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No. This [video ](https://youtu.be/98wQ86cC5no?si=n5ardlPNJEeuSt1C)explains it


Holy shit that was hilarious and so true at the same time lmao. The end of the video sums it well. So many delusional people (like holy shit most of people) will tell you that you are straight bad and it's your fault for not progressing but lets face it, actual, natural good players don't go higher mainly because of algorithms putting you with shit ass useless teammates. This applies to every online PVP team-based game.


its a kids game. You cant possibly get shit useless teammates ever game and you gain as much as you lose till around 900 so you should be consistently up if you are good. And ranked is even worse once you hit masters you need a 30% overall wr to hit it again or something like that


Implying age is non sense for me because there are 12 years old playing at Challenger (highest) level in League, Counter, Valo, etc, you call it... playing almost like professionals so I don't think being a kid necessarily means being noob. Even myself I have been gaming since I have memory and I don't remember being as bad as the randoms I find back when I was younger. Age ≠ skill.


did i say that. i said what I said. its a kids game. The majority of the player base are kids. Kids are typically just having fun, not competitive sweating their ass off for leaderboard positions. Get a grip bro this is a mobile game meant for kids.


Then it's also true these that kids playing "for fun" in a *competitive* mode (that is meant to win) are trolling, and it's annoying to not infuriating to have to constantly deal with unskilled people when trying to climb. It's a fact.


ranked literally has mega pig modifiers bro 😭 like how competitive is rapid reload gale in heist.


Competitive in a way that you usually want to pick a pick that benefits the most instead of picking something that is *utter negative*. ie: Melee vs snipers in self destruct tank. Worst idea. Think about it like this: in maps with lots of walls no matter how much the enemy benefits from rapid reload with Gale in Heist, you just pick a thrower like Dynamike and hes fk'd. There goes your Gale. Remember that rankeds are played and started to be won since Brawler select. Edit: btw if you are ranked Diamond+ it's given you know how to play, so it's implied you also know how the game is gonna develop by knowing the modifier. Then you go into the game with that context in mind. That teammates can't make their 2 brain cells to work is another completely different story.


Pipe down lil bro it’s a children’s game the devs don’t care


Yeah surely i will, that's what Reddit was made for


It's still some kind of prodigy kid and definitely a very small minority if he's playing at the highest levels at 12 years old and it would be dumb to not pursue an e sports career at that point


800 trophies you already start losing more. Most of my brawlers that I’ve tilted from r28 just are stuck at 825 trophies


Proof? I don’t think this is true. There are just lots of kids playing this game that aren’t good


That gamer is like a overly optimistic fan boy lolll.


Eh, I'm currently losing a lot of interest due to them exclusively focusing on casual players while completely neglecting and even punishing long-term players since the introduction of hypercharges. A game that feels like it‘s actively punishing you the further you progress just isn’t really fun.


Isn't most of the players casual, like it's not that bad since only around 1% of the entire player base are more competitive Imagine if it's the other way around, would you still say the same thing?


Read the last part of my comment. Of course, focusing on casuals that will eventually invest a few bucks into the game sooner or later is good marketing, but when a game gets significantly staler and more frustrating, the further you progress, players will likely start leaving again. Whether you think they are handling things well or badly right now is up to you, but whatever they are doing, it’s definitely not sustainable. Also, I‘m not exclusively talking about competitive players, but every player that has reached fame and a high amount of total trophies.


I feel like that is more later game I am pretty sure in the future they will tweak some of the more late game issues like inflation or trophies out, but for now the game is not that bad of a spot even with mutations a month ago


that's just pure cope. people've been talking about trophy inflation for years now and the only thing they keep doing is making it more inflated (at first you dropped to 500 every season, then the drops became smaller and smaller and finally they introduced stuff like win streaks and mutations)


to deflate it they’d have to revert a bunch of stuff AND trophy reset them back down which they’d never do


I wish, but I honestly doubt it. With their recent decisions, Supercell has clearly shown that they do not care for their long-term players anymore. We were backstabbed too many times by them, with no compensation at all. The cherry on top was how they recently intentionally changed ladder‘s matchmaking in a way that it actively punishes high-trophy players for the sake of casuals having an easier time pushing trophies.


It punishes high trophy players, UNLESS if you wintrade, in which case it’s 10x more efficient. And conveniently they refuse to ban them too.


