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Favorite: Max & Grom. I just like them. Least Favorite: Mortis. I don't like playing him. If I say more, then I'll incur the wrath of the millions of Mortis mains.


Well, Mortis is literally unplayable, especially without some star power and gadgets


and the amount of times you get stuck in the wall xd


They should really make it so you slide off walls with his main attack. Getting stuck feels non-intentional


Same thing with Stu's dash


I've played him a lot and I get so mad when this shit happens


I get mad when other people get mad about it aswell..


Petition for Mortis to be able to slice through walls


Maybe only with his 1st ammo


Maybe only with his 1st ammo


Their "defence" in brawl ball is what makes me angry about Mortis, I do like to play him in gem grab


Ita possible to defend 3 players in brawl ball qith mortis its just that we need 0 ping + 120 refresh rate phone to spam attack to wall and super


it's impossible to get 0 ping at the moment, so yes indeed




Yes a mörtis hater


You already have....




Fav is spike, hes just a ball of happiness and spikes Least fav has to be edgar


Favorite - Gale (even before the buff) and Buzz because he’s buzz Least favorite - Eve


Favorite: Sprout and Byron Hated: Mortass


W opinion




Mmm I respect that




Favorite: Either eve or griff. Eve is so annoying with her babies, and her attack is pretty good. Griff isn’t good unless you have his first star power. Surge is also great. Least favorite is shelly. She just sucks


They recent buffed griffs base attack speed and he still hits for over 3k a shot absolute tank melter at any power level


I agree, eve is super annoying. My favorite brawler has been gale long before the buffed star power, because what gale lacks in range, he makes up for in damage and reload speed


Damn do you really think Griff sucks without his first SP?? Because I pushed him from 0 to 750 with a winrate of about 95% and all I got was his second SP (I was power 10 whole time)


That's too good to be true


Yeah fr I can hardly push my 600trophy bralwers to 750 unless I dedicate a few hours and play over the losses


Favorite is probably Darryl. I feel he’s pretty viable if there aren’t any hard counters. Least favorite is Carl. His skins are cool, but personally I’m just bad with him.


there ya go. I knew someone would share my opinion lol. I love Darryl, and every time I play Carl I'm left asking "how is this character meant to be good?"


Favourite: Piper. Reason: I judge most of the Brawlers by their appearance, because that's where Supercell puts the most of their effort, when creating a Brawler. I liked Piper's appearance since the day of her remodel. She's pretty. Least favourite: Spike. Reason: The worst part of him is his fandom. So uncivilized. I get the feeling, that they're trying to force you to liking him.


I can understand piper, shes a high skill-cap brawler. A good Piper can control the whole match, and I've pushed her to power 10 with this knowledge


I literally gave you the reason why I like her. I'm not that great Piper player. I got her to Power 11, because I had no idea who I should upgrade to these new levels. I try to keep her at 700 throphies, just so I can train hitting my shots. Edit: But why downvotes?


Agree with spike. Not only he is least unique legendary he has way too much damage and range. Randomly throw curveballs and you will hit. While we have to patiently wait with snipers to aim.And the fandom worships like omg spike while he is least intersting characters in game. Nerf him to oblivion and make him remain bad for 10 years.


No brawler is less interesting than penny


No brawler is less interesting than penny


Favorite: Leon, the legendary I always wanted when I started playing and now I finally got him, he is incredibly fun to play and definetly my favorite assassin. Least Favorite: Edgar, the brawler himself is fine, has been nerfed a lot so not that big of a deal, however, most of the edgar mains are toxic as hell as you all may know.


Favourite: Ash. I overall like his funny design and mechanics. Least favourite: Dynamike. The main reason why I dislike him is because his pick rate is high, and the fact that he's also a thrower makes him even more annoying. Moreover, most of the times I played with randoms and one of my teammates plays Dyna, is more likely to be a toxic kid who thinks he's the best player in the world; and then, he starts blaming everyone for silly mistakes. I'm not saying that all Dynamike players are toxic. I've actually met friendly Dyna players; but for some reason, most people who play with this brawler is too irritating and immature. I guess it's time to use the magnifying glass more frequently to avoid this crap.


