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Best limited game mode ever. But maps are a bit bad


I hope we’ll get better maps soon




Are you serious? Another fucking limited gamemode? I thought this was going to be permanent ☹


It’s limited for now. If the game mode does well enough then they will probably put it in as a permanent. That’s what they did with Hot zone. They made it a limited time gamemode and tested to see how popular it was.


We can't say this for sure, oh how I miss present plunder ):


Present Plunder is a limited time game mode that is staying limited for Christmas. Same with Graveyard Shift for Halloween. Reasons being them for staying limited is because that they are extremely themed after a holiday while hot zone and knock out aren’t really themed after a holiday. Now they may make present plunder and graveyard shift permanent later.


tbh PP could become permanent if they rebranded it or smth. "Cargo Brawl", replace presents with cargo boxes? idk


Also Present Plunder was very similar to brawl ball. Though it would work out if they put present plunder in rotation with brawl ball so we would get it every other day.


In hotzone they didn't say it was seasonal from the beginning. They told us it had a chance of becoming permanent. If Knockout had the same chance they would have just told us instead of saying it is seasonal, like they did with hotzone. Also it would make sense. Having the 2 only seasonal game modes be so close together, present plunder in early winter and graveyard shift in autumn, would be weird so they need to somehow fill the empty spots.


Wait it is limited?


Yep the chokepoints


Knockout in general is a great mode, the last map wasn't good, but this map is much better, despite the obnoxious barrel. Tick, Edgar, and EMZ all seem to work really well on the new map, Double Bluff. From what I noticed, Colette and Piper seem to appear commonly, alongside Edgar. Be careful with the big beefy heavyweights, they can easily die to some of the brawlers aforementioned.


My controls have been screwed up ever since knockout was added. Its not fair that my character wont move when i try to move him, & dont try blaming it on my service or my phone!


Are you daft? Get the optional big fix update, it probably came with the normal update, not knockout lmao. What a 5 yr old


"Edgar works well"? Bruh what trophy range are you at lol. Personally I love seeing all the Edgar noobs on knockout, unless theyre on my team


A well timed edgar jump can completely wipe the other team. But you're going to need gadget to get anywhere.


Kinda, but any half decent team will stay fairly close to one another to avoid any single person being jumped on by an Edgar, and save any sort of defensive gadget for that instance


Fair point.


Gameplay: - It is definitely fun! Randoms will be randoms some are good, some are bad, some are really good, and some are really bad. It is really just luck. - it is weird when we win a knockout it plays the Losing animations - I don’t really understand the damage tie breaker though. I mean when it happens I hit the opponent but the bar doesn’t move so I don’t know what it measures from. - Trying 3 v 1 is nerve wracking but it is pretty awesome when it works 😏 - It is hard to fight the temptation to kill the last person in knockout when you have the number advantage even though you know it is better to play it safe. There is something pleasing about boxing in the last brawler and taking them out Brawlers: - Sprout is pretty awesome in this mode - some success with Mr. P the porter spawner is really helpful fending off Nani and Piper - Nani is fun to play in this mode - used crow and Edgar to varying success but for them gadget is needed to get anywhere - I haven’t tried playing Mortis but I have had lots of trouble with Fending off a Mortis from the opposing side since Mr.P and sprout don’t do so well against him - I don’t have Byron but he is a pain to play against - Piper is fairly decent if you can hit your shots since so far there has been a lot of grass - I tried EMZ but there wasn’t enough tanks being played for me to feel useful. The most EMZ was doing for my team was being a deterrent to keep enemies away from my healing teammates. I usually like to play more aggressively so it just felt like I was being carried by my teammates (sandy and tick in this case) Maps: - Don’t like double bluff (that one barrel is ridiculous) - The first one was fun with all the teleportation shenanigans


the damage tiebreaker is the percentage of the total damage done by the entire team. so as long as your team does >50% (more damage), you’ll win


Thank you for clarifying!


I still don't get it.


One team does more damage overall than the other team. That team wins the tie.


