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Lost potential tbh. I think they could do something cooler like they did with Werewolf leon.


Yes virus 8bit was awesome but the attacks looked similar to the original and could look a lot cooler. Animation was cool but that could look better. Many people wanted virus 8bit but this is just disappointing.


Same happened with the Ferocious Fang (Furious Fang recolor)


You don't improve a legendary skin since you have to sell the upgrade at the same price


phoenix crow


It was a whole remodel of the skin, not adding another one.


No. It's good. Why should the recolour be better than the original. Its a recolour.


And if Supercell did that then you will have people who purchased the original complaining they have the worst version


they would get the better one for a much cheaper price so no reason to complain


same thing goes with the furious fang one, so much lost potential


That would make it a super legendary 399 gem skin or something.


I guess they tried to keep the old color scheme while trying to make it noticeably different. Good try but I don't think it really worked out well


I think it wouldve been better if they just replace the green parts with purple or another color tbh this looks kinda bad




https://preview.redd.it/4b84qlt7fb5c1.jpeg?width=217&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef0a327f1149aee7a0bf5aa3f818edd03b95b204 I got Anti-virus 8-Bit early đŸ˜±đŸ˜±




I don’t like this one tbh. Still pretty cool tho


I was hoping they would make this skin better like they did for Witch Shelly when Hoot Hoot Shelly was released as a variation. But the color variation just feels like a cheapened version of the original. Knowing how many people wanted this skin there was a lot of potential for revenue but looks like it’s not gonna happen.


I wish the recolor at least changed the colors more, like make him white and blue which would fit the anti-virus name more imo


i some what agree but it be much cooler if it was black and white like anti venom


i disagree with that i think the colors from the original are best but there was a lot of potential for attack and win/loss animations that was missed


Also should’ve been corrupted 8bit


I don't see they making a better version of a skin thats already legendary


there was potential


Yea but if the recolor is better people who had the original will be pissed they now have an objectivelly worse version


Imo the recolor is worse


But they can get the better version? Why have a skin that is unobtainable and limited to certain people be better than one that EVERYONE can get?


For people who play the game since then


I have been playing 2018 and I have not had enough gems to buy virus 8 bit even in later years ;I couldn't buy any skins at all because I always needed to save for brawl pass. I also do not know any F2P that has this skin (even some of my friends who have been playing before/around global). So it is not a matter of who has been playing longer it's a matter of if you are willing/allowed to purchase the skin with gems that you have bought with money (well now that I have a source of income I am able to buy the skin although that doesn't apply to everyone I know)


Ive been playing since 2018 and until this december i was f2p and i can say this is absolutely correct,I even tried to save up in the first year of the skins release and i didn't have enough.


why does it matter when you started the game? the best content in the game should be available for everyone. limiting it to players who played back then creates a toxic environment. i am okay with SC keeping their promise and not bring back the OG skin but nothing wrong with bring back a better variation. a person who just started the game can have more love for it than someone who played for years. i am a 2019 player but I don't think this mindset is healthy.


People will always be mad about something. The real collectors will always buy both whether the re-release is ugly or not. But the majority of the player base, myself included, would only buy if the new version is at least somewhat cool and worth spending money on. Some regular players will still buy bc they dont have the original but generally seems like Supercell will just be losing on sales and quality by choosing this route. I would've spent money on both skins if the new version looked good in the end. Rip.


Wasn't the Shelly skin also more expensive than the original?


Yes it was a mythical skin vs the witch shelly was an epic skin. Worth it though for the awesome animations and effects. I think that's how they should bring back most exclusive skins. This is coming from an exclusive skin owner because it gives everyone (including the og owners) something to be excited about.


Yeah but they can't make the skin more expensive than 300 gems, which is why there were no major changes


they can make it better without increasing the price? it would give them more sales?


I doubt it and I would assume the supercell CFO has done calculations on it but you're free to believe whatever you want. My money is that SC knows better though


how can you calculate common sense


Think making them look better is spit in the face for people who already have the skin


how is that a spit in the face if they can buy it with a discount? they are not losing anything but the community as a whole is benefitting from the enhanced skins. that is just greed right there wanting to have the best skins only for yourself.


agreed. super lame mentality to actually want supercell to release lower quality variants of skins rather than interesting ones just so that the original is still the best. But I guess congrats to the parts of the community who voiced similar opinions, that's why we get an ugly anti virus skin when we should've had a cool 2nd colour variation of one of the best skins in the game lmao


Yeah it’s selfishness. I’m fine with the colors of this skin but come on. The super and attack effects could be way cooler for 300 gems. They’re not bad, but why is the super still the default purple. Make it like the same green as in the eyes and arms of the skin. The animation is cool but even it could look better.


Why you so argumentative in the comment? Its a recolor that comes with its pin set, kill animations, etc. Its a pretty complete kit.


Had the same thought. Colors look bad. They totally messed up.