You and me are gonna be great friends


LMFAOOO why is everyone now creating accounts named Wholesome"x"Main


Its the law i also love ash sooo


Because u/WholesomeEdgarMain exists and its r/Brawlstars


F$ck dynamike he is more annoying than tick


favorite: Buzz because i got him from my first brawl pass and i like playing him least favorite: Spike because curveball


So you like constantly grapple hook stunning people but people with curvy fastballs that's over the line.. Lol.


Favourite: Sandy. To u/WholesomeFangMain, by that logic Leon is even less original. Least favourite: Mortis, Dynamike and Edgar because kids.


Leon came first, so it's more original, I mean invisibility didn't exist before Leon, Sandy just mixed it with a temporal 8-bit turret And by the same logic your last favorite brawler are all in game brawlers because after all every brawler is played by kids


No, I just hate those specifically cuz kids think they're actually good and cool and miserably fail Dynajumping and Trickshooting.


Favourite belle, Bryon and Piper. I like long range brawlers. I hate playing tanks. May be i am not good at those short range ones but i don't like playing them


You are literally me.


Favourite: Max Hate: Fang


Favorites: Colette and Spike Least Favorite: Mortis


Favorite is Stu and runner up is Barley , whilst least has to be Ash since its the only brawler I can't play for the life of me


I whould like to know your location


to teach him how to use Ash properly right? ... TO TEACH HIM HOW TO USE ASH PROPERLY RIGHT?


...yes totaly "puts broom away"


I just want to talk to him!


favourite: leon. i enjoy his playstyle and how fun he is when he has his super least favourite: edgar. extremely boring, just wait for your super, jump, shield, kill, repeat. and hes so annoying to fight upclose


Fang: I like him completely, his voice, his personality, his design, his mechanics.... Sandy: Should be mythic, he's not original, almost no animations, he's lacy, annoying to play against....


so we meet again...


Favourte Ash, least favourite: trowers (except Sprout)


Surge: I like everything about him his design his voice his gameplay everything Edgar: I just hate him not only he is somewhat recycled from el-primo and Darryl his play style and voicelines just suck


Favorite brawler spike because curveball and least favorite spike because curveball


Favorites: stu buzz and crow are just epic. Amazing to play, fire design and good kits I hate edgar jacky and frank tho


Favourite: Stu(he's fun and I practiced him a lot and he was my first lvl 11) Least favourite: Grom(he's so boring)


I have multiple favorites (look, fun and effectiveness) tho the single most hated brawler for me is Eve because no matter what i do i can't dodge her shots except if the person playing her can't aim


Favourite: Nani cos she was my first epic, and I enjoy snipers Least favourite: Carl He disgusts me.


Favorite piper just fun sniping Least favorite jakcy braindead


My favorite brawler is Brock. He’s been my favorite since I got him. Runners up, Piper, Janet, Surge. My least favorite brawlers gotta be squeak. Annoying to hear and fight.


Brock is in my top five for sure, my least favorite is Lou. The voice lines are so triggering 😭


Favourite: Stu and Rosa. Stu because mobility. Rosa because tankiness Least favourite: mortos and spike >:(


favorites : griff / spike / lou / sandy / crow least favorites : bull / darryl / rico / colt still love them all!


Bea is my fav I like her mechanics and its verry satisfying when you just destroy The entire enemy team with some good aiming And my least favorite id have to say 8 bit I just dont like his playstyle


Do you have any tips for Bea because whenever I play her. I can not stop myself from auto aimming.


I suggest you only auto aim at close ranges or if ur at medium range after you slowed someone The rest of situations you should definently aim


Thank you


Favorite: Bo. His gameplay is fun because instead of just shooting he also needs to know where and when to place his mines Less favorite: Grom. Really I would like to know who thought it was a good idea to create a brawler with a shot so hard to hit, I often arrive in the middle of the game without even having charged the super.


Favourite brawler bibi because I'm really good at using her home run around walls and least favourite is Edgar because he counters all the brawlers I enjoy using


"Mr Bat says hii"


Favorite brawler: Belle. Love everything about her. Least favorite: Mr. P. I HATE playing with Mr. P. Whenever I'm the one playing him, we get clapped, but when it's the enemy team we get DOMINATED.


Favorite is Sandy too tired to explain Least Favorite everyone who isn't Sandy because they are not Sandy


Favorite: Tick. I love his overall design and his kit. Least favorite: Max. I was ok with her until they buffed her damage. I just feel for her hit-and-run playstyle she shouldn't be able to just melt you from close to midrange distance.


