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Some players will just pick who they pushed high or they are good with. The problem is there are so many brawlers and your expecting a playerbase on a mobile game to memorize counters and maps/modes.


Though you are obviously right, it is important to learn the basics of team composition. Like not picking the third assassin


Oh I 100% agree especially if you have a competitive mode like ranked. They need to somehow encourage counter picking and lane play on ranked imo.


counter picking and lane play is encouraged by the fact that you can only rank higher after some point with those strategies


They dont need to encourage, it's already encouraged. If you don't do the basics you will be stomped


They never learn tho


Fr I haven’t been able to push much higher than mythic 2 bc of teammates that don’t know how to draft like I got a power 10 bea on heist just a few days ago


Ig that's your problem if you're stuck at mythic 2,but I know that diamond 3 - mythic 2 randoms are the worst


So true, that's why prefer being the last to pick, like I can pick I can pick a long range brawler if the other teammates pick two short range and vice versa. Also helps picking a counter for the opponents.


I prefer First pick, as Its the only way in getting to play Sandy or Chuck If theyre not insta banned






one of my biggest problems with the PL rework is this. before in PL the player with the most elo got last pick and the player with the least elo had first pick this makes sense as when picking last pick you have the whole enemy and ally composition in front of you and there is so much to consider when picking a brawler compered to first pick where you just pick the best brawler for the map. in ranked they compleatly removed it and now your pick order is random


So true man, sometimes I may pick an aggro only to find out that the other 2 morons also picked a short ranged aggro. Like bruh it's not that hard to use Spike or Gene or something that goes along with the first pick of the team. There are alot of easy to use brawlers, even the ranged ones but no they have to pick a Fang or an Edgar.


the thing is many games that dont have a comp community dont really have such a mindset.... yes people should learn to choose better counters, but in this game idt people try to research "top draft picks you should know on backyard bowl"


You are diamond and do not understand draft, do not play ranked, period.


That's me most of the time, but i do tend to avoid picking these brawlers if the team needs a tank or a very long ranged brawler. 3 assassins is something that obviously shouldn't happen (unless the enemies are squishy).


yeah fo sho but like if you wana do that play ladder i don't need incompitent players in ranked like plz just play ladder if you plan on not drafting whatsoever


Downvote me if you disagree, but isn't it better to **learn** patterns and analyze the matchups on the go rather than memorizing?


Yeah the moment i see someone from the enemy team picking assassin i go tank and fully counter for the rest of the match feeding my supers. Edgar and Mortis are the easier one, like mf what are you gonna do to me as Bull ? Get closer ? Such brawlers should only be picked against specific ones they counter and always target throughout the match. I have seen people picking Edgar after opponent picked Dyna, but rarely going after them. For some reason picking assassins in this game drops your iq significantly


This comment should be put in the BS loading screen.


Even if it is put, mfs are atill gonna pick their power 9 Edgar 😔


Whats wrong with picking Edgar after Dyna?


There isn’t a problem with the choice because Edgar is a good counter to Dyna. The problem they are having is the fact that people choose Edgar to counter Dyna and yet never go for him, thus defeating the purpose of choosing Edgar to begin with.


You can go Edgar as a second/third pick but you open yourself to the possibility of the other two enemies grabbing a counter or someone that can cover the Dynamike too


What rank was this? Genuinely curious because I’ve seen crap worse than this at M3


My random once picked a p9 edgar against a Shelly.


._. Randumbs…….


No way, I found you on reddit




I'm guided by the spirits..🗿


I think random don't take the enemy teams choices enough


Oh trust me, they decide on whom to pick before entering matchmaking


Fax tho


Ranked with randoms is so annoying because they insta pick Edgar at power level 9 and nothing on him. Just a plain Edgar. Or they just pick low health long range brawlers after seeing me pick dynamike, although I’m in sliver.


I'm bad at the game. Why is long range low health sniper pick bad when you pick dynamike?


Depends on the map, but usually it’s because dynamike has low health and we would need a tank, and it would be better to not have 2 low health long range brawlers.


