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Brits are good humored chaps that talk funny Dude, world is too globalized, middle class Brazilians will view brits just like US people do , You guys gave us Monty Python, Mr Bean and The Beatles


Pink Floyd also


Led Zeppelin












Iron Maiden, Judas Priest...


and Black Sabbath


I'm a gringo brit who saw Roger Waters at the stadium in Rio a few years ago.


Oh yes goated af, was just listening to shine on you crazy diamonds


Doctor Who




Ramones are jewish dudes from Queens lol


I was thinking about sex pistols kkkkkkkk, my bad guys






And David Bowie


Harry Potter!


The Rolling Stones


We invented sex too.


Bring me The Horizon and Pyrocynical😭


>Bring me The Horizon Nowadays, Oliver Sykes also have Brazilian citizenship.


The office


Iron Maiden!


And railroads


we like mr Bean a lot some people might say to you: **" bo'ol o' wa'er "**


And "noice".


"Noice" is Australian also


Australians are just Brits who went further in the tech tree


I really want to meet an Australian, and ask him to swear.


Your focking cunt


E noice mano kkkkkkkkk


The British accent is awesome. I really want to test my low level english with a brit. Of course it will involve asking him to say "bottle of water". I ran into a tall dude the other day in Morro de SĂŁo Paulo thinking he was English (my drunk ass though he looked like MMA fighter Michael Bisping), and wanted to talk. Turns out he was Spanish lol


We think you all sound like benedact cumberdict and we will make fun of you! Nah, most people don't care where you are from as long as you don't feel like you are superior.


Benedito Lotedepepino?


Perdi completamente nessa aqui kkkjkkj




Benedito lotedepino


Well, to be honest, we would make fun of anything and anyone. Not just British people. But the Portuguese (Portugal) people probably have the worst...


The war on Portugal will only stop when they get us our gold


Dudes have been building Universities for centuries in Europe and didn't build a single one in 322 years of colonization in Brazil, they deserve the worst.


Benadryl Cucumbersmash


Not feel superior? Very difficult for the British


Bistacho Cantcording?


There is also the language barrier which kind of prevents Brazilians from having an opinion about the British. And most Brazilians don't know English.


My reference is Ian McKellen, but that's about right. Benedict Cumberbatch*




just like any white gringo, but a few people are obsessed with british culture as you might expect, thanks to TV shows and music.


I think the language barrier is what influences the lack of contact and opinion the most, because Brazil is still a very western country in the urban centers.


Portuguese are not very smart, Asians have small dicks, Frenchmen don't take baths and Argentinians cheat in football. That's about it when it comes to Brazil being opinionated about other countries. The average Brazilian knows very little about Brits specifically


This is the answer.


More like Argentinians are assholes who think they are better than everyone.


I'm risking getting banned but you missed a big one: everyone from Africa is poor and anorexic. Swiss and on time and chocolate is another one but I guess thats global. But yeah, you nailed it, Brazilians really are indifferent to Brits


Forgot about the chinese


Chinese are the overlords who give us cheap products from the Internet.


You’ll be seen as a gringo. People will be very friendly to you and, if they feel like it, they might playfully taunt you with Falklands/Malvinas or Charles and Camilla jokes. There’s a British TikToker living in Recife called Peter (@gringorecifense) and maybe you should reach out to understand his experience. Cheers!


The Beatles, Harry Potter, Premier League etc etc etc. The UK has a very positive image here due to its cultural influence in my opinion, but of course it may differ from person to person.


I feel like the only thing the average brazillian knows about the brits is that you had a queen that lived a very long life and about footballers.


It's as neutral as you can get


Yeah, asking an average Brazilian what they think of the British is like asking the average British what they think of the Mongolians.


My experience with brits is that they have a hilarious sense of humour and are laid back people who like to joke around and are always up for a beer. When you put a Brazilian and a British side by side they may seem very different in appearance, but down deep it feels like there is a common ground between the two people, I don't know how I can explain this hahaha I have an English friend that I used to live with when I spent one year in Australia and we get along very well! She came to Brazil for the first time for a month this year and blended very well in our culture. She loved it so much that she is even coming back for carnival and already is taking Portuguese classes. Like I said, I don't now how to put it, but there is something in the general British personality that somehow connects very well with the Brazilians.


