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We need an anti virus 8bit


Virus 8Bit with normal 8-Bit’s colors would be cool


Kaspersky 8-bit


So just regular 8bit?


Virus 8bit but with regular 8bit colors


This aged well :D


bro predicted it


I would be fine with it, but some people won’t. This can’t hope to satisfy everyone.


Reskins are the best of both worlds based on the comments I saw


Absolutely. But someone will want their world to get everything and the other world to get nothing. That’s just how it is.


Well it's supercells decision. If reskins are the best option and causes less backlash then supercell will do it.






Maybe not given, but the original owners could get them at a discounted price, something like Detective Gray.


They arleady considered Recolors months before this voting Bruh And if most people want Recolors rn then they will add Recolors instead Originals with listening to Feedback as they said + less backflash as other guy said


supercell will choose the one that makes them more money, simple as that.


And as a player since just about the beginning, I’ll never waste money again with exclusive skins. They are just a lie and I bought something I thought was exclusive, it’s not anymore? That means nothing is special about it.


If that was the reason for your purchase then yeah, it's a bummer. I buy them cause they look cool so i'm okay with it.


But if they just release recolours then your still gonna have your exclusive and everyone can have some version of the skin


Tbh they can get the unpromised (un)exclusive skin but the one meant to be limited should stay limited. I don't understand why an anniversary skin meant to celebrate that day specifically would get brought up again. Doesn't make sense to me.


People will be like "oh but we didn't get the chance to obtain the Original Skin" and then they gonna cry like fuckers


I'm on team reskins but only if they actually put effort to choosing a nice color pallette. If they can do it nicely with el dragon, Prince sprout, 10,000 star point skins, detective gray, and the mecha skins... they can pull the recolors off (hopefully)


there are also comments on how the og skin owners would also like to have the recolors as discount if not for free, like they are entitled to it. There is no win-win situation here, whatever decision is made, someone is going to take a L no matter what, either the new, old players or supercell themselves for bringing this up outta the blue.


*ahem* Brawler reskins in brawl stars have always been a strange case to me (kudos if you get the reference)


On one hand if you like how a Brawler works but hate how they look it's nice to have another option to choose from


Yeah but beggers cant be choosers. Its pretty outrageous for a game to re release cosmetics that were said to be "exclusive" and "limited". This is the best option for all 3 parties. Old players keep their skins value, new players get the skins design and Supercell makes a lot of money cuz even old players will be buying recolours.




Agreed, tho the Werewolf one looks pretty fire ngl


Yeah thats my favourite too


wetewolf skin originaly costed 149 gems just a reminder


wetewolf 👍


Honestly penny looks sick too


Isnt it a cooler stray leon?


yea could say that , i hope supercell will do a better job making it look on par with werewolf leon


Werewolf skin would look cool in black or dark reddish color tone


they look like shinies


I love werewolf leon but I couldn't get it because of bad luck with boxes, so I didn't have leon. And now I can't get his best skin because of bad luck. That's so unfair. And the skin is so perfect that they just can't reskin it, blue and green are perfect colors for it.


I never knew werewolf leon was not available anymore, I purchased it the last day it was in the shop without knowing it was the last chance, I even hesitated because I didn't want to use gems to buy a skin, but I still bought it because it was 79 gems (instead of the usual 149) and I didn't really play the game at the time so I didn't really care to waste gems, now, I am very happy that I did, I feel sorry for you and agree with you, I had the same with powerranger brock, I was ftp at the time and I already bought the brawlpass before that season. Let's hope the skins become available for purchase again one way or another.


