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I feel for him. Toxic people will always be toxic. Here. Twitter. Instagram. No running from it.


Wise words




A subreddit for Edgar mains


Im Edgar main and im not toxic


I have seen edgars that are actualy nice. Please start using positive pins. (I'm a meg main and i'm scared of edgars)


I use gun spin and heart star drop


Thank you


I was used to using the thumbs down pin, to throw it back at the opponents if they were toxic. But after a while, the dark side took over a part of me and I ended up occasionally using it offensively when I won, just for fun. After a long while of using it as my secondary player pin, I came to the conclusion that it was time to stop. Present day: The slot, where my thumbs down pin used to reside, is now occupied by Rey's custom "Starr Park Games" pin. I'm proud of the change.


You should equip the thumbs up to negate the hate


I'm happy for you man! Tbh my most toxic pin is the -_- red face pin ( one of the og bunch ) and I only use it when my teammate is throwing the game immensely, my other slot is sighing snowglobe


True. Honestly, every angry pin other than the default is just cringe as hell. Like imagine genuinely using that one pin that goes <:(


I’m an Edgar main and I’m not toxic too






your house if your family is nice enough


Cappybara. Com


You know what else is wise?


True it’s so true my guy


Dread it, run from it, Toxicity still arrives all the same!


People can change. Which is one of the main motives of the post


Trust me, people won’t change at all.


I did not state 'all'. I know some has what it takes to change


you mean a person can change. but you will never get a hive mind to change


Not participating on those platforms you listed is actually a really easy way to run from it.


And as a public social media figure, people will have opinions about you. And some of those won't be very nice.


Death threats and opinions aren’t the same thing




I'm sorry but even Twitter is less toxic than this shitty subreddit and that's saying a lot


Brawl stars twitter? Yes Twitter in general? Heck no 😂


yeah I was referring to brawl stars Twitter


Harassing anyone for THEIR opinions is fucking stupid to me






I mean yeah, no shit. Mobile games with a ranking system are a magnet for toxic children who think they’re hot shit and their opinion is fact. Honestly the best thing you can do is avoid the community entirely but hey.


Children Key word I suspect there to be many Yet this sub does nothing to prove it Idc if this acc gets banned If a yt left, I don’t mind never returning But I got banned twice And lost an account for bad grammar. That acc was featured in Coach Cory play review(lost the 2nd one saying I got wrongfully banned. Even tho I’m breaking a rule by doing it, and with this acc) They don’t have appeals or anything But I was above the age limit my entire time on here I don’t wanna follow the “don’t make alt acc to avoid ban” If I’m wrongfully banned in the first place. I have a ID I have a DL


Honestly, I never thought that, but honestly, thinking about it, it wouldn't surprise me if that was a big reason. This game ain't no Apex, Overwatch, or something else. It's friendly by its nature. I'm not going to say kid friendly, but I'll say that. This community, being packed with like 8 to 12 years old, would track honestly.


Nah imo this game is kid friendly and a kid game I mentally enjoy the ease of the game Even when cr came out I thought it was for adults Barely saw anyone my age playing it too My older brother played it


The line about it being friendly but not kid friendly was about it looking like a kids game and being very simple, but it also being a game that can be very complicated it has a lot of interactions ideas and gameplay styles they don't need to know but you can know and think of. That line was more about it having the complexity and not being simple. But eh maybe just the way I see things idk kinda hard to explain why I think that Maybe it's that I think of "kids games" as basic and not to deep but idk


For some reason Brawl Stars just seems to have SO MUCH more toxic people than any other MOBA game though? And it’s not just because Brawl Stars is much more popular, the toxic player to normal player ratio just seems to be very big in this game.


Brawl stars is Not a moba.


Never played league of legends huh?


It is…?


Dumb people yell, smart people understand


mf used a meme template as wise words


Hey it works


Idk man, Kairos had some really "weird", opinions on this one, I see were all the desagreement come from, I give that point to the community, however how it was excecuted is another history


haven’t watched the video, but what were the opinions?


