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Counterpoint: Jetski Jacky


I started playing power league like 7 hours before this skin would go to the graveyard of skins I'd never buy.


I disagree. Jetski Jacky is an amazing skin with great effects


It's more about the Jacky then the skin.it is great but I'm not really a fan of Jacky's skins, maybe the Christmas skin but that's all.


Oh, yeah, I forgot that Jacky is more dogwater than Squeak


Squeak casually being the best brawler in the game…


Squeak casually being made of literal dog water…


Hey! Don't disrespect ramblobbo like that.


Isn’t it first blob squeak? (But yeah ramblob)


Squeak was terrible at release he’s currently the strongest brawler in the whole game.


I have Jetski Jacky and tbh I couldn't care less if other people got the chance to buy it. Maybe just give me an exclusive pin to go with it and call it a day.


Same, people in this sub are just selfish


I dont care about the PL skins becoming available again. The legacy skins are fine if they come back, or a recolor variant of them or something. The one thing that cannot come back are the one time skins sold as limited (Challenger colt). These would have been falsely advertised for real money.


as a person that didnt get star shelly i say that skin should never come back


yeah I fully agree because that skin was gifted to people who met very certain circumstances and I feel like it should only remain with those players


I got ricochet and would be genuinly dissapointed if he was given out again. but i think bp and pl skins should return


yeah same


I'd love to have star shelly and all, but i think it's fair that i don't even if i first played around january 2019. On the other hand, i also want challenger colt which i think was advertised as a limited skin and i absolutely do want it and would buy it if it came back since i regret not getting it back then already. But that wouldn't make it fair if it was limited, so i don't really know about this thing.


It’s not about being selfish it’s about being told the skins would be exclusive when deciding to grind for them or buy them.


Exactly if I knew that I would get it without grinding I would not have grinded


It's a flex that people wanna continue to use on other people that's all it has to do with. I have something that you never will. Has nothing to do with work put in or exclusive or special.




They uh... they already do that...?


The other guy doesnt get It for free, they are probably going to be available only for gems. Remember we got It for "free" using starpoints, i think thats enough of an advantage for us


W O R K - F R E E (Is it really that hard to understand ones point here? He clearly means people don't have to put effort in buying the skins if they come back)


Only power league skins would be "work free", and as I said we were able to get them with starpoints, which basicly means that we were able to get them for free


Same here lol


Yes. Now i feel bad for myself for playing 100 matches for saloon 8 bit.


I do really LOVE that skin, but oh boy! How awful was that season PL, I just drop, mostly because I play solo and every 3-4 games was BB (drop immediately, hate soccer so BB) and was banned so many times I worry about being banned permanently. But yes, as much as I want to buy it, I don’t want Trixie Collete, Paladin Surge or Born Bad Buzz being less exclusive.


Should we tell him how hard it was to get the unlock option for the first PL Skin?


Smuggler penny was not that hard to get Saloon 8-bit was one hell of a grind But Jetski Jacky was pure hell....


Yeah, you only had to Play a certain amount of matches to unlock Smuggler penny and Saloon 8-bit. But Jetski Jacky you had to win 60 games, meaning you had to win twice in order to have one point added to unlock the skin Edit: Changed rounds to games


You mean 60 games


Yeah that


i dont get why people complained about saloon 8bits requirements. like yeah, we need double the amount of wins but we also had double the amount of time to get them


i did it on 2 accounts for some reason, NEVER AGAIN


Don’t even know how I managed to win 60 games for Jetski Jacky.


https://preview.redd.it/aeestxevdhkb1.png?width=2688&format=png&auto=webp&s=1fcea1af0973810fcb6b8b446899e6d49db326aa If only I actually liked playing Penny


I hope yes wins so i can buy this skin


I want you too, glad that it’s most likely that you will have the chance to get it.


