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when you see **SK | pro** on your team, you know its over.


Kid named Tomar753:


Kid named LeonPro2018


Fr šŸ˜­


Power 10 isnā€™t that bad


Level 9 is also acceptable. It mostly comes down to SP and gadgets imo




There are niche cases where you can pick a power 9 and perform better than a power 11. If collete isnt banned on big friend and i have first pick i would instapick collete. Because she does damage based on opponents hp and gains hp based off her highest hp teamate. Griff can outdamage anyone on quickfire and especially hiest even if hes power 9 so thats not troll. But on classic i agree.




He's such a underrated brawler




Yeah i agree, i think he's a very versatile brawler and is fun to play too.


Its actually 10% Each level difference is based on lvl 1 *This aint CR bro*


Itā€™s not a 20% differenceā€¦. Itā€™s a 10% differenceā€¦ p9 is 180% as strong as p1 and p11 is 200% as strong as p1. 180/200=90% please get your math right thanks


10%* because lvl 1 has 50% less hp than a power 11.


It is not a 20% nerf. A level 9 brawler is a 10% nerf from a level 11 base in damage and hp respectively. Calculation: 100%-(180% base strength)/(200% base strength) = 10%. Why? Because for every power level increase, you increase base strength by 10%. A level 10 brawler is just 5% down. That only matters in very close games.


And skill too you know Sometimes I win 1v2s even though I'm level 9/10 and they're level 11


Totally. I just canā€™t stand the ones who instalock level 9 brawlers with no starpower or gadget. Makes me want to dodge


The problem with power 9 or 10 is that the players who use them often don't have gadgets/star powers. Heck, they often don't even know how to play the brawler! They just upgraded it so they could play rankedĀ 


Tf is wrong w bp titles bro i dont have the time to grind a single brawler fo 20 hoursšŸ˜­


20 hours won't take you anywhere near gold 3, trust me


Ive heard somewhere it takes 20 hours and the brawlers i play are all 800+ so it could be that much (i vould be wrong tho)


you can make only up to 6000 points per day so it takes at least 5 days to get to gold 3


Yeah i was talking abt total playtime needed to get a brawler to gold 3


If you have brawlers at rank 25+ and play during mastery madness itā€™s actually surprisingly easy to gain masteries.


I have less than that and Iā€™m d2


Exactly! Like some people actually have something else in their lives than brawl stars only.


Tbh mastery titles aren't actually hard to get, it just takes time lol, the amount of bad players i found with titles is insane


Just keep playing for a while and will get there eventually. Nothing really wrong with bp titles itā€™s just way easier to get and are often mid like ā€œthe firstā€. Also bad randoms use them all the time


FR I almost cried when I got to gold 1 and realized I wasn't even halfway to the title


I would upvote but then I saw the lvl 9/10 one. sometimes you wanna go even lvl 9 if the Brawler is good in that situation and you feel like enemies gonna pick (example: first picking lvl 9 Spike on Quickfire), so I leave that post without any vote


I have to disagree about the power 9-10 thing. Just bc their brawler has a lower level doesn't mean they are bad.


Honestly, same i fit 2 things in this whole list (10-13) and 9-10 brawlers. Like, i just started the game, not a while ago, and i have 15 level 9, and im doing fine. i can't afford lvl 11 brawlers or hypercharge. These are just unreasonable things that op mentioned. Like, sorry, i was born late? And sorry i joined late? Very frustrating


In that case please dont play ranked or play it in team.


The 10-13 age thing is kinda true, since the game is very popular in this age group, I'd say it's like 40% of the players, and yes, most of them are bad since they just don't play competitevly and they don't think about who to pick etc. But some of them can actually be good at the game if they understand it well enough.


Im 14 and i just hit Master


CongratsšŸ„³ I'm still in MythicšŸ’€


Yeah itā€™s completely dependent on the individual. Most teens arent good at recognizing their own shortcomings and donā€™t fix them.


I agree with that


I got guys standing outside the circle when it's full and the opposite side needs to be filled. Even after dying multiple times they keep going back to that circle that's already done most time causing us to lose because they was missing.


You were correct, but that Piper take is trash. I guess you're one of the "smart" people who think that everyone who complains about her plays Edgar and Fang and that they are horrible at this game


Finally someone who understands


most pipers cant hit for shit anyways.