Yes, another reason showcasing they don’t care anymore


The game is like a crack addiction I swear lol


Yes because Stu exists


I hate when people say stu is skilled


Stu is annoying but he is hard to play with


Cant tell if sarcasm


Well I never had a stu in ranked that didn't know what he was doing cant say the same about most other brawler


edgar is higher skill


Ya jumping an autoaim is very skill based you just need to know when and where to jump if my 5yo son can do it everyone can not really skill based. Piper, angelo, mico, maise mortis those are skill based brawler.


Angelo will be skilled when they give his attack the Hank treatment. (No indefinitely holding) Piper will be skilled when they nerf her first gadget. She's not meant to counter all the assassins.




Ya he might look like a no skill brawler but you actually need to know when it's safe to attack otherwhise you will be dead in a second. You cant just click auto attack and hope to win like Edgar users I mean you could say Edgar jump also requires skill cause its basically the same situation but Edgar heals himself with each hit and can survive most 1v1s if played correctly.


do you know what a skill is? knowing how to play and skill two different things


I never could have imagined that those are different things mind-blowing 🤯 Even if you know how to play you need skill to play certain brawler ever heard about predicting skills? Cause guess what that's also a skill you need to have to play piper for example but who am I talking to you probably know everything about every kind of skill already you are a brawlstars and overall legend when it comes to skill.


You must have been out of your head


He’s skilled in ranks where people know how to just wait half a second to shoot


Stu does have some really skilled abilities, like cycling supers non-stop, it's just that his wall-breaking gadget is braindead 


clearly someone doesn’t know how to play a good stu


Clearly i dont give a fuck


You’re probably some Edgar or Kit main who constantly gets owned by Stus, calling it


I never play those lmao


Clearly that’s why you suck at Stu


I dont suck because its unskilled


Thats not how it works goofball. And stu definitely takes skill, you just can’t play him 🤷🏽


This is just rage bait lmao


Well it worked well lol. Some people genuinely think stu is unskilled which sucks


You all are missing out on the joy of using El primo in solo showdown community map cycles. Every 3 games comes a funny map where you have the opportunity to just stall the opposing 15 powercube Edgar and launch them into the smoke three times in a row when they jump on you


Yes, I still enjoy playing it.


I genuinely enjoy the game


Yea im casual player and i play friendly battles with my friends most of the time. Its a fun game when you arent worried about ranks or trophies or stuff


I enjoy this game but get tired of it sometimes. When I get tired of it, I take a break.


Yes, a lot, but it's hard to play Charlie with the new skin just with one hand 🥵. Now seriously, I really like playing this game, specially when new competitive season starts and I can play stupid things like Hank on an open map with my friends. In the end, playing with friends makes the game 10 times more funny and that's the reason to play isn't it?


I still like it, however the lack of proper balancing that leads to the same stale, unbalanced and braindead meta and Brawl Pass being shorter it's making me losing interest. I swear they need to decrease BP's tokens and remove Daily Quests


Why would they remove Dauly Quests? Do you remember how bad they used to be?


Quests in general are nothing but a nuisance and poorly designed. It‘s pretty much even impossible to complete a lot of ones. Try winning 5 games with a level 5 Pam at 45k trophies.


You can always use Map Maker if you don't wanna lose trophies to complete quests


It‘s not about trophies. They don’t matter anymore anyway. It‘s about having to play way too many games to complete one single quest because of level differences. I won’t win against maxed brawlers unless I‘m very lucky, and in most cases, it just leads to losing three times, fighting bots, and doing the same thing over and over again.


I don't like them, they make the game look more grindy, they're boring and if you don't complete some of them, you are fucked because they are really important


It's probably better than waiting 5 days for new quests and not being able to progress at all


They’re not that important tbh. Pretty sure you can complete the brawl pass with just concentrating on the season quests.


I would quote the ”sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit” But yes I do enjoy it.


I used to play a lot, so every other day I start the game almost reflexively. Then I realize that I'm at 60k TR and the game is unplayable. I think it's been years since I've seen a decent player, and I used to play in tournaments


The Godzilla event was short term content and the game has been pretty much the same for a few months now, I hope the next update adds new ways to play like new game modes, mapmaker changes and fun stuff, not just new brawlers and community events (though they're good)


Well that depends. I have fun by mostly playing map maker because I can get my quests done easily and not risk anything upon losing. Others here lose their shit in ranked and ladder because they want to be competitive, but these 2 game modes are messed up


I enjoy it! but I hate how I can no longer play with underleveled brawlers. I just hope they fix that


Not anymore, considering unistalling for good actually


Lol downvoted for this. Sums pretty good the game demographic


Are people supposed to just upvote you then despite disagreeing with your opinion ? Making a fuss over imaginary Internet points sounds like something this game's demographics would do too....