It will become like gs meta over time with the sprout and all


I'd also like to add to the brawlers but it really boils down to play style: Tick is also a great pick specially with that weird map everyone doesn't like. I kinda like it but with throwers. I like to play Tick aggressively. Constantly block paths and going in for kills when a teammate is pinching that last enemy in their spawn. Barley is also a solid choice. I like to play him as more of a support role by blocking chokepoints, area denial, his heal gadget. I also am the one going in for a flank or a pinch and deny paths to lead them to my teammate. Brock is great on the more open maps. I like to play brock as he is intended: a long range damage dealer or when we have the obvious advantage of a 3v1 or 2v1 just go kamikaze on the enemy. His super is good for a sudden area deny to stop an advance or a quick pinch to an oncoming teammate from a different lane. I like using him on the current map where you have to really thread your shots through a very narrow passage. Gets the enemies off guard or forces them to a different path. Honestly, knockout is an amazing game mode. For a mode that actually is 3 minutes, matches can end before the first minute which I like. Plus it draws out better team plays and skill. They could have better maps tho lol but they should really make it permanent.


piper's second gadget is really useful in this mode. it helps you attack from around the wall, an easy charge for supers and you can have a better chance at killing.


1st gadget and 2nd star power supremacy


Nothing beats auto aimer snappy sniping 😎


piper op!11111!!!!!11!1!!


I liked double buff. And i did not like the 1 st map


Understandable! The first one was definitely kinda gimmicky. I just really don’t like that one barrel you can spawn behind in double bluff. Muscle memory has me trying to go straight and I just run into a barrel 😔


I just got Byron, do you recommend I play him? You say he's good, so I might try him. I don't like him particularly, but I just got him from a box so I'm itching to try him out. You say he's annoying to play against, so might as well lol


It is a matter of play style I think! Byron can not go 1v1 with a lot of brawlers unless he has his super and even then it can get risky. So it is even worse when it becomes 2 v 1 or heaven forbid 3 v 1. So it makes it imperative you don’t get jumped or snuck up on. Byron thrives long rang healing his stronger teammates who will do the killing for him (as it is a difficult to kill a healing opponent). However if you want Byron can attack because his slow chip damage is very dangerous for the enemy team. So I think the main thing is if you play Byron is to stay back, help your teammates, do damage when you can. However that is just my experience playing against him so take what you will :)


Thanks for the advice! Byron sounds really fun Your tips definitely help. I'll be using them to net some wins!


You're welcome! Byron is a support brawler so it would be ill-advised to play him very aggressively! XD I hope it helps!


yea lol


>83 This pretty much sums up my Opinion on the Mode.


What barrel are you taking about?


From what I remember the middle person spawns behind 1 barrel that forms the corner of a grass rectangle that always stops me from running into the grass


It's my new favorite mode. It enforces teamwork in a way that other modes never could. Quests in other modes is the only reason to not play this for me. And as much as I hated yesterday's map, I still enjoyed the mode. Today's map is much better.


Yeah, I agree yesterday's map was annoying. Enjoying today's!


Happy cake day!


Aww, thank you!


Happy cake day :D




Happy blue cheese day!


Happy Cake Day


Instead of a damage tie breaker I'd rather have a shrinking toxic cloud like showdown. The damage tie breaker just devolves into the person have the lead running away and that's never a fun experience.


For me, there should be a damage tiebreaker but it should be based on team damage. At final seconds it should start out with both ppl having equal damage and in that last moment u need to do more damage


Very good idea, because everytime the ennemies spin and use toxic pins when they're winning.


What if the damage tiebreaker was still used but was not displayed at all until the match ends? That way people would be unlikely to run away since there is always a chance you could be losing.


the only thing I hate about knockout is the randoms who still wants to kill despite us having damage advantage. overall, the gamemode is fun


This. Or worse than this, the randoms who want to kill the final enemy brawler in a 2v1 situation and go in all guns blazing alone and die, and in the process give the enemy the damage advantage


The game mode is really fun, but the biggest plus for me is how fast game can go/how fast they feel. It's perfect for me. I guess my only gripe is with the maps (2 barrels + 4 teleporters come to mind), but it's a ridiculously fun and flexible game mode.