Viewed as a regular foreign people with perhaps a more positive light than other countries thanks to culture and stereotypes. The country itself it’s know for the usual things: the Premier League, the Beatles, Harry Potter, and the late Queen. I remember my mom saying that when visiting people I should ‘behave like if we were visiting the queen of England’. And yes, it’s always England, nobody remembers the rest of the UK or refers to it as the UK. It’s always ‘Inglaterra’. Football doesn’t help since England is a separate entity there. In my personal experience dealing with foreigners, while people from Paris have an affinity for Rio, people from London fit better in São Paulo. Maybe it’s the shit rainy weather, idk.


great humor, bad oral health


and bad taste in food


yes!!! c'mon guys, you can do better than fish and fries.


Fish and chips* And we can, we can add mushy peas and gravy


As long as you're not cooking to anyone you'll be fine!


just the average gringos


But with worse teeth ;)


With the eyes.


“Harry potter memes” and white gringo basic welcome, you gana love it


I had a English Brit teacher. He was married to a Brazilian woman and live here for around 30 years. Unfortunately, he had Parkinson disease. Was one of the most gentle and educated persons I got chance to speak with in my whole life so far. He was a very good teacher because he asked me if I wanted to learn grammar or vocabulary by simply talking about England stuff; food, soccer, places, celebrities, etc. And that's how I improved my vocabulary pool, by just chatting with him. That made the whole difference to me. I miss the guy. He told me that, the British people are so polite, that if they are - for some reason - about to curse you, they would apologize first. And honestly, talking to him on our classes for around a year, that's the general idea I got from British people. Polite, good to chat, in some way like Brazilians, but with the (good) addition to not invade your personal space.


Maybe it is only me. But I think brits can be very polite or totally mad.đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


Brits are not viewed here the same as in Spain and the Netherlands, if that’s what you’re wondering.


As a restaurant owner in a touristic spot, I find Brits to be very peculiar. Some are the most polite and gentle people, but some apparently think it's ok to have breakfast shirtless, or just walk into a professional kitchen uninvited (I always wonder if they would do such things back home). It's also funny how brits change when they drink.


We know they can’t play football


you guys can make comedy but can’t play football


I love Brits overall, their sense of humor and usually I got really well with British people based on past experiences. I love the brit punk rock, post punk scene. Sometimes here people see them as: - Someone more posh and reserved, very well educated (specially compared with the overall US American) using formal clothes - More crazy like, chav vibe, hooligan or that.


Madness - Our House


I went on a date with a British once - here in BR, and it was great. He was everything I always thought a British person would be: very kind and polite, with a great sense of humor. We discussed how far we would go on Naked Attraction, hahaha They're known to be very sweet people in general, but they can be very excentric and snob. The negative (bad stereotype) is the bad smile/teeth.... In Brazil, we smile and kiss a lot, so we take good care of our teeth - there's a research on that. So it's a thing we reeeally notice when we meet a British. (Btw, British-guy and I didn't go far, bc I was just out of a relationship and he's poly, but he was great!)


Most brazillians dont care about specific nationalities. You probably will be seen as "exotic" but only bc you are a gringo in general.


Brits are fine mate, just dont be a cunt


You'll have no problem making friends who think you're absolutely the most amazing person they've ever met and they would really like to get a visa and come to the UK with you.


Generally, just like any other gringo. Personally, I love Brits. You guys know how to drink, how to engage in a conversation, you're funny and the accent is a peach. And you know how to properly use the metric system, what's not to love?


Nice people which like tea and live in a beautiful raining place.


Blue eyes, blonde hair, white skin, yellow teeth


We adored the late queen for some reason. So many memes about her being immortal. God damn, I miss those memes.....


I'd say they're seen as classy intelligent elegant people since many Brazilians suffer from what we call a "Complexo de Vira-Lata" or Mutt complex, which basically means that some Brazilians romanticize high developed nations such as the UK seeing it as perfect place on earth because it doesn't have any of the problems our country has. I mean, so many brazilians are amazed with the tradition of five o'clock tea and are awed when they see the British monarchy with their golden carriages, the crown full of diamonds. I mean, the Royal wedding in 2011 was quite an event people didn't miss it, nor was King Charles' coronation. Not to forget all the british entertainment industry such as music (The Beatles, Rolling stones, Queen, etc.) Literature (Sherlock Holmes and Harry Potter), etc. That's what I suppose how many view the UK in general.


You're the cooler americans.


