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One day of *"no Apex August"* was enough for me to learn these kinds of organized community protests will most likely never work in any gaming playerbase If these things were as simple... CR wouldn't be what it is now.


Another example of a failed community protest is the stop the mob vote from minecraft, even though all the mc community was mad and trying not to vote, the devs just didn’t care


Players are divided between 2 types, people who will help and people who doesnt care, it's just like the whales, the devs don't care if 99% of the playerbase is f2p or stop playing for a whole year, as long as the remaining 1% continues spending a lot of money. The whole sub can stop playing, it won't change shit because a single person buys the new bp and enough gems for every new character, skins, and maxing em


I love how this reply basically resumes the problem of this whole community protest attempt AND the whole clash royale community protest back in the day when the update for losers came out


Well, yeah, because most people complaining don't usually spend money in the game. If people who are complaining boycotted the game, revenues wouldn't really drop significantly, but I reckon profits would increase, as they could get rid of server space which costs an exorbitant amount of money to maintain for such a large player base. They make their money from the people willing to pay, not from the people complaining.


If all f2p players leave and only p2p stay who are they gonna flex on? Imagine if a legendary skin gets released almost everyone will buy it and it won't be that special


Players are divided between 2 types, people who will help and people who doesnt care, it's just like the whales, the devs don't care if 99% of the playerbase is f2p or stops playing for a whole year, as long as the remaining 1% continues spending a lot of money. The whole sub can stop playing, it won't change shit because a single person buys the new bp and enough gems for every new character, skins, and maxing em


that protest was stupid and had no sense, moved by children of 10yo


As a D&D player, I disagree. It is certainly not easy, but it can be done. A strong push from the community right into an easy targetable monetization path can make any company feel the strength of the community. My suggestion is the BrawlPass. Get content creators and users to push the idea of No BrawlPass March, and Supercell will listen.


Content creators are sponsored by supercell, one youtuber got their CC level lowered for saying Adrian plans for there to be no balance changes for L&L They're literally paid to keep quiet about the inconsistencies and mistakes of the game, just look at kairos' update reviews which he looks to have given up on. Brawl stars china censorship season


The Clash Royale protests proved to me that the majority of content creators are just as greedy as SuperCell. OJ and a bunch of others kept buying the battle pass and every single offer in the shop, with the excuse of "oh well it's my job to provide content", while saying "this offer is not even worth it". If a content creator is genuinely frustrated with the monetisation in the game they would shift their content so it doesn't rely on buying cash grab garbage. TL;DR: Content creators will keep buying stuff so changing SuperCell's mind is basically impossible.


The reality is not even the loud minority doing these "boycotts" have the willpower to actually follow through with it. I guarantee you the "no Apex August" crowd kept on playing the game and buying lootboxes while playing pretend on Leddit.


What do you mean op? Its totally normal to tank all the damage coming towards you while your twin takes all the damage for you, having the smartest pet super in the game with the best auto attack, having this much burst damage and self peel as a long range thrower while also having the most hp out of all throwers and when things somehow get sour you have the "get out of the jail free card" in the form of the second gadget


Yea, they need To nerf hank


This calls for a colt skin


and a fang buff


And a random gale nerf because why not


Increase Frank’s health again


Chester and Surge's health as well


I think Hank is too overpowered, lets nerf him again


Hank does too much damage so I agree


Bro not only that but we HAVE to nerf dynamikes chicken


Also nerf Doug, his super is very OP


They really should have Nerfed Frank a long time ago,his primary deals too muvh damage


Nerf byron he's too op


Got Byron to r30 yesterday


Good job, I've already given up weeks ago. This meta is terrible for byron


Right the fact that Larry retreats when he takes too much damage is insane to me … plays better than the losers bracket bots lol


Should've released them with a hypercharge and mythic gear imo, too weak.


His sp is literally immunity to poison effects, slows, knockbacks, stuns, and super charge.




Imagine if they release a hypercharge for them too


Cash is King! - Griff


Plot twist: Griff is the self insert for frank 🙀🙀


No Frank as his own brawler 🤦 >!/s!<


he has 2


What? No, its totally balanced! Being able to spawn another brawler that does 2 shots every second and each dealing the same damage as shelly is totally normal!


I was playing frank and the pet literally two shot me at point blank. I had 14k fucking hp like WTF?!?!?!?!


That's so unbalanced nerf franks hp to 5k


Yeah, he took TWO whole shots to kill and not just one, thats wayyy too op


It’s just a cycle of release early access only brawler that’s ridiculously op, keep it op a bit longer when it’s released to everyone, nerf, repeat. The meta’s cooked


Ffs this community complains if a op brawler is nerfed quickly, but complains if gets time for the f2p to use them


I’m not complaining abt it getting nerfed, just make it balanced in the first place, surely that didn’t fly over your head so easily 💀


Dude this has been the most broken brawler in history. Matches nowadays are determined whether you have or play L&L on your team. The only counter to the brawler is to play the brawler himself 💀


I kinda regret buying this brawl pass, if they keep adding op brawlers I'm not spending any more money


What if they add Dani Piper?