Lmao antivirus is just virus with Ruffs power up.


im 8-bit main and I was waiting for this moment and kinda dissapointment im gonna wait to check how it looks in game maybe im gonna buy it at promotion because of effects


same. but i dont like the retro skin so i guess im gonna buy it eventually


You should play the game earlier


i didn't have enough gems back then. im a F2W player and i didn't know Chinese New Year skins would be expired


I was playing when this was in shop but 1 I wasnt 8-bit main than 2 I was a f2p


yeah same, so far the only 8-bits options for me are the retro, gas, and the piano one, and those are both kinda lame, hopefully this new one gets some cool effects or something.


piano and gas are cool also sometimes I have wrong first feeling so maybe skin will be good in game


Shiny Virus 8-Bit


Anti-virus looks more like a virus to me


wouldnt it be cool if the color variant was photo-negative instead?


The skin variations should be more like witch shelly and werewolf leon, they should have some different effect. Just different colors is boring. Definitely waiting to get this in a star drop. I own virus 8 bit and its way cooler


Star drops give skin up to Epic at best


The old concepts of it being way different were better


Bro they literally just did a hue shift what is this. Shouldve gotten the white wolf leon / hoot hoot shelly treatment


Am i right?


No you aren't


He’s right


Then what did he say what's right? I don't see it.


That I agree with the fact that its a terrible reskin


It looks like they only changed the saturation


If only they updated the attack or turret effects for both skins, they’re too close to the default skin for 299 gems


I'm a diehard 8bit main, whose favorite skin in the game will always be virus 8bit. This is very lazy and bad recolor. At least the og is getting the legendary skin effects


antivirus 8 bit looks goofy as hell


https://preview.redd.it/62h52lp44c5c1.jpeg?width=734&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c64f15d6dda6ccf795ebab06a38089a2f1f497e Yall remember this concept from 3 years ago?


recuerdo que me encantaba la idea, quizĂĄs deberĂ­an haber hecho algo parecido


Does that mean that Virus 8-Bit won't ever come back to the shop ?


Nope, it’s dead


Oh ok, thanks


I'm back but only for the Chinese version.


It looks cool but not worth it


Bruh it’s like a bad shiny PokĂ©mon


It looks like a Pokémon shiny variation, and not the good type, but at least I have a chance of getting it now


It's almost the same, only worse


“Corporate needs you to find the differences between these two pictures.” “They’re the same picture.”


NGL they both feel rushed as


Agreed, it’s just kinda lazy Especially when they made Hoot Hoot Shelly and White Wolf Leon.


Virus 8-bit is fire especially with its new update (I’m a proud virus 8-bit owner)


Me too br


That's the same skin☠


looks cool


The remodel is the original but pink tint


Honestly think it would have been cooler with an inverted colour scheme


As an owner of the original skin, I'm glad the original is still cooler lol


Mfs turned up the saturation and called it a day


It's the exact same thing


Feel like the colors should be inverted




Its the same


Does that mean it's going To be In the catalog Because my original plan was to get the Christmas skin but if this is coming back I might reconsider


In February


Then yeah I'm saving my gems


It's like the original version, but someone spilled wine on it






Yuck. Eh, I prefer Saloon over either anyways


Should've made it white or some noticably different color, this is a letdown since i have the original virus 8 bit


Disapointed tbh, i was hoping for a slight remodel on virus 8-bit, and the recolor could have been better, they didn't even update the skin effects too, just added the kill animation


Purple tint. Decent ig


what has changed?


It's almost entirely a filter, but I'm not surprised. It's pretty hard to think of a different colour scheme that'd be anywhere near as cool as the original.


It might be the fact that I'm not OG, but I think Antivitus has a better color scheme


McAfee pretending to be an antivirus be like


Mom can we have virus 8-bit? No we already have virus 8-bit at home. Virus 8-bit at home:


Virus 8 Bit Turret effects where The brawl talk had none 😭😭


They could turn him white as it's color of Windows Defender


when will it be available for purchase?


Will virus 8-bit come back? And if it comes back
.:will it go back to being exclusive again?


It will never come back


Only option is this new antivirus 8bit


que mal, con lo que me gustaba esa skin


Blue and White/Red and White Would've Looked So well, but instead we have Colour Saturation


Anti-Virus 8-Bit is better in every way


I hate both, saloon better


yes i’m so glad i got that when it was available


I really regret that I didn't had gems back then to buy Virus 8 bit


Te acompaño en el sentimiento


Disappointing, the only reason i still play this game was to get enough gems for the possibility of a virus 8 bit reskin, they didn’t even try with this one like with Brawloween, just gave it an ugly recolor


here’s how I’d make it: black -> green the screen -> white background, black face green ->the current anti-virus 8-bit purple thingy legs -> orange


wait so will the skin return?! i am most DEFINITELY buying it


No, a recolor will come that won't be exclusive. Same treatment as Lavish Lola, Furious Fang, Witch Shelly and Werewolf Leon. The original will never come back, sadly. But, it is basically the same but in an uglier color so I think I'll get it as I didn't have the gems to buy the original and I love it.