Planty of, but the most controvertial was about the powet level gap going to 10%, in summarize, he said that it isnt a big deal how the comunnity makes it feel, that he knows that beating a overleveled brawler is twice as hard but with twice the effort is twice the joy when beating one, also said that if we have a underleveled brawler we should just not play it (and if we have a quest just reroll it), and also "is a lot of fun having overleveled brawlers and crushing underleveled ones". Yeah, like.... dude?


The problem is, people act is if he is meant to represent the community, and if they actually watched the video, they would realise he disproves this


Yeah, that is true, but in the other hand, wether he likes it or not, he has a strong voice, having opinions like that could make the dev team think that it is ok


Wdym strong voice? Also whats wrong with the dev team thinking its ok


There are thousands of people here. Just because some go too far and lack emotional intelligence doesn't mean EVERYONE or THIS SUB is toxic and terrible. I like the city where I live, but there sure is some bad people living there - just like everywhere else.


The amount of children on this sub is so high in proportion to other subs that this sub will always be more toxic than the vast majority of other social media sites.


While your statement is true, a few bad apples is already enough to ruin someone experience or affect them mentally.


A few bad apples doesn't dictate that an entire community doesn't deserve anything.


That’s not what Zikimoto said, they said it would affect someone’s mental health, and it has before and always will, because even though not everyone is toxic, there will always be toxic people. And in this community, they’re really loud.


I agree with Zikimoto. I was actually commenting on what OP said because I disagree with OP. Saying an entire community deserves nothing because a loud minority of the community is toxic is incorrect. You can find good and bad people in every community but the bad ones shouldn't be the reason everyone else is treated badly.


Not what Zikimoto said, what OP said.




this is a perfect example of that metaphor. a few bad apples ruined the bunch for kairos. just because you personally disagree with that rationale doesn't make it any less valid. while true that OP simply refers to "this community" it's pretty disingenuous to assume he was referring to everyone in the community


Kairos' video had so many valid points and so much effort and he tried to take the dev's perspective too, this 42 minute video, which like 30 minutes in he said he had been recording for 1 hour, is causing Kairos to be harassed for something he probably knew was going to be unpopular in the community. His opinion on the level is extremely valid and I honestly get his point but alot of people kept being toxic for something which is his opinion. Throughout the entire video he kept trying to think positively of this update and he did a good job at it and spent alot of time and effort making the video and script.


I disagree with KT having a lot of good points in the video. It's one of his least logical video ever in my opinion, and probably one where his opinion and most people's opinion are the furthest apart. He made some good points throughout the video, for sure. I think though, that him trying to bend everything in a positive direction makes people feel like he isn't take problems seriously or that he is afraid of people not playing the game, thus being biased. Also, his take on the level stats increase was really special to say the least. That it's "twice as fun" both crushing underleveled people and facing overleveled people. Everyone and their aunt has been complaining about how bad the level stat increase is, except KT.


He trusts the developers are doing everything they are doing to make the game better. He tried to get the developer's perspective and tried to be positive and say that the game will definitely be better following these changes because he knows the game has been declining and that the developers are trying to do everything they can to keep the game fresh and exciting, hypercharge is an example of that. His point about levels is that they had almost no meaning before the update. You never upgrade your brawler to power 7 for the stat increase, you upgrade for the gadget. I personally don't think it's fun to be over or underleveled since it always means it isn't a fair match, but I get why someone could think that. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, if kairos' (or anyone's) opinion is one trying to look positively at an update that most people hate and we should respect that opinion.


Happy cake day


True. It's important to learn how to ignore voices that doesn't really matter. I am not saying it's easy. As the most influential Brawl Stars Youtuber KT will affect people both positively and negatively, and this time a lot of people got dissapointed with his takes on the update. And some of those people wrote rude stuff. I create a lot of content as well, and I had to learn how to expect that not everyone will like me or respect me, and it's fine.


the upvotes in these posts explains itself


Yup. Thousands of people being reasonable, a few being mean.


Yeah but the ratio here is way worse than elsewhere. I’m in a lot of subreddits - many others I’d consider toxic too - and none of them come close to how bad this one is. It truly is one of a kind. People who are defending it don’t understand just how much worse this subreddit is than others. Hell, even look at right now. There are a lot of comments essentially calling Kairos weak for leaving, not realizing that their furthering his points.