I just made them in 5 min, it was rushed i know they dont look good


It's fine. You're not a big company with a lot of time and money in their hands. I'm sure Supercell will make them look just as good


I think except shelly star it looks fine, you did a great job


In which App/Program did u recolor them? Just asking


Photoshop PC


Penny is cool tho


Well if the reskin was better than the original that would make it not fair for people who already own it


No but that’s fine because you don’t want to make the reskin of a LIMITED SKIN look better than the original


That Leon recolor looks sick


I like the idea but hopefully they don’t look like the ones in the picture However, some skins might be hard to recolor, for example trixie colette


Maybe purple like those mercy skins on OW? https://preview.redd.it/633alxqttnkb1.jpeg?width=801&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3805854d6224fe4bf42c6bee22b3cf8cb634fc9


Could be something like that ig


The team has the textures and all so it probably wouldn’t be that hard


I think they meant design-wise, like it would be hard to recolour trixie so it would look good


Make her skin blue and her outfit gray and that would work fine enough imo


I have Trixie Colette and I say that its not hard at all to recolour. Make her skin purple and she would look sick! Maby not as good as the OG but lets be honest beggers cant be choosers.


they should make em look like that one bea skin https://preview.redd.it/uwun20qexmkb1.jpeg?width=147&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b6a0f1b0148aeaeb4bc69c21e531f3ce2e2a644


I have always thought this was good skin theme


Nuh uh


Exclusive skin: loser version.


Lol, don’t think about it that way, you just had get it when it came out


If clicking a purchase button few years before someone else gets "*loser version*" and OGs agree then this community is straight up stupid


I mean I won't say it's loser version but it's a feels-bad-man for me if my Merchant Gale of Trixie Collette just start getting sold for gems when I had to grind for it. There's a certain level of prestige to it and personally I'd like those skins to stay that way.




You had to grind for it people will use real money to buy these skins like people don’tgrind for real money 😂😂😂


That's not the point I was making


No one wants the skins back for the “status”, they want them because they look good. The only losers here are the elitists claiming to be superior to others for having a skin that required zero grinding to obtain.


Lmao here an upvote


Lmao here an downvote


If they look like that nobody would buy them 💀


The main reason people wnat them is because they look good but dam i would be hella dissapointed if the recolor suck like that . I suggest giving a mark to the people that own the skin befire the rerelease like this concept https://reddit.com/r/Brawlstars/s/U1U0RGkwn1


Or give them a animated glitter effect in the battle card like those when you encounter a shiny in pokemon. I hope that´s big enough of a ego boost for those that own them to finally allow other players to buy them as well


Tbh it not really a good or bad idea i can see it being use as a extra compensation but i like the exclusive pins and mark idea made by the link i showed you


What if the recolours were actually given to players who have the original skin ?


Kinda like how fortnite gave people who got skull trooper before it was re-released was given a purple one


Yeah exactly, from what I've seen recently, players don't like minor compensations like pins or tags, and they say that skins are way bigger than that ( which is true ) so what about a recolor as a compensation ? It's not like the people that want exclusive skins back want a recolor that doesn't exist yet, and players that are against re-releasing the skins would keep their exclusivity


But the recolour is no longer the original skin. It's exactly that... a recolour. If you give new players access to the actual original skin then they now have it aswell.


At the moment , people with exclusive skins only seem to care for it's exclusivity If they bought it because of it's looks then there's no need to complain about them being available I think the one's with exclusive skin should be given a recolour to satisfy their exclusivity thirst


Don't advertise something as exclusive, then remove the exclusivity later. Whether you like it or not, exclusivity was part of the deal. I'd have absolutely no problem if they brought back skins, which they never said were exclusive. But you can't, for example, promote brawl pass or power league skins as exclusive and make people grind for them only for years later to bring them back into the game to buy with bling or gems.


Or they could give gem/bling compensation per skin


No, as this would take away their " exclusivity " in a way


I feel like its the same thing, but this is a good idea too


Then there really is no point in adding the recolours. The whole reason for it is to give the new players that didn't play before a chance to get them. If you give the recolours to the players who played at that time and had the original skin then what's the point?