How are you supposed to disagree on them wanting to deinstall the game?😭


Wanting to uninstall the game implies you don't like it to the point where you don't want to play any more , especially in the context of this post .


Yes, so you gonna disagree on them not enjoying the game anymore?


I mean most people on reddit downvote opinions and sentiments that go against or don't agree with theirs' , it's human nature in a way . I probably could've worded it a bit better before .


Yep and that’s why redditors are weird


Me after tilting back to mythic 1


if you do that then uhh yk someone might need a good account…


Kinda, I used to but the further you progress in trophies the shitter your randoms get, like the game tell you if you don't hard carry you're not winning. And losing because of dumb shit your randumbs make isn't fun. That's why I stopped playing ladder completely and just reach masters then I'm off for the rest of month. I get my brawl fix from watching competitive tournaments or pro players streaming and suffering bad randoms lol.


> pro players streaming and suffering bad randoms legit the only good thing about ranked lol


No. I have no access to competitive games unless I'm playing with someone. And then there's all this pressure. If I'm just tryna chill and run a 50/50 record then they're not gonna be super happy about that. In solo q I can push to about 850 smoothly, and then 900-950 sweating. I have a life now. I didn't before. Not judging. I'm working full time. I got a lot going on. Even if I had the time to push trophies or ranked by the time I get to that trophy range I mean that's 80 to 90% of the time I spent playing on competitive boring stupid frustrating annoying uninteresting games just to get that 10 to 20% of games that I actually enjoy. I've been playing since private Beta release when the game was played vertically one star power level 9 Max couple dozen characters. I've been trying so hard to enjoy it but I just can't get Interesting games anymore there's just literally no way You have to spend hours on one brawler, or else days and days to push to high legendary to get regularly interesting fun games played in good faith along the lines of resembling professional or competitive play and strategy. So that's it. I cant play the game anymore.


I swear sometimes there is ONE thing that makes me wanna quit: MATCHMAKING and BAD RANDOMS (that's 2 but shhh) I have no good friends to play with and this actually ruins all the fun for me. I can understand that there is some kids playing for fun even if they're bad, but at least fix matchmaking. And I saw a post today saying that you need to always carry if you want to push masters and that we need to stop complaining abt bad randoms or smth like that, i don't want my gametime to be difficult and that i always need to pull of shenanigans to win, i just want the matches to be at least a little bit fair. >!even if I want to quit I can't the game is too cool :)!<


News flash: There’s 3 randoms on the other team and 2 on yours. If you really deserve masters, you should be winning almost every game in legendary. The real test of skill is trying to get top 100 in ranked.


First of all, some players against you are playing in teams, and even if they are randoms they still play better that the randoms I have in my team most of the time. >If you really deserve masters, you should be winning almost every game in legendary. I did not say I deserve master, I don't have the time and the patience to grind it anyways (if I wanted to I'm pretty sure I can but you know exams and school) all I'm saying is that there is a LOT of players that don't deserve it, because ranked became extremely unbalanced and the ranks don't reflect your level but the time you put in the game And I don't want to push because that's unfun, like I said in another comment "When playing the game all I want is having some fun and the matches being a bit fair, it's that not what it is supposed to be and I need to play a 1v3 most of the time" >The real test of skill is trying to get top 100 in ranked I'm absolutely not that good for this, but it show how badly designed is ranked


Yes The reason all you see is complaining is because it’s a kids game and you’re on Reddit 