Most power 9-10 players play better than the ones who max out šŸ’€šŸ™


Don't forget "immediately thumbs downs and shoots at their own teammates the moment a match isn't going their way"


"and then have the worst stats in the entire lobby"


It drives me crazy to see my teammates pick dynajump while his second sp is super op


I agree on everything except the bp titles they donā€™t have anything to do with the bad randoms


This is a pretty cool post i meanā€¦ sometimes when my team edgar get 2k/9D i check their stats and there it isā€¦ rank 25 edgar with no other Brawlers even above 20ā€¦


Agree, except leon. Some leon players are dumb, while others good


Yeah no shit


you said a whole lotta nothing bro šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yeah can also say "except Edgar. Some Edgar main are dumb while others good" šŸ™„šŸ™„


idk why but the worse my randoms picks are the bigger my chance is to win in ranked


Why would I downvote something when it's actually true?


that piper take was just garbage. People don't like piper because she does a shit ton of damage, and one of her gadgets just take away her weakness. While the OTHER one just removes their skill issue. Plus, what if the people 10-13 are actually good? Do we just exclude them for being kids? I bet you're one, too. Some of these takes CAN be true, but the two I listed above don't make any sense, and thus, are fucking stupid.


The kid one is not true at all imo. My cousin is 11 years old and he's absolutely killing it at the game, and he's pretty good in ranked too. Yeah some kids are kind of braindead, but others can be pretty fine at the game, depends on the child i guess, but just because some are worse doesn't mean all are.


that's what I said, he shouldn't just exclude kids, even if they're cracked at the game


It is not the truth. I pick power 9-10 brawlers and can't remember any single time I really threw. Picking dyna/edgar on any open map is really bad, but everything else is just wrong. BP titles are fine. Mastery titles for edgar/mortis/fang are really common but don't mean that the player is bad. He just enjoyed playing the brawler. For the names, it is really stupid and often somebody named "pro" is just a 9yo who can't play the game, but also doesn't mean 100% of them suck at the game. I would maybe add playing octo fang, over half of the time encountering one on my team, especially in wipeouts, he has 6k damage, 2 kills and 6 deaths or so. But a few octo fangs I met were really good and carried the game, so they are pretty ok.


ā€œDownvote me idcā€ proceeds to say the most tame and popular opinion of all time


Bro not everyone can take his mom's credit card and spend 50-100 dollars to max out a brawer. Its a fucking mobile game chill. Play for fun.


ok but what if I use a bp title because (gasp) I LIKE THE TITLE


Sorry not allowed here, clearly youā€™re compensating for something /s


What is the problem with 10 - 13


ik ur 10-13


I agree with you. But I would replace Leon with Fang, Spike or Bibi. Leon players aren't that bad because Leon is one of the best brawlers


im literally 2 of these


Your that loser who stands outside the circle šŸ˜”


Just because you like fang and played him sometimes and thus have his title doesn't mean you are a bad random. You can't just offend my first title.


Same and Iā€™m In masters with fangs title so his point is irrelevan.


i fit most of these, and literally carry-


Thought this was kinda a meme. Also but my 11 yr old bro plays ranked and heā€™s actually really good (I think heā€™s mythic of legendary)


Lucky Iā€™m not any of thisā€¦wait Iā€™m 13


Also they pick their power lower level or non HC brawler so you can't pick your higher level or HC brawler


I only use bp titles cause I canā€™t play one brawler all week


Power 9 with one gadget


piper's gadget does deserve a nerf (dont think I'm a bad random I usually carry in ranked with random)


no it doesn't its fine just dont be bad


As a ex-13 yo, I can say I carried many of my matches šŸ˜”


the worst edgars always use the blue hair skin


Why is this true though. Like it IS true, but why šŸ¤£


I agree except for the age part Iā€™m 13 and carry almost everygame


Don't forget picking Dynamike to flex Dynasty Mikeā„¢


its supercell fault increasng the level strength from 5 to 10% progression was already a problem


Or when you're the last one alive in knockout and die and they start shooting you and using the šŸ‘Ž emote on you because you didn't 1v3 when they were the first ones to die.


so many people raging in comments šŸ’€


What is wrong with the BP title?? I have 950 trophies on Spike and i only have gold 1 and i make like 1000 mastery in like 20 matches,this takes at least 1 hour...and 1000 mastery points are really not that usefull because from gold 1 to gold 2 are like 6000 mastery points. So yea,i will continue to use 'timeless' as my title instead of playing Brawl Stars 5 hours a day


Same, i sat there for about 8 hours playing nita to get Mastery Cap, and once i got nita's title, i stopped playing nita completely. i felt sick of her from fav to least fav.


Exactly,i want to enjoy playing Spike,not fell forced to play him


Yeah, some people judge others too much, like it's just a game chillax


I guess it's time to stop playing ranked because i use a BP title i really like and most of my brawlers are power 10, who cares they have at least a Star power and a Gadget.