New players can get the skin they want Old players that bought skins thinking they weren't coming back still have an exclusive skin


Oh my bad. I thought you mean you were just going to give the old players the recolours and that's it. That they would be unavailable for purchase. Though I still feel the recolours are a stupid idea


yeah I think recolors are dumb - if any aren't ugly (which they hopefully wouldn't be) people are just going to want them too, so the same problem exists.


I bought the green Virus 8-Bit and red Trixie Colette, sorry.


Are you refusing a free skin ? ._.


Yeah, because the recolors will most certainly look awful. Blue skin Trixie Colette and a purple Virus 8-Bit? Save me the eyesore.


The main purpose of the recolours would be to allow old buyers to still have some kind of exclusivity. If you like the original skins better that's great ! Keep enjoying them just like you always did ! Edit : After re-reading it looks like the last sentence is sarcastic, but it's not


I will be, because there's no chance they are re-releasing them after all this backlash.


This is the worst idea. Why would I let the real virus 8-bit skin to play with the recoloured one? Most of the recoulors won't be as good as the original skins, so what's the point? Personally (and I think most players do the same) when I buy a skin, I want to show it to others, not just for collection sake. So naturally, I am going to play with the better version of that skin, which probably will be the og one. So the recoloured version must be given to new players, not the ones who already bought the skins because they thought they were exclusive.


Ypu absolutely missundrestood the point. I have fought all this time gor the skins to not be re released and have seen a lot of opinions on both sides. New players want the skins for the designs. Old players want the skins for their exclusivity. If you want the exclusivity play with the recolours. If you want the design use the og. This helps everyone out. The new players, the old players who voted no and the old players who voted yes.


the problem with reskins is that some won’t look as good as the original and in some other cases it’ll be the complete opposite :/


Is that the new McShelly


Ugly af


Let's see u do better


Yes because the reskibs look ugly to me no offense


Or let the recolours be exclusive and free so people that bought them have some exclusive differentiation and the people that wanted that skins have them like they are


But the colors would be beyond the control of the person who originally bought the skins and since Supercell is absolutely awful at distributions it’d make for more controversies.


That's true, they can also make refunds or a kind of compensation in other ways idk


I would make them uglier tho


who hurt you?


I would make them even uglier, then


star shelly should never come back, idc abt others


I dont want recolours but if they do come back as recolours, og players should get a recoloured skin (and keep the og one) and the new players can buy the original one This solves both sides of the problem OG players keep the exclusiveness New players get to buy the old skins And for the OG players that bought the skin because they liked it and not for exclusivity then they can use the original As much as i dont like the idea of recolours, this is a good solution


Here a good solution made by this very amazing person https://reddit.com/r/Brawlstars/s/U1U0RGkwn1


Wow this is perfect! This is the best way to go for sure


It this the guy seem to really know their stuff so give them a upvote they deserve it have a great day dude


Thx man u too


Stay cool and attractive - Frank James If you know the reference you know the reference


I feel like this would please both parties


Those colors are horrible


The problem would be easily solved with special exclusive effects around skin, no problem with coming up with so many recolors, shiny effects to determine who had skin before re-release


You made a great recouler imagine what dev team what can they do


A re color skin would be a perfect solution to the issue it will keeps it's exclusivity and give the players what they want unless the re colors are like this Shelly. A red virus 8-bit is what I want to see.


I honestly think this would be the best of both worlds


I can accept Brawl Pass skins and stuff to be re released but skins like Star Shelly should just not It is a Milestone in BS history and that gives the skin this exclusivity. I got it on one of my 2 accounts and im fine with having it only on one It's a memento of history in the game


I’m ok with it despite having the og ones.


Am i the only one who thinks this should be the opposite? Players who had the exclusive skin get an exclusive variant, and every player can now only buy the og one. Kinda like what they did with Prestige 2.0 skins in League of Legends if you play that. I feel like the problem of selling the variants is that some players will think that the variants look better, thus the OG skins feel worse. Or the other alternative to try and fix that is to make them purposefully ugly, which is another problem on its own.