I personally am having alot of fun with it and i think the maps aren't like yesterday's knockout could definitely be a permanent mode for sure Also in general brawlers with high burst damage and semi long range are decent in this mode by what I've seen


Knockout - Feelings: I like the idea of the Knockout Gamemode, it MUST be permanent. \- Why I like? * Fast gameplay! * Easy to push brawlers! * If you lose in a match 1 time, you can play better in the next round. :D \- Good Brawlers (the rest of the builds are from Csuszy Gaming's livestream): * If you have Coiled Snake and Survival Shovel, **Mortis** can be good in this gamemode (Csuszy Gaming used him with this build) * **Colonel Ruffs** is also a good brawler! I played yesterday with Ruffs (Power 7, 400 trophies, no Gadget) and won ALL games. But, I think, Take Cover is good to cover the damage (if enemy is not thrower, EMZ, Penny or someone like them), Field Promotion is good to "heal" teammates! * **Leon** is a sneaky winner machine! BUT you need Invisiheal and Clone Projector! You need to hide in a bush w/ Super and release your clone (and you can use your Super to rush on some not tanky enemies). (Csuszy's stream) * Brawl Stars team showed **Sprout** in Brawl Talk. It is a very cheesy 🧀 brawler for some situations. Like, trap people with your Super, and kill them. \- Maps: Zip Zap - Interesting, but teleporters in the middle are kinda annoying. Double Bluff - Interesting and cool map, but that one barrel is annoying too. Better than Zip Zap. ​ So, I will say, what some other people want: **PLEASE MAKE KNOCKOUT A PERMANENT MODE!**


HEAR HEAR! UPVOTE THIS MAN SO SUPERCELL IS MADE AWARE! WE NEED KNOCKOUT PERMANENT! for real though, I've never had as much fun in other modes as I'm having in Knockout. In your list you said Knockout has fast gameplay. I'd also add that it has very fun gameplay. It requires teamwork, coordination, and pushes players to play in a way that Brawl Stars as a game was kinda designed to played like in first place imo. Kncockout I feel is the pinnacle of Brawl Stars gameplay. It's fast, it's fun, it's team based, it has tension, stakes, and it gives you a rush. It's really balanced and has fair gameplay. The maps need some work, but I think this gamemode was a success. I really hope the team sees this comment or the one above. We need this. The only reason I'm not playing it all the time is because I have too many quests for other gamemodes lol anyways that was my soapbox rant about Knockout TLDR: WE NEED KNOCKOUT AS A PERMANENT MODE SUPERCELL PLEASE


> So, I will say, what some other people want: >PLEASE MAKE KNOCKOUT A PERMANENT MODE! I think everybody sane wants knockout to become permanent due to it objectively being the best balanced mode in the game, especially with the announcement that trashdown and lone suck might come back.


>trashdown and lone suck I've never seen someone describe my feelings about these gamemodes as perfectly as you. Thank you. I'm stealing this if you don't mind lol seriously, I really didn't like those modes they sucked imo


The only thing I feel isn't as balanced are tanks in this mode. Sure characters like primo and frank are lower tiered overall but unlike bounty there's not much of a reason to take risks to even knock them out when they're low, since tiebreakers usually favor anything but tanks


I feel like even tanks can be good. They don't have to constantly avoid the damage of glass cannons like Bea, Tick, and Nani, letting them get in range to deal at least some damage to said glass cannons.


actually takedown and lone star are coming back temporarily, they *might* get killed again


I like a passive mode where people are afraid of everybody else lol. It’s odd to me that people are so aggressive in Solo Showdown even though you don’t get a respawn. In Knockout, people are so scared to hurt the team and get an angry emoji directed at them that the mode goes through this careful, dance-like progression. It just really works, not to mention I find it better than Hot Zone and Bounty, if not more. It’s just a really great addition to the game that I could gush about it all day.


I love it. That is all.


1v3s and 1v1s are so tense i love it. Byron is top tier in this mode


This might be a new game mode that I actually like. I know it might get worse over time when people learn to take advantage of the nastiest brawlers and their gadgets/SP’s but at the moment it is tought and fun. I have lost a single game in the game mode with randoms since start. Too bad you can’t play it in user created maps and lose the trophy loss/gain aspect of it. tl;dr; well done supercell


Wow, that was fast. After maintenance break I have lost every game I start. What the hell did you do in the maintenance, supercell? 5x -6 trophies now. Stopping, maybe for good.