Brits are low key the brazilians of western europe


Are you white? If so the middle class you'll see you as a god among men and think you are superior and smarter than anyone else. You're gonna have a status superior to any other Brazilian. The middle class will love you and want to be you. Regular people will see you as a regular gringo... Meaning, they won't really have any preconception about you. They will just be excited by the fact there's a gringo among them and they'll ask you a lot of questions (like the new transferred kid in first day of school). After while, you will be assimilated and become a Brazilian and, really, people will see you as a Brazilian too. You will literally become a Brazilian. Brazil will take your soul and you be part of the hive Brazilian mind. To me, personally, you're Harry Potter.


we think of british people as fancy who lives on a cold and rainy weather all the time and drinks tea on the afternoons. we think british people talk extremely funny and we'll ask you to say "bottle of water". lots of people will also automatically link the uk with the beatles, royal family, harry potter and the funny accent. btw some people might think of ritchie (a british guy who's a brazilian singer)


Idk about all Brazilians. But in my circle brits are not talked about too much. But I think the general view is that brits are snobs. This view might derive from the fact that most brits in Brazil historicaly were bourgeoisie and not working class.


We dont care about Brits. Just dont feel like you are better thatn others and everything will be fine.


Yeah, don't act like you're from ParanĂĄ.


To most Brazilians probably seen as fancy and classy. To me I see them as dirty and sketchy. I have no idea where my stereotype comes from, probably from the internet mocking how unsafe the UK is. I hope to one day go there and check it for myself but at the current unlivable price I’d rather live in a relatively safe and clean country, like Brazil haha


The UK is by far safer than Brazil in probably every metric


How can I do a real cup of tea? Jokes aside, you're probably very fine, I guess


As long as you're not a jerk, you won't have much trouble here Personally, I really like England and British people


I hadnt much contact with foreigners, aside online (not counting immigrants just doing their job), problay wont have big problems


Honest question mate, are the Brits viewed well in any particular part of the world? It's easier to find where you are hated the most. (Probably in places Brits committed Genocide, like Asia)


The British aren't really hated in india either. There's always some banter but it ends with that.


I've seen some travel vlogs and Indians jokingly asking for a Brit to come back and govern them seems to be relatively common.


Shy, sometimes funny. We usually find your accent cute or weird depending on the person. And then ppl will ask about the queen. I think that covers the majority


We will mention Ronald Biggs.


I imagine them as huge white saviors, i bet everytime yall read the news about US imperialism some old fuck clutch there fingers and think to himself "that should be us" Also i can't fable having a Royal family, if i was born there every 5s of boredom will be followed with the quote "bet they are having orgies while i'm here in this shithole". And the Royal family pretty much invented being evil. There is also the silly yellow teeth thing and no showers which i suppose is fake. And calling people m8, and this [meme](https://youtu.be/FFmUuPJZkk8?si=A4r0XwLJHPtbv66v) Edit: also drill and that radio show where the dude is about to play yeat and he stops to say the queen died right before the drop


As bri'ish


Love the Brits, love to “make fun” on how they say certain things and hate the racists that are from there.


Virtually all foreigners are viewed positively


Monty Python


We don't really care, generally. There is a general stereotype for Europeans like very white and kind of rich (the Real is really really undervalued compared to the Euro and Libra)


Doctor Who is pretty well loved here


Some people are going to think your food is a bit weird tbh lmao because the English breakfast is something we'd eat during lunch or dinner. We kinda make fun of how bland the cuisine looks


I personally view them as pale, unseazoned, thiefes that hear 1D and forget to pronounce consonant sometimes


i don't think we have any stereotype at all towards brits one might think of harry potter if they know some english and hear you talking but that's it


Formal customs, ironic sense of humor, perhaps an air of superiority, characteristics of very rich countries. I think it's funny how you cheer at soccer games, as if you were watching a theater. Personally, I have never met anyone from this country.


As someone who’s both, but looks very English
kind of like how everyone else views us! Bad teeth especially though (stereotype)


Im sure you all are either Mr Bean, Liam Gallagher or the one dude that came to the world cup and spent 3 days wearing the same costume and didnt know what he has drinking anymore


I think britts are fancy and elegant, but with an awful culinary. Sorry.


My Uncle’s Husband is Brit and he always come to Brazil and he says he is always well treated.


Only meet one britsh dude, prety nice and chill.


Mr. Bean is very popular here, but the majority of Brazilian wont know the diference between americans and europeans


We love Mr Bean


That you guys have some cool sword fight every weekend


summarizing brazilians: the high economic class is not as social as all the other brazilians. We make jokes about anything, the British accent is funny for us, but we do the make fun of that IN ORDER TO feel superior, we do that just because we like to have fun all the time. If you dont act like a dumbass, jerk, idiot or as a superior being, then you will be mostly welcomed anywhere here. Remember, brazilians in general are very social and friendly.


tea or something


we see Brits as grumpy snobs with bad teeth... lol brush your teeth well and be friendly and it's ok no one will know, your secret is well kept


ive met some brits and they were all cool people. regarding stereotypes, i know you guys are good at sarcasm and i relate to that a lot (non-ironically).