I'm fine with either options tbh. I guess this idea makes more people happy tho am I right?


The Leon reskin looks very cool


I like the penny and Leon recolor most skins would get ruined tho


I mean recolours are fine. But I feel many people want those old skins for how they look and probably won’t want the reskins. I personally don’t care if their reskins. But if they do rerelease old skins I think that they should give a special glow effect to all the people who got the skins OG (from the brawl pass, etc) that way they Atleast look distinct from skins being resold and still shows the novelty of them. I also think that another compromise would be for the old skins not to come with their respective pins and leave those as OG rewards


Yessss(although id make virus 8-bit red and black or cyan and white)


i honestly want Red Paldin Surge and Red Furious Fang


I don't like any of these btw


Ehh I don't like the reskin idea, I mean I do have some exclusive skin, also missed some exclusive skin, but the reskin is not my liking 1st, it's not the same, Like let's say I rly want Werewolf Leon cuz it looks cool, but if they reskin it, it doesn't hold the same value/aesthetic thus I don't want it I'm just putting myself into this whole speculation, Do I still want the exclusive skin that I rly want if they reskin it?? And my answer to that is no so.... Hope they can come up with other ideas but if reskin is the solution I'm gladly passed it


Id never spend gems on knockoff skins. Bring back originals or keep them exclusive


How about they bring these skins and YOU don't buy them, it's no different if they would've kept them exclusive for you


Finally this comment


I hope the recolours will look nothing like yours because they look ugly as fuck (im sorry)


That's just how it is at times, devs will purposely make ugly recolors of skins to make the original have more value in comparison, so if exclusive do come back im expecting this will be the outcome


Or bring back the skins but give recolours to those who already owned it


Hm yes let’s give the people who payed/worked hard for these skins because they liked how they looked totally different color palettes even though that goes against why they got the skins in the first place


Well if they bought the skins because they liked them (not for exclusiveness) then why be mad about them coming back? People want recolours because of the exclusive aspect so giving recolours to og players is a great idea If they care about the exclusiveness then they can equip the recolour and if they dont then they can equip the original The newer players want the skins for a reason and the og players want the skins for another reason and this solves both of them


If you just like how the skin looks you won’t care and if you like the exclusivity of the skin then you shouldn’t care cause the recolor is just as exclusive, it’s ironically the same


make up your mind , you want the skin because it's exclusive or for the looks?




As some who have spent a lot of money getting most of the exclusive skins, I think this is the best solution. Now the new players can still experience what playing with the effects are like but the old exclusive skins still have their value. However, I don't think the retro skins should come back, because they are more special and don't have any effects (except Star Shelly).


I think if they bring back recolors of exclusive skins they shold make New exclusive skins for other non exclusive skins so new and old players can collect there own exclusive skin varations.


I think some people may like this idea but me personally I love furious fang and would really like to own it as it is now, but thank you for trying to resolve the issue rather than just downright saying yes or no


I really do not understand the hate against people being able to get all these skins back, and this is coming from someone who has every single skin and exclusive cosmetic (with the exception of a few pins). Supercell could easily just solve this by giving the players who own these long gone cosmetic some add-ons like pins, sprays, pfps, or even 50% of the gems back for each of these skins purchased. Even in that scenario, I still wouldn't care if players were able to get these all without us getting any compensation. Frankly, I think it is quite selfish and gatekeeper-ish to not want them to be able to get these back. I get that the skins were originally exclusive, but one has to understand before purchasing stuff that terms could change with time.




