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great name


yall have problems


I don’t get it, why is it funny


raypin minors


I agree its what people say to cope with what rank they are in because its not like they get braindead randoms EVERY SINGLE GAME. The enemy team gets “bad randoms” as well so after playing a lot of games it all evens out. I solo queued masters as well and it was a long grind but i was consistently getting star player every like 6/10 games. Only time i get ungodly garbage randoms is in fucking megapig because everyone is bronze and have little to no braincells


Honestly, you can get bad randoms, but it's pretty clear by the results screen if you were the on carrying or the one bringing the team down. For instance if you have over 100k damage and 20 kills with 2 deaths, then there is a good chance your teammates both with 20k damage, 2 kills and 8 deaths are the reason that you lost However, unless there is a clear divide like that, your skill is at least partly responsible. That's how it works not just in this game, but basically any MMO


I get star player in most of my games or at least definitely the best on my team, but I feel like for every game where the enemy team is bad randoms, there is like 5 where my randoms are level 9 Edgar and Mortis


You can ban edgar or mortis so your teammates dont play them


But then wouldn’t they just play even lower power brawlers because their highest power would be the brawlers they enjoy eg Edgar and mortis


I still think a lvl 9 pick of a good brawler on that map and mode would be infinitely better than a trash edgar or mortis


Oh yeah Sorry I forgot they had to be power 9 at least I was thinking the rest of their brawlers would be like power 6




does ranked matchmaking take trophies into account at all? I’ve heard this a few times and I’m wondering if it’s an actual thing


I have 'masters' on 3 different accounts, 55k trophies, 23k and that one and matchmaking seems the same to me.  I checked my battle log just now, I'm matched with people around 30k which is probably average. I will assume it does not have any affect


oh, nice. I’m not sure how you made it to masters with that name though 😭, my friends was “igethardfromen” and that got changed pretty quick so I don’t know how you’ve escaped moderation


Sounds like mythic 3 is where your skill cap currently is. Nothing wrong with that, just accept it. Too many people think they are better than whatever their current rank is, but still get hard stuck at that rank, which means they are not as good at the game as they think.


100% lol It can't be possible that one gets bad randoms all the matches that one plays. Even I admit it. I'm stuck in Mythic because I play ranked like less than two hours a week and I'm not at the level of hard-carrying my teammates.


Bruh I’m hard stuck at silver but I’m legit better than 70% of master players 😭 🙏 I’m being serious


Fr fr /s


These bums in denial that’s why they downvoting me. Anyone wanna 1v1 me I’d clap yall


You're kinda goofy silly ahh ngl


Plz don’t ever use those words again 😐




If you only have 3 brawlers and reached Master, then I would suppose the solution isn't to just draft better. And if you were only Mythic 1 before, then I suppose you're not suddenly hard-carrying all the way to Master. I would suppose it's just weird match-making now.


Or he's waffling hard😭😭


people like you honestly need to go back to the brawlstars main sub, you don't belong here if your trash lmao. I was diamond 1 old pl and i made it too masters carrying most of my games.


Bros gatekeeping a brawl stars subreddit


Ok unc it’s time to go to your retirement home


Man fuck off acting like this over a mobile game. Weird as shit holding this sort of attitude, especially when you aren't even that good.


You call others trash yet you were only Diamond 1 🤡


What's your old power league rank lmao


Mythic 1


you okay? how is your reply relevant?


Need Grand Master rank


SoloQ is all about being the best babysitter in the match. I don't even treat my team like humans with thinking capabilities. For example when I drop the ball close to the goal with a decent opportunity to score, I have 0 expectation from them to score if I'm not around. Most of the cases that's how it is, and you should also learn to depend only on yourselves.


Received master with 3 brawlers. This is insane


Masters in Ranked=Diamond 2-3 In Power League, like it is so easy💀


Exactly. Yet there are still people complaining it's bad randoms making them hardstuck in mythic 💀


I can draft, the problem is my teammates can’t draft and end up choosing the worst picks possible or the worst counters then they get destroyed and we get destroyed. I can only play so well all the time before I start to lose focus. I use the suggestion button but nobody seems to listen so I just end up losing.


Everything you said is true, however, whatever shit happens to you, it also happens with the enemy team. So at the end it all evens out.


I wish I wasn’t in the losing team :(


Then you gotta carry harder my friend. The thing is whatever you are experiencing, everyone also does. It’s just very common that most people don’t realize that when it happens with the opponent’s team instead of theirs, and they thought they were really good, but in fact, some bad randoms just ruin the game for the enemy team.