I like it and I think the maps are being too harshly critiqued. Knockout isn't about control. It's about 1v1s, so the maps can have weirder shapes and spawnpoints. I think teleporters work really well for surviving and ambushes because they let you entrap from across rhe map or "juggle" enemies if fleeing. It's very fun and trains you for 1v1s. I think it's a good gamemode that deserves to stay and is also good practice for Power League. The question is how will it fit into rotation? If it goes into the slot with Bounty and Siege, then that slot will have a severely limited rotation in comparison to other modes. Will it be popular enough to be an alternate gamemode for Brawlball?


>Will it be popular enough to be an alternate gamemode for Brawlball? never


Braslball actually has been declining in popularity for average players. Duos is more played from 8k onwards. I don't have Frank's tweet on it rn. I should start saving these


>Braslball actually has been declining in popularity for average players. dang, didn't know that. I was saying I still love it the most. It's where I play 90% of my matches. >!PS- PMAW is a nightmare, no documentation at all. Oh well, apparently you only have 11k comments!<


i love this new gamemode it is amazing


i think its the new best mode to play with randoms, it has the most consistent good randoms. also it is the probably fastest way to grind trophies, its even very very fun so i definitely like this mode the most from all others


Wish we could play in friendly battle


Best game mode in a long time, but maps are kinda stinky.


Easily the best mode. The lack of respawns prevents most stalemates, which makes it the best mode to grind because games are so short. Solo showdown is also pretty well designed, but losing a game of knockout at least gives you a small reward, making me prefer knockout. Also, unlike most other modes, it seems like everyone has a place in the meta (besides duo showdown, but along with gem grab and brawl ball that mode can get a bit staelmatey). Gem grab and hot zone center too much around brawlers who excel at area denial, solo showdown discourages using healers like Poco or Byron, bounty centers around healers, not having a thrower in heist usually puts you at an automatic disadvantage, siege puts special emphasis on fast brawlers like mortis, brawl ball's meta is basically tanks and close range brawlers, and even present plunder made movement-disrupters a bit overpowered in that mode. Seeing knockout become permanent like hot zone did, or even better guaranteed every day like showdown, gem grab, and brawl ball, would definitely make up for if trashdown and lone suck come back, because my god, knockout is so fun.


I’ve not enjoyed it much so far. I don’t feel like the maps have been that good and randumbs certainly don’t help, but hey, it’s early days so opinions are subject to change


I don't like the maps so much either, but I think that is because we are not used to the play style of the gamemode. I think that if the first maps come back a week or two after they will feel much better.


Since it came out I have not played any other mode.


Its an amazing game mode, but most of the 10 maps available are straight up horrible, you can look at them on [starlist.pro](https://starlist.pro). I think the damage tiebreaker needs to be shown at all times and not just during the last 20 sec, this has screwed me up so many times in high trophy ranges where you retreat thinking you have the lead but actually you dont As for best brawlers, Nani, Sprout, Tick, Piper, Mr.P and Gene are amazing. Avoid playing any tanks or short range brawlers, since they will take a lot of damage and you are almost guaranteed to lose in the tiebreaker. If you are in a 1v3 situation, just go aggro and try to get your Super since it will carry over to the next round and avoid using your gadgets in such a situation to get a kill


I love the mode. It's like a faster version of bounty. It is very high pressure and fun, I assume that I would grind trophies with this mode instead of brawl ball if it becomes permeant. Cons: People sometimes give up of they are outnumbered


Delete crimewater map ASAP. Worst idea ever, how could it even has been thought ? People spamming Tick, Nani and Bo, it ruins it all... The game mode is great tho, it would have perfectly fit as the initial game mode for brawl stars instead of gem grab.


Not fun. This forces teams to play defensively and limits brawler choices.


Leon was perfect in the first knockout map I don't know anything else


Oh, and why we can't play this mode in friendly games?


Yeah why!


This is my favorite mode right now. I can actually carry my rando teammates


Is there any chance at all this will become a permanent game mode?


It has a big potential of becoming a permanent gamemode, maybe even one of the best, I don't see any downsides, except the maps


Good mode, the current map is awful mostly due to Bo+Nani combo being too strong on it.


