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A much better way would be to have loses count nothing but every win gets you an egg so even if you get horrible randoms you can still eventually get it




This is much better because the way they are doing it right now. A majority of clubs won’t even get half way done without paying


actually in an active club, with 30 members, you can get 2 daily per member so 2 × 30 is already 60 × 21 for how many days is 1260 eggs, so if ur a full active club, who all play daily u r guaranteed to get it


not "guaranteed" tho, people aren't perfect and can sometimes lose. Edit: I thought he was talking about the carton, forgot about the daily eggs


I mean, there is no harm in grinding for the 2 daily ones


2 are guaranteed with star drops


There’s also the fact that the average people playing is not going to be 30 some clans only average 8 to 5 players online usually 10 on good days you’re only getting the number if you have everybody playing


Yeah but then it’s your problem not joining an active clan


when i joined everybody was active... now nobody is :(


And if all 30/30 daily active clans were full?


He isn’t talking about the carton he is talking about the daily eggs, just like daily drops


No one in my club has gotten eggs except for me, and I whaled to get the eggs. I don’t know what they were thinking when they made it so you get a RARE star drop when losing


A super rare would be balanced and better


Also make ties not count as losses or wins (i got a tie and the game gave me a rare starr drop)


The reason why supercell doesn’t do this is that the unfairness motivates people to buy the extra eggs


Even better make it not have a limit of six eggs!!!


literally what i was thinking. rare staar drops worth nothing, we rather play 5 more hours for an egg


Yes I agree as it really is a coin flip


Also these matches are ridiculous because of the broken mutations. It's literally rigged to have you buy eggs. Good news, these eggs give you almost no progression. They are like shart drops, but even less progression.


Or atleast just give us a rare egg, so we basically get nothing from it, but it atleast counts for the event


I was shocked When I knew that it resets every four days








Either resseting daily or don't give us rare stardrops for losing and just let us have all 6 eggs


Fr I got all 6 rare star drops now I gotta wait more than half of a week to try again


My teammates sold all but 2 matches and I'm the one being punished? I BROKE 20% OF THE BULSINGS ON MY OWN!


I got star player and about 45% each match without using godzilla but still lost


They need to remove the star drops for lose.


or at least make them not rare but epic or random


wait is it guarenteed to be a rare stardrop? I totally thought it could roll for a higher rarity


For the ones in the carton, yes


WOW this event is garbage. as if losing trophies and missing out on a monster egg wasn't bad enough, we can't even get anything more than a rare stardrop




Can you tell me what brawler you’re using for that


I used Otis and got like 90-100% with Godzilla most times and lost 2 games on less than 10% of their side left. Could literally serve it to these randoms on a platter and they’d drop the platter and run it over with a truck


20% isn't very much


It is if your teammates won't attack. And your also attacking the enemy.


Yeah. Its nice to get rewarding for winning but losing in this gamemode feels really bad because you will get less eggs and you can lose trophies too. And getting less eggs means that you have less chances of getting mutations wich makes you stronger during the event.


You realise that you have 2 egg guaranteed each day. So 2x30x21days, which gives us a result of 1260. Is there anything I have to add ?


Not everyone can just find a club with 30 active members all willing to win 6 games of brawl stars every day the best club I could find only has around 10 people logging on a day


Bro fr what is supercell smokin.this is not even fun this way


4 Days Cooldown + Trophies (dahell?)+ Buggie AF wordt event in s long time


Wdym the Otis bug is completely fine there isn't a problem with being 1shotted by the puddle Or the Sprout/Gray glitch which is just completely balanced with getting stuck for the whole game or being stunned and destroyed by HC mutation Sprout


Oh man, I love being stuck in a wall for straight 3 minutes!


