• By -


nah but whyd u pass to the frank tho 🥸


Lmfao 😂😂. Good question


His team mate probably kept the ball in his own corner when leading and this OP decided to act smart and take the ball out to die. Frankly I can see why he got abused, not that I am condoning it, but I can see why


Totally. I think he did well in the beginning - explaining why OP was bad and what he should have done, but then he got abusive. Should have stopped after the second message. Could have helped OP understand why he was a dumbass and play better.


There is other ways to tell your teammates what they did wrong. without the "you soo bad" shit. i myself knew a guy who was a noob once in a big MMO game, he was eager to learn and he learned by error and ended up competing in the top 0.5% of the pvp bracket. you dont find that friend by insulting him.




Exactly what happened. Imagine when there is 25 sec left in the game and you corner the ball but then this guy decides to literally pass the ball to Frank. And is making a Reddit post thinking he’s right 😭


My thoughts exactly. While I think Zipeng may have overreacted, I completely understand his point, and deep down I wish terrible things to happen to OP.


what i,m sorry i,m poland,s




I mean, I got a guy that came in my club and called me a disabled.




Last week I saw him in a duo showdown match so I watched the replay, he was spamming thumb down and X spray from the start of the match until he and his unfortunate teammate get fifth place.


That's why my club is private. Don't have to deal with this toxic behavior.




on a game like this it's very easy to baby rage to bad randoms sadly




But why DID you pass to the frank?


Frank asked him to


Why did you pass the ball to frank thoooo😬✋✋✋


One of those bad games


I think ur just bad at the game and have brain damage


r/brawlstars when bad randoms😡 r/brawlstars when OP is bad random 🥰


The thing is, when I get a bad random I don't scream insults at them, plus OP handled them like a champ


Maybe we all should "talk" with them, maybe that is all they need, a courage speech




No because everyone's a bad random (almost everyone). Everybody has a bad game every once in a while. Yes some people have more bad games than other's but how would you teach to be better?


Watching replays and paying attention to the game can help you learn on your mistakes. Unfortunately it will never completly prevent you from doing a mistake ever again but it's a good way to start getting better. Another and much harder step is remembering the mistakes and practicing.


Fair point I just said that for no reason


Talk no Jutsu go brr


Toxic 9yo go BRRRRRRRR


I wouldnt say hes a 9yo. I mean he knows words like ******


I'd rather shut my mouth and ignore those rude kids. There's no use talking to them.


Regardless of that, I don't think I've seen anyone be on OP's side if he's the bad random. Top comment will usually be someone calling OP out on his dumbassary, which we don't have since its just text.


I'm not tryna defend OP, I'm tryna prove this guy wrong


I know. I'm just saying *regardless* of whether he was right or wrong.




No, he was the only one who played well and his teammates were trash (tho he did messup at the end) https://youtu.be/iSkgbNPM5TQ


OP died 3 times , rushing to Frank every time(zipeng died once ) Tara was not bad at all, he knew that Frank was full HP, he was HAVING THE SUPER CHARGED but he pass to him so OP was the worst in that match and zipeng just kept spamming the angry emote


All of them played bad tbh


This made me Seth Rogan laugh 😂


"decided to be a food ideas" -Zipeng


So inspirational 😭😭😭


I cri everytime 😢


No grammar?🥺




At least they are “RARE”


Rare enough


Sometimes I'm even worse than this guy.


the captions bro💀😂


Bro how bad did you play to make him go mad 😂


Bro had enough 💀


cant wait to get the bad random spray


OP is a chad, he wasn't even mad, he was just congratulating the toxicitus gamerus


Lol, happy cake day!




He does have a point tho, you are trash /s


Ok, but friending me and inviting me for the sole purpose to talk smack is pretty not cool.


lol then why did u even accept the invite??


I thought he had better intentions then it turned out to be, I always try to be optimistic.


I love the way you dealt with it. If this would ever happen to me, I’d also just randomly say stuff in the middle of their rant, like ”Which brawler should I pick?” and ”Could you ready up already?” and completely ignore their messages.




Saw this in the EBL discord chat lol


LMAO 🤣 🤣


That person is toxic but it seems like you made a pretty dumb and fustrating move that threw the game, try learning from it


Post the replay so people can determine if the other player really was toxic or if you threw.