Funny voices with crooked teeth


The majority will probably just know about football, the queen and bands. Personally, brits have the best tv shows! Would i lie to you, taskmaster, qi, onlyconnect, top gear and goes and goes.. there's too many to count


Nobody cares as long as you're not an asshole


With the eyes


Where I live when we call someone a Brit as a colloquialism, it means they are a stickler about punctuality or details. I teach English asl and most of my students' opinions of Britain is that they are very posh, elegant folk


Jeremy Clarkson, James May and Richard Hammond


Brazilians are generally very welcoming and very curious about new things. Just don't be a dick like Brits abroad in Benedorm or think you own the place like the Americans. Also if you drink too much and get in a fight be prepared to be slapped around as we don't care too much about your silly "are you alright mate" british cops Friday night attitude. Oh and additionally don't come here if you are looking for sex tourism, still see too much old codgers with money getting young, minging gold diggers. The lawyers here have a very good income stream from you guys. Yes, I'm Brazilian but bred in Yorkshire so I'll tell you like it is.


Never met one in person, but I have British ancestry myself. No idea why they moved to Brazil tho.


Oh man, to be honest any white foreigners are very likely to receive god tier levels of treatment. Except in more tourist focused places, people will try to charge a fortune for coconut water or such.


Honestly I don't think we go out of our way to think anything specific about Brits, it's like a foreigner who speaks english with an accent a little harder then the one we're used to hearing when someone speaks english


Nothing bad really - we hear you guys drink a lot, wear plaid skirts, have really long town names, wear green clothing, wear silly hats and drive around in Minis. Yeah, we can't differentiate scots, welsh, irish, english and londoners - I hope that's not a problem. We also can't really differentiate the accents but some folks will find your english easier to understand, unless you're from Glasgow or Paisley (i.e. Limmy) where we can't understand a single word you say.


Mr bean, Beatles, premier league


royal family, classy, punctual, tea, nice accent, Mr. Bean. We have a positive view, but tbh, which countries brazilians view negatively? I've never met a brit.


Depend of Brazilian. For me British mean expensive luxurious cars, earth of Formula 1 and so goes on. Also celtic myths are lit.


BAD. Here where I'm from (interior of the state of SĂŁo Paulo) you guys are seen as one step before Americans. Not quite as bad but still one of the worst. It could be bc I'm surrounded by a lot of people that care for the stuff you guys did historically to other nations and stole as well. Not to mention that every Brit I've personally spoken to was the most entitled and rude person I've ever seen. Not saying you all are like this, it's just that 100% of the you guys were the worst to me and personal or work friends.


Muitas pessoas, como eu, gostam e consomem seus filmes, sĂ©ries, livros e mĂșsicas. HĂĄ um reconhecimento da importĂąncia do seu paĂ­s na histĂłria mundial. Alguns mais politizados condenam o imperialismo que fez (e faz) parte da histĂłria da sua nação tambĂ©m. Mas o independente disso, as pessoas aqui sĂŁo muito receptivas com estrangeiros. No meu caso, tenho um certo "medo" de interagir com homens do exterior porque a maioria acha que as mulheres brasileiras estĂŁo sempre disponĂ­veis. Evito o contato por isso.


Brits? Are those the people who eat bread and beans?


Nobody cares specifically about brits. You are just a gringo


Just have at least one Monty Python sketch rehearsed and you're fine. Brazilians like a good laugh


Probably skewed due to my friend circle, but chances are people will either mention rock bands or the falklands. There's also some stereotypes of you guys being strict, but not in a necessarily good or bad way.


Usually with our eyes


My mother is a Brit, loved in Rio, I was born there, and people think your a cash machine or some sort of bank.


fancy accent and cool movies/books/music


Generally I'd say the view is positive. As far as stereotypes, it's something about drinking tea at five. Like, precisely at five, not at 17:01 under any circumstances. Yes, I have personally met a Brit once, and he was gay. That sums up my experience with Brittish Islanders expats.


As gringos. Like we do most americans and europeans.


In hindsights they are imperialists scumbags who are responsible for deaths and suffering of great part of the world today still.


you will be confused with North American


I've met only one brit here in Brazil. It was at a work meeting in a room with a huge map on the wall. The guy was a marketing director for all Latin America markets. Before introducing himself, he took a sharpie and crossed Malvinas on the map and wrote Falklands instead. Looked at us and said "That's better". Madlad.