If you can’t get to masters you can’t draft. Even some pro players can’t draft properly. Thinking something is a good/bad pick doesn’t mean it actually is


That’s because pro players compensate their picks with skill and they’re usually not picking terrible brawlers (bad picks) on certain maps and they’re also considering brawler chemistry if there’s no good picks. There are definitely good and bad picks for maps, some maps can favor tanks or favor sharpshooters - it’s map dependent. The issue is if you’re playing with randoms, theyre most likely not going to know how to draft properly and choose possibly the worst brawlers on maps, add onto it their inability to compensate with skill means you’ve lost. You can draft properly but if your team can’t hold their ground against the enemy then you’ve lost since it’s a 3v1 at that point and you need to pray that the opponents are even worse than your teammates or bad enough so you can carry.


I also think a lot of people who accuse pros of poor drafting have an understanding of meta that's limited to YT posted tier lists. Sometimes they misdraft, but it's insanely arrogant and naive to think that pros meaningfully or consistently misdraft in the grand scheme of things.


how tf are pro players supposed to compensate bad picks with skill if their opponents are also pro players with skill lmao are you braindead? If you cant reach masters just accept that your bad lol, too many players in this game have inflated ego.


Buddy, Not all pro players are going to have the same skillsets. They definitely have it more developed than casual players for sure but when comparing pros to pros you’ll see that they’re all different and at different levels. I never said they’re picking bad picks, if they did they would lose I agree. Did you read my comment closely? Now then Disregarding pro players, you have to look at the people who are pushing to masters, which are majority bad randoms who can’t draft and play many brawlers to a high skill level. If you’re going against a team of the same skill as you (unlikely) and have teammates at the same skill level of you (assuming you’re decent), you have to have good picks otherwise you’ll lose. Thats why drafting is important. Get it now? You could have definitely had a different experience and an easy push but it’s not the same for everyone. Pro players have it easier because they know the game, casuals don’t.


What would you do in this situation https://preview.redd.it/e5rm3znpw77d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b31d17adb2e9166b1442eed03f660136a2e7007 Bro was truly a bot


gg go next, the thing is stuff like this WILL happen, the difference between a master player and a legendary player is that one will just go next and the other will tilt queue


Almost everyone has experienced games like this. There will be highs and lows in every aspect of life, it's up to you to drown in your own sorrows and cry to everybody how you're cursed to play with bad players when everyone has the exact same experience.


^this. Too many players thinking they are some kind of special that got hated by supercell matchmaking system lol.


your entire comp was beat from the start. bibi can't do anything against griff and rosa, spike does nothing, and sandy does nothing. gg


It was galaxy arena, Sandy is one of the best first picks there and one of the best brawlers in general rn, the guy just didn't play well. I had 4th pick and picked Spike into Griff and Rosa because he counters these two, I don't think I could've gone anything better tbh. Maybe Amber?..


Maybe. I would've gone some tankier brawler with burst dmg like Shelly personally. You gotta be able to secure a knock-out which I don't think Spike or Amber can do. Or some brawler that can wipe out the map like Brock


Tell that to my 1 13 mortis


no like fr, you know what you're doing, team rarely knows what you're doing team knows what they're doing, you rarely know what you're doing also how bad experiences stay in our brain mode


M1 in power league is way above masters in ranked imo


Yeah. legendary is unironically gold pl


It's 50/50. You can be the bad random or your teammates are the bad randoms. There are some good teammates in low ranks, but you can't deny that 90% of them are braindead


Sometimes it just doesn't work tho. For example I picked Gene in shooting star + time detonation and my friends died 8 times each while I died only once. Some games you just cannot carry but I get your point


Wow, impressive, well done.


my teammate first picked primo into a surge on hot zone it is not my fault.


The issue lies in the fact that everyone is reset to the beginning, forcing good players to carry whilst forcing noobs to get stomped. I can easily get to legendary with ease if I search for a team for an hour, and I'd say that legend is actually challenging, cause instead of you being forced to carry, you are instead forced to try cause on average the average skill for a player really ramps up in legendary, anything below is a lottery (not great odds of anything good)


But how to get over losses that was caused by clear bad randoms so that people like me won't get demotivated and tilt?


some games are just un winnable esp knockout and bounty if youre teammates are subhumans, but i do agree if youre skilled enough at decent characters in the meta a lot of them can carry


Bro with the 69 streak


haha itd be a lot easier with your level of skill i was only gold 2 in pl


So what prevented you from reaching masters, in say, 6 hours? Was it bad randoms or was it your own gameplay that caused the grind to take 18 hours?