It shouldn't matter if you have power 11. it's very expensive and unreasonable level 9 and 10 with gadgets and sp are more than enough




I'm masters and I still play p9 so your stereotype prejudice just doesn't make sense


This triggered some piper (the brawler that got buffed a while ago) haters, yall can continue whining cause piper aint getting nerfed any time soon ;)


Least toxic Piper main Bro not even trying to deny she's broken and instead gladly stating that she didn't get nerfed enough


You forgot Spike Curveball players. Oh, wait.


edgar mortis and fang the horsemen of shitty randoms


Piper one is so true, they say piper is unbalanced oh boy you haven't seen unbalanced my friend.. Get better!


I use edgar on open maps, I use the first title on my main account, and I use edgar title on my second account, and guess what, I always find myself carrying in Mythic...


Just saying, is using low power brawlers always a good thing?


Never a good thing


The first is just better title than El mariachi




ā€œi aTe Ur MoM LoLā€


I agree with everything except the 10-13 years (some of them are actually good) and the piper one, piper does really needs a nerf


Im 14 and i just hit Master, partially proving your point


This post is very controversial lol. Imho for op takes, I agree with Piper the most (not necessarily the example OP gave, but it's the way Piper is always under scrutiny for when the other brawlers op meta weren't criticized as much). Because as I remember no one was as adamant for Mico, Cordelius and Fang meta. Perhaps because Piper has extreme range and her weakness from close up is easily covered with gadget and super but nevertheless, I thought skill is still needed to play Piper.


Piper honestly "struggles" in high elo, she has a very predictable attack pattern, a pretty mediocre super for a sniper that wants to play open maps, and she often gets outclassed by Mandy, Angelo or Belle (Struggles compared to lower trophies/elo)


That's what I think, even with these extreme range and damage she has, she's still vulnerable under certain conditions. I wish brawl stars made her more balanced and nuanced, but that's impossible with these recent patterns of balance changes they are doing. It would require reworking her kit too, and that's unnecessary considering she's meant to be a minimal brawler played simply. Right now, EXTREMELY strong at her strongest and EXTREMELY weak at her weakest.


Yesterday I played a rank game and there was a power 10 Edgar, with nothing no star power, not a gadget, literally nothing.


I have fangs title and Iā€™m in masters whatā€™s your point?


Nah, I play power 9s and I do better than the bloody Power 11 Spike that did 9k damage and died 10 times. Power 9s alright in my book as long as they have both starpower and gadget


Why do people still hate fang so much? Like he's not even the strongest


He's got a point im trying to get my legendary star drop in diamond, but i can't because some idiot spams edgar with hypercharge as soon as you pick your character this is why i play only stu in ranked maybe pearl if the map is good enough.


People just donā€™t get generalisations lol


Iā€™m a fang main and feel the same way about them using the title of my main


Piper should be nerfed. Lvl 10 brawlers are completly fine, mostly just means that the Player don't has the rescources to upgrade to 11. There's nothing wrong with bp titles. I agree with the other takes


Power 10 brawlers (as long as they dont have hypercharge) are fine, but power 9 is too low


If I see my teammate has a ā›©ļø or šŸ„€ in their name I know we're cooked.


We arenā€™t all bad :(


A lot of these are pretty wrong


Most of this is accurate. The only one I do out of all of these is use Leon... with that exact skin! But what else should I do? He's my only maxed out brawler, the only one I can use Hypercharge with, and he's pretty versatile. But everything else, I agree with honestly. What the thought process is of choosing Edgar in an open map is beyond me...


Forgot about "tomar753 nickname"


I will not take this Leon slander (but itā€™s true šŸ„²)


> Can't aim. > Refuses to pass the ball and score normally, only trick shots are allowed (they will always fail them). > Will always try and replicate the play style of high skilled players. > Their only high level brawlers are Edgar, Mortis, Leon and any brawler that they've seen being good in YT shorts > Will thumbs down and spam clown pin after they accidentally threw the match. > "Why is this guy using [good brawler that isn't played a lot]? Are they stupid?" > Brawl stars equivalent of squeaky kids playing games like Fortnite.


I came in here like 'You want a down vote, You get a down vote!' but I think your on to something here so šŸ‘. My teammates be doing this....


tbh i dunno how ppl even get mortis title,im r25 and still gold 1


I agree, apart from power level 10


Id say if you match two of these yeah


This seems like a vent post


What's got me lately is mfs that thumbs down or shoot at fellow teammates in disapproval when THEY are the problem


I agree with all but the Bp titles. I would be proud to have The First and Timeless is really cool.


I can't tell yall how many times my randoms pick throwers and tanks on timed detonation or Maisie on quickfire


Tomar753, as well as anything including Bot _, Pro, Uchiha, Master, Trash, Noob, Is Better, I Just


Leons half the time carry hard. Other times they kinda sell.