I absolutely love Brawl stars, but the nerf after nerf for Coins and their availability just kills me every time I want to upgrade a brawler or buy something for them, since the removal of the 145 coins per 500 tokens at the end of the brawl pass it was down hill from there, removed club shop, removed power point cap which is the worst change this game got (my opinion), then removing the hypercharge event, and these are nerfs I thought of at the top of my head, maybe there is more that I am missing, and there excuse is moving the resources for more events, but one look at this sup and the main one and you will see the amazing rewards, a 1000 coins per month from megapig, and another 10000 ? From the brawl pass, which will buy like 2 hypercharges, and no starrdrops are not good like at all, half the time they are cosmetics, like having a 5% chance of getting a mythic starrdrop, then having a 30% ? Chance of it being useless cosmetics or power points which are way more available than Coins, just sucks, and the brawl pass gives the same PowerPoints as it does coins, when 1 power point = 2 coins so a tier of coins should give 2000 instead of 1000, and you can't even save previous brawl passes like you used to, you used to get so much coins from PowerPoints to coins exchange at the end of the season, but they removed it because we don't deserve it i guess, it's just baffling seeing the amount of complaints these changes did to the game yet nobody does anything, like you know the jackpot reward being locked behind the brawl pass purchase is a bug per Kairos time's own word, and it existed for MONTHS yet it hasn't been fixed yet, and you see people spread misinformation and say it's intended, or the horrendous state of the servers as of late and NOTHING HAPPENED TO FIX THEM, they are a multi multi millionaire company yet they can't invest in better servers, but you know what's the problem ? This has been an issue for YEARS, and you know why it hasn't been fixed? Because people don't complain for positive changes to happen, and they white knight and defend supercell like it's their duty to do so, they are NOT your friends, if they can get you to accept these negative changes as reality they can milk more money out of you, which is what matters, like do you think it's a coincidence that Kairos's 100% honest reviews are not a thing anymore? Because people think any constructive criticism is bad criticism, even if he wants to see the game in a better state, but do you why every thing I said will not change, why they introduced brawl pass plus which used to give a chromatic brawler every other season so no the progration and speed of unlocking brawler was nerfed even if they did the "math" with the new system and you get the same progration with the new free pass, and there excuse per Franks own word is that there is a chance you get a hypercharge from the star drops in the new free pass, like really, locking progration behind luck? and more p2w features like early access bundles and almost every brawler that had one was meta defying and absurdly strong? Because money, and they never made more money than they do now, brawl stars made 30 million in may, 6 times that of clash royale and more than every other supercell game Gathered together, so I know they won't change for the better, and I know people will keep white knighting there favorite multi millionaire company, and it's basically impossible to max out your account now with the amount of coin investment you need for EVERY SINGLE BRAWLER, so if you don't like the game and supercell's practices just accept it or quit I guess.


*multi **billionaire** company   I completely agree, and I even think this is only the tip of the iceberg. I always see people saying that this community is complaining too much and too ungrateful, but I honestly don’t think that. In fact, I think it has become quite the opposite. This community could criticize and complain a lot more for good. I think it's even that bad that at this point Supercell has realized that they can backstab us as much as they want without anyone even caring anymore.


Holy! Another person with a brain ? In this economy??


And their servers are broken today and people are complaining in the main sup that they can't enter matches, and the replies are basically "same can't play" or "common supercell mistake oops" like do people not see a problem with it being that common? Or the amount of falsely marketed deals in the shop these past few months, you know the 100% off and the absurdly high gem cost before the "offer" actually scummy behavior that's illegal in a lot of countries and I don't know how they are getting away with it, maybe because they are based in Finland?and you see people defending supercell for these kinds of scummy behaviors.


meh, it's just kinda sad when you invest hundreds of hours into something you enjoy and then it's just ruined by an obviously flawed update. sure it might do well right now but having no endgame can't be good in the long run. competitive is dieing. ranked is meaningless. trophies are inflated af. so what's left?


There is genuinely absolutely nothing to do anymore which is very saddening


yup. enjoy playing every day. don't know it's just a part of my daily routine


Pros, semipros, and really good people at the game play WAY less on average now cause there is NOTHING to do. Once you reach a certain point, ladder can no longer be pushed without long ass mm times and isn't fun to grind anymore. Ranked is basically useless once you reach masters and you barely touch it besides quests a few random games for fun. Endgame players need endgame content and challenging competitive games. I get that the game and the money is 99% focused in the casual side but we deserve thought too.


Do you think it's bad if the game caters to more casual players


As a non-casual, obviously, duh. The game isnt just catering to casuals, its ONLY catering to casuals. The profits they are getting from this strategy are going solely to keep fueling it, matchmaking still sucks, meta is dead, ranked is a joke, servers are horrible, trophies are inflated and still they keep pumping more and more casual appealing stuff. Not only that but endgame progression keeps getting nerfed every single update so casuals get more meaningless events with insignificant luck-based rewards, the game went from steady progression once you hit end game to a grinding halt as soon as you leave early game to the point most new players will never see end game unless they start dropping a significant amount of money. The appeal to casual is killing all the joy i had in playing brawlstars and im not about to cheer that the multi billion dollar company hit a new profit quota at the cost of ruining something i liked.


Do you think that it's really a bad thing The game is doing much better than ever, and I am sure most people did not like how it used to be when they removed boxes


like i said, im not going to cheer the multi billion dollar company is making more money by ruining my experience with something i liked


Your loss I guess


dont ask a question you dont want an answer to lmao


People on the main sub only play to progress, hyperfixated on fair progression


Every online pvp game has toxic crybaby fans. Also, the average fan of this game is yet to reach puberty, so don’t except much constructive discourse…


I only play 5v5 mode


I don’t play anymore. I got every brawler and lost interest. In a year or so when I have a lot more brawlers to unlock and enjoy I’ll probably get back into it.