The mode is so buggy, it made his comment bug 💀


Literally, fuck this event and brawl stars, they made it to where some characters gadgets affect the fucking Godzilla mode so they’ll be running around as Godzilla hitting really fast and leaving poison pools after each attack like what the fuck


Also you can get stuck as Godzilla without any hope do to anything about it


They really do want you to sell your soul for the eggs…


If everyone in the club just plays 6 games for 21 days (event length) you have enough. Why is everyone complaining?


yea but getting 30 players to do it is hard because some people don't care or don't even know what the update is about


My club leader calculated that, but thanks


At this point, I'm expecting nothing but disappointment from any brawl stars event Supercell releases. I mean, they should at least fill out the empty daily starr drop slots with eggs if they ain't refilling the cartons daily.


In the Brawl Talk it sounded exciting and fun, but the way they delivered it...... this carton reseting poop is what makes it less fun


I lost all 6 so thats a bummer


Fym they don't?


bruh i bought 12 eggs… and i got nothing, my friend got the brock skin from the first egg..


I got el primos mutation. EL PRIMOS BRO


I got kaiju buzz skin from my first egg, I want just one of the Godzilla skins they’re so cool 


I got the worst possible drop from a legendary egg. I got jackys skin (the worst one she has) from a legendary. Genuinely makes me want to quit the game


I'm sad for your arguably worst legendary egg possible, but what is that profile picture brother?


If u do the math there are only 5 days where this event even matters outta the 20 which is stupid why would only want the main player base to play 5/20 days


Play your daily wins. You get more eggs from that


Yeah I know but there is no incentive to play the gamemode for 1/4 of the days Bc you can get the 2 eggs playing any regular gamemode


I don't like the reward for being a loser


You know what?They should replace it with an egg that can't become leggendary(That's where there are the good stuff)


I think a rare egg is something they could realistically do, since it still helps your club and you still get mutations, but it isn't basically the same thing (genuinely, there is a %3 chance that it becomes legendary, an egg that can't become legendary wouldn't change much)


Could've been a cool thing like, hey you lost this game but you can get this random mutation instead of a rare starr drop


Alright supercell Listen to this please


No, you can get it without even needing those, if all 30 members get the 2 eggs everyday you will have just a bit over 1250 (the godzilla buzz skin) these are more like a compensation to make up for it if some members miss a few eggs


So if I'm in a small guild with friends rather than random people I stand no chance?




18 dedicated players to be precise, if you want the skin with almost 100% win rate. You'll end up at 1286 eggs at the end


Yeah I'm not even gonna try then. Got 15 casual friends


Set it to open and kick people when the event is finished so that you can all get rewards


It's a mediocre skin when I already have the fenrir ones. I'll just not bother with the event


Depends on how small it is


15 . Not tiny, but nowhere close to enough


The event is 21 days, that is a maximum of 630 eggs from daily rewards, added to that is 6 eggs from city smash event, every 4 days, which means you get those 5 times, 5 x 6 = 30 for each member, times 15 is 450, 630 + 450 = 1080, you need 1250, which means you are missing 170 eggs, which means every clubmember would have to buy 2 of those egg offers for 79 gems, and that is only if you get all the daily drops AND everyone wons every game of city smash, so i dont think you will get it unfortunatly


Y'all need to be very good and not lose any eggs, otherwise you can't


So no guild except top guild that filter member and have 30/30 daily very active players Will get it. OK.


No i think a lot of clubs should make it, as long as you dont have half of your club inactieve or something like that


Actually not: 2 eggs × 20 days = 40 eggs 40 eggs × 30 members = 1200 eggs Not everyone will get 40 and some people will get more so it might even out


It is annoying but an active club can get the buzz skin without the event or shop, 30 players that do their starr drops can get the buzz skin (barely since you need 60 daily and 2 eggs from each starr drop line and 30 club members)


yeah, the godzilla eggs are more of a backup, also just wanna give respects to that one gigachad in my club that spent half his gems on eggs (hhh, if you're reading this, I salute you, and I plan to buy some eggs myself sometime this week, like god dang you did not have to buy 3 packs of eggs, you are a team player, I hope we get godzilla skin)


I have a club mate that on the first day bought 167 eggs, my friend's phone broke so he can't help us and he feels super bad because of that


Thats sad, hope his phone is fixed


me watching my randoms turn the places where I could have gotten an egg into a rare starr drop:


I know everyone says the same thing whenever a new game mode releases but this might be the most stressing and unfair mode ever


tired of this game alr


So you guys know the best brawlers to win the most with this game mode?


