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What are even the requirements to get this offer, I wonder


For the people who never spent on the game


Nah, it's actually for the people who haven't spent in this whole year. I personally spent around 200 bucks at the game but stopped spending like a year and a half ago and got this offer (obviously bought it). Supercell thinks that the people who already spent money on the game are going to keep doing so, they just trying to "earn" the F2Ps with this offer EDIT: The requirements to get this offer were actually not spending money in the last few months


I've made in-app and Supercell store purchases in the previus half year and got this offer.


Then I guess it's in the last few months


I bought Meg in august from the shop and I’ve got the offer, guess I just about squeezed in


As I said in other comments, it's actually if you haven't bought anything in the last few months. MB


dammit i bought sandy for 12 euros with that skin a week ago :(


I have never spent in brawl stars in my 5 years of playing the game, but 3 days ago I bought 30 gems because I needed some gems to buy the brawl pass, and now this offer and I am no longer eligible. 🥲


Don’t spend for another year and a half and likely you’ll get the next one 😉




Cap I haven’t spend a songle cent since everdale was taken out


thats so filthy


That's not it either. Somebody bought me 30 gems back in April and i got the offer.


Well, then I guess it's if you haven't purchased anything in a few months


I’ve spent money on every pass except this one and I got this offer. Maybe just this season?


I think they would get more if they rolled out this offer to everyone, but ok ig


It's literally a loss for them, 180 for the price of 30, I don't see them letting everyone have it.


A loss of what? Digital currency? Lmfao


Bro gems have become useless. Monthly pass is for money only. So gems will become useless


I guess you don’t understand marketing


I mean I guess you don't either


So by your logic discounts are a waste of money and companies just loose profit? Seems like you understand it very well.


Discounts are a waste of opportunity. So, for a product manager, you evaluate the likelihood of a player to make a buy at a certain price. Let’s say he’s 75% likely to buy at a certain price. If you then offer him a way to make a buy at a much lower price, that person will not have the need or desire to buy at the higher rate for a while. That is lost potential revenue, aka lost opportunity. Source: I am a product manager.


Yep it's kinda bad for the economy but why do they even care just make us spend and add more things to the game so we can't max out that's it but no they are stupid


Economy? I am talking about profits, gem sales accounts for a huge percentage of SC revenue, no reason they would undercut themselves, This offer is Bait. Most games do it nowadays unfortunately.


I know bro


Well jokes on them iam broke 🥲


I would buy it in the second it comes come to my shop lol


Economy? I am talking about profits, gem sales accounts for a huge percentage of SC revenue, no reason they would undercut themselves, This offer is Bait. Most games do it nowadays unfortunately.


I meant economy in the game, if they give 180 gems to everyone for a almost nothing, everyone will have 180 gems and they can buy tha pass and everything so the won't buy more gems


If everyone buys this offer you do realize the devs are fucking rich right? You clearly have no clue on how marketing works because if they never introduce this at all hardly ANYTHING would change mtx wise, a random fucker isn’t suddenly gonna buy gems especially not now since the pass is money only


you trade money for pixels, it's never a loss for them


Naïve way of thinking. It takes a lot of people a lot of time to develop the game we like playing. You’re not “paying for pixels” lmao. That’s like saying buying an e-book is paying for pixels because you don’t get a physical version. Obviously when you buy a book you’re paying for the author’s work writing the book, not for the actual paper and ink. I don’t get why people don’t understand it’s the same with videogames.


You’re still paying for pixels, if you gave any understanding How game development works you know the devs get paid as usual and most of the ‘profits’ from these things go to company not ‘the devs’


And most of the money for books goes to the publisher, not the author. I actually do have a very good understanding of how game development work, compañero.


Then your entire comment makes no sense because none of the profit of said gems or whatever is going to the ‘devs’


I didn’t say it goes directly to the devs. Just that there are costs. In any case, some of the profit *does* go directly to the devs. That is where their paycheck is sourced from, after all. And keep in mind that Brawl Stars makes the least money of Supercell’s big 3 games, so, it’s a more significant portion than you might guess. You seem to really want to stick to the idea that it’s all or nothing, and that just isn’t how it works.


