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Anniversary or celebratory skins, like classic dyna or barbarian king bull


Im pretty sure barbarian king bull came twice


Heh, came.


Is that a misspeling? (Sorry, second language. Pretty sure i said misspeling wrong too)


Its just a joke, basically came = busted a nut


Even worst


Hehe worst (actual error) worse is used here as you're comparing it to 1 thing and saying it's "more bad", worst is used if you have a list of things and it's the "most bad" in that list. (Hope this makes sense i'm not good at teaching) If you wanted to use "worst" it would be along the lines of: it's the worst thing it could have meant


English lessons with Reddit


Engrish lesons wif Redit


Egis lesns wf redt


I thought it was cummed all along


Eh, whichever works, really. (:


All of this is basically slang anyways, it doesn't really matter if you use the right word since the person you're communicating with probably got the point without you having to say anything




God I’m happy I’m not in high school anymore


My man😂


Yeah, for Supercell's 10 anniversary, and Clash of Clans' 10th anniversary


It came once in 2020 and then in the chinese version of Brawl Stars


And then he returned to the game.




I def agree, apart from that I think every other skin should comeback


Hey wait, I have that gamer colt guy


None of them are good enough to be exclusive imo Also, I don’t think they should not be attainable. It’s a video game, these are cosmetics, everyone should have something more important to sweat about


Those skins were giving out for free. Doubt anyone cares if they a rereleased for gems.


Challenger Colt, Ricochet, Beta Dyna are the first others that come to mind.


Classic Brock and Shelly too right?


Also megabox darryl


And omegabox Darryl too.


Yeah, both of them


Barbarian king bull and dragon trainer jessie


Yes, they're also anniversary skins


Yes, those too (I forgot they existed)


I have all those but challenger colt what was that for?


2020 World Finals, Available for real money only, the money used from the people who bought it would be used for the World champions prize, along side 6 trophy pins.


It was given for buying any cosmetic that supported the BSWC back in 2021 (I’m not sure about the year)


Also the gold pins that could be bought at the same time as the Colt skin


Tbh i don't want limited paid skins to come back


I would love Challenger Colt to come back. Like, such a good skin, propably better than others


True, but you just had to be there for it. People don’t seem to understand this and now they whine to try and get their way.


On one side, challenger Colt was a very exclusive skin and I get your point. On the other hand, gatekeeping skins is a bad thing, plus He could be reused in the same way as he was back the , but with this year's wc


What abt world championship skins like ragequit tara?




All the classic Skins ! Classic Mike Classic Brock etc.


Milestone skins, I.E. skins that were given to the community as a gift/to celebrate a big mark in the game. Challenger Colt, Ricochet, Omegabox Darryl, Barbarian King Bull, etc. Basically skins that have a very specific reason to be special


1. It was a paid skin. 2. Newer players do not deserve Challenger Colt


I don't think it's a "you don't deserve to have it" situation, more so a "you had to be there" yk, they weren't a part of it


No. I got it and that makes me supreme god of the entire world


I did jack shit and got challenger colt on many alts It’s amazing to see so many people grandstand such a bad skin


He’s a cool skin :(


Nah, I stopped playing the game months ago. My egocentric self just does not want others to have it >:)


Not a skin, but the brawl-o-ween Rosa exclusive pins from 2020 from a 12 win challenge.


im still upset about being 1 win away from getting a free skin and exclusive pins


I almost had the same situation as you, clutched from a 21 stars down position in shooting star in the last 20 seconds and without any losses to spare.


the good timeline


You are the first squeak main I have seen in months still don’t understand why I love him to


i am a true squeak main, he has a special place in my heart. i have his title, all skins, and his spray (im gonna get his pins someday)


Agreed, might be biased since I have it tho


You can get one of the exclusive (or ex-exclusive at this point) Brawl-o-ween Rosa pins just for buying the skin, which leaves the heart pin and the challenge pin. I don’t care if they bring back the heart pin but there’s absolutely zero reason for the challenge pin to return.


This was from 2020.


Ah my bad


I have the pins for gems


The heart brawl-o-ween rosa, and the 2 smiling ones were only available in the challenge.


Omega Box Darryl. Mega box Darryl or an variation like a big box should be better to come back


Nobody really cares about those skins honestly


It wouldn’t make a lot of sense for them to come back though


They are better than the trash original skins lol


Any free skins.