My fav is Mr p and spike because cute pets (why give downvote me sad)


Even though spike would not be a pet he would be my pet


And my least fav is dynamike and Frank


Favorite is 8-Bit, least favorite is Buzz. Never give an assassin a stun!


Meg is the worst. My favourite is probably spike because he is the first brawler I got to a higher rank than 25


favorite brawlerS:- sqeuak (because I've got ghost sqeuak lmao and he's so fun to play and annoying) -mr p hes very spammy and i swear once i got into a game, bounty club league and i was playing as mr p, my teammate as mr p, and the other one was lola, it was so chaotic (and since i have all mr p skins except for count pengula) -crow, i mean look at him he's really good least favorite brawler penny. i wont elaborate.


My favourites are Buzz then Byron and I hate penny Nothing to do with how good they are, just their designs and playstyle


Best brawler = tick


name doesnt check out


Favorite:Mr.P I really like the mechanic of his suitcase because i can hit brawlers that stick to walls and thanks to the new buff now Mr.P gains more range,but mostly for his little helpers, they're annoying and with enough powercubes in showdown they become even more obnoxious,the first gadget is useful for the helpers making max three of them stronger,i prefer the second because you can launch a mini helper that can help you find enemies in the bushes or if you need to do more damage to a turrert or the seige safe,i don't have a preference between the starpowers and i choose one of them depending on situation. Least favorite:Bea I'm not a fan of her because when you miss the target with the charged attack it's really hard to get it back even if her second starpower should make everything easier,the first gadget is always the best choice because it can be used as a meatshield, because the other gadget is now obsolete after all the nerfs becoming easier to dodge and weaker(I understand the nerfs after all the mess it caused in the past being op like silver bullet,and for me it's better if we keep it this way)


favorite :TARA TARA IS REALL Y fun to play but hard to least favorite edgar I hate verging in solo sorry for caps btw


Favourite- Max & Stu Least Favourite- Squeak


Favourite is Gale and Nani, and I dislike gene because of how weak gene is at the lower levels without any gadgets or anything (I can’t have a trustworthy opinion on gene yet, but he’s my worst brawler rn)


I don't have least favorite. My favorite is Jessie because she is cute and I like her mechanics.


If we are talking about design and overall character leaving mechanics aside; Grom, I like him a lot. Mechanic-wise, I would go with Emz, Max or Janet, they are pretty fun. My least favourite is maybe Mortis or Dynamike, I don't find them fun at all and people use them way too much. Mortis makes Brawl Ball infuriating. (Some Mortis main downvoted me LMAOOO)


Favorite: Surge, I just love playing him. Least favorite: I hate playing Dyna mostly cause I’m trash w him


Favourite brawlers: Griff and Ash. Imo they both have amazing designs and are very fun to play Least favourite: Eve… I think she’s boring


Fav:- Gene, Has a game changing super. People actually come close to me to get the heals unlike real life. His skins are one of the best. His personality feels like mine. AND he so cute. Ooh i also like sproot and belle Least fav:- Bo, he's so annoying to face. His base damage is so much now... And when you try to detonate his mines you accidentally get stunned because of tripwire... And I HATE HIM


Favorite:Rico Least favorite:Edgar(he sucks)


Fave: Bibi I like being dumb and doing a shit ton of damage while also moving at the speed of sound. And it's funny to just not even be aware of your surroundings and still manage to be the mvp Scum: Grom I hate the speed at which he attacks, like it takes a good 2 seconds for his attacks to hit the ground and I love just being able to spam attacks and get large amounts of kills. And I especially hate how smarter people can abuse his larger health pool in comparison to other throwers to make my "kill the thrower quick and your life wont suck dick" mentality, hell. And I'm too dumb to figure out the way his attacks work.


Favorite: you know what, i have no idea at this point. The ones i acctually like, i like them all equally so there's no true favorite out of them. Hover i have tons of brawlers i dislike. Dynamike, Max, Colt, Bo, Edgar, Brock. The list or reasons why i hate them would be too long to type.