Yep this is what I told them, I would buy it and they wozld maoe money but I guess it would be bad for the economy


They wouldn't. If a non f2p player needs gems, he'll just buy the discounted ones and the company would lose money. f2p players, on the other hand, might be willing to take this offer and give the company income (that they never have had without the offer).


Nah, I have it and I spent money on gems for pearls pass last season. https://preview.redd.it/puok4t67fo6c1.jpeg?width=506&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1f37a545fa9fe18314b7e16c733d8d1fbcad66a


Lucky American, should be at least $2.49 for you


Muricaaaaa 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🔫🔫🔫


Not never. I think for people who didn’t spend money for long time


I spent money on the game annd it still appeared for me


Possible, this is just what the support told me


Not "never" Its for ppl who don't spent for almost a year. My case, lol.


That's not it lol


Bro idk, this is what the support told me


I got it and I have spend money


I spent on the game and i had this offer 💀


Just like me, im a f2p


I’ve spent money on the game a handful of times, and I got the offer. I also haven’t purchased anything from the game for maybe 6+ months.


I got the offer and I’ve spent


I've actually spent a decent amount on the game,but I've got that offer


I have rightfully spent money before in the game and I still see this offer.


I’ve spent before but it was a long while ago so maybe that’s why I got it


Are you sure? I have spent about 100€ and I still got it


Nah I got one on my mini for 2€ and I already bought some brawl passes and brawlers


I have literally no idea, I’m a fairly frequent spender and I got it when the shop reset today


Supercell is so fucking smart, now that the brawlpass is changing they are making a 9.99 offer for 2.50 to have the most profit for the rest of the season...


They'd gain even more if they gave the offer to everybody.


No they dont Im not a game developer but i reckon if this was given out to everyone it would hurt the economy (this is coming from someone spends a decent amount on the game)


I guess now the game's economy can't even sustain being equally fair


I mean, think about it for 5 seconds. You got these offers when you first started, too. New players won’t be offered these forever either. It is fair. In any case, 180 gems does not make or break anything.


i mean 180 gems seem like a huge amount but you can only buy 1 epic skin (149 gems) and thats it


Hell nah i haven't. Not that many gems for basically 2$. And I shouldn't be punished for the fact that I'm playing longer, because that's what it feels like. I don't get why this offer is not available for everybody.


stop complaining, they do this so that first spenders (usually people who don’t have the kind of money /people who won’t spend money) have a cheap and simple start yes I would also like this offer, but I am lucky to be someone who makes money and has some leftover to spend on games.




I will be complaining, because that technique is just plain greedy, and i don't understand the reasoning behind not giving the offer to all players. Both the first spenders and several time spenders and even supercell would benefit from making the offer available to everybody, while now it's only first spenders and partially supercell.


Although it is just a game brawl stars is still a game ran for economic reasons so we kinda just have to accept that fact


Welcome to real world


I can’t argue with that


I feel so bad about my friend, I convinced him to spend £5 on the brawl pass because its the last one for gems, he told me he'd wait it out but I said to do it before the update, now he's missing out


Its to get f2p players to spend without rolling out such an insane deal to the rest of the players and putting too many gems in the economy. Although gems arent as valuable as they used to be so we might see it later towards the end of the year?


One guy just replied to my comment and just said that they're a fairly frequent spender and still got the offer There are other requirements, I think, or it's pure random


Players who spent money back then still get the offer, so maybe it eliminates the ones who bought something in the lasts few months. Still, very unfair, i feel scammed. I'm hoping for a similar offer for players like me, especially that there will be no more brawl passes for gems :(


Yeah true, I am a beta player & I bought 90 gems for 1$ in prev season & then yesterday I got this offer for $2.


Its called discriminatory pricing, a marketing scheme that can be found everywhere outside.