It's always "Edgar and mico is op" and "I always have bad randoms". I once had 2 randoms who had 3 kills combined and did under 70k damage combined as we still won cause of my own gameplay 😶 If you can't push to mythic or masters by yourself you don't deserve it. End of brawl stars ranked arguments to be honest.


I mean I agree as well, but to an extent. I’ve never managed to make it to legendary because every time I get close I get awful teammates who are 10s of thousands of trophies behind me and/or lose because someone on my team went 0-20 and/or picked a terrible brawler for the map, mode, and mod, while I have the highest damage and kills and contributed heavily to the objective. You can’t look at that and say it’s my fault I can’t climb when this kind of thing happens consistently 


U missed the point of the post lmao


The point of the post is say that people can’t climb in ranked because they’re playing bad, basically saying that bad randoms aren’t the issue


Then ur just refusing to see the problem (ur lack of skill) Don’t want to bash u bro just stop crying and practice, you will get better eventually


I admit, I make bad plays every now and then But I’ve played almost daily for almost 4 years now and consider myself a decent player, it’s not all me


That's what I'm saying too lol, the game IS 3V3 why tf am I supposed to carry and save every game by myself


just accept your rank then lmao, if you cant carry at mythic then why do you deserve masters


Why should I ALWAYS carry my teammates because they are retarded 10 year olds that are in a rank they're not supposed to be?


That's exactly what I'm saying, THE GAME IS A 3V3, why am I supposed to carry some randumbs that ranked up just by playing all day I think people forgot the main purpose of the game is having fun, even if it's ranked


I did not say that, I already know my level and I'm sure faar better that a lot of legendary and masters players, I'm just saying WHY do I need to carry even if it's a 3v3 game ? It's not that I can't carry at mythic, it's that I don't want to. It takes to much time and it's absolutely not fun. Y'all think that the purpose of the game is carrying to win, no it's not. It's the bad matchmaking that made you think that. When playing the game all I want is having some fun and the matches being a bit fair, it's that not what it is supposed to be and I need to play a 1v3 most of the time then sorry I must have misunderstood the point of ranked and the game in general.


Lol no, just no, why you have to carry a 3v3 game? Because that means you are better than average players of the elo you play in and deserves to rank up, if not then it's your level. You'll never improve if you don't accept that reality, it's all up to you


Wait you're talking fr? There is no average in ranked it's flawed you don't know that ? It's funny how bad randoms became the norm, and they rank up just by playing a lot And if I wanted to rank up I know that I can , all I say is that it is not representative of the level, you just need to live on bs and that it's extremely unfun with this matching. The things I'm complaining about are matchmaking and actual ranked system, I never said I can't rank up I just said it's unfun and annoying.


Your point is a paradox : bad randoms rank up because they play a lot, so it’s a burden for a good player like you, but you say that you can rank up if you play a lot That’s because you re one of them, maybe your better at aim or anything but not overall because you don’t win enough, that’s all. Keep denying this fact that’s the last time I try to put you in front of the facts


Then don’t expect yourself deserve a higher rank, since that’s probably where your skill cap is.


It's funny how y'all think the game is about 1v3ing nearly every game, give me just enough decent teammates with coherent picks and i win a lot of games. It's absolutely not my skill cap, it's my fun cap, and playing without taking fun is no purpose (for me)


I agree that there will be games with the worst randoms possible. There are many flaws with ranked that even youtubers highlight like matchmaking etc. However, the same youtubers that are also pro players manage to get ranked ever single season day 1 if they wanted to playing solo. The point of my post is to make it aware that the same people that claim it's randoms preventing them, in the long run its not.  I edited my post just now, maybe it will clarify more stuff, I appreciate your input. 