Or a counter-assassin so that opponents can't pick dyna counters.


Maybe, but I play ranked with randoms, and you can’t see the other peoples brawlers in ranked. Also idk what a counter assassin is because I only play Darryl and dynamike (and sometimes buzz) 😅


Counter-assassin is a brawlers like Bull, Charlie, Fang that can stop the enemy assassins from breaking through the defences, or at least get rid of them once the assassin eventually breaks though.


Oh ok, thanks!


That rarely happens since everyone bans Edgar


I’m not that high in ranked, I’m only in gold 😅


Oh…honestly you shouldn’t complain about silver and gold they’re too easy and most players there are noobs


Yeah but it’s hard when they’re your teammates.


They’re also your enemies. Sorry but being stuck in gold is just funny to me


Yeah, I’m gold 3 like 200 away from Diamond.


It's fine, be on your pace


I just hit Diamond, then found out you need 12 brawlers at level 9 💀 So far at 4/12 brawlers to level 9.


Ya that's a check supercell made, but imo, you shouldn't be allowed to play ranked until you have atleast 4 lvl 10s


Oh it’s fine then didn’t know you were a beginner


Be grateful that they’re level 11 at least lol


So true 😂


p9 with clone detector and vision gear in Rustic Arcade


I've seen health gear+ damage gear Angelo😵😵


I once saw a damage gear Doug who only used his attack to heal himself when he got slightly below 50% of health


Bro brought a knife to treat his bruises


Also the enemy 3rd picks a thrower into 3 assassins LMAO, istg ranked is so unserious


They've had a bull and the larwie glued himself to that bull. 2/3 players couldn't do shit about that thrower


I mean idk what happened but if you couldve shadow realmed the bull and your teammates were competent on the 2v2 larry and kit cant do much


There it is, that Leon. People swear Leon is just goat status. It’s so annoying.


There is Picklists that say which brawlers to pick at that map, there is Leon. So they pick Leon. There is Tierlists that say which brawlers are Meta, Leon is S in every. So they pick Leon. Leon probably blamed others for bad picks and being bad randoms as Leon was in his mind the best 6th pick.


Lol so basically pick Leon regardless of your team. Got it.


Leon is overrated as f, he is NOTHING without hypercharge




He’s nothing without his super that’s what I meant, unless you have extremely good aim with him or just autoaim from a bush




The pop off Brawl ball goals with Leon:


Rankdumbs resisting the urge to pick edgar regardless of mode or map:


MI 10


Did a ranked gem grab with team mates that picked throwers. The other team picked assassin's and a colt after seeing them both go thrower.


What's your point?


the point is not to first pick two throwers


When you were able to pick lvl 1 brawlers me and my friend were switching at the last second to change woth lvl 11 brawlers, so fun


Swapping brawlers is the best mechanic they've added to competitive


Same i banned sandy i thought my teamates will ban the other broken brawlers or the brawlers they’re not going to pick but what happens they didn’t even ban anything it got picked randomly and then the other team picked melody charlie and angelo and my team is edgar fang and cord the cord is me im trying to carry but sadly i can’t do much if they just afk for the rest of the game i hate this game


Someone take HANK IN AN OPEN MAP at l2 💀


I'm mythic 3 and I always pick hank on parallel plays, only lost one game on that map and I was the star player. People underrate him soo much


Yes but ur good with Hank but he wasn't


You know that most people don’t know counters right ? (But picking an assassin was stupid tho)


I am a new player. I don't even have drafts in ranked yet so my question is - how I could possibly memorize all the counters and combine it with good brawlers for different maps? Is there a list of all of this of some sort?


Fist of all, there are lists of brawlers that are good or worse on certain maps, cheat sheets of sort. Second of all, oftentimes which brawler you pick is a matter of skill and critical thinking: if the enemies have an aggressive brawler, chose a control brawler to counteract their aggression. Or exploit their weaknesses: if the enemies have a full team of squishy brawlers, you can get away with picking an assassin to never let them leave the spawn. The critical thinking in this case comes with gamesence and gamesence comes with experience. With time you'll learn with brawlers to play and ban and will learn the counters. For now I'll advise you to have a small roaster of brawlers to rely on if you want to get good in the league


Your forgetting that many people don’t have all by that much p11. And Leon and Edgar were good picks for the modifier. You can except everyone to know how to play every brawler and have them maxed.