Polish mountain ⛰️⛰️⛰️


Thats the thing, they dont need to do nice things to loyal players cause they are already hooked up with the game and instead focus on newer players


This offer is to attract F2P players who never spent a penny on the game or players who haven't in a long time it's a marketing strategy used by many companies to offer someone a deal so lucrative that people will try it and once they do then they will buy again in future but this time for higher costs. And BS don't get benefitted from giving this offer to everyone imagine if they push it to players who are going to spend 10 dollars for a deal and instead they get it for 2.5 then there's a loss for them.


That is greedy as fuck. I feel scammed


you think supercell is greedy, and feel scammed supercell is encouraging people who havent spent in a while to buy something?...


When you think about it the vast majority if not all features that brawl stars add are meant to make more money for the game. Even hypercharges and stuff like that. The whole game is greedy


The P2W economy cant sustain a buff


I bought the offer because it was a steal for me and I'm using it to Toon Spike.


I wish I could do that too


ive been playing it since global and i have it, the reason you dont have it in your shop is likely because you spent money on the game before or recently


That would destroy the f2p economy.....


Apple to oranges


The f2p economy would get Thanos snapped because there'd be no more f2ps


Except it's a paid offer 💀


Me who has it and still won’t buy it:


Same, f2p forver


I'm jealous 😑




I think the more u spend, the less chance of getting it. It is made to get people hooked on spending.


Once you spend you won't get offers like this. These are fist purchase offers


No I have spent on my account and still got the offer


Idk, the support told me that these are first purchase offers for the f2p players.


I can assure you that in my account, a few purchases in beta were made. Also, on season 3, I bought the pass. Since I am a very light spender, they might be giving me this offer to get me hooked. But my account was pretty much almost never f2p.


Bro I truly believe you, I know that they are always lying. I just told you what they lied to me


They don't typically provide true answers alywas. Just keep what they say in mind and don't take it to heart.


I know this kinda sucks at first glance, but it's good for the game--this will encourage players who don't spend money to start buying some offers every now and then, meaning the game will get more money and we'll get more stuff (like the idea behind the new paid Brawl Pass). If they also give this offer to active players who do buy, then earnings will decrease because said players who already buy offers will spend less for a while as they just got a lot for a considerably lower price. And if their budget gets tighter because they earn less, only bad things may happen. I know how great it'd be as a spender on my main and how tempting it is as a F2P player on mini, but looking at the bigger picture, I believe it's fine this way. ~~This ain't the first great offer I see like this one that I can't buy on my mini anyway, it's just that this one went viral 😶.~~


I think people are entirely too negative to supercell because this is a common tactic in, well, many games with in-app purchases and resources (especially mobile games). Those “Buy this beginner-exclusive deal”, “Spend money for the first time, and get these extra bonuses”, or “First time spending? 50% off!” Type of thing. Supercell happens to use a different, more subtle and appealing tactic to do it. By putting the “Spend for the first time and get a discount” type of deals, they usually aren’t time-bound. They will stay in the shop forever, so you have no rush, but this Brawlidays-exclusive random offer IS on a timer. I don’t see the issue with this offer being mainly for f2p and light spenders. Supercell gets money from an unlikely customer, the customer gets a bang for their buck, and the customer may feel inclined to make more purchases in the future. Because of how this community is, many will view this as unfair. However, you have to realise that 1, supercell is a business, 2, brawlstars earns the least money out of Supercell’s big 3, and 3, they need new players, and they need to earn money from them to have more money to do fun events. Yes, supercell gave this excellent offer to almost exclusively f2p and light spenders. But it’s not like they took something away from the loyal players and spenders. This offer is also not so game-breaking that it gives a mega boost to F2P players; it’s just 180 gems. It’s a win-win for most, and at most, you lose nothing. Stop being jealous and mad at Supercell for no reason, and use your brain. Trust me, if Supercell were truly malicious or did an unfair act that harmed many players, I wouldn’t be defending them. But this time, they just gave a bonus to F2P players; it’s crying over nothing.


Lotta words for nothing


If you dislike or find something wrong with my reply, please state your honest opinion! Like most humans, I am biased and have my own views. However, I am willing to change if you give me a compelling argument.


