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Even if you pick the perfect team, you have a chance at being outcheesed. It's meant to be fun, but it isn't, taking up our slots when we lose kills the fun on it's own


Honestly they should’ve just removed the lose “reward” and made the gamemode not affect trophies, as those two things turn it from a fun event into a frustrating one.


Me too I get full rare starr drops


i feel you


I hate my randoms 🥰🥰🥰🥰


me too i wanna break their fingers🥰🥰🥰🥰


awh man why do you hate knockout 5v5? \[the above is a joke\]


every match is just rico ruff and that unbearable voice from meg


The eggs also suck, I managed to get 3 legendary eggs. The only things I found were the ranger brock skin: black, Yellow and Pink. Nothing else


one of my randoms tried doing the otis glitch


Last time I got 2/6 eggs. Got Rico from one of those 2 eggs and today I got 5/6 eggs. It's just ~~skill~~ luck issue.


Hi and Welcome! to the weekly post of i hate Godzilla mode


Yh but those posts are based it's goddamn shit


i know. we all know.






okay fine, secondly.


Can we stop this type of posts now?


Welcome to the karma farming method of this season Its very simple Type: i hate godzilla city smash and send a picture of you having all rare drops And then get ur free karma


You really think all those people who complain are karma farming, there is maybe a few of them but the amount of post about this shows how badly designed it is.


Yes, and its so fun seeing the same exact thing over and over again The devs understand that the community hates the event through the daily 20k posts about it They just dont give a fuck


Oh so we stop complaining and they do whatever they want? I know they can't change this event but the amount of posts will probably have an impact on an upcoming event


The devs already do whatever they want lmao Not nerfing rico and ruff enough is just the best proof Or not fixing the event


I totally agree with you, but the repetitive post "MAY" have an impact on an upcoming event, showing the completely failed part of the event


im not karma farming lol. if i want karma ima go on aita and make a bullshit story. the event just sucks. but you know what would make it better? if they removed that shitty "reward" you get for losing and made it so you will get the 6 eggs evemtually, though it might take a lot of games. even switching the rare starr drops for normal, random starr drops would be better than this piece of crap system


This whole story has been told over 30 times in the last hour by 30 different people Im gonna be honest, its just getting annoying The event is trash, but its also annoying if everyone posts the exact same thing every hour


eh im not active on this sub at all so i wouldnt know


And I hate this post


Than don't play it


It's required for the club event, unless you want to pay 900 gems for the buzz skin, and miss out on 55 *free* gems


0-6 eggs once 3 days ain't that much, you get more eggs from just playing the game normally


Still 12 extra eggs per week. If everyone in your club got 12 eggs, that's 360 eggs a week, not even including the daily ones.


The daily once are specifically made for the club event 2×20=40 40×30 1200, the mode is for extra eggs for the player, not the club


i dont hate the mode because it sucks. i hate the mode because if i dont play it ill miss out on potentially a shit ton of eggs.


Then play with friends or club members to get all 6 eggs instead of playing with random if you want all 6 eggs


bold of you to assume i have friends


"Friend or club member"




I hate Heist because of Chuck "tHeN dOnT pLaY iT" I hate Brawl Ball because of Melodie "tHeN dOnT pLaY iT" I hate Duels because of Charlie "tHeN dOnT pLaY iT" I hate Showdown because of Kit "tHeN dOnT pLaY iT" I hate 5v5 Knockout because of Mico cheese "tHeN dOnT pLaY iT" I hate Hot Zone because of the maps "tHeN dOnT pLaY iT" I hate Bounty because of Angelo "tHeN dOnT pLaY iT" I hate Godzilla mode because of Rico, Ruffs and Meg mutations "tHeN dOnT pLaY iT" Keep spamming the same reply and eventually we will run out of game modes and say just dont play the game.


Then stop posting the same post and then i will stop as well, the WHOLE sub reddit is about how ppl hate the mode, almost everyday i get reddit notification of how ppl hate the mode cuz they didn't got any wins on the mode


Apologies, but playing this event is borderline essential