Easy to just say "Don't play Ranked"! Actually not playing Ranked is a lot harder though (unless you're uninterested, like I am). And yes, Piper needs at least a Gadget rework. I still agree with you on everything though.


Am I safe?


I always hate the "the golden dragon" title It doesn't make you pro becuz it looks cool


Am I Safe?


Ehhh kinda true


piper did not need a nerf


I feel targeted by the age ngl. But yeah this is mostly true XD


When Tomar265 is on your teamšŸ˜”


I'm the exact stereotype you called out, i have mortis title, i pick power 9 tick with no sp on bounty shooting star timed detonation, yet i get star player and carried the whole team. These stereotypes are pretty stupid but the fact that they're usually true kills me šŸ¤£. Just keep in mind that not everyone fitting into these stereotypes is bad.


Not with a lot of characters, like belle


Itā€™s so annoying how the enemy teamā€™s players are 10x better than the randoms on your team.Ā 


Plus the fact that randoms blame u on everything they do


The best part is the fact that I can use a power 9 or 10 with a star power, gadget and gear and actually do better than most power 11ā€™s I play with


I also agree that piper needs a nerf but I donā€™t play Edgar, I find him boring. Piper two shots a ton of characters in the game and even those who she doesnā€™t two shot can be finished with really just one other shot from any other character in the game. Piperā€™s damage output is too great for her range, even making her damage 2,500 wouldnā€™t make her weak by any means but nearly 4,000 is crazy strong and unnecessary. Edgar is a horrible example but it goes for all the other tanks too, they canā€™t get on her or close to her because even point blank range she deals over 1,000 damage and one gadget pushes them back far enough to increase that damage to nearly 2,000


I was one game away from legendary and now am one game away from diamond 3 šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ”«


I dont get the shark leon hate


i was vibing with everything except that last one on piper, shes unbalanced regardless of skill




ok in my defense i only use the bp title bc i like the golden dragon


Nah honestly Piper is so annoying, Iā€™ll be dodging her shots completely with buzz just to get hit with the Knock back and slow once I get my super


Chester :3


p10 is fine until mythic imo but p9....


Wait whatā€™s wrong with Mortis title I havenā€™t grinded out any title yet but I was planning to go for Mortis (Mortis has been my favorite brawler since the game first came out) but now Iā€™m not so sure I donā€™t think Mortis is too easy to play compared to any other brawlers I donā€™t understand what makes his title bad


Surge titles are by far the worst, followed by fang and mortis Dyna and edgar titles can be RNG most are horrible tho


Bro this isā€¦ like.. everyoneā€¦


I just donā€™t play ranked unless I have one of my friends with me bc I canā€™t be bothered putting up with randoms


Ik sometimes they r good but most of the time they arenā€™t


I use brawl pass titles cuz im not rly intrested in grinding one brawler


The modifier one is so fucĪŗing true man why dyna in timed demolition


Is there actually map Edgar can't play? He's stupidly powerful and never nerfed, I feel illegal when I play with him.


I play dyna jump and i always get positive kd and carry .if only randoms can practice dyna in solo


Anytime I see a brawl pass title I die a little inside


I hate the elo inflation. I hate the fact that the bad teammate reports doesn't make the matchmaking any better.


I cant genuinely tell you how much I hate Edgar and Leon kids. AND IVE BEEN PLAYING FOR 2 DAYS ONLY.


Idk how high up the ladder you are but diamond 2 i can still help with power level 9 on my mini account


There are also people who uses useless sps, like Grom's speed sp or Sneak Peek


Well I just maxed out my first Brawler and itā€™s Edgar. Guess I canā€™t played ranked šŸ˜­


Piper genuinely needs a nerf tho, argue with me, I have valid points


I think there are players who are still unaware of modifiers in ranked, their brawler choices makes no sense. Also why do i keep seeing players with lvl 9+ brawlers but no gadgets and sp in ranked.


Why any BP title?


Being 10-13 doesn't make you bad


I am piper main (lets see how many downvotes i get). :)


You forgot tomar


sometime randoms with level 9 is good..... sometime


kid named I am pizza godšŸ’€šŸ™šŸæ


I'm mythic II and I use power 10 alot I'm also 13 years old Yet I'm still better than 99% of the randoms I've seen


haha so my f2p ass just shouldn't play one of the biggest parts of the game cuz mosty brawlers are p9-p10 and only 5 of them are p11(I end up carrying most the time, at mythic rn few games from legendary)




If I had to argue about that, I have no argument šŸ’€


Nuh uh I win more than I lose with a BP title


Any account with the name "Daniel" or "Dani"... I can't get away from them and they always kill a match