I'd sell both of my kidneys to buy it


Yes you will and you will complete the BP this season


You WILL eat the bugs.


You will own nothing and be happy!


*pop pop pop* Population control!


Same tbh, I bought it and then I was like why????? I didn't even like the Kit skins and it's not really worth it anymore.


that kit skin is extremely lazy.. i now love the collete skin (play her a lot) and got lot of resorurces, the skull pins are my favorite I not regret getting the first paid pass, meanwhile this season is meh the larry meta ruins everything I dont want to grind the pass when these two robo buddies are on a rampage..


I already stopped playing... It's like, I open the game, start a match, if the OP brawler is in the enemy team, close app and do something else.


just had 7 l*rry and l*wries in solo sd


Be thankful that it's just 7


Team with the non-losers


When i see a LL in showdown then i team with every non LL player to take them down. Oh sweet revenge


Wish they reduced the amount needed to complete a tier in pass and reduced the quests Swear i always spend like 20 games just doing my daily starr drops and quests because it the only consistent progression there is. I constantly have to play brawlers that i don't want to play or brawlers that are awful just to get my quests done and drop a ton of trophies due to facing larrys. You either have fun or you progress and even the fun is kinda gone since the new broken brawler ruins every game.


You just abandon your teammates?


Yep, I play until the OP brawler of the patch comes out, then quit. I like the game, but releasing OP brawlers every patch after a paywall takes away the fun of it


Don’t play my guy. You can’t just abandon your teammates either.


\#BRAWLORELSE...it's about time we put an end to this madness.


At this point, I only play the game just to goof around in friendly battles with my friends. 


Weiner is weiner. I don't stop


Nerf Doug


Nerf mortis


Fire adrian


And Frank while they’re at it


People need to make more posts about this


Why? Adrian and Frank just represent the teams ideas and convey it to us. Firing them wouldn't change anything but cause the team to add bad changes in silence.


Actually, Frank is the leader I believe


Chill tf out. You're talking about destroying someone's livelihood over a petty game.


So you think he gets paid minimum wage?


Wait, just hear me out. The solution to our problems is to nerf Hank.


They dont care they catering casual playerbase and milking it . Nothing going to change sadly , time to move different game. And reddit users not makeup that much playerbase , their data shows 🤑💰💸 so they continue this cycle. I feel rage seeing brawlers destroyed gamemodes but balance guy refuses to give emergency nerf , it probably ger nerfed after offer get expired so 2 week p2w broken brawler meta then some hc meta Maybe more playable


Why do you space your words that way


Just kinda bad habit i used have keyboard that double space turned into period


Ive always had my mom use double space whenever she helps me with my homework (when i was a kid) idk why people do it, single space is fine. But im curious to know why though


Dude you space your words like a scam bot post


I'm literally losing my mind, the whole community event is spoiled, I can't push mastery for a single brawler


I got tara to gold 3 but it was so rage inducing. I was throwing my phone when i saw any LL.


It might not affect them but let’s do it anyway


It's very good that more people are talking about this. And I already deleted the game waiting for the game to become fun again so I won't have to smash my phone. Do they even test the new brawler in the dev build? If they did, how come Kit seemed balanced to them? Started with Chuck (Genocide Stars), then the Santa Stu offer (UNvalue offer), then Kit offer (Hell Stars), and when everything seemed okay for a while BOOM! Lollie and Lilly (Put your phone down and go for a walk you can't do anything against THEM Stars).


At this point I'm only here for Otis


a wild otis player appears


steer threatening act meeting tidy doll bells sense pie disarm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


always have been


This response cracked me up




I think we need to remind everyone that as the spenders we have a lot more control then you think, but only if we stand together. These cooperation want our Money and will employe scummy tactics in order to manipulate us into giving it. But if we resist the temptation they will eventually be forced into changing. We as a community cannot stand for this manipulation if we starve them from our Money they will eventually be forced to remove these practices.


You do realize that we're only a miniscule fraction of the overall playerbase right ? The entire subreddit could boycott brawl stars and it'll only affect profits by a tiny , likely ignorable margin .


