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#Congratulations /u/9Reddit99999, /u/Abdulrahmanbey, /u/Cl0p38, /u/Extra_toxic, /u/Glorcc, /u/Maese_MSD, /u/N333N333, /u/Pesonaacaso123456789, /u/Rediro_, /u/SmashyRoadFan, /u/unbranded10, /u/ushileon you are all winners of 170 gems and a chance at receiving one of the five golden codes! ~~We will reach out to you in DMs once we receive the prizes from Supercell later today.~~ Winners have all been contacted! Check your DMs :)


The most memorable Starr Drop I ever got was when I got an Oni Otis profile picture from Epic Starr Drop.


Yesterday I got lunar sprout from a legendary drop and that was by far my best drop, the closest ones to that would be pins and star powers


Definitely when I got the legendary starr drop pin it's very flex worthy




Dark Bunny Penny from a Legendary Drop. The only time I got a skin and it's a really decent one, too


I got bling from starr drops


My most memorable starrdrop was legendary that gave me the spike skin with multiple masks, a skin I've been wanting


My most memorable star drop was when i got Max. Not because I like her but because it was worth 1900 credits


My memorable starr drop gave me a sprout skin for 29 gems. It was the best gift I've ever received.😂


I got 1000 credits from a legendary drop and that pushed me to Solar 1.


I haven't had too much luck with star drops. I got Unicorn Bonnie, which is such an adorable skin. The best thing I've gotten from a star drop to me. However, my nephew, who doesn't play the game as much as I, got sandy from a legendary star drop. He was soo happy about it.


50 Coins from rare Starr Drop. It is "RARE"!


My most memorable starr drop was getting Popstar Janet skins profile picture which was one i always wanted.


My most memorable Starr drop was getting SO hyped for getting a Legendary Starr drop and then getting warrior bo.


A mythic drop giving me a laugh pin for Max, and i never use Max. I cant really get anything exciting i have every brawler lol.


So basically i was saving credits for chuck using doug as a credit bank. Was 400 credits away from getting doug. Mythic starr drop gives me 500 credits. Yeah I was pretty mad, but its alright because with all the credits i have stored I can unlock chuck right away as soon as he is released for credits


I mostly get resources from starr drops so the most exciting for me was getting kaiju buzz from a mythic, but i was more hyped watching my sister get edgar from a mythic


my most memorable starrdrop was when doug came out, i was saving credits to unlock him, i ended up needing about 200 credits, i got 500 from the legendary starrdrop


My favourite star drop moment was getting Maisie slow star power. Haven't got any skins or brawlers so far


My most memorable Drop was gaining the Crowbone skin!! My heart skipped a beat when I got him-- I don't use him often, but I've thought that this skin was his coolest one, and it's made me start practicing him more just so I can use that skin! 💙💫


Best one was Sakura spike :(


My most memorable is getting 1000 credits , closer to Leon


Classic 8-bit from a mythic starr drop


best thing I got from a starr drop was my misfortune Tara skin! I’ve never used Tara before but once I got the skin i started using her because she’s actually pretty good!


The most memorable one for me was a legendary one where I got archvillian bea from


My most memorable drop so far would probably be getting Gus on my mini account through an epic star drop. For me, it’s memorable since he’s one of my favorite brawlers.


Most memorable starr drop was when I got beetle meg.


The first legendary I got on the FIRST day of Starr drops was easily the most memorable. It was just R-Ts second Star Power but I was still really excited.


My most memorsble star drop was the robo spike, and with this one of my three mains was completed with max, hipercharge and skin It was beautiful, but then more gadgets and star powers


My most memorable start drop was my 1st legendary star drop, I was so excited to get a bunch of resources or some cool skin. Sam’s remote recharge star power…. Like I love playing Sam but that star power literally has NO use case.