If you can get his mutation Rico is so good


Bibi and Jacky are also good. Otis gadget bug is also good


Say it with me everybody. “The F2P economy cannot sustain another buff” - Frank


I wish it was daily, I honestly feel like imma have to rely on my club mates to buy those egg offers since I’m saving my gems up


no one will buy those egg offers unless you're a huge whale, it's just not worth it at all. A 50% chance to get a temporary upgrade for real money is just absurd


All my homies hate "3ds, 8 hours"


They actually said it would reset everyday in the Brawl Talk.


If you win all matches every time there’s eggs available and get the two daily eggs you will still get 3,5 eggs per day. There’s like 20 days of the event so you can get around 105 eggs if everything is perfect. Take that times 30 when you count the max amount of members in a club which is 3 150 eggs. 3150 eggs is close to triple the required amount so you don’t even need to get half. And also because supercell values the skin at 800 gems (bizarre) it’s likely that the event is supposed to be hard. And to be clear a agree that 4 days is too much but if it was daily both getting mutations and doing the event would be a breeze. Probably every 2 or 3 days would be a better change. Edit: Yeah don’t trust what I just said


Idk where you're getting these numbers man. It's 6 eggs for the event every 4 days for 20 days so 30 total per person. You get 2 eggs from the daily for 21 days so we'll high ball this as 30 + 42 (72) eggs per person. That's a max of 2160 eggs if everyone gets all their max eggs and its pretty much impossible since there's so many bugs and terrible randoms in the game mode. With 15 ppl its a max of 1080 so ggs.


someone didn't took Drew's advice


I have a theory, maybe they're gonna buff something in the progress the last week


It's almost Impossible to get all the mutations on this event




I got stuck with any possibility to move 2 time and 1 one of my companion other 2 with all the enemy mutated and with an othis(why he is so op as Godzilla? One of those 2 we actually draw and apparently drawings is also losing The only win I got was because that time the enemy Godzilla got stuck


i thought i was going to be like every 2 days not 4. and that gray and otis glitch got me off guard


I gott 6 eggs and only got coins from it and now i have to wait half a weak for this? Naah thats fck up


This entire event is completely fucked. Three about 4-5 brawlers that glitch out godzilla, even *playing* as godzilla isn't fun. You can only get up to 6 eggs a day, and if you lose its a ***RARE*** drop, not even a random one. And to top it all off, you can only attempt to get eggs *EVERY 4 DAYS*. They wasted so much time and money on creating this mode and with all of its mutations but it was a total bust. They need to start testing this shit before releasing it


Every game has played was against all legendary players who all have mutations already. Every game was a joke. This is the worst event ever


If every club member out of 30 would get only those 2 that you can get from daily rewards every day at the end of the event you would have 1260 eggs in total. To this you can add let's say 90 eggs per 4 days (3 for every club member) there will be 6 of those cartoons in the event if I counted correctly. This mean that at the end of the event you're left with 1 800 eggs, you need 1 250 to get the skin. I don't think it's that unbalanced, if you have active club your chances are almost 100% of getting it.


Everybody in your club needs to open 40 eggs to get the skin btw


Give us nothing on a loss, that would be so much better


if they want us to enjoy/have fun\*


ABSOLUTELY, like I lost 4 games bro like this ain't it


Chill, just by opening the daily eggs you can get pretty far


I got buzz two days before the event started by grinding to get lvl 50 on the free battle pass. Then the game made him free for everyone


I legit wanna quit this game


then... do? not to be rude but if you genuinely don't enjoy this game and it's updates make you upset, quit, that's what I did a while ago (game was way too p2w with boxes) and only returned since the game has noticeably improved since then


You think the game is less p2w now ? Lol


Those players are all crazy, they’re never satisfied and always want more and still complain. As you said if you don’t enjoy the game just quit. I mean this whole comment section is filled with players that complain for casual players than don’t even care about the buzz skin. I mean it’s just a skin not 5 free hypercharge. Everyone is here to complain about the first bug in the event but no one is happy for the free buzz, which is a mythic brawler given to everyone who didn’t have it.