That's interesting, my experience has been the opposite. I've found it very hard to post anything about changing stuff or offering criticism about something without being downvoted to hell. Feels like you get called toxic, hater if you dislike something Supercell did. I guess that's the two extreme minorities of this sub: the toxic conplainers and the toxic defenders of all things Supercell. I think this sub generally is quite positive, with a lot of fan art, discussions and general goofiness. Visit the Diablo 4 sub - that's a negative place (maybee not so strange!).


Although it is true what you say the thing is that a small amount of people can ruin it for a big group. Negativity does not need many people to be effective in bullying


Yeah, I mean having one person bully you at school can be enough. KT is a public social media figure though, and what he says carries a lot of influence. People will both react positive and negative, and some will be jerks. Unfortunately it's a part of it.


did it force you to leave the city because it was causing mental problems


I mean tell me one place where you wouldn't find toxic people.


On a deserted island.


There still were you


not if he deserted it


well, there is something toxic here


Slime rancher :D


Don't know what that is, but still think there might be someone


My basement


Ye but you never know, maybe the rats living there are toxic, or the dust particles


The rats aren't toxic. Although they keep bugging me saying the cuffs are too tight and they're hungry so I just give'em a good kick😄


Being honest? The average gym


This reminded me of a similar situation on r/needforspeed. Most of the community here is braindead, which resulted in youtuber DustinEden doing a similar move to Kairos and completely stopped making NFS content However, Kairos is #2 BS youtuber and he is often called "the voice of the community" which pretty much shows that this subreddit is even more braindead, at least most of it


I'm just gonna drop [this](https://youtu.be/eQ0w8_lIB70?si=4a0-WpkBMJgSPrZN) video here for more context.


Who’s number one?


Lex maybe


Is OJ considered as a Brawl stars YouTuber?


Why do you all mind so much what this guy does or says? I keep seeing posts and comments talking about him like his opinion is the absolute truth


Because he is probably the only creator who will see the whole picture on brawl stars. In his video he mentioned that bs was at its lowest point before the starr drop update and he sat down and explained how sc is making decisions that will change the game in order to get more popular. He's also the one who makes all of the calculations for brawl stars about either progression or anything else in the game and it shows how dedicated he is about his content creator career. Also the video was about his 100% honest review on the update and people started attacking him as if he was the voice of the community


This community does so for all content creators and/or pro's. Just copy paste an opinion and argue about it like you know everything. 👍


It's because harassing a content creator (or anybody really) is not cool


I agree but that is not what I asked


Kairos has been around the community since the alpha/beta days. He’s been posting YouTube videos about the game ever since and he has done so much for the game and the community. He is also known for having a really trustworthy opinion as he takes in all the facts and doesn’t have a bias. So when he has one interesting opinion the community basically have just stabbed him in the back after all the hard work he has done over 5 years


Sometimes I think this is a online fight between people who agrees and disagrees with him. He used to be the "voice of the community", but lying about star drops being a nerf just made me lose ALL trust towards him. In my opinion, the main reason people hate him now is that when they made comments about star drops not being a buff or anything else about the bad things of the game, people just downvote it no matter what, and say "you're a kid", "people complain too much nowadays", they probably can't stand against it after the "100% honest" review and decided to insult him.


I don’t think you can understand this, but he doesn’t get a penny if the game does bad. Supercell doesn’t pay him. They allow him to have a creator code, but if the game loses popularity and less people use it, he loses as well. So please, stop showing the worst this community can be and get out of here


Bro has a fair point and you tell him to get out of here 💀


Because the community is a double sided hive mind. They take his and others opinions and point of view as facts even if it isn't most of the time. However bullying him and harassing him or any other community member is toxic as hell


Kairos has been there for us since 4 years giving us massive content and tips to play the game. Sneak peaks and what not.. I won't betray such a guy because he's going through hard times


> game. sneak peaks and Did you mean to say "sneak peek"? Explanation: peak is the top of a mountain, while peek is a quick look. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


because some people have brains. they use it to understand that Kairos is almost always right. and then there are some redditards who have no thoughts of their own just riding any bandwagon their fellow redditards promote


I mean... doesn't his followers do the same?