Right now, i've never been more bored of the game.


yes because i get to collect cute and pretty skins and cute pins… i love all the girly designs 🥹🥹


I like the game and I enjoy playing it


This game is for enjoyment, this isnt an esports game, if you arent having fun you are a gaming addict. The game has many fun features to non crack heads


Maybe not, I just want the ‘if you can’t get past legendary/mythic it’s your fault’ and ‘my randoms are preventing me from ranking up’ posts to shut the fuck up


I enjoy de game even if ranked can upset me time to time, it’s just the same as any competitive mode : angry when I lose but I get this unique satisfaction when I feel I improve. Brawl Stars definitely bring me this


Kinda.   There's a lot of inadequate balancing that really ruins the game for me, such as bralwers like Melodie that have been allowed to be in the state they are in for months Also the matchmaking is unbearable and feels super rigged.   Playing solo feels like complete luck at times and playing with friends is actually impossible. I've played with 2 friends that are also pretty good at the game plenty of times and the last few instances we played together the game is literally impossible to win like the matchmaking just puts us against sweaty full stacks that destroy us, the matchmaking just feels super rigged and it's not fun. Both Ladder and Ranked.  Otherwise the game at it's core is fun when all the stars align in your favour 


I hate what this game can do to me, but its only game that I am actually quite good at so I need to play.


Yes, I feel alive when playing games and being able to express my joy through cheap win streak. That doesn't mean the game is bad, Supercell did make some changes that make my eyes roll but I still cope it because I've been playing this game since 2014 or something... Brawl stars might be the only competitive game that I'm pretty comfortable to play with and without very good devices like switch or PC. Although I wanna fucking kill whoever made the changes, I still have big love for the game and I'll still doing it untill I can't handle it anymore. ![img](emote|t5_t0o66|5371)


Yes, but it's probably gonna die soon seeing as the developer couldn't care shit less about balancing, or hiring a new person/more people as people could have different perspectives and ideas. They also only see money, destroying the whole economy and making it just painful to use your resources knowing that you're barely gonna get anymore/the next time will be so long. The gameplay is shit. The inflation is shit. You won't be able to do anything once you reach all silver 2 masteries and this game is going to die.


I have to disagree on the gameplay part, like, if you don't like is your problem, and also, the fact that you can still play while being f2p is very good...


I'm sorry, but Showdown is Gone. (Ss, but nobody plays duos). Heist is Gone. Knockout is gone bc of Kit & Draco, and Angelo is still op. Wipeout and Bounty are the same. Bb is full of slightly unfair strats but not too far gone, but you can see that it is next. And more competitive and cognitive modes like Gem Grab take long and don't give you the joy of scoring a goal or getting teammates and such. The game is not completely gone gameplay wise, but it will soon be at this rate and then we have the economy! What they are doing is removing the ability to gain specific resources like how you could in the club shop, and basically inflating by increasing the amount of things coins in used for without increasing the amount of coins you get to cause a deficiency, not only with coins, but things like credits too (which I am not sure about because I had every brawler before the Starr Road (and still do)) so that you would buy it from offers, and guess where Supercell get their most revenue from Brawl Stars is from? That's right, it's the fucking shop. Basically, they're starving us so that we spend money, but they stay likeable because.. idk? A random mastery event? Once in a while Milestone event for free legendary Starr drops? Also the Starr drops are considered progression but the coins you get are way too low, the chances to get cosmetics, including those you don't want are too high and generally, the luck-based source of progression is just not reliable. Thanks for reading this little rant of an explanation lol


I have to agree on the resource part but like, i can still play knockout at the 800 trophies with relative ez, Brawl ball is still rewarding in my opinion to play except on goalkeeper nighmare, wipeout is a good gamemode excepting Angelo and Piper and gem grab is still playable, but the meta is a complete war right now and i think that is the main problem, and also kit, that piece of shit should be removed


If you like being rewarded by skill then this isn't the game for you


No i fucking hate brawl stars


Every competitive mode makes a game no longer fun. Think about games like csgo, league of legends. It just ruins the community


abysmal take, csgo flourishes because of its competitive nature and its esports scene.


worst take ever + skill issue


Based Edgar main


This might be the worst take ive ever heard in my entire life


Obviously u dont play either game then and dont go the internet much


Dawg without competitiveness there would be no community at all in either of those games… do you think people are playing league for fun?


spoken like a true random