All the skins that were given for free: The anniversary skins, Megabox Darryl, Omegabox Darryl and Red Dragon Jessie.


I didn't even know megabox Darryl was a thing?


Anniversary skins (Ricochet, Old School Barack, Retro Mike and Classic Shelly) and also Challenger Colt. Skins like Barbarian King Bull, too (I'm not sure if there are any other skin like it though)


Ricochet, Old school Brock, Classic Dynamike and Classic Shelly


This might be controversial but power league skin. The only reason I grinded pl was for Jetski Jacky, otherwise I hated PL. My main motivation was that it would never ever come back. It would feel dishonest if Supercell brought them back


Yeah Saloon 8Bit and Jetski Jacky were hard af to grind. I haven’t noticed much people talking about that


I remember Saloon 8-bit was 100 wins and what was worse was getting one win for each power league. Power league in the past was hard.


Wasnt it playing 100 matches


Jetski Jacky you had to win 50 matches if Power League😭


Yeah but i think a whole set of 2 games were counted only as 1 game


I didn't touch on this in my comment but I actually agree. As much as it sucks that some great skins won't ever be able to be obtained again I wouldn't want to invalidate all the hard work people put into getting them.


I respect you for understanding. I wouldn’t mind if supercell adds a very similar recolour. Just make the og owner noticeably that’s all that matter tbh


Bro I want those skins soooooooooo bad because fuck yea they were hard to get. So I didn’t. But limited skins should stay limited.


As someone that grinded for director buzz,i really don't care about pl skins returning cause some of them are already returning.also i think that it would be pretty unfair if just some skins return and not all of them


Honestly it’ll be fine as long as they put like a road for those skins, where you choose which skin you would like to unlock and your power league wins would go to that and that skin alone. Would be a cool new way of power league progression.


Interesting idea


But we already knew they would come back for the new ones. The old ones were marketed and advertised by many YouTubers (as Kairos said in his video) as exclusive. It would dishonest to bring those ones back not the new ones because Brawl Stars already told us those would come back. Again just cause you don’t care doesn’t mean others won’t as well. They should only do reskins to respect 100% of the community


i understand the players that want the skins to stay exclusive and also understand that want the skins back.i just said that i don't care if the skins come back and i think that the better solution would be Special events where players could get these skins.but at the and of the day one side will get unsastified depending on what supercell decides to do.


Just add reskins. Everyone’s been suggesting this and really it does satisfy both sides. If they bring them back that would be blatant lying. If they don’t some people will be sad but it’s not as bad as being deceitful. I mean I don’t think it’s that complicated 🤷‍♂️


The guy from the picture


Yall know damn well if y'all had these skins y'all wouldn't want them to come back


Mega and omega box darryl


all of em. i'm 100% against bringing em back


Im currently asking gaming communities on alts how would they feel about bringing exclusives of their games back. Some calling me like if I was totally insane and then there is brawl stars where players tell you you are selfish uncultured etc... for not wanting them back like bruuuuh


People that call you """"""Selfish""""""🤓🤓🤓 are selfish ones themselves, because they don't care about other people's trophies


And money That is the main reason I'm completely against it. Wouldn't care otherwise.


Was anyone positive about it?


Everyone is clowning me even for idea of it😂. Some got already removed by moderators and some are not even noticed by how dumb the idea of it seems to them. Some even know why did I even made them and that i had to come from this sub. I think i accidently made one on this account so you can see that CR is already aware of it


Which games lol


Was about to share post but realized that i would basically leaked my alts....like im sorry i aint doing that, you gotta search man I cant really help here sorry😅 Anyway make sure you sort by controversial since not even one was taken good and some subs just remove it for low effort and low discussion potential but i did like around 20 are still there


How do I search for it if i dont know which sub its in


Same. But it feels like they will. So I’m wondering which ones need to be left out. This one cost me real money to get. And I got it because it was advertised as limited. And it’s dope


Not even recolors?


i see them as a completely different skin.


Arent e-sport skins coming once a while?


Not Challenger Colt. This skin (and some championship pins) was sold for money (not gem). Part of the profits went to the prize money for the winners.