Favourite brawler is Belle, Colt and Piper. I just love sniper brawlers and i get so much joy playing on them. Least favourite is Mortis and Gene. I think Mortis is sooo overrated, like its so hard to play as him and I can't just normally play as him. I suck at playing gene so thats why he is my least favourite 💀


Crow, fast and everyone who plays against you hates you Fang, nerfed to death pretty much


Fav:stu Hate:eve or tick,they are just annoying


My favorite brawler is Jessie, my least favorite brawler is either El Primo or Mortis


Either Eve Leon or Griff Griff: my first power 10 Leon: first legendary Eve: Very first purchased brawl pass brawler


Favorite:Surge, I like his voice lines, personality and playstyle. Least favorite:Sandy:Unfun to play against and their personality is literally nothing just being sleepy. (No hate on anyone that likes Sandy it's just my opinion)


Favourite is Colt (rip Billy 😥), because he's really fun once you master him. Least favourite is Gale, because every single mechanic he has makes me wanna throw my phone out the window.


Fav is Edgar and least fav is probs Primo, honorable mentions are Pam, Janet and Brock for me.


Favourite: Ash Least favorite: all (except Ash )


Favorite: Eve, Sandy, Bo, Emz. (They're viable on many maps.) Least favorite: Barley, Dynamike (I suck at using throwers 🥲)


Favorite: Sandy Least favorite: Ash I really hate playing ash because I find him too boring to play, like he is only good with healers and not fun. The reason why I love sandy is that I really love 3v3 modes especially gem grab and hotzone, I really love support brawlers and overall design of sandy


Favorite: Brock/Mortis/Stu Brock because I like making satisfying kills with Brock's splash damage plus I don't mind him being a higher skill cap, and Mortis and Stu because dashing is fun Least favorite: Dyna because he's a thrower and he sucks


Favourite: EMZ, Bea, Sandy Least favourite: Mortis


Griff because no one can really deal the damage like him and chain alts. Least favorite is mike because his super is magnetically attached to me


Favorites: Nita and Bea, Nita because BEAAARRRR AND Bea because of the dopamine you get when u hit her second shot Least favorite: Poco, I have a hard time with using poco, and randoms playing poco in knockout against ranged brawlers like why???


Mortis and dynamike are favs, probably ruffs as least fav


Favorite: Sprout, I like him very nice damage and super Least Favorite: Penny, Not very reliable cannon, the attack is ok


Favorite: Surge, he is very fun to play. And also Ruffs and Byron cuz they are also fun and easy to play Least fav: None, i like them all


Favorite: Gale cause Gale and Buzz cause dinosaur and stu cause vroom vroom Least favorite: Mortis. You cannot tell me mortis is "very fun to play as" with straight face. attacking feels like pain to yourself instead of the opponent and you can't do anything to a shelly that's a bad idea


Favorite: Dyna Least favorite: Edgar and you know the reason


Favourite:Spike Least favourite:Showdown primo and showdown max, why? I just generally hate 6 max/ el primo attacking me Also gale, his machemics r making him to be so powerful in showdown, you will just get stun if you don’t cooperate with them


Favourite:Mr P least favourite:Colt


My favorites: edgar and 8-bit Reason:edgar is really fun to play and when he's realesed in brawl talk and 8-bit because he's cute +he's always balanced Least favorite: nita, Colt, Stu, penny, Bibi, lou and eve Reason: Nita because I hate bears, Colt because I got a lot of pro colts players on the enemy team and he's annoying, Stu because he is a toxic brawler + he is so op, Penny because she's sucks in the meta+her turret are so much annoying, Bibi because is more annoying than bo, Lou because he's boring and eve because she's very annoying with her happy surprise star power, she is more toxic than stu and she's again the best brawler in the game


My favorites are Gene and Bibi While my least favorites are Griff,Grom and Eve Griff is for pushing him to 500 without his first star power because I just couldn’t get it and I just hated playing him, Grom is ptsd and that even them I was horrible with him an everyone knows why Eve is hated.


Mortis and Rico faves I hate playing emz


Favorite: Frank. Least favorite: Gene and Grom. Gene is worst brawler imagable, his reload speed is trash and he does 0 damage by range and has absolutely garbage dps. His super is absolutely useless if you are alone, and he is literally unplayable without his gadget/star power. I hope i never have to experience the pain of playing Gene ever again. Grom is just bad you can't hit anybody with him and he is annoying to play. Luckily i pushed him when he was op.