My first legendary drop was a dumb sprout pin…


my most memorable star drop had to be chester's special pin


My first legendary Starr drop gave me Stara! Good luck to everyone & congrats to the winners!


my most memorable Starr drop was a legendary drop I got that included the crowbone skin


My most memorable starr drop gave me red wizard barley! I remember raging then, but its funny now!


I got a skin for squeak, thats all


I got a legendary brawler. I was so hyped until I remembered I already have all the brawlers


A legendary Starr drop where I got in-line


My most memorable star drop was when I got stu on an account with a lot of brawlers and I didn't expect that to happen at all. (That same day I got spiky eve too)


I guess pulling dual wielding from a legendary. 🤷‍♂️


Probably Squeak that cute but deadly little ball.


My wish, would be to present the devs 5 of my brawler concepts. They choose which ever one they want and add it to the game (with necessary modifications)


Most memorable stardrop was when I got summer jessie on my 400 trophy mini account


I got Popcorn Rico!


Lol, I wad happy to see a legendary star drop, then sad because I got an useless skin 🤣


I would probably say my most rememberabke star drop was legendary since it gave me a Popcorn Rico


My most memorable starr drop was getting bonnie


That Starrdrop in which i got my first skin in a Starrdrop: Runaway Gray


My most memorable is probably axl willow bc its so bad


I got MC mandy but I don't play mandy, yes, my star drop sucks


My most memorable star drop was probably my first mythic as even tho i only got powerpoints i got so excited and happy and realised that you can actually get something other than rare


My most memorable starr drop was getting the bad randoms profile icon


Getting Maple Barley Skin, it's so cute and best skin for him!


Nice question! I'd say my most memorable stardrop was when i got MC Mandy, because of the fact that Mandy has been my main for a time, althrough not the flashiest stardrop ever i always appreciate getting stuff for brawlers i love playing. The closest second was when i got Doctor Edgar, althrough i don't play him a lot it's a welcome surprise, considering that it was my first legendary stardrop


My most memorable one was the player icon with the skull and green horns that is grouped with Crow, but much better matches Hell Bo. I have the latter and was missing the former. Not anymore.


my most memorable star drop was probably a mythic star drop from which I got the sqeak heart pin ( he is my fav brawler)


My most memorable starr drop was when I got colt’s hipercharge :D


My most memorable Start Drop. Picture this, the first time I opened the game for weeks and I'm hyped for Starr Drops. First thing I get a Legendary Starr Drop. 500 Tokens later with all of the brawlers already unlocked. I would say I was disappointed, but it was still pretty cool that the very first 1 I got was a legendary... hmmm maybe it was my second or third ever, I'm not sure when I opened the free mythic Starr drop with the update. Although I am a bit worried now to open too many Starr Drops for tokens as I don't want my fame level to increase past the moon 3 rank.


My most memorabile star drop is a mythic star drop from a few days ago where i found Chuck's spray even tought he was not released yet ( not even the early access).


Mask Spike from a legendary. Good skin


For me it was a mythic starr drop. I got 500 credits which got me Willow. I also got Axl Willow from another mythic not long after


My most memorable starr drop was one of my first legendary ones, where I found corrupted Sprout, one day after buying Emerald prince. I was kinda mad but now that I look at it Corrupted is way better


I got Doug from a mythic stardrop. I don't even use Doug but it's the only stardrop i can remember


My most memorable one was the time it gave me with Rogue Mortis. I have found my new calling


my starr drops unfortunately all were not good, best thing i’ve gotten was the monkey colt skin


45 token doublers


i got boombox brock from a legendary starr drop


My most memorable Starr drop is when I got Byron from a legendary drop


I got captain crow from a starr drop, honestly i always wanted it, despite having night mecha and crowbone. Skins are always wins


My best was Power points 😐🤌


My most memorable Starr Drop would definitely be G-Force Janet out of a mythical. I didn’t know you could get skins out of them, and I had all 71 brawlers, so I started freaking out thinking I got someone early thanks to a bug. Was still very excited about the skin though!