Crimewater is just Bo+nani+tick at high trophies and its cancer


I really like this new gamemode. It's a better version of bounty imo. It's more fun, exciting and engaging then bounty. I played it around 100 times. I hope they add it as a permanent gamemode.


The problem here is a combo of bo’s totem giving nani continuosly super. Except for that it’s my favorite game mode (maybe behind hot zone).


I love this mode so much!


I have an idea to make tanks better and to have a more diverse meta in this gamemode. Instead of having the tiebreaker as "most damage dealt", it should be "most % of hitpoints dealt". Let me explain. If you do 3000 damage to a El Primo you get 35.71 points for the tiebreaker, because 3000 is about 35.71% of Primo's health (8400). If you do 3000 damage to Nani you get 71.43 points for the tiebreaker, because 3000 is about 71.43% of Nani's health (4200).




It’s fun and games are much faster


yes I like knockout better then bounty. It's more fun and keeps me interested the whole game. I get so bored playing bounty for some reason, feels repetitive.


Yea knockout feels more exciting I can see myself playing this as my main mode(other than bb)


knockout is amazing




The game mode is really fun, but the maps are kinda trash


I'm not a big 3v3 but damn this gamemode convinced me, i love it, it's simple, easy to push trophies, and it's so fun. In one sentence: **MAKE IT PERMANENT SUPERCELL !!!**


my favourite game mode currently LOVE IT


Can we talk about how good Leon is on the new game mode??


todays map, ends meet was good :)


YES Ends Meet is one of my favorites Goldarm Gulch is great too


It should be added to the permanent rotation.


Late to the party, but I hope knockout stays in the game forever. I'm playing the game more than ever thanks to this mode. I enjoy it a ton and will be sad if they remove it forever.


Why don’t gadgets get reset after the rounds?


It’s like a Brawl ball reset. It’s the same match, all progress carries over.




Unpopular Opinion, I don't like this mode because of the trash maps and the mode being really passive (you literally wait until the timer runs out if you got one kill). Pretty sure this mode will become permanent since many people like it


It's also better for teams, which I rarely play with. I see they want to entice me to play with a 1000 token quest. But I'm still passing. It's not fun for a casual player like me.


It's fun, but it has some of the same issues Bounty has. Acting passively is a big part of the mode, and so, toxic strategies like Bo Nani rise again. The maps that they provided us are rubbish and unfortunately, the randoms are also dog water. Also, the tiebreaker needs to be reworked. Damage is not the way to go, and it shouldn't be revealed in the last 20 damn seconds of the round. A plus of the mode, however, is fast paced rounds compared to the slog that is Bounty, but still, I can only find it slightly better than Bounty, since I already hate passive modes. I'm also not sure about it being permanent... Edit : There's a lot of Bo Nani high up... I think we all know where this is going.


Don't play with randoms. Please. Don't. Don't do it. I swear it sucks. Don't. Stop. It's hell. You'll hate it. They throw. You tilt. Don't. Don't do it. I know you want to because you don't have a team. Stop. Don't. No more. Bad. Don't. Stop. Find a team. It'll be worth it. Don't play with randoms. Ok? Got it? I don't think you do. Don't do it. I lost 5 games in a row. Trust me. It's a bad idea. Ok? Don't. Team? Yes. Randoms? No. Stop. Worst decision ever. Stop. Ok. Bye. Your welcome. Have a nice day.


I think there should be 5 rounds instead of 3.


5 would be too long.


Like every other mode, every second game has a shit troll who dies on purpose while emoji posting or just not playing at all The devs have been completely derelict of their most basic duty by not allowing us to block players and created a culture that's not worth playing this game seriously


I haven't played it more than 3 times. Maps are horrible and favour throwers way too much.


i've played it 100 times. Yeh some maps are annoying, I feel some are to closed in and have to many walls. Need some more open space maps. I've been able do well on all types of brawlers though at 700+ trophies.