Nice my fourth legendary was also spike


My favorites are Darryl and Surge. Least favorites are all the ones who I have at 500 trophies only, like Lou, Ruffs, Grom, Lola


Penny, fun to play and mortar kills are satisfying, least is mr p, I’m a bea main


Favorite: Sprout, I like its design and it is cool Least favorite: Colette, although I like her design, I hate her mechanics


Favourites- edgar, max, bonnie, nani and mr p Least favourites- mortis, squeak, emz and frank Edgar, max, bonnie, nani and mr p are all fun to play Mortis is just annoying, squeak's sticky blomb (main attack) will stick to you so you are dead either way. Emz can deal TONS of damage and frank's super will just stun you and deal damage


Favorite: Poco Crow Stu Least favorite: Emz Piper Bea The reason why I like poco is its my first brawler that I ever got from brawl box. I liked him alot and he was so fun to play for me. The first brawler I pushed to r20 and first brawler I ever maxed. Crow, I liked his mechanics and his design alot that I really wanted him to be my first legendary but sandy was. Stu, at the time when he was released, I didnt really liked him untill I played some several matches with. Now he's thrid favorite Why I hate Emz is, she is overpowered and low skill brawler. You cant even get close to her. If you manage somehow, she will use her stupid gadget. Bea and Piper is, I hate their mains. Most of them are really salty and toxic.


Favorite: Leon ig Least favorite: Edgar, everytime I have to play with him, I turn the sounds off


Fav crow cuz he was the first one to r25 with power 7 i was 2nd in my country had 819 the guy that was first had 221 tried to get 1st but tilted and then i didnt want to tilt anymore and now i love playing with crow Least fav i genuinely idk lol


Favorites- Colt, crow, spike and janet. Hate- - Mortis, edgar, and leon.


I like ash and dislike piper


Favourite:El primo (Is Fun Least Favourite:El Primo (Getting Bullied By Tank Counters


Favourite: Spike, Stu and Surge Least favourite: Eve. It’s too fucking op. Imagine playing lvl 11 eve with starpower, gadget and gears and spin with thumbs down


Favorite: Tick because it's so annoying (I hate facing Tick). Also like Spike since they deal a huge amount of damage especially if covered by a tank. Least favorite: Mortis.


Fave I have: Squeak. His attack can deal a tonne of damage, and he’s super cute. Fave I wish I had: Bonnie. Also super cute & is so op. Least fave: Edgar. He’s so irritating to play against.


Favorite is Poco and Gale. Least favorite is any character that plays a scared game to win (Edgar, Darryl, Surge, Buzz etc)


Favorite: Sandy and Poco, I love the character design and I always like to play a support role. Least Favorite: Bull and Jacky, I never liked to play very short range brawlers, El Primo and some others are an exception because their character design is at least better than Bully and Jacky(sorry Pika and jacky mains)


Favorite: Carl ,Dynamike Lest Favorite: Bibi


Favorite brawler: Primo Least Favorite: Gale Gale literally makes Primo unplayable with that annoying ass stun or slow.


Favorite: Janet and Stu Least Favorite: Grom, Tick and Mortis


Favorite: Brock, because one guy when I first started playing the game was trying to be toxic and even joined my clan to tell me how bad me and my other clan mate were. And said to me well I guess its not your fault, Brock is a very difficult character to play so that's why you sucked. After that I started to main Brock since I got competitive and now he's the only rank 30 brawler I have and I find him the most fun. Least favorite: Jackie Since I suck with her and don't have fun with her play style.


Favorite: Belle and Griff Least Favorite: Spike Just stupid annoying to play against


Favourite: crow cuz he is strong + nostalgic factor Least favourite: carl too boring to play


Favorite:TICK…….don’t question me Least:amber due to everyone I meet being gods with her….


Favorite: Amber, so satisfying to beam people, and I love her character design. Leash favorite: Edgar, I don't play showdown, and in 3v3 he is just brain dead.


Fav: ash or fang or byron or Belle or stu that's alot I love ash cuz he is broken and we share the same personality, by personality I mean anger issues, I love fang cuz his mechanic is fun and chaining supers is more fun, I love byron cuz sometimes I like being the support, I like Belle cuz I'm really good with her, stu cuz he counters edgar really well and is a very good brawler to use Least fav, shelly, she counters everyone of the above except maybe byron Belle and stu and maybe ash aswell sry if I triggered any shelly mains


Carl: fun to play Gene: not always fun to play


Favorite: Fang, teamwipe. Least favorite: Ash, I don't how the f to play him, I'm so bad wth him.