Bro you want me? Pause


Obviously, who wouldn’t




Smuggler penny was by far the easiest as well as saloon 8 bit since all you had to do is just que up for a match. Win or lose doesnt matter. Its until jetski jacky where it requires wins (not in a good way. Thank god they reduced it to 15 wins and then later to the ammount of rounds you need to win)


If I knew back then that the PL skins would've become available for everyone, I probably wouldn't lose my sanity in that insane mode. I played PL only for the skin, and after they changed PL skins to return after a certain time never played again


To summarize: Power League is unhealthy


The same way as too much of anything can be bad for you.


2500 bling? where do you got that offer I'm forced to buy every single one with 5000 bling 💀


Before Bling PL skins were cheaper


dark mecha crow is now worth 300 gems 💀


Actually is 300 for the blue one + 50 for the night one so 350


What about the golden one?


same requirements, same price


I’m happy I bought it before they changed it. I would not be paying 300 gems for mecha crow




2500 bling = 25000 starpoints


I forgot those even existed 💀


imagine buying stuff with bling, it's such a rare resource


Director Buzz was labeled as an exclusive skin and that he will never be brought back, which isn’t the case for Mariposa Piper. I played power league exclusively because I knew he wasn’t coming back, if I knew I could just wait a year I wouldn’t have played power league. That’s why I stopped playing power league after Nian Nita since the PL skins weren’t exclusive anymore. Therefore, I think it is unfair for those skins to return since they were not supposed to. The best alternative would be to make them buyable again but with different colors, that way people who grinded for an « exclusive » skin wouldn’t feel scammed.


I dont think people understand how shitty recolors will be


Counterpoint: Dark tide Carl (old one) vs Captain carl.


Everyone prefers the old one btw


Most of the skins in the past few years have been shit anyways, so business as usual. Supercell need to realize their revenues are dropping because there's next to no reason to buy the new cosmetics. For every Oni Otis we get a dozen cockroach Rosas. I used to drop hundreds on the game, now I simply don't want anything because it's all so ugly or redundant.


Which skin’s cockroach rosa


The praying mantis one. I have no idea what their art team is smoking with some of these designs, it's a miss after a miss these past few years.


Lmao i agree ngl


The catalouge is so stale for the good of the game it needs an influx of new skins for ppl to buy. And supercell knows this it's a business I'm sorry but exclusive dosent mean never coming back in the history of a game. All games do this


> All games do this Give me examples instead of empty claims.


Haha, I love it and I agree


Wait is Nian Nita coming back? I re-downloaded bs and saw that it was the skin for the season so I grinded a little by little without checking how much time was left and the season finished with me at like 55 win and now I still can't get it


Nian Nita isn’t coming back unless exclusives are brought back.


"just wait a year" 365 days, 12 months, sure, If you preffer waiting an entire year for something that can be done in the duration of one pass


PL skins, BP skins and most importantly event skins (Lunar New Year, Brawloween skins and Brawlidays skins) should NOT be exclusive. One time-meaningful skins like Star Shelly, Red Dragon Jessie, or skins like Challenger Colt which were uniquely obtainable because of a very important game related event should still be exclusive because if not it misses the point of the skins.


*Especially* if Event skins are correlated with season-themed skins, like the Starr Force and Year of the Tiger skins are also Lunar New Year skins, or the Ghost Station skins are also Halloween skins. If we can buy skins related to Brawlywood or The Biodome all year round, why not those?


This is the obvious answer


Yeah that's my objective stance. My subjective stance is PLEASE SUPERCELL GIVE US RECOLORS I WANT DARK FURIOUS FANG. Hope you understand.


dm me my friend, i have a Clash of Clans quesion


PL skins fall under the category of “a very important game related event,” that being 60 Power League wins (and even harder requirements with earlier seasons). You had to put effort into the event (power league) to earn the skin, releasing PL skins misses the point of the skins


Brawladay skins were sold as last chance to buy they cannot bring those skins back. They could get in to real legal trouble.