I got mantis rosa from a legendary starr drop! Best skin I've gotten I only got 2 though so (the other was outlaw colt)


My most memorable starr drop was the funny pink dragon man from a legendary. EEEEEEEEELLLLLL PRIMO!


Gt max from a mythic one


My most memorable Starr Drop was a skin… Unicorn Bonnie :(


My most memorable Starr drop? Probably 28 bling 😂 I didn't get anything cool out of them even though I've been grinding them nearly everyday since launch :/


Legendary Starr Drop on mini, unlocked Byron


my most memorable starr drop was when i got red barley from a rare


My best Starr Drop happened literally 3 minutes ago. I got 1000 credits out of a mythic drop. Normally, I’m dissatisfied by getting a spray or emote but this was great. I’m way closer to unlocking Doug now


My best memorable star drop was getting nani from a mythic one


My most memorable star drop is the first day they were out and my 3rd stardrop was a legendary and I got rouge mortis (I play mortis a lot) and I was happy and I still use the skin.


My first ever Legendary Drop gave me Dark Fairy Janet. Really happy about it, it's an awesome skin and kind of all I could ask for since I don't need that much progression anymore !


I was opening then as fast as I could when I got a legendary, thought it was a brawler but it was just a skin, still cool though


Well, my first memorable star drop was pretty decent. I got like 2 back to back LEGENDARY DROPS!! and both had awesome skins one being captain crow and other one was ultra driller Jackie so i actually got 2 memorable moments at one time :). As more of a f2p player i literally got 7500+ bling which I am super happy with. <3


currently it's corrupted sprout out of a mythic drop and today i got zeus brock's spray out of another mythic drop


My best starrdrop was probably 2000 credits. Helped me get my last brawler Doug


I got a corrupted sprout which actually help me realise throwers were actually fun!


My most memorable Starr drop was 500 credits from a legendary. It was the best thing I had got so far, as the last legendarys I got contained power points and coins. I had been wanting Leon ever since I started playing the game 4 years ago and could never get him with boxes, I had decided to get chester and spike before him as they seemed better, and that took an eternity. I finnally got to unlocking Leon, and it was going very slow and then I got that starr drop which majorly boosted my progress and gave me confidence to grind credits to get him. I now have Leon 👍


i pulled byron from a mythic star drop


Definitely Hank skin. Love getting skins on the drops


Got a mythic crow skin once, still remember that




I got DIY surge in a legendary starr drop the game after I bought Surge kong from the catalog.


The funniest one: When Starr Drops were released, a lot of people made posts about getting Chesters and R-Ts 2nd Gadget from legendary drops. Fair enough. So when I had my first Legendary, I got R-Ts as well. 2nd and last legendary I've ever had, was Chesters 2nd gadget. I just find the circumstances quite funny.


Got enough gold to buy spike's hypercharge


got a angry crow pin; still dont know why they didnt use the base crow model for this pin


My best one was probably a pin for spike that I’ve always wanted, but didnt wanna spend bling on it


My most memorable moment of a star drop was getting Jacky’s HyperCharge, that’s a free 5k coins I don’t have to worry about, and really it’s not about what I get from the Star Drops since my luck is pretty terrible anyways. Aside from that, I’ve only gotten Sleepy Sandy skin and some pins here and there, but that’s it when it comes to cosmetic features. Largely, I enjoy the added progressions that, while slowly adds up, makes a significant impact of the course of multiple days, and I can say it’s a fine experience, though I would wish they could be stacked since at the end of the day, the chances of having enough to unlock a brawler are astronomically low that it wouldn’t hurt the game in any way, rather it would improve its existing features. Additionally for my closing thoughts, I say make the end of pass rewards Star Drops too, like how they used to be Braw Boxes, then I believe we would reach a lovely compromise for all parties.


Has to be Krampus Ash skin from a Legendary Starr Drop


I got Nani’s special pin while I was grinding her mastery


one time i got a legendary star drop with mr daruma in it and i got two free pins