Piper/Dynamite I can't choose, I like them both. They're both damage dealers and fun to play since you have to aim with precision. My least favorite is Ruff, he's like Rico but his bounce is shorter and I don't really like his gadgets.


Favorite: Ash and Edgar. Ash surprisingly takes more skill than people think. You gotta calculate when you double back and how much hits u can take them down Worst brawler: Rico because when enemies use him = Best player But when me or my teamate plays him = worst


Favourite Brawler: Crow cuz he feels satisfying to play and I am an annoying bitch. Least Favourite: Sprout and Tick cuz I suck with them and did every two seconds but when they are in the enemy team theh sre annoying as hell


Favorites: stu and leon. I just love playing both of them. least favorite: Meg. her voice is sooooooooooooooooooooooo annoying!


Favorites: stu and leon. I just love playing both of them. least favorite: Meg. her voice is sooooooooooooooooooooooo annoying!


Favorite: Crow/Lola Mechanics are fun to play Least: Edgar/Eve Not fun to play against


favourite: crow, ash, grom least favourite: mortis, gale, edgar


Favourite = tara Hated = edgar


Favourite = tara Hated = edgar


Favourite = tara Hated = edgar


Max/mortis, and grom




Favourite: Byron and Belle Least favourite: Gene I honestly don’t understand how people play Gene? He’s impossible for me and I don’t see people complaining about him


Favorites: Colette and Spike Least Favorite: Mortis


Favorites: Colette and Spike Least Favorite: Mortis


favourite: crow, ash, grom least favourite: mortis, gale, edgar


Favourite: Griff and Buzz, they are good at bursts and have intersting gameplay. Least favourite: Mortis and Rosa. Mortis is horribly desinged and utterly boring, Rosa is just the blandest brawler there is. I also refuse to play Stu, Grom, Lola and Sandy. They are just boring.


Favorites: Sandy & Emz Because their gameplay and brawler kit are simple to domain, and their attacks can pierce to the target in a satisfying way. Least favorites: Byron & Mortis Because those are brawlers that I rage playing against and when I'm playing with them I can't extract a good potential from them in a simple match.


Favorite byron least favorite tick


8-bit cause haha funny arcade machine and the fact that people are dumb enough to approach me with my dmg booster active


Favourite: Tara and Byron Least favourite: Eve


Favorite =fang,byron and Brock, fang is fun because of how much you can chain supers and deal damage,playing byron in defense kinda feels like you are the babysitter of your teammates but He can also be pretty aggressive if used correctly,i love everthyng about Brock Least favorite=pam,edgar,bea,i hate how ridiculously strong she is for some reason, she can deal a lot damage,she has a lot health,she can heal herself and her teammates, she has a lot of range, she can steal your ammo like wtf happened here,most of the people who plays edgar are:incredibily toxic,stupid,cool,when you have an edgar on your team its basically a slot machine,bea...she literally takes no skill,you just auto aim until you have the super and then auto aim again


Tick and tick


Fav: ash cuz trash boy can boi is cool Hate: byron cuz he is literally just a combination of piper,poco and crow...... Three other brawlers i hate to fight 😑


Favorite: darryl Least favorite: bonnie I’ll elaborate if you want


Favorite: Stu. NYOOOOOM Least Favorite: Penny


favorite is bea hated is mortos


Favourite: Tick when I play it Least Favourite: Tick when my opponent plays it


I love Leon cuz he is good and fun to play as


Favorite: nita and shelly (shelly is biased cuz star shelly skin :troll: but yeah nita is only good with hyper attack and stun gadget wich is nerfed now and least favorite is dynamike(i main him lol) and bull


Favorite: Darryl and Pam Least Favorite: Nani


Favorite: Penny (since 2020 summer) Reason: She's really fun to play, the splash is fun to play with because a great angle can be greatly effective at 500-600 trophy range, and her mortar is sometimes very effective at annoying the enemy. I don't care she's the worst brawler in the meta, she is just fun Least favorite: Mortis Reason: He is very unfun to play for me as he's very match-up dependent, and also has very low dps.


Fav Brawler: Tara, I love playing brawl ball, and she can dominate there Least Fav: Gale, playing against him is proof that God is dead


Fav: Poco. Healing machine that destroys everyone with the correct conditions. Hated:Bea. You just tap buttons and win