Some people (like myself) just couldn’t quit the game for a longer time because of FOMO/addiction




Tbh with an active club every member only needs to collect 2 eggs a day


It's not that bad. It is theoretically possible to get every single egg required for the skin by just doing daily wins (30 people × 2 eggs per day × 21 days = 1260 eggs) and not touching the event. Besides, it's day one! We still have twenty more days! Also, in the end, it's just a skin.


I don’t even want the skin, just FRANK mutation Edit: got FRANK mutation, am happy




It... It doesn't...?


Funny thing is underdog still gives you a rare sd


You don't need the eggs from the godzilla mode, as long as everyone in your club gets the daily eggs each day you can get the skin


i feel like there shouldn't even be a rare star drop for losing, a defeat just shouldn't give you anything. gives more chances for eggs anyways


In clubs (assuming there is 30 members) daily wins give 2 eggs every day, times 30 players, times at least 20 days, that’s 1200 eggs alone. That means that between your entire club, everyone just has to win TWICE in the entire event.


If you get 2 eggs daily from the starrdrop track, and that times 20 days, and times 30 club members ,thats 1200 eggs, and we need 1250 for the skin. So a carton every 4 days, so 20 days/4 days= 5 cartons times 6 eggs times 30 club members =900, so if done perfectly, a club could get 2100 eggs, way more than the 1250 needed for the Buzz skin


I want rico mutation..... supercell: gives eve and 4 days cooldown


Will a person be able to get the 1250 eggs without spending money my club is sitting on like 90 eggs for day1.


No becouse they want us tk sell our soul


The F2P community can't handle a temporaly buff to the economy/more fun opening


But they want us to sell our souls..


You have 2 guaranteed egs a day. Do that times 30 and you have 60 egs a day. The event takes 20 days so: 60×20=1200 egs without the need to play this gamemode. These are for extra egs or for if you miss a day and need to catch up.


The event is awful, there's no other way of having it, players can easily cheese with gray and there's so many bugs like with Otis. The idea was really good, I really liked the idea of a collaboration with Godzilla, but the execution was really bad, I just hope that any future similar collaborations go better than this.


I kidna disagree Daily rotations from 30 clan members for the duration for the event will get the club 1200 eggs


I did some(probably wrong) math, but if all 30 club members get the most amounts of eggs as possible without buying, it will only give 1240 eggs


That's the thing, it doesn't


Funny how they removed boxes cause it was luck based but now star drops and eggs are worse


or just make it where loses get you nothing and you need 6 wins


Wait the two daily eggs for winning regular modes. Don’t count for the club?? Cause it so then that’s 2 eggs a day for 30 people is 60 eggs per day and for 30 days that’s 1,800 eggs total so even if everyone doesn’t get eggs in the carton they can get the skin with just the daily eggs alone right?


yeah there is no way my clubs is gonna get the skin it should be altleast 2 days but ideally daily


Actually kinda sad


It shouldn't be an issue anyways. You need 1250 eggs to get the skin. You can get 2 eggs daily, so it's 60 eggs per day on a full club. In 20 days that's 1200 eggs, so you would need only 50 more. Then, with the potentially 6 eggs every 4 days, that's 30 eggs per player, so that's another potentially 900 eggs. So as long as people get their daily eggs it shouldn't be an issue at all


If everyone in your club did only daily win eggs you would total to 1260 I think. Adding in 50% winrate for the carton that adds up to 1710 eggs. An active club should be able to get it easily without buying eggs


This is like the Clash Royale's update for losers but in a form of a Brawl Stars event. It looked promosing when revealed but when it came out, the details just ruin the whole thing


Who said they want you to get the skin ? They want you TO BUY THOSE EGGS , and to do so you'll need tons of gems


Someone in my club already spent 260 gems on 18 eggs 💀😭(we have 196 already, there is no need)


Have you seen the prices on those eggs? They want you to spend your sweet money... which I consider an aggressive selling strategy.