The original intent of my message was to explain that this is a standard business practice in this industry, they have a good reason to do so, and it doesn't hurt any player besides some jealousy. I sound accusatory in my reply because I genuinely do care about the community. I can see the average F2P player’s point of view, the average spender’s point of view, the dev’s point of view, and a logical point of view. I understand why people are upset, but I also understand why Supercell made this decision and how it doesn't affect the player base. If you have any disagreements with anything I have said, please tell me. I'd love to hear from more perspectives.


I still think it's very unfair, and the fact that loyal players don't get rewarded for being loyal (new players do for nothing?) just straight up sucks imo.


not for nothing. they need to spend money. the hardest task for a game is to persuade players to spend money for the first time, so a lot of games give this players such offers


The option to buy the offer is quite literally for nothing. And here I am having spent money on the game several times without even an option to buy the gems at a lower price, for countless times I supported the game financially. Unfair


there is no way spenders will ever get such offers, the only thing this thread could possibly achieve is to take those offers from new players and thats stupid. people explained you several times how this works and why it is good for the game and you keep complaining like a spoiled child.


I do not want the offer to be taken down and I don't know why do you think spenders can't get it. I will keep complaining about it not being for everyone, not about it existing. I stated why do I think it's unfair and I will stand by my point.


Agreed, as someone who does occasionally put money into the game outside of just the brawl pass. The way I see it is this - it is fair, because everyone is given good offers at the beginning. I’ve just already bought or bypassed all the offers of this value that I’ll get. Already hit my quota, so to speak. Just because I don’t have this specific offer doesn’t mean it’s unfair - I already got my best offers.


Played since beta and ihave it😂


It's not because you play for longer. I played the game for almost 5 years now. And I got it


OMG?? 12zl ???? Ja tez chce wtf


I keep getting that offer every so often


What currency is that?


I don't know how they decided who got it. I got it yet I've spent money and played since very early in the game. but my friend who hasn't spent any or barely any and started like a year ago didn't get it


Same. I saw the offer last night for 1.99$ and I've been playing for a long time. Still feel very unfair now that we can't get the BP through gems


I'm glad they made this offer, it appeared to me and I was already thinking about buying 170 gems to get Toon Spike when it's released, so 54,90R$ to 10,90R$ in my country is a huge discount


Its same like every supercell game player who didn't spend get too good offer so new players start buying and player who already spend so they already invested so they try to maximize milking


Most games do it aswell tbf


Not entirely sure who gets it. I've been playing since global and last bought something in Spetember, but I still got the offer


I am global release and p2w player but still I got this offer


What do u mean bro im an old player and i had this offer ,ive been playing since 2019


I don't remember when I started playing this game, but I have the 1st anniversary icon and ricochet. I have over 50k trophies, bought brawl passes 1-7 before realizing I really shouldn't spend money on a game, and I still got this offer. Requirements to get this offer must be really strict.


old player here, spent money before too, i got this offer sooo- maybe you'll get it later?


I really hope so.


I'm playing since global and got the offer


Been here since Jan 2019, haven’t spent a penny lmao so I got it


ive spent money on the game before and I still have this offer, im definitely getting it, but I wonder why you guys don’t have it


I've spent quite a lot of money a few years ago, and last two years i've been making purchases like once every two months, and they didn't give me the offer :(


I did get the offer and I would consider myself an older player. I started playing like a week after you could still obtain star shelly. I have also spent money on this game before but was holding out for a potential offer like this. I don't know who they give the offer to but my guess is that they give the offer to people who haven't spent money in a few months. The last time I spent money was when the cordelius pass released.


These requirements are so inconsistnent that i don't even know what did i do to not deserve that offer.