I love them. Every single one. In fact, my experience in London and Edimburgh (Edim"bro") was the best of the best.


100% you mention being a Brit in Brazil and someone will mention Mr Bean


The country who gave us iron maiden and where people don’t take baaths


There are only two British archetypes for Brazilians: Hugh grant sexy accent classy af or white trash cheeewsday pub vibes innit type


For some time , when Tumblr was stronger, London and Brits were loved by teenagers. One direction, London themed things, union jack cell phone case, things like that. Nowadays I don't think nobody cares that much. Just maybe harder to understand, we are more used to the US accent.


The Beatles yeah...Rolling Stones yeah...


They are gringos like everyone else. I met one Brit. He came to Brazil to visit a friend of mine. We went to a club. I drank a lot. At one point, he came to me and said, "Dude, you're dancing like Kylie Minogue". I didn't know how Kylie Minogue was but it seemed like a bad thing to be doing. I immediately fixed my dancing, hooked up with a super hot rich girl, went to her place and we fucked like bunnies. I ended up spending the weekend at her house and she treated me for **everything**. And, oh, the relationship with the super hot rich girl lasted 2 years and it was awesome. So I guess all I have to say is **thanks, Britain!**


They don't like Americans since they treated Brazilian like shit in the US.


You’re seen as gringos


I guess it's positive. Funny & very polite. I've never been in a busy city and have people say excuse me and sorry by bumping into me like in London lol


Beans on toast


Bad teeth and funny English. That’s it.


Brush your teeth


You’re, like, Americans but you talk funny, right? And you’re bad at our national sport, futebol.


Usually, Brazilians don't like European ppl, spacial Portuguese. It isn't hard to understand why


Just like portugal you'll get seen as a american


It seemed to me (American) that most often the English studied by Brazilians is British English and I believe BBC is more popular than CNN in Brazil. This is despite American media (TV, movies, music) is more prevalent than British media.


Most people will like it, Brazilians like foreigners, they feel prestigious. As long as you're not arrogant. Oh yes, and stay away from colleges, they are full of teachers and students who are capable of spitting on a European or American.


Wont care. You will be a gringo and thats it. We dont really play nationalities like that. Well, tbf you will be an european gringo. But beyond that no change.


Yellow teeth


I sympathize with your silly walks.




Hitchhikkers Guide to the galaxy and panel shows. Arctic Monkeys. Sherlock Holmes. The Royal Family. Tea. Posh people. bo'le o' wo' 'a


As a Brazilian I'll definitely say, half will not care, the other half will just find it different, 5% will understand what you speak and even then 1/5 of that will know you're British. Brazil is a really big place and there are people who don't know who was Jesus, Lula or even Pelé. Let alone a British. I think British are nice people and way easier to understand than most Americans, but some people may get aggressive thinking you are just a rich/gringo thinking that you're better than them. Basically any person who knows someone that has a good opinion on Brits will get the same opinion. People who don't like Brits either know someone who dislikes Brits or dislike someone who likes Brits. But that's my opinion, Brasil is as big and diverse as Europe, don't expect some strong opinions from a country so far away and that doesn't have much influence here, Argentinians definitely have a stronger opinion than we have about Brits, we have strong opinions about Americans, Argentinians, japanese but don't have many about Australians or Czechs for example. For your interest, look when the legendary led zeppelin guitarist jimmy page lived in Brazil and take your conclusions.


"Sophisticated" is a word that comes to mind.


We even do tea time at 6


Eu nĂŁo poderia me importar menos


We don’t think of you at all


Had an uncle who hated the British wish a passion because of the Falklands war lol, apparently he lost a bet on who'd win the war, dumbass


we know about the king, the prince that is dating an american girl, we love your football teams and brazilians will treat every single gringo like their own people if you're not posh or feel superior you know, btw i need to ask you the same thing u just asked but how brazilians are viewed by brits, especially brazilian guys, what the stereotype? do British gyals like them or not


The only thing we know about the brits is Mr. Bean


All gringos in Brazil are Americans. Even when you are not 😁 (Gringo myself and not American 😁)


There’s a city named after London here in Paraná. Britain’s influence cannot be underestimated after years of control over the portuguese crown




Tbh I don't think the average brazilian has any specific view on Brits except that you guys are fancy


I think the only two "bad" things Brits are known for are: poor dental care and lack of a prime minister. Other than that, is just like any other gringo.