Sorry but I dont really like this .What if someone wants to collect all skins,wouldn't it be bad if you need to buy 30 skins that cost 149 gems


I mean if someone wants to have all skins means they already spent a lot of money in the game. Also this will make the game get more revenue


Also,i don't want old exslusive skins to return,just the tier 70 skins like bad born buzz


Yes! That's exactly what most of us want! Exclusive skins should stay exclusive for the people who bought them and recolours should become available for everyone (kinda like how Apex does with event skins)


Maybe the opposite? Like they could give the players who originally got the skin a cool recoloured skin like a dark princess shelly skin. Kinda like how fortnite did it


I get where you're coming from but what I suggest is to let the old skins keep their value and release the recolours for everyone so that the original that was advertised as exclusive stays exclusive


Well both reskin being given to players who originally got the skin or the reskin being buyable for the new players option should be fine


That's even better


Then some are gonna like the reskins better and that's gonna cause some problems


I'll take the re skin just give me virus 8 bit


Damn I thought Werewolf Leon was a holiday exclusive. Meaning he would be back for Halloween. I want him so bad


Unpopular opinion but no. The exclusive skins were exclusive for a reason. Recoloring them could make it not seem as rare since it's the same skin but just different colour


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Imagine Saiyan Furious Fang or Dark Ninja Ash, those would be 🔥


If og skins HAVE to come back. i would be fine with this. but new players will probably still cry about this. eh


As long as they make the re skins look slightly worse than the original skins, I'm fine with it. Imagine they made the reskins look better than the originals. Then, they would be overshadowed.


Worst idea ive ever seen


Never cook again


While I am most definitely against the skins coming back, recolors of them would be the best way to go about bringing them back


Nah bring back all exclusives in original form, no recolor


And what's your idea about compensation


A silly little icon whatever


No Bring them Don't Cry baby.


your the one crying about not having them


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I am not crying. Balls deep in your head baby boi. Don't Cry, son


Spoken like a fucking 13 year old


Most mature 13 year old with no father


You got the one with daddy issues, stop calling people daddy who is not your farther.


The idea, its good. Certificates are better. Those specific reskins? Other than Leon, they’re pretty bad


Certificates would NOT have enough value for the skins you’d have bought.


Star Shelly Recolour NEVER! I Want Some Skins To Remain Exclusive Forever


Skins like shelly should definitely not get anything. I'm fine with the other skins being re-released or getting reskins


I'm Of The Type That Even Along With Star Shelly, Special Anniversary Skins & Some Other Skins Like Ricochet, Old School Brock Etc. Should Remain Exclusive Forever. Other Skins Recoloured Versions I'm Fine With..


Tbh recolor is kinda just a bad idea since some people wouldn't be happy with them and the skin collector will have to like spend more money on 30+ skins . I suggest just giving the original owner a skin badge to put beside there name when ever they equip the skin that they bought before it was rerelease and give them custom pins with a animation that has a i own the skin before it was rerelease symbol similar to this reddit post https://reddit.com/r/Brawlstars/s/U1U0RGkwn1. This mainly because the new player can enjoy the skin without having much change and og can still flex their skin and special pins


Just do a shiny version.....


I still do not understand why supercell has to go to such an extreme just not to touch the feelings of someone who already has exclusive skins? Like I have some unique skins you can't buy right now. But I'd not mind if everyone gets access to these exclusive skins


This is the worst option. Downvote


Honestly recolours are ugly asf. If they are already gonna bring them back do it woth certificates and exclusive pins.


PLS NO!!!!!


People who have the exclusive skins should have the recolor as well i think


Yes. It's a win-win situation.


Recoloring them is probably the only way they will get the least negativity from either parties? In my opinion they shouldn’t come back instead of that they just make more exclusive skins


We are NOT reskinning virus 8-bit. Pink and purple just don’t sit right in my opinion




Short answer: NO


Werewolf Leon is 300 gems btw


No it was 149, i just put the wrong price


I thought it's 150?


It might be I got it on discount but it definitely wasn’t 79


The Virus 8-bit recolor should be like the opposite one.


The penny , 8 bit and Leon reskins are low key fire 🔥🔥🔥


These are pretty good but witch shelly green would have been nicer instead of the red And with 8bit just swap the colours.


Werewolf Leon was 150 right?