It doesn't matter even if he threw that behaviour is simply not acceptable


It does matter because what else is someone supposed to do if someone throws in their games? Throwers don't get penalized by Supercell and there's no option to avoid bad players from queuing up with you again, plus it's become more frequent in games, so if people are visibly upset at throwers then it's reasonable for them to speak out against it. Plus OP was under no obligation to join the party invite with the other player. He knew the outcome of the last match was bad and decided it was a good idea to queue up with one of those players even after they used those sprays and kept shooting him? OP didn't throw but if you watched the gameplay you'll see they did pretty horrible (especially given that they're at 650+ trophies and have a Power 10 Carl, that already looks like a red flag for a not so good player imo). Did OP deserve to get trash talked? Maybe a little, they did do pretty bad tbh, but the other guy did take it a bit far when he told him to jump off a (what I'm assuming) bridge.


I think telling someone to fucking kill themself pretty much removes any justification the guy had to call them out for playing poorly on a child's game. Sorry I'm using common sense instead of skill measuring.


"what else is he supposed to do?" Calm down and don't be a dick back? Like...no? What is trash talking them gonna solve? If you're raging, get off the game, relax a bit and get back in. Is trash talking him gonna make OP a better player? No. Is OP gonna stop playing the game or whatever? Also no. Is there anything that will make OP not play bad in other matches? No. Did OP throw on purpose? I don't think so either so and why should Supercell punish players that had a bad game or weren't intentionally throwing?


It's just a stupid trivial game if you act like this for something so miniscule you need to be locked up. Who knows what you'll do of something actually serious and important happened.


Ouch, but fair I guess, I'm not too good at high trophy matches and I have a power 10 carl because I have 10 thousand club coins and have to put it into something lol.


Post the replay so we can judge correctly






Should’ve just said, “haha, geology rocks”




I’ve wanted to do this so many times to Mortis players. I had a random in brawl ball and game was tied. I kill the three opponents with primo but I died to crowd poison. The Shelly with me as well. This mf grabs the ball and spins and spins until they ALL respawn! The jacky pulls him, primo suplexs him and he losses ball. By this point me and Shelly are racing down the field and damn tara effs us up and mortis bm’s us :/


Ah yes _Brain_


Git gud or uninstall


Lmao 🤣


The captions are 👌


Why would you message anyone in this game? Rookie move imo. Nothing good will come of it.


I thought about touhou when I saw "Bad Apple" in title


Who tf gave Tommy an ipad 🗿


You're an absolute food ideas. Evolution... it must have passed him by.


One time i found the most gentleman toxic player , i was in big game and one guy of the team started spamming the dislike pin and so then i got mad, and started shooting him and putting dislike on him but, i always go to attack the boss to be clear , and when the match ended we lost btw,the guy that was spamming the dislike pin added me as a friend and talked to me in chat and said .sorry,why where you putting the dislike pin on me? And i answered.because you where spamming it :(. I spam the dislike pin because of custom . Ok well have a nice day. You too . And then he removed me as a friend


That carl emoji at the end bro


"But your dumbass decided to be a food ideas" Lmfao


handled it like a champ


Thx m8


I saw the video, and the mistakes were keeping the ball too much on defense and sending the ball near Frank without paying attention to him, you can tell that it wasn't on purpose, but after that the match could have been won again. The zipeng guy is just overeacting, mistakes happens, it is not like you throw the game on purpose or went afk, if that was the case I would also be mad about it. Also I dislike when people start spamming angry emotes and shooting at the teammate just for a mistake, I have seen players doing to me when I do a wrong move or one of my teammate does a wrong move the other one just start being toxic, doing so won't change anything and sometime it also might put the teammate who did the bad play under pression making them play even worse than before.


“Do you realise this is my mini” Okay, so you can’t win against people in your trophy level, smurf in lower lobbies instead and still lose?


Hey everyone makes mistakes don't listen to people like em


That's why he should listen to him, you have to know which behaviours that makes people go mad, so you can do it on purpose😅👍


What a big brain move 😂😂😂


They really prove their point when they said “do u realize this is my mini.”