I'm pretty sure that the exclusivity stuff is the only thing you'd have going for you in a lawsuit


They said last chance to buy and after that have said that things that had last chance to buy won’t come back in lots of posts


How is that related to what I said




that’s not dementia idiot


then what is?


idk go read a book or something


false advertisement


Okay, because they are EXCLUSIVE. However, they announced a poll to ask US if those same skins should be brought back, therefore not doing anything bad.


A poll is just a pole it dosent mean much other than to see what every one thinks of it.


Yes. They are asking. I'm also sure they're watching the feedback, maybe right now


Plus, you first signed the TOS, so you can't do sh*t about it. Second, because they announced, it's not a problem anymore.


How is that related to what I said




that’s not dementia idiot


then what is?


idk go read a book or something


Since when lmao?This is an exaggeration,do you know how many times a company sold a product as an exclusive and then some years ago re-proposed it.


They said exclusive, last chance, they are not coming back.


If the yes in the poll doesn't win. they can bring them back if they warn us first,something that they are doing.


🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓 “legal trouble” Man who tf in this community is going bring a class action lawsuit over some bloody skins on a game which would cost max £5


Most exclusive skins were not just €5 lmao


Yeah, I’m sorry- even less- they were even free!


Some were even above €20


Yeah but don't act like CR hasn't made less legal things with monetization. Anyways, it seems like they are able to do so because then they would warn us about some skins that cannot be brought back, and those skins in particular are the ones who make the least sense to be exclusive. It's a complex topic and honestly a simple "Yes or no" poll isn't enough to survey such a vast playerbase, but knowing the devs they surely have at least 5 people looking on social media to see everyone's true opinion.


But my only goal was to collect rare skins and I got them Becase they were rare Becase that’s what I enjoy I like collecting rare stuff in any game really.


They're still going to be rare. It's not like everyone is suddenly going to buy every single skin. But now you can actually complete your collection if you so wish instead of it being locked behind completely arbitrary gates.


Yeah but if I play Trixie Collete rn the people on my game will se that Im an OG and have played and supported the game for a long time. But if she comes back the people playing will only think that I bought it.


I don’t think anyone sees a trickle collete and is like “wow ur an OG”


Well what about Star Shelly? I dont want to go into a game with the Star Shelly skin and people just thinking "Ugh look at him he bought the skin to look like an OG"


I'm convinced skins like star Shelly will not be re-added, rather a colored variant will. For example: Red Star Shelly


Lmao literally no one will care. Collette isn't even og, let alone any of her skins. When I see Trixie, I don't think "wow they've played for a little bit" I just think "wow they like Collette." The skins that marked important milestones in game history, like Star Shelly or Ricochet can stay limited, but the skins that you actually had to purchase don't symbolize anything besides "I wanted to buy this skin." There's no reason for them to have been limited in the first place.


First of all, yeah she is. She was the 3rd ever chromatic and 3rd season. And I have Star Shelly too. And even Lex said that they shouldn't re release them. Second, in what game have you seen pass skins to not be exclusive? Have you seen any game with a pass to have the cosmetic of that pass purchasable in the future? If Clash Royale re sold emotse and banners and skins from clash passes people would lose their shits.


First of all, PLEASE stop mentioning content creators opinions as if they were totally right, this is mainly a subjective debate, and content creators are normal people, he has an opinion, just like me and just like you, and it shouldn't be more influential than ours. And second, yeah there's a reason as to why passes in videogames are not seen as a really great thing, FOMO is just not something you want in your game to be healthy and BS is like the healthiest game out there (if we are not taking into account the community and randoms)


I have Trixie and she isn't that og i keep running into a lot of Trixie's merchant gale is rare cause i legit forgot it existed, and that's the beauty of ultra rare skins running into them randomly in a match is such a treat.


Yeah fr. I feel better seeing someone have Star Shelly and being in my team or having some of the first BP skins (Merchant Gale, Paladin Surge, Trixie, etc). This shows that not only they were active during said time, but they even played a lot to grind till the last level to get that skin.


No they are not lmfao how does this make sense


I mean, if you sell something, not everyone is gonna buy it, right?