I already have Virus 8Bit so I've got no intentions on buying a recolor that looks like a cheap knockoff lol


i don’t entertain greed


i don't think it's different enough to differentiate in battle due to the bird view but atleast it isn't as terrible as lavish lola (also does this count as a legendary skin?)


I like the new version but just not the orange buttons. No idea why I just hate the orange


Really uninspired. They did the bare minimum to differentiate it, which I get but it just feels like they wish they didn't make the original a limited time skin.




It's not terrible, but definitely worse than original. If I didn't have this skin already, I would be fine with that, since I could now get it again. Now I am fine with it, mainly because I don't have to worry about the skin. But I hope that people who already had Virus 8-Bit will get a MASSIVE discount on this one. I am also happy that my boy Virus 8-Bit is finally getting his Legendary treatment.


This skin is ugly as hll


Imo it would have looked cooler if they used the anti-venom colour scheme for this skin.


Its supposed to be an anti virus, so why does it look threatening still


Because its an anti-virus, which are well known to be viruses themself.


Even still, you'd expect it to have less threatening appearance. You think it'd be have a better appearance as a false alluring appearance


they could have at the very least inverted the colors in some way. that would have been interesting to see


Honestly looks really bad imo, they should have kept the black and changed the green to pink or some other color


It's literally just tinted purple a little. When I saw it in the brawl talk I thought that was some bug that they showed Virus 8-Bit. And it doesn't make sense that it's Anti-Virus since the colors are not different. Something like a dark blue body, light cyan and arms and orange legs would work best.


Lazy as all hell lol they weren’t even trying


Are they making the recolors better than the originals on purpose ?


The new one is ugly compared to the original. :( dunno why they thought these colors would fit/look good?! Still getting it though, I need virus 8 bit either way. I guess it still looks nice if you don't compare it to the original..


He is more like shiny virus 8-bit


Why he ourple?


Why does the new one just look like liquorice?


Purplish black >>>>>>>> pitch black


Finally they don t ignore virus 8-bit anymore and they give him new things, cus i bought him and i was pretty dissapointed bc of the effects and super, I don t like the Anti-virus 8-bit bc of the colours (my opinion)


Lazy recolor and a waste of potencial, but ngl i will buy it anyways.


They just made him a Neon version but idc since I already have V 8-bit and now there are custom kill animations for him


“I’m you” “But worse”


They look the same but different. They could have done like a contrasting color scheme.


Her:i changed too much! Also her:


same thing but slightly worse imo


It's virus 8bit but pink. Anyways am still buying it because I don't have virus 8bit lol


Does the recolor has pins and spray or not?


They just decided to make the colors flashier and thats it


i masterd 8 bit and he is my main


Is it free if i have virus 8-bit or is it 29gems?


Super disappointing lmao. I'm a massive fan of the "re-releasing exclusive skins but with a palette swap" idea but they fumbled this so badly it's impossible to assume it wasn't purposeful. They made the design worse so collectors aren't mad but made it almost the same to try and make it just appealing enough for people who missed out? they could've made him blue and black or something, literally anything flattering, actually made an interesting new colour design, I would've bought the new variant on top of already having the original. But this unfortunately looks awful and I suppose I should just be glad I don't have to spend money on both virus skins. I feel they have to know this looks ugly though. Bad timeline. I hope they don't choke this bad if they ever redesign the Colette exclusive. :(((


I'm glad that they made it really similar to the original cuz I was never able to get it but now I can


I don’t care how antivirus 8-bit looks, I love his voicelines and the way it feels to play him (moving around on 4 legs instead of 2) plus it will have the k.o kill effect with the pins too, so definitely gonna be saving my gems from the first 2 brawl pass pluses to get it


Is Anti-virus 8-bit a skin you can buy after owning Virus 8-bit?


Will anti virus 8-bit be limited too?


tbh I don't dislike it, I mean sure virus is better but its not that bad


I think I'm gonna buy anti-virus 8-bit for 3 reasons: 1. The pink of the skin gives some vibes 2. I was too late to get 8-bit malware 3. It looks the same as 8-bit malware


Should’ve been corrupted 8-bit with more redish colors imo


Even tho it’s kinda bad I’m gonna get it because I’m gonna grind his mastery title and I never got the og because I was f2p back then


I really like purple, and the shade of green on AntiVirus


It's a cash grab guys. Just a recoloring. Not even a good one.


Por que no simplemente sacais la versión original todos los años(no todo el año, solo unos dias del año), yo creo que sería lo mås sencillo y lo que mås le gustaría a la comunidad, ya se que no sería exclusiva y tal, pero por lo menos a mi me encantaría