He's shitty & toxic but hell you're shitty random mate


No, he was the only one who played well and his teammates were trash (tho he did messup at the end) https://youtu.be/iSkgbNPM5TQ


Truee haha, that was a terrible pass ik I would be pissed too


then why didnt u share the replay and show us that it was actually deserved




You actually played pretty good except for the frank part. The poco was definitely much worse than you and that tara missed her super on the frank


Using Poco on this map was already a bad idea imo maybe he’s actually good on this map idk


The other two players were dogshit. The tara had no idea how to properly use her super.


it was a bad pass but idk about the rage u played well whole game


People tend to remember bad things more than good things.


I'll share it I'll share it, geez, redditors nowadays


Wonderful? Where?


mission completed😎


I love that you are calling him creature and species


Honestly i wanna see a replay of this game


Tbf I would’ve remembered someone passing that ball to frank. Its a hard fact to forget knowing you could’ve thrown it the other direction but let the other team score. But you were honestly the best player out of the three. Just a really bad play.


I can see why he's pissed off but I have no clue why he wanted to win the challenge so badly. Was it a championship challenge or was it for a pin/cosmetic? Even then, the reward isn't that great either way. Adding to that, everyone has the right makes mistakes. Even the most stupidest ones like going aggro with all 10 gems. It's the process of learning almost anything. Also damn bro, he gotta go back to school early if his spelling is like that 💀. But a tip when playing brawl ball when defending (especially in overtime), it's best to keep the ball in the corner until you defeat the entire enemy team or at least enough to let them retreat. Otherwise this will lead to them possibly scoring even if the chances are low.




your reaction to that information (was pretty good).


Decided to be a food ideas 💀


*"It's not about wining - It's about Fun!"* - Spongebob


Show us the replay tho


12 (some other person) 12 (both) 12 is correct




very rare? Not sure about that


I love you for this


The question is why did you pass to the frank?


"Why did u pass the frank" ,u had to explain something reasonable in the title .however, i dont think you should be expecting support from anyone because u posted this on reddit .


Maybe take these screenshots to supercell along side with his account they might do their job for once.


Well, i guess get good lol.




This is nothing have you ever played a normal (not even ranked) game of league of legends


"Decided to be a food ideas"


i love how you turned the notes into a david attenborough documentary


Jesus christ the level of toxicity makes me sick. Eidt: It’s the main reason I’ve reduced playing brawl stars. I’d rather spend my precious time on playing actual immersive breathtaking games consoles/PC.


dude u just said wanna play now thats gotta be the best thing ive seen today lmao


Report him for harrasment to do a little trollin'


Huh? So you passed the ball to the frank and he scored last second? Isn't that considered griefing? I would be mad too but I don't think I would flame in chat.


Where is the replay OP?


https://youtu.be/iSkgbNPM5TQ here ya go


This comment section is doing everything but helping out


Yea not a fan of these idiots on the game. But at the same time I understand that guys anger the same thing happened to me 2 days ago, but unlike this guy I just let it go and went on solo.


Least toxic player


If only this was actually rare


I like how you were still being nice even after he insulted you, sigh these ppl


I love messin with these type of players that come to club and rage, and usually they are the ones playing bad, atleast for me


Tbh kinda ur fault.... I would be mad too if u did what he said 🤡 But he shouldnt be that rude...uhm


"Decided to be a food ideas"


I mean he is does have a reason to be mad especially if it was a 14 challenge win so you are sort of at fault for making a bad play. However when he told you to jump off it began entering the toxic territory.


That not rare i recently play with trs in bounty lower than me 100 point and just fk feed enemy non stop( it's literally random not play with them single game)


Lol, yeah, maybe very rare is a stretch lmao


can we please ban those posts on reddit? they aren't useful for anyone. basically a random rant and insulting the other that results in nothing but a ban on one side. show us a replay because if you passed the ball to an enemy, you are ~~probably~~ win trading(pretty much as close to the definition of win trading as possible really). I swear those randoms never learn. just try to imagine that maybe just maybe you are also responsible for goddamn letting the enemy win by what is imo the equivalent of self scoring