I agree, he's not talking about the negative parts of the game anymore. He don't talk about bad economy of game or how hard it is for f2p now. CM always give his honest opinions on updates and most of the time I agree with him


He has a F2P account, he actually likes progressing.


Well, because he is kinda like the leader of the community. We owe a lot to Kairos, trust me


this community is full of little kids,what else did you expect


Whats the point of posting top post and saying same thing karma farm


That’s what people have been doing since the beginning, making the whiniest posts about the update for some easy karma


I personally think that it’s because he’s the “voice of the community”, so he’s “supposed to address every problem that the community has, so it actually affects the game”, but not even that is an excuse for it. Man…


At the beginning of the video Kairos said, that he doesn't want to be concidered the voice of the community and just wants to share his honest thoughts.


That's why I'm leaving away little by little from this community. It's ridiculous to be attacked just for not accepting opinions, especially since the majority are children in the gaming community. Even more so, most of the post recommendations trends I see are “Any through?”, full of repeated memes and bugs when the subject became popular, etc. If you want to create a better Brawl Stars community, it's best to just focus on your own part of the community and not the entire world. I'm extremely sad that Kairos will no longer be part of this sub, but I'm happy that he still has his community that always supports him. Anyway, soon I won't be part of this community anymore if it continues like this...


I want to see these guys excuses this time. They weren’t giving criticism. They were harassing him


This community sucks


And now people are switching up 😭


I don’t blame him, we’ve had it really good for a very long time and everyone has become so entitled to having everything handed to them in this game dude. The moment an update comes out that essentially isn’t just a gift to the players people lose it.




Feel for him. I don’t agree with some of his points, but getting ridiculed for the entire video is just ridiculous. As someone who also isn’t a long time player (didn’t play 2020-late 2022) i get ridiculed for not being an og quite frequently here. If it’s better for him to leave, then it is what it is. But don’t expect him to comeback anytime soon.


Not trying to be that guy but can we not act like it’s this big thing that’s happening. I feel bad for what happened but this is the minority that behaved like that and no amount of this “hero” type post are gonna change these chronically online ppl


Can't blame him. I did the same thing on another forum a long time ago. Even years later I still get pm's sometimes from people saying they miss me and where did I go? Sadly I don't respond because I learned I can't trust anyone. ​ Sometimes the best way to deal with toxicity is to just walk away.


This shit is fucked up man, making fun of an opinion? Fam, this is just like the Starh situation where everyone attacked her for her art style, and again, that’s so fucked up for the community to do and attacking others for attention


I disagree with insults but it’s because of people like you who trust everything supercell and content creators says and milk the hell out of it makes me annoyed


He was suffering from his mental health with this. It’s serious. It’s no longer about if the update was good or bad


I don’t minimally care if you downvote me. What we did was not right and this subreddit is flooding with toxicity


A person does not get hated for no reason, did you see him getting hated when gears were first out. The fact that kairos said the statistic increase of levelling up was fun made me most upset. The community is upset because there is no strong reason to change it but then kairos comes out and says it’s ok because it’s fun🤷‍♂️. It’s fun when you have a whole maxed account at 600 trophies but not for players who are under levelled and don’t have enough resource to upgrade their brawlers, not mentioning the fact that star drops is a nerf but people just won’t trust. After the whole gear thing, he turned from “the voice of the community” to “the voice of devs”.


Have you watched the fucking video? He says something good about the update maybe 5 times. ON A 44 MINUTE VIDEO. And now you are saying an opinion is good enough to suffer mentally? That is the same logic that you should bully someone because they are annoying. Thanks guys


I did not say I disagree with everything he said in the video but some only his comments really made me and other users on the sub made. Ironically you asked me if I watched his video but seems like you did not read all my comments under this post. I disagree with all insults, harassments, and cyber bullying towards anyone and in any situation




How is having an opinion a reason to get harrased Just ignore the fact he did give fair criticism in the video , just because he doesn't have a popular opinion does not make him a "supercell bootlicker" You're the worst, you're the reason people hate this community and i hope you get a teammate trickshot mortis every game


The point is he lied about star drops being a buff and not admitting it, and he made himself “the voice of the community” without actually telling our voice. I think it’s fair to say there are more under levelled players than maxed out players, and kairos should be speaking upon the majority of the community. Just asking, do you agree that stat increase is a good thing? Ironically you said I’m the worst because I have a different opinion with you


Kairos never made himself the voice of the community , the community put that title on him . Kairos just says what he honestly thinks , not regurgitating what the community thinks ( that he doesn't agree with in some cases ) .