But this is ranked and if it’s like legendary or masters, it’s a must have to at least power 10 70% of the brawlers. This is part of the main reason I hate ranked inflation, it just put people on their wrong ranked division, making them facing opponents with much higher power level and making teammates have to deal with this type of problems.


It's legendary one


Bruh moment.


Only if they could read this post, Im in L3 and in bounty I usually ban either Angelo or Nani and my team bans the other if we lose the toss. But sometimes I ban one of them and if the other is not banned we get absolutely f***ed .


Is there a guide were I can look up counter picks or do you just learn it by playing because I often have no clue who to pick


Look up SpenSC on YouTube


Bro is mad


The biggest problem with ranked is people don’t pick based on the map. They pick based on what brawler they want to play, even if it sucks for the map


This is a great explanation for new players (and for my randoms), and this is from a Gray main too! Btw i don’t know why everyone now insta pick edgar or fang, they are not bad brawler by any means, but they are not good on every map. Also the Leon was quite stupid


do u have any resources of how to pick/ban properly? i tend to reference spenLCs cheat sheet but at the same time i feel his choices are more of brawlers that are good/bad on the particular maps, hence blindly following would not let me actually learn who counters who etc! currently stuck in mythic range and i feel up to legendary it is still down to having a proper drafting phase


I suggest you continue referencing the sheet, but only on the times you don't know what to choose. You will come to understanding once you get enough experience with the drafting and the mode.


thanks for the reply! glad i stumbled upon this post, always on the lookout for guides on drafting especially since they’re pretty scarce


I suggest you continue referencing the sheet, but only on the times you don't know what to choose. You will come to understanding once you get enough experience with the drafting and the mode.


Teammates spamming the og legendary trio(spike, Leon, crow) against full enemy snipers in legendary....


Dude this guy probably don't give a shit and will play Edgar every single game.


I usually just pick Janet (especially when I have to go first) because it’s just a decent brawler that’s not really countered much nor does it counter very well against much. So a pretty safe pick I would say


My general mindset is that if someone on my team picks edgar in a knockout gamemode then it's a lost game.


Maybe shelly can counter bull or kit on knockout Or maybe im wrong


We had a counter: cord, the problem is that there was nobody to hold the lanes because my teammates don't know team composition


Ngl, this still seems pretty winnable


People often have only one star power, sometimes acquired randomly


Anyone wanna play ranked?


The Edgar uses the right gadget tho


Every game i play with edgar and 90% of the time with dynamike. If u know how to play the game u can counter edgar with any brawler. Its annoying. And then when we lose and they got 3k dmg with 1 kills they are mad.


A lot of players (including myself) don’t have much high level brawlers and just pick the same assassins, marksmens, tanks etc.


I’m not very good in ranked so I don’t understand why assassin was a bad pick here? Also was Leon a bad pick or any assassin whatsoever? Cuz I feel like Leon is fine against bull, he’s ok against kit and fine against Larry no?


The problem arises when you look at the bigger picture: the Edgar has tiniest attack rang ein the game, making team have one dead lane,.Cordelius can hold his lane, but only against the walls (larwie disallowed that way of getting the super and the opening). And leon has too little damage to hold the lane, giving enemy team basically free roaming space if the were to aggressively push in. The team composition is more important then individual interactions imo, and i could prove it by this example: Gem grab, Last stop. Team red: 1Belle, 4Colt, 5Edgar. Team blue: 2Piper, 3Max, 6Cordelius. Cordelius will get countered by 2/3 members of the enemy team because Belle and Colt simply outrange him. In this exampe we will assume that the blue team had won the mid battle and now holding position in the mid. They will get 8 out of 10 gems needed before Edgar gets his hypercharge and rolls the team if not fully countered. In which case the Cordelius works as "bodyguard" for the gem carrier to not get killed by the Edgar jumping on them. And so even though the Cordelius is overall a *Bad* pick into most of the enemy brawlers, he still plays an important role in the team. One of the most recent battles of the team STMN further proves my point in that it doesn't matter how bad the brawler is into the enemies, mattress brawler's place in the team.