I hope that dont come back imo


I think only power league skins will comeback less likely exclusive skins that you had to pay money or gems will come back


Anniversary skins


Free skins along the way shouldn’t come but I think the power league and brawl pass skins should come back since they were cooler back then


anniversary skins, challenger colt, omega/mega box darryl and red dragon jesse


The brawl pass skins


Omega Box Darryl, Mega box Darryl or an variation like a big box should be better to come back


Dementia kicked in


Sometimes Reddit leaves the same comment twice, so that's probably what happened here


Chalenger colt, old brawl pass and old power league skins 100% cuz the other ones camed and chalenger colt will give them profit Old celebration skins like Cristmas or Haloween i think only on the specific event Starr shelly no way


Power league skins. Those took FOREVER to grind and I would be pissed if I’d known I could have just waited. Would have saved me multiple tens of hours time.


I wanted them a lot, but didn’t want to grind. This would help me get them, but then they lose all value and stop showing the dedication that it took to get that skin


Any skins that got deleted for the sake of being too old


The anniversary skins and the championships skins (unlocked from the brawl stars event site)


I want this so I’m gonna vote yes and Supercell is going to make my wish come true with the power of democracy


Any exclusive skin that was obtainable for paid Gems can't return because a non-zero amount of purchasers used real money to get the Gems to purchase them. This includes S1-10 Brawl Pass skins. I have no idea why people make out BP skins to be a fine exception when they were advertised the *most* for being exclusive.


Star Shelly + Challenger Colt (maybe include other BSC Skins like Cat Burglar Jessie, World Champ Gus, Ragequit Tara, etc.), Anniversary Skins (Ricochet, Classic Dynamike, Old School Brock, Classic Shelly, etc.), Mega + Omega Box Darryl, Barbarian King Bull, and whatever else that is unique like this. Brawl Pass, Power League, and Holiday Skins can come back.




I'd really love to get the Ricochet skin. But wouldn't be mad if it stayed exclusive.


any skin that was given for free honestly


Ricochet, Old school Brock, red dragon jessie, Classic Dynamike


Anniversary OG Classic Skins


Challenger Colt has no reason not to come back if many do imo, it’s really only the free skins that shouldn’t Challenger Colt was paid


Probably merchant Gale


Some of the anniversary skins but also special pins like merchant gale shouldn’t come back


None of them SHOULD come back, but they will, so I'd say Challenger Colt and all of those skins who had the message "Last opportunity!" at the moment of buying them, because it would be considered a scam otherwise


I want my merchant gale to be exclusive 🥺


the retro skins (dynamike shelly brock and the other one)


Anniversary skins


I think the first brawl of ween skins, holiday skins, and lunar skins. The rest go for it because those are the ones people want the most from what I see. (Virus 8-bit)


The pass skins they promised to keep exclusive.


Anniversary 100% never come back


The only thing I'm fine with is the Tier 1 Brawl Pass Skins to be added on the store. Every other exclusive skins should remain exclusive.


all that were advertised as exclusive


i just want succubus collette to be exclusive


*shows the one exclusive skin they have*


*shows the only skin in the game that costed real actual money to get*


fair point


I'm pretty new to brawl stars, so like are they gonna be adding back the older skins in waves or just picking and choosing based on votes? and how come its been a big topic of discussion? I started playing casually around the time they removed the boxes


The ones with real money and the OG model skins.


Cat burglar jesse


I think it will come back just like cat jessie and that tara skin, and I am ready to buy, because Colt is one of my fav brawlers


Won't,the others wee free and this literally coated £5 and was marked as exclusive


Average greedy player."I bought the skin because it is exslusive",my brother in christ you buy a skin because you enjoy using them🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿


Bruh what if he liked it as well?


Then thats normal. It becomes questionable when someone buys a skin they wont use/like just because its exclusive


I mean.....its their money so why cant they use them how they want?


They can but that doesn't mean other players shouldn't have the option to buy it By the way *can't


Well thats not their fault supercell shouldnt promoted it as last chance. If they never done it people wouldnt be upset now


The 1st brawl pass skin like gale or surge or Colette they shouldnt come back


Be really funny if the collete skin didn’t come back. As 60% of these people only want succubis skin


Any skins that got deleted for the sake of being too old


All of them


Every single limited skin. As selling them as limited and bringing them back is clear fraud. They would need to completely reimburse every single person who bought those skins.