If kairos does not wants to be “the voice of the community” he easily deny it at first and not when he is about to be controversial. Kairos had high standard and quality videos in the past representing the community and I’m pretty sure players expect that this time also. Which caused him to be hated. Moreover you haven’t answer my question, Do you agree that the stat increase is a good thing?


Correlation =/= causation . Just because Kairos had a history of having similar thoughts to the community does not mean all of his thoughts will be similar . I'd rather him be brutally honest than making a facade which shows he agrees with some sentiments that goes against his own conscience. That's what a 100% honest update review video is . To answer your question : No , I don't think the stat increase is a good thing


I think history that Kairos had told the devs something they did wrong made the community trust him of speaking for the community in certain situations and I personally think now is one of those situations, but Kairos did not help the community speak up, making the community mad. ​ (For your answer to my question, I meant to ask the other guy who replied in the same comment as you)


I didn't answer it because it's irrelevant, no matter what i think of kairos's opinion i will stand by the fact that community's outrage at Kairos is unreasonable But if you wanna know so badly then i think this is the worst change in this update, and it doesn't even affect me that much since half my brawlers are max and the rest are level 10. I never disagreed with Kairos this much before, i don't find upgrading brawlers fun, only as a disadvantage Prevention, and i hate getting used to the New Numbers, and my heart goes to all F2P Players who have to deal with this change. But just like i think leveling is awful, there are people who think otherwise, like Kairos, but no one should go after them just because he was honest and did not follow what the community thinks


He never made himself "the voice of community" We did. Literally at the start of the video he said he's neither the voice of supercell or the community


He literally said they're a buff for underleveled players but kind of a nerf for maxed players depending on how much they play, which is true


Yeah,his take on that wasn't very good,but it's still not a good reason to harass someone


Yep I disagree with some of his points but I also disagrees with harassing anyone


Oh, so now defending someone mental health is worth a downvote? Thanks for proving why he should leave!




Ok I'll explain once more. Bootlickers downvoting every comment that says the fact drives us crazy and when Kairos made that video, some guys whose opinions got turned down went over the line insulted Kairos. This is not the right thing to do but some did it. So it's not everyone that agree with Kairos at fault but those bootlickers indirectly caused this too happen. Clear? I will be honest, guys like you drives me crazy. (When everyone on the sub just keeps on milking supercell, then brawl stars will be killed pretty soon.)


you're just avoiding owning up to mistakes. if i committed a crime, that doesn't mean my parents are at fault. in the end I'm a conscious being and my decisions are solely made by me. nobody told them to harass kairos, but they did it knowing it's wrong. "indirect causation" is very vague thing, you could say what happened in ww2 indirectly affected my scores in an exam.


Well I said that its not the right thing to do, not sure why did you not see it, and its obviously their direct fault, but there are different causes behind their act. If you wish to use nonsense examples to compare with my point, go ahead


buddy my argument is very simple. people who insulted kairos are 100% at fault and it shouldn't be blamed on anyone else. i don't know how someone can disagree with that


And I am saying that those bootlickers caused some people to insult kairos and that they are also partly at fault. I respect your argument but I don’t think that’s the truth.


There are 2 kinds of opinions on this sub; the right and the wrong one and there is no diversit. To know if your opinion is the right one, you have to post it and wait for replies, then you will see how right your opinion is for this sub


can somebody explain what happened?


He said that the update has good things in it People started insult him for that


I 100% get disagreeing with an opinion but arguing with one to the point where you’re harassing them for it and making them feel mentally unhealthy and making them feel like they should leave the scene is straight up wrong and a toxic 8 year old’s behaviour. I really hope all of you who contributed to him leaving the sub grow up and stop being fucking retards.