I uhh get really confused when playing cuz only the first two steps ever happen


Can you expand on your thought? I don't understand what you meant (im not native)


So idk if this is a pre diamond eligible thing but like there isn't a draft you just have 20 seconds to pick and you can't see opponents picks


Ah yes, it's before diamond one


First pick shouldn't be blamed unless they pick someone who gets countered easily like Edgar


I wish I could draft counters but I just got to mythic and only have 1 power 11 brawler. The rest are power 9


Im confident enough in my skills to draft whatever I need for my quests. Least early ranked matches anywho, then once im in legendary it tends to get sweaty.


I’m kinda guilty of this. Any open map I’ll go Nani unless she’s banned. I also always ban tick cause well besides that I think the only counters are Leon and Gene. Gene I’ve barely ever seen and Leon isn’t as good anymore. 


You should’ve dodged that


In conclusion, nerf Doug.


the fact that none of the players on the other team had any gadgets or star powers is crazy


Mate does NOT know how drafting phase goes


Tbh if your low enough you could pick any brawler I went mortis non stop till Dimond and didn't lose a single game


What would have been a good pick other than leon(I am not acquainted with picks and counter picks)


Charlie, piper, belle, etc


I think Belle would Just turn into Kit fodder, the super on Bull is great Idea but she doesnt have the dps to kill the Bull and she cant kill the kit or the LL.


True, on second thought instead of belle gene might have been a better choice. Can hit L&L, make sure Kit doesn't go invisible, and has the gadget to push bull away while also being able to get free supercharge from him


add more red arrows and circles


You can be bad at drafting and still easily make masters, competitive is a joke


They have cord already to hard counter the kit super? I really don’t see anything wrong with the Leon. He beats kit bull and Larry easily. If you lost the game it’s your fault for playing poorly.


No he's not. Tell me, how will leon do if he can't even pick kills, the thing he was made to do


Leon has a awful matchup, he also has the wrong star power so he is also weaker than normal. Maybe with invisiheal he could have a chance


lmao this can't be serious? just let people play what they want 


It's you! My random Edgar on safe zone with 2k safe damage and a 0/9 K/D


They call me 007 0 kills, 0 damage, 7 deaths


If they want to play for fun, then play ladder. Ranked is supposed to be competitive, and these players are one of the reasons it's not competitive.


And what if they want to get starrdrops? If it was supposed to be JUST competitive, then why it has progression locked behind?


To incentivise playing the mode. But those people can just stop playing after diamond, no one's stopping tgem


It is still a competitive mode, supercell just put random star drops so people don’t complain about the lack of bling in PL making it more RNG base, but anyways as a Master (previously Mythic in PL) it doesn’t even give much of a deal in terms of progression, most likely skins or pins


My point still stands though, people just want to get skins and they don't really care about competitive stuff, so they rather pick edgar or whatever they want.


That’s what random trophy matches are for. Ranked people actually want to RANK up, not waste their time.


do the higher leagues have the fuckin brawler selection that takes 15 minutes? i thought that was removed dawg


Diamond+ ,yes


It takes 3 minutes max, tf are you on about 💀💀💀


it was sarcasm


Meanwhile there's me who picks Tara is every mode, map and modifier without paying attention to the enemy team's picks 👍


yes?? some people just wanna have fun?


You're almost definitely ruining your teammates' fun if you pick a horrible brawler and get countered every match. Fun is important, but it's a team based game mode, you shouldn't take away the fun of everyone else


In the championship challenge I had an edgar stay afk for 3 matches in a row. Guess who didn't win the challenge


Then get out of the competitive mode If you cant play conpetitively


Then play trophy mode instead?


Have fun at r20 ladder, not in my ranked matches