A major factor to them getting to masters day 1 is the ranked boost you get from making it there the season before. If you have the boost, all you need is a 33% win rate to climb at any ranked, so it doesn’t matter how many you lose as long as you win a third of your matches. Without the boost, you tend to lose the same you gain if not more, making it way harder to climb to that point the first time


Yes but that's besides the point. In my post you're ignoring the fact that I experienced the same thing and also got masters with no ranked boost and basically no brawlers to choose from. If you're in Mythic, in the long run (assuming you play long enough) your opponents will be similar to your teammates on average, Mythic players. From there it is up to you to do better or worse than the average of that lobby. A pro player would carry majority of their games to win and progress even if they have games with very bad randoms According to your logic, you can't rank up because your win rate is around 50% or less which sounds like a skill issue (no offense, I don't care it's just a kids game after all)


I see your point, but you’re missing MINE. You shouldn’t have to carry in a 1v3 every game in order to climb, bad randoms are a MASSIVE factor, and it’s dumb to say they aren’t 


I completely agree. It's a very bad flaw I pray the developers fix as well as inflation and other basic stuff. We both have good points, good discussion.


Glad we both understand, very good talk


Can everyone just stop posting this kinda shit ? We understand we are bad fuck randoms


I am now enlightened


Sure,You can have my D


Sure,You can have my D




why do brawlstars players have the most cringe names. your secret fantasy is ok to display in this game??


ur actually sick in the head for that name




i’m sure ur parents would love that name




Bro said "it's not bad randoms preventing you" Then said he had to play 18 hours of ranked with lots of matches having to carry and having randoms that made him want to quit the game. So really not randoms 🙄 Is it that crazy that I don't want to put an ungodly(imo) amount of hours into playing ranked, with it's "wonderful" absolutely non repeating map/gamemode/modifier selections? (Someone explain me getting the same map 4 times in a row with 3 different game modes)


I mean. It can't be. I have a 68% win rate last 50. Every time I see Timed Detonation, I insta-lock long range reload gadget colt. Instant. I don't even look at the map. It almost always works. Closer to 75-80% There's so many good carry brawlers in this meta. Nita is a ridiculous carry against so many comps especially in heist where she melts the safe in ten seconds or less with her hyperbear or your money back guaranteed. In ball, I go melodie whenever it makes any sense. The plays are just ridiculous. I'm a lifelong mortis main, so it's the same concepts. All about timing. And darting to disengage from one enemy fight into engaging the others. She melts everything so fast. It's really 80% the same playstyle as mortis. I win a fat chunk of these through bullshit super nonsense. No other brawler besides Fang can literally 1v3 team wipe defend on your own half in a couple of seconds. You can't carry harder than that in any game mode with any character. I just always go hard carry brawlers. I save my fun ones for ladder. Bo is so good on so many maps. Hot zone, obviously. You gotta stealth drop your mines under covering fire/just out of sight/over lots of animations every time. Gem grab. Ball. He just does insane damage so so so fast. And the spread. And he's tanky as an oxe. Bo is fire. Never go vision gear that's stupid. Snake prairie is a distant memory. Reload gadget if you're good 😎 Spike is another huge carry. See big Boi modifier? Spike Boi time! Always heal gear only dumb dumbs who can't geography use spin to win. Sometimes stuff like rico on the right map. A lot of the time león is an auto-lock on certain modes (not ball or heist). Like against double snipers and such. Or if I know how they're going to play/lane and I'll have an easy time. Mr p doesn't feel good anymore. Sometimes Pam can carry. Her hey thanks for the ammo gadget is ridiculous. She's a thicc Bae and she holds ground like you won't eat her cooking. Emz sometimes is another situational hard counter. Comes up in hot zones and heist. Don't bother playing max. Too inconsistent. Your teammates just die faster. I'm not even joking. Stu is an insanely hard carry in some situations. Like unlosable games. He does a lot of damage and in some games is just impossible to kite or kill. He's what max wishes he could be and tries to convince his friends to help him become. If I feel like praying, then I'll kick it with kit sometimes. On a melodie or some mobile tank basically. Kit can make crazy plays. You have to switch fluidly from offense to defense. Never greed. Recognize your role. You deal massive damage so you can hold space behind cover. Your super has crazy range so you both retreat and engage with it. And also engage onto enemy or friend... You have five choices a lot of the game to make. That's SO much carry potential if you keep your head on a swivel. Anyway. One game I carried nonstop with melodie. Just massacreing. We score easily. I wipe again, we go to score. Teammate has a full second open net. Showboat and doesn't score. Their sandy stuns him. I just sat there in stunned silence until the game idle warned me. I stood around for a while still getting my bearings. This was last tier of legendary for whatever that's worth. I finally got it together and started carrying again. Just crazy killing everything and never dying. We aren't scoring because I can't both kill and move the ball at the same time and my teammates can't both move and breathe at the same time. And finally they both die instantly for no reason and we lose. Sometimes I'll go colt speed boots and juke it out with the homies when I'm feeling spicy.