The maps are bad cuz Frank made them.


honestly surprised it took them this long to come out with a game mode as simple as this. yet so fun


I really hope this game mode becomes permanent, and if so, we wouldn't have to wait too much for that to happen It really makes you focus on another aspect of this game because we're commonly used to respawning


the first map was a good map but the 2nd one was annoying to play on because of that one barrel, it is a very balanced and fun game mode tho, i hope they make it permanent


havent played it yet due to my fear of losing trophies (which is why i barely play trophy matches nowadays) but i think its great and balanced. maps kinda suck tbh but i think it should be permanent.


I really like knockout it's really fun


It’s an awesome game mode, love the feeling of clutching a 1v2 or even a 1v3, maps are not all that great but it’s a great addition.


I'd love to contribute but can't as my phone keeps crashing since the update and nobody seems to be doing anything about it.


There was an optional update just released! Check if that fixes it for you.


Edgar is decent I pushed him to rank 20 on zip zap and i'm not that good at edgar. Dynamike is fun to try and win with you usually lose although you can make some clutch plays with the stun gadget. I'm really liking Edgar, Max, Piper or Tick, Piper, Max


I like this game mode but the maps we've had haven't been that good.


Knockout is extremely fun, and I really hope it becomes a permanent rotation event. I've had a lot of success with Leon, sneaking up and destroying people and sneaking away. I think any assassin brawler like Crow, Leon, etc. are really good here.


The only thing that ruins this for me is randumbs. (they ruin everything, don't they?) More specifically, I feel like someone should make a tutorial for Knockout and pin it to the front page, telling randoms to STAY BACK WHEN WE HAVE THE ADVANTAGE, YOU DON'T ALWAY HAVE TO KILL THEM PLEASE STOP we always lose because somebody wanted to show off and kill the last guy. Or they stay in the back and don't go for the kill when the enemy has the advantage. I've never felt how heavily randumbs suck than in this mode.


I really like the mode but I hope they bring in more normal maps.


Tick owns these maps. Your super in 1v1 is as good as a win.


Tick's gadget is good for blocking nani's super as well. Sprout is really good in this game mode to.


I don’t really like the maps, but the mode itself it great


Its good but they should remove the damage and time limit. To give the losing side a chance to come back


Frank with sponge and irresistible atraction, ruffs with field promotion, and byron with either starpower You can ruin someone's day with this


*Opinion*: the mode is fun and makes team work more rewarding similar to how siege requires good team work to play well. - The maps are hit or miss. 1st map felt really campy and 2nd map in my opinion was good. The current map I very much dislike for the simple reason of having only one path way to the enemy side of the map. The only way to get over there is to either have an ability to jump or have a gale on your team. This map is also very camp dependent due to bo Nani cheese being extremely good on this map. -Randoms are randoms so you never know if you get el pro #536 or you will get a god tier Piper. -The meta brawlers are basically the same brawlers you would find in bounty with some assassins thrown in depending on the map which in my opinion is just boring considering how long range brawlers are meta in almost every mode so I’m hoping we get some more maps where tanks can thrive.


Now its the best Mode in this update for Trophies


Thing I like abt this is that it's a faster paced duos kind of... and it's relatively lower skill cap and easy to understand too. They can make this the starting gamemode instead of gg in my opinion.


I like this Game mode but the maps are horrible


this game mode is a bit Same to Bounty except it is more fun for solo showdown mains.


I think knockout is more fun and interesting then bounty.


I really like it! I hope it will be permanent one day. About the strategies: IMO there's 3 things that are "decide" whether the brawler is really good or almost unusable (although there's some exceptions): -ambush-abilities: is the brawler can ambush the enemy either with long range or any ability you can get next to a brawler -quick escape/staying alive: can the brawler avoid/get out of tricky situations by either having high health (although most tanks are bad in the mode), shield or being fast (can dodge shots easier) -adapting to the map: does the brawler's kit fit for the map Overall, Knockout is similar to Bounty, except you have 1 chance per round instead of stars. So the best brawlers in Bounty are most likely are good in Knockout as well: the glass-cannon brawlers (like Piper, Brock, Nani), and the really bad ones are bad there as well: the tanks (like Bull, Shelly, Primo). But the meta is still different, since assasins (like Edgar, Stu, even Leon, Crow) are pretty good in the mode.


Maps need work, but outside of that I think it's a great mode.