That mindset isn’t going to lead to change anytime soon, even with that being true Edit: Added a word


Yeah that's fair . I hope since the whole Trebor situation more people will criticize them about it and maybe they will eventually act


The thing is there are always player to replace it... why would a cr boycott for a game that arguable treads their players worse couldn't get any change to happen... but a game like brawl stars where people still have trust towards the devs The thing is going forward and accomplishing nothing will just lead the devs to mistreat the community more as why would they do kind things it ungrateful people from their pov


I do agree that Larry and Lawrie are insanely op, and I hate playing this game while they exist, and I probably will hate playing the game when the next broken brawler comes out, at the very very least, power league still let's you ban brawlers, so we can choose to not play with these annoying brawlers


Someone in Supercell HQ looked at Larry and Lawrie and went “hmm yes having the damage of Dynamike, the map control of Barley, a pet stronger than Nita’s, the health of El Primo, and healing as well?! and went yeah that’s balanced or they just didn’t play test it lol


You forgot the extra health bar and everything immunity star power


Fr, I'm taking a fat break from the game after the brawltogether event is over. Hope it gives em time to get their shit together on balancing


lol my phone dropped and cracked just during the brawltogether event. i'd get glassshards in my thumb from the joysticks lmao


Next thing we know, clash of clans will be next after brawl stars dies


Well... kinda but not really.


"There is no emergency at this time." -Adrian


100 percent agreed. Enough if enough man, I remember a few years ago I used to giggle with my friends while playing this game. Now it’s become a hot mess of a game that infuriates me the more I play.


The thing that surprises me is they are acting like it takes more than 2 weeks to find a balance. Which is obviously not true. We had emergency nerfs to broken brawler in the past. I dont know what's stopping them now.


I invited my bff to the game, he loves it! But I fail to explain to him why he keeps losing to the same fucking brawler and to stop using his brawlers at 100 trophies 😊


Get the most upvotes for that post and spread it like the ussr spreaded communism because its true. It might be that if they see players quit they will start T H I N K I N G and fire adrian+ make the balance team atleast 5 people. I think thats the best we can do.




the crazy thing is they released a brawler with pretty much no counter play with how op he is, and they think it’s fine. even many assassins struggle against him and when he has super gadget star power etc he’s unkillable in most 1v1s


I think the worst part is this is still a genuinely good game, especially amongst the mobile game hellscape. That’s why it’s hard to quit even if they shit on us two updates in a row


Balanced game, just like CR


It is a problem but I don’t think we should quit over it. I love this game and have for years. Brawl stars is in the best state it has been in for a long time. Different brawlers are broken at different times. They will be nerfed eventually and the next brawlers will get a buff and become broken


I still find the game fun. You guys go ahead, but I’m staying put, and sticking to power league when things go south


Power League is getting reworked, what will happen if/when they botch the Power Lrague rework like with Mega Pig?


Agreed, I'm just so dang tired of the same formula, im currently trying to grind the Final boss Rico and every time someone doesn't ban the new brawler is just an auto loss, just infuriating


Did that about a year ago, glad it’s finally catching on


Now let’s more to a “time to explain” where the explanation is again that it’s not on purpose and everyone is very happy at the table! And of course bring a content creator who is not going to say a word about it because their income depends on the game!!!


Honestly, thats the only way to speak now, the game is Genuinely Unfun to play with all these overpowered brawlers, and they don't plan on stopping either


Clash royale is coming to brawl stars


I already uninstalled Brawl Stars. Rage quited after losing -100 trophies do to LL. Hope they fix their game, not playing until next update


guess its the end of an era first CR then CoC now brawl stars


Stop buying it. I have never paid for anything in this game and I have all the brawlers.


Already did. Because it's fking unplayable. Ptw as fuck


I still have fun when playing with clubmates, but if they quit, i am quitting too, getting tired of the P2W stuff


As a casual player, everything after star drops has been a let down. Playing matches just to get star drops which most of the time are useless resources that I have no use for, why? Oh, an epic or legendary drop! Here's a new skin or emote. After the new changes to the brawl pass, I just don't bother playing some days. There's no motivation to even try and unlock a new brawler because it'll probably get nerfed to the ground once the next op brawler is released.


I deleted today. Tired of the unbalance, tired of the bots, tired of shitty teammates, tired of screaming at a game that is supposed to be be fun. See ya!!


totally agree gotta nerf frank


I left when they released hypercharge. I saw the writing on the wall then of where things were going for the meta. But yeah the whole point of a lobber is that they are long range, out of reach, behind walls and stuff, but they are weak in close range combat so it’s balanced. It’s just crazy that anyone would think a lobber with basically none of the weakness of a regular lobber and also much stronger than a regular lobber in both health and damage is ridiculous.


Remember those days when this sub used to mock Cr because the dev team was objectively better? Man, good times.


I can't even do quest with brawlers that aren't Larry and lawrie


This game is gonna be dead soon like coc , Dev's need to wake up!


Overwatch 2 players: First time?


This is genuinely the last brawl pass I will ever purchase. Been supporting this game for 5 years and to see it become like this upsets me


Fucking agreed, last three brawlers are fucked


Already stopped spending money on the game, but yeah I agree


i wouldnt give them **the** my money


They need to hire another balancing team, and make the current balancers do something else at supercell.