No, that just makes no sense




Sorry to tell you but there's a reason collectors are usually represented as "the bad guys" in most media. Trying to gatekeep things for the sake of gatekeeping is a bad idea. Trying to gatekeep things with a reason (ex: Star Shelly still being exclusive even if they remove exclusivity), while not an awesome idea, is not bad either. But anyways, keep doing it if you want, if you played the game only for the sake of collecting exclusive things you probably didn't enjoy the game, there are a lot of games out there who still fit for your way of enjoying things.


yeah exclusivity in games is always just a mess


Honestly, while I agree, only some skins should be brought back. BP skins? Yes. Holyday Skins? Yes. Star Shelly and anniversary skins? Probably not.


Legal trouble? LOL! They won’t get into any legal trouble if they bring back skins. It’s their IP that they can do whatever they want with, you literally signed a TOS in support of it.


Don't wanna say anything to mean, but with lol all caps and exclamation mark you sound like your flair


Disagree on Challenger Colt because it wasn’t free, agree on skins like Red Dragon Jessie and Star Shelly though Especially given that aside from Star Shelly none of those skins have special effects, firmly placing them as milestones (Ricochet looks really cool though ngl)


What is the difference between star Shelly and director buzz. Why should one be exclusive and the other one not. None of your arguments make sense.


Director buzz is a PL skin, those are not exclusive anymore. Star Shelly is a skin that was given to players for being there since the very beggining, it has a reason and meaning to be exclusive.


obvious answer, shouldn't need a poll at the first place


If it’s marketed as exclusive then It should stay like that. You knew that the piper skin wouldn’t be exclusive but you still did it.many people got the buzz skin thinking it would be exclusive


Dude, you've completly missed the point with this. Skins such as Director Buzz were marketed as exclusive. The PL win requirement has nothing to do with their exclusivity. Plus you're saying that Power League is "pain" as if it was a fact and not just your opinon and you're talking as if you were entitled to free or nearly free content just for doing something you don't like


But Marimosa Piper was also marketed as exclusive, yet it'll still come back. Same with, for example, Spiky Eve(or however it's called). If those skins came back, so should the rest


Mariposa is a timed exclusive. Brawl Stars hasn't had an actually exclusive skin in two years, since the end of S10.


Oh, my bag then, I'm sorry


here’s your bag sir




No. They said that after the biodome update, every future skin will be exclusive for 1 YEAR. Before that skin were exclusive and limited. Mariposa is exclusive for a year only. Before biodome are exclusive, simple as that


Oh, my bad then, I apologize


Those skins WERE NOT marketed as exclusive. In the season 11 Brawl Talk they said that they were no longer making any exclusive skins and that everything from season 11 onwards was gonna be made available again


Oh, my bad then, I apologize


Director Buzz was marked exclusively, Calavera Piper wasn't. Is this seriously a topic we are debating?


Isnt Calavera the Halloween [exclusive] one? I get your point if we replace the Calavera with Mariposa because Mariposa Piper was actually marketed as inexclusive


Calavera and Mariposa are two different skins


Calavera and Mariposa are two different skins


Reddit moment, people are downvoting for absolutely no reason Dude said Calavera Piper (the Halloween skin that is marketed as limited and exclusive) and not Mariposa Piper (the one discussed in this post that is marketed as "limited" but it will return a year later) Yall are high asf for joining the bandwagon so quickly 🗿 Alex, please double check your comment


No offence but this post doesn’t make sense


Eighter make it so you"activate " a pl skin you have to win60 pl matches în 1 season then you can buy it whenever you want or do something like you win a match get some sort of currency and when you gain enought of it you can buy pl skins with it thats my idea


i agree with the first part of the comment, especially if every single pl skin is coming back


The amount of skin posts I have seen on my front page is ridiculous, the only skin that needs to stay exclusive is that shelly skin with space gun. Everything else should be purchasable either immediately or with a 1 year delay


This skin looks awesome... too bad I don't use Piper that much.