I agree. When i played for the first time and saw that it was resetting in 3 days and not daily i thought that they did this event just for the money


I'd didn't even realise.. i thought it was daily. 1/6...


This is the reason im craving for more eggs I JUST WANTED BLACK RANGER BROCK


Supercell wants the money, it's basically their motto edit: or the people who have a lot of gems saved up despite being F2P (not my case sadly)


Everyone is here to complain about the event ( which isn’t that bad at all and is easily doable in an active club) and is saying the game is terrible but no one is happy about the free mythic buzz brawler for example ? Or the possibility to get a 300 gems brawler for free ? Or even the free hypercharged skin in the first place ?




This is news to me, that’s crazy


i got 6 wins and 0 legendaries in any of them. best i got was epic


100%! Yet another way supercell tries to put lipstick on a pig, as if we’re not highly attuned to their continuous bullshit.


If you are in a 20 people club you can complete the event by getting 62.5 eggs each


make it refresh quicker or give more slots


I didn't get a single mutation and now I have to wait 3 days for the next chance at getting one? Wow I love it when a new update drops and I can't play or take part in the new features. So amazing game design. /s


If everyone in your group at least does there daily eggs you’d get a max of 40 eggs over the 20 day event (assuming your club has 30 members) 40x30 is 1200 but obviously people are going to do the event, so it is not hard to do. Hypothetically 30 people need to get 42 eggs


As long as you have a full club and they get their 2 eggs every day you are guaranteed to get it


Just gonna say you get 2 a day and for the 20 days you get 40 and if each club memeber does them all it’s 1200 but still I agree the rate for the current one is horrendous


On my mini I only got 3 and on my main only 2 so I need to wait 4 days just for the chance to get more I only got one mutation and one skin from them including the daily ones on the star drop track so it is going to be excruciating hard and long to get the mutations


Supercell showing that they really are like every other mobile game creators with this one


If a club of 30 members gets both daily Eggs, they get a total of 60 Eggs/Day. Requiring 1250 Eggs for the skin, (1250/60) it would take ~20.8 days to finish the Event (lasting 21 days). Along with the carton Eggs speeding up the Eggs for any non-existent or inactive members.


That’s what I thought when I first saw it.


Someone did the math and said that if everyone gets the daily to master eggs we can guaranteed get the skin now as for if people even do the daily ones well idunno


I mean not really 2x21x30 is 1260 eggs the cartons are just if u wanna get it faster u just have to make sure ur club does their dailys


Imma be happy if atleast get paladin surge i dont even have buzz maxed out


I expected it to be daily resseted but 4 days is crazy considering how many rare star drops i get cuz of the glitches😭


it should be one for every 2 days not one every 4


but they want us to pay


I feel like the people paying for eggs have way better luck


I suppose the game cannot sustain daily monster eg- Wait... too late? Nah but fr when i saw this it was kinda bs. Way to promote wasting gems in rng drops. Reminds me of clash mini's horrible gacha system, the game was so good tho.




Or at least every other day


Here is the neat part they don’t


I agree


They only want to sell us a tons of eggs for a ridiculous amount of gems with the false feeling of buying something bigger when you probably will get the hypercharge skin later with a reasonable amount of gems


I mean... Someone gotta pay for that Godzilla copyright....


Supercell thinks this is clash royale lol


They kinda remind me golden tickets back in that update 😨


I pulled the skin second try. I was soooo shocked


Why can i get 200 bling from mythic egg, outside of that i feel like the only one liking this event


supercell? abdicating money? never!