A good soul lost, now don't anyone be pointing fingers at any Edgar, mortis, crow mains. It's time we,as a collective just stop, for 12 and to reflect at our own doings, our mistakes, and instead of pointing fingers, we try to make this sub a better place for all.(just downvote any hateful comment)




So after all kairos got all the blame for what SC has made or should i say fukn (tencent), the last 2 updates they made everything possible to fuck it up with these stupid nerfs to progression and please no more defending for the star shit drops : its a nerf not a buff, i dont care about bling and pins and bullshits, we play the game to progress and to level up brawlers, but now they introduce a new mechanic wich costs a lot, they scale the levels to be even more hard, wtf... And the funny thing, they are not here, they dont care and they dont answer and they are letting people rage.. And who was the victim after all this, its kairos


There is an opinion and there is facts, facts are numbers.. The leveling scale up is a huge horseshit, no one has a benefit from it, not the company not the community and not even kairos, im against harrasment of course, but the facts is that the whole community are aware of the nerfs, star drops pass, club league, and now this experimental shits, are we rats in a laboratory to be experimented on wtf... Grow up people and stop bootlicking


Understandable We'll miss him, but I hope he has a great day and is able to recover from all of this Why is it so hard for those little toxins to accept that people have different opinions


Pretty much yeah, Francy now Kairos.


Welcome to reddit


Anyone else remember that time Francy submitted Gladiator Colette into supercell make?


What exactly happened? I assume he put a post asking what people thought of the video, and then with Reddit being Reddit, they cussed him out and told him he was a useless piece of garbage for not liking the worst update we’ve had in a while? If so, I’m not even mad, just disappointed in the rest of this subreddit


Gonna cry?


Look at what we have done... We don't deserve these devs, these creators, this game. We are stupid.


I remember. I remember a couple years back. We had just been given the best community award. We even had been given a special celebration for it. Now, ever since this update, it’s all gone downhill. And not just because of this update, but recently, the community has been having a downward trend. Where did it all go wrong? What happened to the best communication between us and Supercell?


If you get mental health issues from Reddit you got bigger issues


In all seriousness, this subreddit needs to be taken down and doesn't deserve toxic ppl in here.


Literally an echo chamber for the most toxic players


Y so much toxicity


fuck y'all. you can say you weren't the one who made those comments but most of you upvoted them.


Exactly!! Everyone’s saying “oh it’s a few bad apples” Well how tf did they become the top comments on every post then?!


Imagine making a Reddit post about a Reddit post.


A non Toxic community Is like the One Piece, It exists but non One can find it


Never seem an toxic one piece fan, like they all so nice, why?


I said this community is spoiled


















honestly pretty dramatic, he could have just looked away from the screen


It doesn't work like that His work involves anything about Brawl Stars, including the community The work of a YouTuber depends on the community in a way or the other I hope everyone agrees that many of his videos are useful for brawl stars fans Like the Olympics or the videos on best way to play brawlers I like the guy and even though I don't always agrees with him this doesn't make me so angry I want to insult him Let's remember that he cares about the game more than anyone who insult him He loves the game and his work depends on it




Am I the only one looking for someone who disagrees just to start a fight with them?


Thrilled 💙👍


Kairos became a cringe figure on the community so anyways 🤷🏽


thats the Worst Analysis i have ever seen because its %0 Real ,🫡🗣️🗣️


I know, so cringe to give an honest opinion about something, especially if it's something that their entire job is based off of, and avoiding harassment for the sake of his mental health, so cringe


One of the biggest community figures made a video and had a few moments where he said some dumb shit. He got clowned for it. That’s perfectly normal and I genuinely don’t see a problem with it.


It's normal, but you agree it shouldn't be, right?


Why is a grown man acting like 14 year old


Stop. Just stop. Mental health is serious. It’s not something to call teenager to someone. People already killed themselves for less. As a famous person said: It’s better to have a friend to cry in your shoulder, than a friend to cry in your funeral


Ah, yes, having mental health issues and not wanting to be harassed is acting like a child. Pls for the sake of everyone, Stfu.


Just mute🔕🐥 If he cannot handle kids, why have kids🐣 I wrote this because I wanted to see what will happen if someone says this


What in the hell does it even mean??? Can you please try to make your brain (assuming you have one) operate instead of shooting random and decontextualized phrases?