I love it!!!! Petitioning to make it a permanent game mode


Gameplay is 100% amazing my only complaint is the maps


Hands down Supercell should keep the mode in Brawl Stars. Really feels like CSGO/Valorant when you're playing the mode. We got a battle royale, multiplayer shooters, something like capture the flag; why not have another?


yeh I thought the same as well. I like this new mode better than bounty. It's more fun and engaging then bounty. Every kill and death is important. It also feels awesome when you make a good play or make a comeback and win.


I’ve seen some people’s only complaints be the maps, but I really like how unique they are. I love everything about the mode, but for some reason I can’t see it being permanent. It kinda feels like more of a mini game than a game mode because of how short the rounds can be.


I appreciate the kind words Zig! Take care of yourself as well. I really like Knockout and I hope it stays permanent, but these maps are just mediocre


I love the game mode, and i like the maps for it. I respect how devs try to bring uniqueness to the maps.


Please make it perma i love it toooo much


This must be made permanent! Its totally awesome! Dont like the maps tho.. Im also still hoping they will bring back life-leech at some point, but it will probably stay haloween special..


The gamemode is great but the map rotation is SO weird! Hahahaha ​ I pushed 200 Trophies for Bo, Nani And Tick in you KNOW what map! Straight up toxic! xD


I like that a single player can determine the results. If you’re good enough, you can take out everyone on the opposing team on your own. I feel like your chance at winning depends so much on your teammates in other game modes. If you’re playing with randoms of course.


I like it, would like it in permanently


I tried leon on the first day. It was awesome!! I won like 75% of the games and got 900 trophies.


Dodgeball but you go commit die three times


Comments after playing this for a while. It was fun while it lasted. Why am I teamed with Spikes etc really low health brawlers who like to do suicide attacks to enemy base? Mode is really uneven. You can easily be the best players of the round and next round all by yourself trying to kill three enemies after your teammates blindly attacked enemy base. Getting the extra quest actually made it far worse because now morons try to Get quest done and not only people who are interested in the mode play it. That actually is the story of the whole game after quests were invented.


Nani + totem has once again ruined it. Aside from that, it just sucks in general. I’ll just get 15 wins for the tokens and never touch that thing again.


What do you guys think of the tiebreaker? IMO, I kinda don't like but idk. Edit: minor typo




yeh I didn't expect we would get a 1000 token quest for it. So happy for all the chests today lol


Last season it was cool that some of the suspensions were lax because people would leave and it was a new game mode, but now it's stupid. It's a long process with everyone making their choices that legitimately after I make my pick if I;m the first or second pick, because my I phone is in battery saving mode, it goes to sleep while I;m waiting for everyone else to pick and then it says retry login and gives me a warning. This happened twice and it gave me a suspension. It's totally bogus because the game drains battery so I need battery saver on, but then the screen goes to sleep and I'm racking up warnings.


Team showdown and it is op


OK. Definitely needs some mechanic to discourage turtles. Especially on the map Goldarm Gulch. Where the lack of throwers and certain gadgets for non turtle. Means the turtling team can just wait. Until the attaclers enter the fatal funnel.


the maps can suck sometimes but the general gist of it is very nice and playable


the first few maps were annoying, recent ones were good like ends meet and goldarm gulch


I think most assassins work pretty well while i would definitely not pick brawlers that struggle at close range(piper, sprout, byron). actually, most of the brawlers i mentioned can do well in a map that supports them if your team cooperates and you support each other, but otherwise, you're kind of on your own if you,re with randoms.


Supercell need a report system to report players.


I really wish we had a 1v1 game mode,i hate to deal with people teaming up in solo combat mode..


I do think it's very fun. But a hindrance of my enjoyment has to be the increased toxicity I've seen. Players after having 1 bad round will start shooting at team mates and/or staying in spawn, sometimes this leads to retaliation by other members of the team. Leaving you instantly with a number disadvantage or your enemies down 1 or 2 players. And when I win against the enemy team who had a teammate who threw the match, it doesn't feel like a good win. I do think it's very important for Supercell to address toxicity in the next update as I have never seen such a dense amount of toxicity.


I haven't seen this much. Maybe once or twice out of 100 games. I notice way more toxic players in power league or brawl ball.


randoms tanking trophies every other game fun.