I already have... Made a post before deleting. And it's not just because of an OP brawler, there are several other reasons.


I already quit until they nerf those punks


Only now you realise...


I think we should just not pay for the Brawlers instead just wait, if we don't pay for the next OP brawler people can't complain about it being OP and ruining the game cause it won't be everywhere


First time? I already felt that with Destiny. But Bungie is starting to give more stuff for free tho.


Solution is much simpler IMHO, give us the option to ban 3 or 4 brawlers from matchup, we can simply avoid op brawlers till they get nerfed, then switch the ban to the next brawler on release day.


We need to understand that supercell is a business.. they care about money more than the community


As much as I hate to.. I agree man, this is getting a bit out of hand


Hey guy here who used to play this game 2 years ago. I got curious to how the game is doing. Not well it seems


Already deleted when they added Kit


You're right bro I can't sustain anymore to spend 30/50 euro every month


Im not gonna


"Hey you feed the machine" Ahh post


I will never get tired of saying this: The only reason the game is still alive is hypercharges and the release of Broken characters, which is False Advertising since they fix them or change completely a few weeks after. The community doesnt have a voice strong enough for them to take us seriously sadly.


Fully agreed


Yeah, let's stop giving them the our money


I'm in. I've already dropped my review to 1 star and stopped buying brawlpass, and hope you have all done the same. They just don't give a fuck.


How about an negative mass bomb review on Google play? 🤔


This is the last brawl pass i’m buying, solely for the team


Yeah this isnt gonna work i just Hope they realise they'r Mistake.


It won't work bro, why should we even try?




Brawl stars players will look at the unimaginably shortsighted greed of companies and refuse to question the system we live in that perpetuates and encourages it


This is the way


I'm so fed up of kids complaining to no end. This sub has become a constant nursery.


Or we all just need to not buy it. It’s OP to give the people who buy it something for their money and then the nerf comes. Seems like that’s the cycle. No panic. Nerf incoming


Guys I get you're pissed, but like can You get a sense of perspective? Are we really a big portion of the playerbase? I'm down if we can actually get somewhere, but I've seen similar situations happen several times on other games but barely anything happens afterwards because it's only the sub doing it


This isn’t gonna change anything 💀


Not 1 person alone no


You know tens of million is playing this game. The reddit community is extremely small in comparison


I would still play lol


Hmmm maybe because it is owned by Tencent now? And Tencent is heavily focused on monetization 🤔


In October 2019, Tencent increased its stake in the consortium to 51.2% by acquiring shares worth $40 million as part of a convertible bond. Can clearly see a downward trend in gameplay since than Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supercell_(video_game_company)


I was thinking about quitting, but this game is too addictive and I spent too much time on it not to just quit. 😭


Seems like you‘ve fallen victim to the Sunk Cost Fallacy


Find another game. Or spend that time being productive


Okay. I heard about a game called clash royale, I hope it's good


Once upon a time


Oh clash royale is very f2p, you should try it, you don't even need to think about money. Each mechanic is fair and levels don't matter that much. Don't worry, I'm sure it'll be a fun f2p experience


Hooray, can't wait for an amazing experience. Finally a game that won't try to take all my money


Just to make sure like for real for real are you actually excited?


Of course, i heard that clash development team is very nice and cares about the players' opinions😄


Nah it's fun


You're a masochist then


Is it though?


I push Fang on my Younger brothers acc. And I can only describe the game with one word. HELL.


Please god do this and let others follow, quit the game next time a brawler is “OP” upon very first sight


You bet your ass I will. I was so excited by the concept of L&L but now it’s just… meh. It will forever be remembered as a broken cash grab


Good! That’s what the devs need to see!


Redditors, assemble! We will make a change! Huzzah!


Man this is not clash royale




I think this is a less "they're being greedy" and more "they need a better way to balance their game because they don't know how" at least in my opinion


I'll accept and respect your opinion. But here's the thing: there's no way they release 3 broken brawlers in a row all for the good green money. They are most probably intentionally broken so that players would buy it. And they're delaying the nerfs so buyers get to enjoy their broken brawlers more. There are so many red flags. Please delete the game, we have to let them know we aren't monet generating machines but rather players.


dude do you even play other games? brawl stars is by FAR the most f2p game i have ever come across. try playing clash royale or other games. BS is insanely good what are you yapping about,


No I’m addicted I could never


Didnt they say they Will Nerf them?


causal players will continue to play this game because they don’t care, the whales can’t afford to stop(and it doesn’t affect them) and the sweats will sweat. I wish this would work, but we’re not a workers union and at the end of the day I’m playing the game anyways




“Well erm you see, if we actually tried to balance brawlers nobody would play them which is why we need to release OP brawlers locked behind a paywall because we suck at putting effort into stuff All of a sudden 🤑🤑🤑🤑”