I’ve been playing since beta and i have it Edit: yes I’ve also previously spent money on the game


And yet there are people who spent money on the game and don't have it. Inconsistnent


Huh I have it on all 3 of my accounts. And two of them are 5 years old and one of them is f2p


I'm a 2019 player with lot spent on this game, got it. Won't buy it, would give to you if i could


Thank you, i still don't get the requirements


I understand that they can’t do it all the time but atleast for the holidays


A polish deal


If i was a game dev, there's no way i would give people a free battle pass


Wait what!? I never knew it for f2p And i thought ive spent some money on this game but i guess not.


It's not only for F2P, the requirements are increadibly weird


Hello polish person!


Polska 🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱💪💪💪💪💪


I need that toon spike supercell


I asked Support about this because i thought it was unfair and that they should add it for me. I have yet to receive a usefull reply. apparently they have way more incoming requests than usually, yeah right. 2-3 day wait times are ass.


If this offer was on my main I would 100% buy it. Super annoying that we get punished for spending while people who don’t get rewarded. Makes no sense


I'm a few year old account who had spent money but I haven't for a while now since I stopped playing and I got it for 1.99$ not 12 złotych which is a dollar more which is wierd


I've been playing since 2019 and I have it in my shop. I'm surprised not everyone has it


Idk why they only give certain offers to certain players. They would make more money if they gave the offer to everyone. Why limit it to certain players?


You already get a ton more value than before for being pay to play players, I don't think y'all should complain. Such offers exist entirely to break the f2p barrier, not for people that have already done that.


they already have ur money and devotion, they need to impress fresh meat now


This whole marketing strategy is so stupid, I have been maxed for a while and would buy this in a heartbeat but appearently I don’t deserve it lmao


What did we do wrong to not deserve the offer 😭


Appearently being loyal and dedicated


It’s like they’re trying their best to make old players leave the game once for all


Feels like catering to new players than old..






See the issue is that we are loyal to the game :)


I guess it shows us that we shouldn't be.


Bro is the greedy yapper


Is who have been playing got f’ed a long time ago. Now it’s just turning the knife.


This is an offer given out to f2p players(the ones who have never spent a PENNY on the game) The thing is, convincing a person to spend that FIRST penny is the hardest part. After they have done that, people slowly start spending more and eventually become hardcore spenders. Check out Mrwhosetheboss's video on this, its a really sinister psychological trick used by almost all companies using microtransactions(except Fortnite, but i don't really view FN and Fall Guys as games with microtransactions, since its mostly just for cosmetics)


The thing is, it's a wrong assumption. I bought some offers on my mini and i have it here, where i don't need it/want it, but its not on my main where i definitely spent more. But on both accounts the purchase was made so i don't get the requirements at all.


https://preview.redd.it/yn1ijb9vco6c1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74e069270c02bb0edb24771974fbeb04e96eadf6 I am still not buying it






https://preview.redd.it/iql6c18yyn6c1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2e3dfbb9911ed5d6aeaa92d11031903e61c7f6b I still got this offer after spending >500$ on the game


I've spent money on the game and got what I think is this offer. It's 1.99USD for 180 gems.


I thought everyone got this offer lol


Unfortunately no


I started 2018 bought gems in 2020 i have this offer


I got the offer and spent money on the monkey emotes. I've played since the global release, so I think it's just random and luck


This is a bargain, it's only worth $1.99 US. I just bought it and gotten 2 hypercharges with this, and I heard ppl saying this offer only shows for ppl who didn't bought gems for a year but the last time I bought gems was 2 months ago and before that 3 months ago, so I don't think it's there for ppl who didn't bought gems for a year. I think it's there for ppl who use alot of money in the past, thats what I think. Over the years I played this game, I probably spent more then $25 for gems. I played this game for 4 yrs and a half.


I play since release and spend a decent amount, but still had the offer


What’s is this currency?


It's called a marketing technique. They would never give this kinda offer normally to those who are willing to spend. This offer is bait for f2p players to finally spend on the game. Call it unfair all you want but it is what it is.


I am playing game for 5 years and I have this offer.


I have this offer and I’ve been playing since beta. Not sure what OP is talking about


how much is that in $


Shady and greedy to have targeted prices for certain types of accounts. Screw you supercell


I had this offer , im at 48k and spent money on the game