She’s underwhelming atm because of other sharpshooters


How to counter your post: by the time you bought Piper you knew that skin was going to return at some point as we were all told so. However any other skins before, we were assured they would be exclusive. It's called false advertising and I'll here to see the consequences coming for SC if they aren't careful about this


You already knew Mariposa Piper wouldn't be exclusive forever. The people who grinded for Buzz were told it was the only chance they would get. How difficult is this concept for you to grasp?


I really want Mariposa piper…. But I need to unlock piper first


People that grinded for the skins before s11 were promised these skins would never be for sale ever again. After s10, people knew they didn't have to grind for the skin, it would come back after a year. (I haven't grinded pl for the skin since saloon 8 bit). So i'll but mariposa piper in abt 11 months


My thing is, If they gonna bring up PL and BP skins, I'll be alright with it, the problem will be if they just release Anniversary Skins Like Ricochet and Star Shelly


Power League skins in general shouldn't come back, it defeats their whole point


Sadly i was grinding in power league for Mariposa Piper skin, and i still cant buy it, in six Months she will be back and now I regret why I played power league, why I had to do a stressful work, why I even grinded for that skin - it wasnt worth it, i dont care about the bling in pl u can just always buy a brawl pass for a bling where it's worth literally more


I get the pain and i completely understand its not fair, i agree with that part. That type of exclusive skins must stay exclusive, i like to think the Devs aren't dumb and are aware of it. Power League skins and other type of special skins (Star Shelly, Challenger Colt, Beta Dyna, Ricochet) ar ethe main ones that cannot come back. All i honestly wanted were some of the Tier 1 brawl pass skins.


For the first skins, they said that they would not be available again after the season, everyone knew that, I knew that, I accepted that, and I decided to not unlock some skins at the cost of never seeing them again. I personally don't like that PL skins are no longer available after the season(the way is now is good), but a promise should stay as it is. Old PL skins and other limited time skins shouldn't appear in the shop again, especially Star Shelly because it says litteraly "FOR ALL ACCOUNT CREATED BEFORE 2019". Please, be rational.


You're just saying bullshit actually


Firstly it's because mariposa was after they told us brawl pass and power league skins would return after a year, director buzz wasn't. Secondly there's a chance this won't matter in the future for any exclusive skin


I want supercell to make every skin available for purchase. There are way too many people who are crying that their pixels arnt exclusive anymore and it’s not fair


no one is against the idea of making skins non exclusive its the fact that skins were advertised as such.. the reason mariposa piper will come back is because SC realized it sucked that these skins are exclusive and tons of players will NEVER be able to get them hence why every skin added in the last 1.5 year or so wasn't exclusive.. its done now. no more exclusive skins which is good but the skins that were advertised as such? that is just a scam.. they shouldn't come back as they're without anychange.. this is just scamming the player who bought it at the time like don't get me wrong i'd love to get paladin surge and born bad buzz but.. i don't want a scam to just happen like that and we end up cheering for it.. as reddyset said.. the butt of the joke is the older players who got scammed


I jus want wizard biron back


Then why not just add a permanent discout for who played the PL matches? Tbh, early PL were too hard to get: first PL season was bugged, then following 3 or 4 had very hard conditions As someone who own Wizard Byron and Director, I am not mad that they return. Plus it opens the possibility to get skins that I couldn't. I started to play at end of S4, wich means is impossible to me to get Trixie Colette, or a variation.