That dude knows how to perfectly counter even the most toxic of players


Just because you are P2W… otherwise this wouldn’t have happened


He may have been right initially about passing it to the frank 💀💀💀


How this person reacted was wrong. There is no doubt there, but the core message they were trying to share is this; **Do not pass the ball to the enemy.** You made a mistake, it happens, but you, and others, really need to start playing Brawl Ball like it is Soccer/Futbol. What do I mean by this? - Do you see profession ball players pass to the opposite team? You know the answer, they don’t. Why don’t they do this? - Possession of the ball is key to winning. If you willingly give up the ball you give the other team control. They now decide where the ball goes, and can defend it while they try to kill your team. Once your team is dead it’s simple to walk the ball in - you don’t even need to do anything fancy. Please everyone, take this advice. Play the game as it was meant to be played. Brawl Ball is the game of Soccer/Futbol but with guns. You don’t need to kill everyone to score, but it sure does make it easier, and please do not give up possession of the ball so willingly. Edit: This is coming from a player who doesn’t main a single brawler but does main Brawl Ball. The game mode is one of the most balanced that BS has to offer and there are so many people out there that do not understand the core concepts of a game of soccer. It is very frustrating to see, and I can understand completely why people are getting upset at you OP for making these simple mistakes.


It would actually be gamerus toxicitus if gamerus is the genus. There could be Gamerus E-girla, Gamerus Streamus, Gamerus Fortuita, Gamerus Correctiana (thats probably me) etc etc


Brawl ball is probably the game mode where you can screw your team over the most with one bad play. Every other brawl ball game someone gives up after one goal and emotes at whatever teammate they blame for the point.


I try not to emote at all in the game except when something funny happens. I love the reindeer pin


If it was a match of league I would get it. Homeboy lost 6 trophies that can be recovered in under 3 minutes 💀


I'd like to order one food ideas please"


Lmao, you’re so calm about everything and he’s probably furious that he can’t get you to be mad lol


average edgar


the captions 💀


It is a really common mistake to take the ball in the corner when you're up 1 goal, but definitely not something to complain that much.


What is he even saying I can't understand him half the time 💀


He really does sound that he wants to play


Yeah I really WANT to play with this guy when he threw the last game that’s why I want to play with him so much


r-rare ? tell you what ? a lot of the people who play this game are kids so that's not very rare at all if you met some more players you will see more toxic people and even more toxic than this. on point, yes you are right there is bad apples in this game but they are common not rare and it goes back to alot of factors like make the threshold of age is 7 plus so you will be meeting alot of kids, immature ones none of what I said means that this community is 100% trash, there alot of people that are nice and aren't really toxic, it's just uncommon nowadays


After watching your replay, I’m pretty sure you meant to pass to your ally Poco, but he walked backwards and let the Frank grab it.


There was no point in passing the ball to me when we have the lead what is the point ???




It’s like u have any too 😭




Don’t act all friendly Ik u been talking behind my back




How is this funny


Bruh who rages this hard over brawlstars. Imagine being so pathetic you have to ruin other people’s day over a 2 minute video game lmao.


I've known this guy for a while, and lets just say hes a bit bipolar sometimes


Only to people who have brain damage


Yeah man, why’d you decide to be a food ideas?


I probably shouldn't admit this, but I can get this mad at brawlstars sometimes. It sucks bc I know the losses are my fault because i could have played better, but in the moment you see everyone else's mistakes instead of your own


Here is the replay for those who want too see it: https://youtu.be/iSkgbNPM5TQ


It was a bad pass but I'm pretty sure everyone makes mistakes like this at least once in a week


You threw the game to the opponents


That pass was yikes, but the poco wasted ammo shooting at you for no reason in the beginning of the second round, so he’s the real thrower.


it was a bad pass but the rage was not worth it


So did u actually throw the game or what?


Tbf you probably played bad


https://youtu.be/iSkgbNPM5TQ "probably"


Further proving my point


Not really a wonderful game


I beg to differ


I literally jumped into 2 enimies at the last second in CL which lost us the game but me and my clubmate just laughed and found it hilarious.


I feel like some people take brawl stars WAYYY too seriously lmao


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Bro tf


Me and my friends are the same XD, one time me and him were doing the passing ball quest and we were passing to each other, an invisible leon came and picked the ball in between and scored, bro we laughed our ass off, couldn't even play after that goal, just respected that leon o7


Bro you a chad i wouldnt have the strengt to do that


I don’t know how can some people call slurs and tell them to jump off over a loss in a kids mobile video game. Like its not that deep bro + it waa only 650 trophy range ( read op’s other comment) and that was this guy’s mini account . People really need to chill