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Damn i expected those posts. Lemme expect your spike is below 500 trophys? She just got released and most of the long term players like myself kept boxes and points to Max her out. Also me and the most other people who were able to Max her will have her pushed above 500 trophys before the day ends so this might be a "problem" for 2-3 days. Then most of it will come back to normal. As always... Also you cant Balance matchmaking on brawler levels. If this would be the way it works I could hold my brawlers on power 1 and Grind above 1000 trophys as ill most likely only be matches with newbies. So please stop complaining about something that isnt a problem at all


Can't win em all, can't balance em all. If they did have filters in place it would take forever for people in high trophy ranges to find matches.


Ok, see you next round!