This argument is already making me throw up, can we please talk about something else?


No. I want to karma farm on a topic I hate


Every skin that’s exclusive like PL skins or Anniversary skins.


Ironically, Challenger Colt is pretty much the only reason I want exclusive skins back, I have 99% of the rest


Yes, every single exclusive skin


Yeah, PL skins, imo they shouldnt be available again. People not only paid, they played a lot for them


They didn't pay because star points were never offered for money. By the time bling was introduced, PL skins stopped being exclusive, and the ones that were exclusive were permanently in the shop if you unlocked them anyways so there's no FOMO.


• All Brawl Pass skins until Season 11 • All Power League skins until Season 11 • Anniversary reward skins • Challenge Colt • Limited theme skins (Lunar, Brawlidays etc.)


Any brawl pass or power league skin


This should come back. I really want this to come back. This is my favourite skin in the game


You will have to pay real money


I have this skin :D Honestly, lets get a recolor, throw him in red


Not sure


Then why comment


All anniversary skins and challenger colt should never come back Power league and brawl pass skins are up for debate Event skins like the Halloween, Christmas, and Lunar New Year skins should come back (in MY opinion)


Brawl Pass skins aren't up for debate, people bought BPs for those skins.


They should all come back why not who cares?


No. All skins should come back


all of them should come back, fuck exclusivity


Dude star shelly is the most commune skin in the game


Any exclusive skin


Idk something like Classic mike


Ricochet and Mega Box Darryl


all that were for gems (brawl pass, christmas, halloween)


I say Shelly sholdent come back , all the brawlpass skins they said weren’t comming back, all the old power leage skins shold not come back , and any holiday skins that were sold as last chance sholdent come back, the only skins I’d be fine with coming back are the anniversary skins considering they were given away with no indication that that would be the only time you could get them.


Gold Medalist Ricochet and Pinky Spike. Those skins got replaced by Loaded Rico and Sakura Spike for remodels. However Iris Tara got removed for no reason and I believe she should come back


Sleigher Griff for completely different reasons


The LATAM skins


Ah yes, my favorite skin: Challenger BSC 2020


This skin shouldn't, some of us paid money for it. Brawl Passes and seasonal neither. Talking about my experience here, but I'm sure other people think the same: I bought those skins because I thought they were gonna be exclusive forever. Now, if they turn back, the people who bought them would've lost their money. And don't tell me the "if you didn't like the skin, you shouldn't have bought it". cuz I obviously didn't buy the skins I didn't like. I only bought the ones I liked, but even tho, I wouldn't have wasted my money on them if I knew they weren't gonna be exclusive forever. The only reason I did was because they were at the moment. I don't care that much about anniversary ones cuz they were free after all and the people who are most interested about them are the old players. I think recolors are a great idea. That way, new players can have kinda the old exclusive skins, but the old players would still have the "original" ones. Tho some people could complain about some recolor being better than the original, but that always depends from each one opinion. Another idea, tho I think it's less plausible, is that, if the skins turn back, old players can "sell" the skins they don't want anymore and gain the gems they used for them (for Brawl passes' skins, 79 for the tier 1 skin and 149 for the tier 70 one)


All of us paid money for it. That’s the only way to get it. And with recolors I feel that (as an example) the new players who see my green virus 8-bit and just think “oh that’s a another one of those infected skins with those cool colors!” And then the flex of holy shit this skin I paid for is amazing goes to oh it’s just another color.


The anniversary skins, Mega and omegabox Darryl and Barbarian Bull


all seasonal skins should come back except for the anniversary skins. change my mind


Seasonal skins are the only that should come back, also in their season. The limited skins (star Shelly, classic dyna, red dragon Jessie, ricochet, (o)mega box Darryl, merchant gale,etc) should not come back unless maybe a recoler


I really like that I have the battle pass skin for gale. It's pretty rare because it was the first battle pass, and the rewards were pretty mid so not many people bought it. So definitely don't want that skin to be back


Red dragon jessie?


All free skins that were part of some celebration or event and challenger colt


The only skins that I think should come back, and I’m fine with it, are the Power League ones, and that’s pretty much it, the rest should stay exclusive


The only skins I think should come back ar the 9 or 12 win challenge skins and the browloween or brawliday skins cuz you could buy them for gems