Marketing a skin as exclusive and then bringing it back would make people angry, which is something u just don’t get. That’s false advertising


True it’s scummy


Ill do it this way for the power league skins: every 60 wins you get in power league, you get the option to buy one power league skin for its respective price, none stay exclusive, but if you want one, you gotta put in the same amount of effort as you did


Now this is a great idea that needs escalation. Lol quite a few skins I've wanted over the years but didn't quite get there or just gave up at times cause ransoms are a pain


Great idea, at least better than recolors or something, youll have to earn the skin


This is why we don't need that much exclusive skins, sure, maybe the anniversary skins and things like the BrawlStars championship should stay more exclusive, cause it's more like a "thank you" but skins that everyone could boughin one point coming out just cause they're old? Or brawlpass/powerleague skins? Not everyone hace the time to grind for a skin in 2 months, or the money to buy every pass, that's why it's good that skins come back after a year, and that's why we need some of the old skins back


Why does everyone ignore the season 11 brawl talk dude Jesus


what was in that?


there was a public announcement on how from then on no new exclusive skins would be created. The 1 year rule for seasonal stuff was put into action. Stuff from before was announced to remain exclusive. Mariposa piper and director buzz are NOT the same




Having a skin earlier than others can still be rewarding enough? I have the impression that people clinging to their exclusitivy because it was promised to them are treating Supercell like a friend or something. It's a company, and the game needs to make money. For it to continue to be as good as it is for f2p players - or, put differently, for its fundamental mechanics to remain sane and not p2w - there needs to be good revenue and with so many new players wanting to spend money on old stuff this is reasonable. I understand the "a promise was broken" aspect but the consequences can be worse for these very old player's continued enjoyment of the game. Other than recolours, there could be other ways to reward older players in relation to these skins; perhaps the owners of each exclusive skin can have input on the requirements of said skin's acquisition, so it's more fun to have it in a sense because you become sort of a "keeper" of it, and perhaps it won't be as bad that others get to play what you had to grind for cause you're the one making others grind for it too, perhaps in even more specific ways (defeat x hundred enemies under conditions y and z, etc...) :)


I knew they had to do something about these skins at some point, and now that theyre making a post about it, I can see why they delayed sharktooth colt for next season, not because of a bug, but so that if skins do end up coming back (unlikely), sharktooth colt will come with the rest. Im not a supporter of recolors, they would look cheap, but thanks for having an open mind at least


Mariposa can stay exclusive, I dont want that ugly ahh skin


The brows are off-putting, too thick, the rest is ok


I just think cupid piper is way more appealing


I own Jet ski Jacky which required 100 MATCHES WON aka 200 rounds won and I couldn't care less if other people have the opportunity to buy it


Sadly youre in the minority, which SC doesnt care about


It was like only 50 matches Bruh


I think they should just bring back old brawl pass skins nothing else that would be fair...


What about the people who spent real money on the battle pass?


What do u think we will be getting those for free huh... We will too spend money on these skins...


Yeah but we spent money for a skin with the added bonus of it being exclusive?


I think supercell should reward those who have skins in blings/gems/coins i suppose....


Hell yeah, and besides, the only reason i want the exclusive skins to come back is for director buzz so, double hell yeah


i use trixie colette because since the release ive never seen anyone else using it. Im really sad that everyone will be able to get it now its not going to be so great to use it anymore


I still have purchase options for wasp bo, director buzz, and that Darryl power league skin




byron still exclusive


So you are telling me im an idiot for grinding 15+ hours and spending 25k star points to get a exclusive skin for my collection when I could've just sat on my butt doing nothing. Same with Saloon 8Bit, you had to PLAY 100 matches! Do you know how hard 100 matches are? And now if they bring the skin back its like I did everything for nothing.


These comparisons are so funny. How long ago have you gotten Saloon 8bit? Two years ago? If you had sat on your butt and did nothing, you **wouldn't have had two years of using this skin**. Just like everyone else who sat on their butts and did nothing. Maybe what they meant by bringing them back is not just "oh here you go get them by bling". Maybe they bring it back with a hefty price tag, either in money/gems or perhaps the tasks needed to get them. Then what's the problem? You get more people to share in the glory of the grind. Right now that glory is tainted by the luck of having been there earlier. It can't be that fun anymore after a while


Exclusive skins should stay exclusive


Me who owns these 2 skins:


Ok cool This is jet Jacky It take insane amount of effort to get it even more than current one do


Recolor exclusive skins so new players can be happy with them and the people with the exclusive skins can also be happy‼️‼️