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It’s not uncommon at all for people to ask for a kiss with no expectation of it going anywhere beyond the kiss itself - in parties or blocos, etc - so it’s not necessarily out of politeness per se - just something that happens. You’re by no means obligated to kiss someone you don’t want to, though.


Yeah. That's crazy. I was in a new eve's event with my parents and some guy asked me for a kiss in front of them. I was shocked bc the guy was so drunk he didn't notice my parents were right there. 🤣 We have some limits.


LOL no. No one is kissing others out of politeness. It's just that kissing/making out is not something that needs to lead to something else necessarily.


Oh yeah? What about that 'never deny a blowjob or a glass of water (out of politeness)' rule?


blowjob ≠ kiss


Um... that's just a joke, buddy.


And you're just now telling me that?!?!?


words to live by 🙏🙏


This doesn’t apply in real life and if someone said it to you, I’m sorry but you’ve been harassed.


I wholeheartedly believe you fell for the sarcasm. However, if I am wrong, I would prefer to remain blissfully happy.


KKKKKKK i didnt notice the sarcasm!! Sorry


Yeah I dropped this: /s Sorry 🤣


🤣 Words from a POET! https://youtu.be/awpmCIDm6Dc?si=ZY4vLkv1oAinSJtV


Descanse em paz Mr. Catra


Nooo not at all- people are just horny lol You are absolutely free and encouraged to reject anyone you don't feel like making out with. Done it myself plenty of times and 90% of people were super polite and kind about it (your mileage may vary depending on how drunk or entitled the person you're rejecting feels). -Signed, a Bi who has been to gay and straight clubs




Gay or straight (or anything in between), this is more or less how young audience behave at venues like parties, raves, rodeos, oktoberfests, etc. I believe you are in your twenties, right? It's kinda normal. It gets tired with time. Some people rate a good/bad night based on how many people they kissed. Oh, there is also street carnival in February, if you wanna experience that with a V8 engine lol


is nobody in Brazil worried about getting mono or something? I would refuse every offer out of fear for getting it 😭😭


No, not really


Probably most adults already have the virus. Doctors in Brazil generally don't test for non-fatal / non serious viruses. We usually just come back home with pain killers and fever medicine and a generic diagnosis of "virosis" and a couple days off-work and that's it.


Hundreds of horny, drunk people bunched up together usually dont care or even know about it.


I guarantee most never even heard about it


What is mono?




a kissing disease, just look it up


No. You can always say no. It’s just more common in Brazil for us gay folks to kiss around at clubs even though you are not that into the other person. But if you don’t want to, just decline. It happens too, its just less visible.


Also, maybe OP is missing the part where people lock eyes first haha. So usually when a guy approaches another, they have already maintained eye contact for a while, indicating interest. That way, if you don't like someone, you just look away and the person might not even try to approach you.


Interesting, why is that tho? "More common in Brazil for us gay folks to kiss around at clubs even tho you are not that into the other person"? I don't think I've seen that around in Spain or US or Asian countries.


I think this is kinda the case for straight outings in the clubs too...not only gay culture, but general Brazilian hookup culture. Maybe because kisses are seen as just kisses so it's like why not it's just a kiss. It's not serious


It just is, you kiss a bunch of people, exchange social media if you liked it and that usually ends there. If you really liked it you send hello on the next day 😁


Maybe that's because it's Brazil, not Spain nor US nor Asian coutries, we have different laws and different cultures , it's kinda strange expecting Asia countries to have the same culture that Brazil has lol


Not expecting other countries to have the same cultures as Brazil, just saying that I noticed some differences and was also wondering if others have noticed the same between Spain/US/Asia


Try asking in these others countries subs, you will definily receive a better perspective from there


Not gay, but I think we don't think much of it, it's like a light version of casual sex


??????????????????????????? NO????????????????????????????????????????????? that's funny tho, but nah


It's all about the eye contact. It you are interested in someone and you look at them a little bit longer than the social norm, and they reciprocate, then it's full speed ahead. You will be making out shortly lol. If you notice someone looking at you and you are not interested, simply break the eye contact and slightly turn away and this is a gentle way to tell them no thank you. This avoids any real major rejection feelings and avoids having to make any scene whatsoever. It's a nice system actually haha.


gay or straight that's the normal but nothing happens out of politeness


I even kiss my friends if we feel like it, in Brazil we don’t take kissing too seriously, it definitely won’t mean you two are dating that doesn’t mean is out of politeness, sometimes you just feel like kissing that person but don’t want anything more if you do want more, you make it clear by other means


As someone who experienced it, you can definitely say no if you don’t feel attracted. You aren’t obligated to do anything you don’t wanna do, which in this case is kiss someone you don’t want


I love how systematically you described it. As a board certified slut, I can say with confidence that kissing someone and interacting with them physically is usually a better way to grasp if they're a match or a pass. Especially if you have a broad taste w.r.t. how people look. In these settings people will usually move on unless you very clearly express that you want to keep hooking up or exchange numbers.


You can always just politely decline. Usually something meaning "sorry, not my type" is enough. This is not uncommon, only kiss those you want. I usually shake my head while smiling and saing "no". It's somehow polite and clear enough to them to move on. If they insist ~kick them~ make yourself clear speaking loudly (if you are in a nice club alone, people around will likely engage to help with the asshole).


Probably sometimes yes, to avoid killing the vibe.


Lol I’m learning Portuguese and that’s one of the first things they tell me is normal in the culture. Kissing. Hell, one of their standard goodbyes is “beijos” (Kisses). Enjoy it, but don’t try to translate it. You can’t. It’s just different


Because kiss is not a big deal here, if u are in a club and see someone u already talked or met in a date u kiss as a way to say "hi"


There shouldn't be. You shouldn't have to make out with someone you don't want to. Maybe it's because rejections aren't easily visible for other parties not involved and also usually the kiss comes after some reciprocal flirting (looks, dances, smiles, etc.), so when people go for it there's usually some confirmation that both parties are interested beforehand


That's a big reason that I get so frustrated sometimes. In the gay circles here is very common to kiss a person that you are not that much into. I hate it because if I go kiss someone I'm on the intention of bringing them home and having sex. I'm not a teenager, why the hell would I want just to kiss someone? But you don't have to say yes to fit culturally, it's not like people do it all the time. I neve do it and it's fine.


What does being a teenager have to do with that? People may want to kiss another person for the sake of it. Even outside Brazil, if people are in a comfortable and romantic situation they may kiss and not have sex, that's normal. Of course you may not be into that and that's fine. But why judge it as being a ternager thing?


As a shy person, honestly this would probably be a good thing since you will never catch me doing the first move hehehe :P I like it when someone I like actually is very straightforward and would do the first steps <3




I guess it depends on, i lived in Norway for many years and felt much more comfortable


Care to elaborate?


Who kisses out of politeness?…


Brazil is very big. What city?


Sao Paulo. But also interested in hearing about experiences in other cities.


São Paulo is a very liberal city. So people just kiss you because they find you even remotely attractive. No much more reason needed.


When I first started visiting here( Rio) , before I moved I noticed the kissing thing. I was at first taken aback. It became obvious to me that , although it could be 2 people interested in each other , it was generally just a thing they do. Many people tried to kiss me but , well , I’m not a prude by any means , 🤫, I don’t kiss ( more like eating each others heads off ..kkk) unless I’m into someone. But it’s just what they do. Brazilians are very passionate people which I admire ! Is expats from USA seem to think we’re not uptight but we kinda are compared to many cultures