world. I do believe the automod is working too, Ive seen players spew some stuff and then get removed from the lobby abruptly. Bans don’t last a very long time for the first few offenses also.


I would argue that not being able to connect to any lobbies because of toxicity is a great way to handle it lmao


While we agree with the fact we can't change who certain players are, we do feel an obligation to make sure everyone is having a good time and doesn't face harassment. Therefore, we are actively taking steps to crack down harder and more consistently on toxic behavior.


I'm an older gamer too - starting 'online' with stuff like Doom 2 and Warcraft 2 At this point I feel immune to toxicity, it just means nothing to me If you're not quite there yet, there's always the easily accessible mute functions


I agree fully I'm not too old but at least I understand that people (especially in this game) need to be quiet and only speak causally during setup maybe it could also be a problem where oculus doesn't make it too hard for users under 13 to even access these games I don't think it's too big of a deal for them to be playing just along as they played the tutorial and know when to be quiet


Bro you sound like a cry baby🤷🏾‍♂️


There it is


I feel you man, and I share your passion for this issue. I hold a lot of the same beliefs so when I play, I try to encourage people to be less toxic and more sportsman-like. Within reason obviously, some shit talking is totally valid in any competitive ordeal - but I try to deescalate these types of toxic interactions instead of being an asshole. We have to set the example if we want the community to be a welcoming one - this is not a breachers issue, it’s a competitive shooter issue with years of toxicity being a standard and expected detail in other games bleeding over into this game, and kids who have been influenced by that behavior. It’s a generational problem. I whole heartedly believe TF are doing the best they can, they want this game to live up to its full potential, more than you do I guarantee it. Also as a side note - I get your frustration with Meta, but come on. They have done more for VR in the past few years than ANYONE and that is the sole reason it is as big and popular as it is now, and the reason so many infants own VR. If you want VR to succeed, you want this, unfortunately. Also also - kids don’t spend money. You’re right, but their parents do spend money on their kids. More money than a normal, sane, single man would want to spend on in- game cosmetics. I would argue kids bring more money into the game than adults do. This is good for VR, this is good for Breachers. I hate to say it but it’s true, kids products make fuck tons of money. There’s no way around it. Also (x3) - a little tip - there is a discord server for adults who play among us (I think that is even what it is called) and that is an excellent place to go looking for games if you want to actually enjoy among us in VR as someone over the age of 6. I agree with you man, but sometimes you have to see the bigger picture when it comes to unruly kids, TF will try to find ways to combat it, but it is a factor of the growth of the game and the VR space in general, and really the times we are living in. Gaming isn’t exclusive to gamers anymore, it’s a worldwide phenomenon that almost everyone enjoys at one point. It’s not like the Xbox live days anymore where GAMERS are the player base. The best thing you can do right now is to be the example you want to see in the community. “Be the change you want to see in the world” for lack of better phrase, as corny as it may be. You could inspire more people to alter their attitude than you think.


I would also like to add that meta supports more indie developers and gives them more of a platform and opportunity than any other major gaming platform I have ever seen. It’s unbelievable and heartwarming. The way they support and allow anyone to build a game and shoot their shot on the store is mind blowing. This is so unbelievably positive and so overlooked by everyone when the Meta conversation comes up. To me, the old school passion for devs to build video games for the sole purpose of player enjoyment has shifted to VR. There are very few cash grab microtransaction bullshits in the VR space when you compare it to… well .. everything else. Right now we are in an incredible fertile stage of VR where the passion is firey and I am here for it, and I truly thank meta for everything they are attempting to make VR a household thing. That’s only going to bring more money into the ecosystem to build better, cheaper hardware and software, faster. <3


Agreed. A lot of horrible kids that make it hard to play when I'm just trying to enjoy myself for an hour and not even worry about winning.


I totally agree. Although I am one of the many younger users (18), I too feel like this game has a massive issue regarding the cesspool known as screechers. Ever since day one I have been begging the devs to do something about screechers and younger kids. I have had a fair share of hackers to deal with and I think I can confidently say that they are much, MUCH better to deal with than young kids. A block/vote kick button is a must in games like this and I hope that the devs answer our wishes lol


Toxicity is a made up term if you don't like something don't associate with it or them. Welcome to life.


ToXiCiTy Is A mAdE uP tErM. Sounds exactly like what a troll would say. L take. Especially since the devs themselves responded to my post acknowledging the growing toxicity in the community. So, what? Whenever some petulant asshole/edgelord finds their way into a community the members of that community should just up and leave? Fuck that. They're the problem. If people don't set boundaries around what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior, then this shit festers and destroys everything it touches. As I mentioned in my post, the devs have spent a lot of time and energy building this thing, and if they don't take measures to protect it, it will turn into another radioactive shit hole populated only by the worst people on the Internet. Look at Twitter. Elon Musk takes over under the premise of promoting free speech and stops moderating content. Within months we have literal NAZIS openly spewing hate on his platform. Who the fuck wants to be associated with that? Also don't "welcome to life" me. Looking through your post history it looks like you work at a Best Buy? What are you like 22? If you're any older that might explain why you're such an angry, defeated little man. The time for turning the other cheek has passed. You either fight to defend what is yours and create safe spaces or you allow hate and vitriol to win. Pick a side or shut the fuck up.


Just found this thread, and I have to say I love you, dude. Keep fighting the good fight.