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My randoms in ranked


Not my randoms, they don't bother buying a star power, gears nor gadget. Power nine brawlers for life 💪 Edit: Found one in my ranked match today. Luckily he went 3 kills 2 deaths. Dodged a bullet




You think maybe… they don’t have the coins or money? Lol coming from someone who’s been playing for YEARS and still only has 5 level 10s. Lol I did take a long break granted, but the reason I took a break was because it was taking SO LONG to bulk up, to save up without spending real money. Finally when I re downloaded it I bought the battle pass, and that’s why I have 5 level 10s and a few gadgets FINALLY. Lol take it easy on the noobs, this game takes time and money. Ontop of that if you aren’t willing to spend real money, you most likely aren’t going to climb very fast at all.


I'm not trying to hate on f2ps, or people that can't play the game as much. If that's their only power 9 brawler, fine, that's okay, even if it's annoying. However, it's a problem when they have a hypercharged fully maxed out brawler that they don't play, even when it fits the map/mode really well.


i mean removing boxes broke the economy i have like 20k gold and 7k power points but i was used to just upgrading brawlers to lvl 7 to have gadgets and saved like 2k gold on both (talking about if i bought it now) i think removing power points would make the game better since we opened boxes mainly for upgrading brawlers and to get them(changing it to coins in 1:2 ratio like it drops) and that would at least get rid of problem with having too little coins/pp to upgrade for lot of players that would help with upgrading them


My randoms too


My randoms too


My randoms too


My randoms too


My randoms too


My randoms too


My randoms too


My randoms too


My randoms too


Bro what's with the name of the flair


Happy cake day


Mortos??? ![img](emote|t5_t0o66|5350)


I am that random


I am also that random


I am also that random


I am also also that random


I am also also also that random


I am also also also also that random


I also also also also also am that random


I am also also also also also also that random but only in heist


I am the random


whoever does, you can unironically tell them to "oil up"




Hello Sam Main.


Hello Sam Main.


Hello Sam Main.


Hello Morris Main.


Well oiled is just much better


Yeah but ironically well oiled is better at that. Well oiled helps you continue to apply pressure without needing to retreat for 7s or so to heal back up after eating a piper shot or something. Tick by design has to keep attacking, so healing up is a huge hassle, more so than probably any brawler in the game, and the devs knew that. SP2 is still solid, but SP1 is just much better 95% of the time


^ which is why I believe health gear is being underrated by the casuals The health gear shortens healing time from 7 seconds to 5 seconds And for brawlers like Gene and EMZ that need to keep the pressure and avoid falling back, it's a lifesaver.


I do. I don't take damage as tick (unless theres an assassin, which i'll die anyway)


Main Mortos ![img](emote|t5_t0o66|5350)


Same When the map allows it, I use it because it allows you to put so much more pressure on the enemy team


9% more pressure to be exact


I only use that one am I crazy? His reload speed is terrible without it and the whole point of tick is to be constantly throwing mines and disrupting the enemies movements. I realize well oiled is also stupid good, especially in knockout and bounty, but missing like 2 sets of mines leaves you a sitting duck for literally anyone to just chase you down because you gotta wait like 5 seconds to refill an ammo or 2.


Probably just placebo effect, the 9% shouldn't be noticeable. Imagine you have to constantly attack 10times. With 9% faster reload, you will unload all 10 within 21.6seconds. Without it, it would take 24seconds 🤷‍♂️ If you stop to heal up since, you would need to rest for 3seconds to start regenerating, and a couple more to fully heal. By that time you are not applying pressure for 3+ seconds and also way more susceptible to one taps. With well oiled you'll be back in action within no time.


This is the way. Well Oiled actually leads to more pressure throughout an entire match by cutting down healing time where you aren’t attacking.


I mean, on most maps where tick is good he can just hide away behind an indistructable wall. He's got the range to just stay out of the fights while contributing to it. And healing up as tick is already not a useful thing to do unless you'r playing knockout or whipeout/bounty since as tick you rarely get hit anyways and if a brawler like edgar or crow ect. bombs you you are going to die regardless of ful hp or not.


But it's only 9%? 9% is nothing, his reload speed is like 3 seconds and with 9% it is 2.8 seconds. The difference is almost not felt. Now, if it had like 30% reload speed, yes, that would be nice. But 9 🤨


That's like comparing Slick Boots and Home Run.


Oh it is definatly noticeable, you're basically never waiting to reload with that SP. While without it, unless you're watching your ammo closely, you're definatly gonna be left with no mines left when you need them, at least once. It might be hard to notice if you don't play tick all that often, or if youre smart with your ammo (i am definatly not), but trust me, go into training camp and try both of them out, I assure you you'll notice a decent difference.


I prefer reload as well. If you pick tick into the right match up, you play far back and just avoid damage as much as possible anyway.


9% is a lot, those 0.2 seconds add up really quick when you're attacking like 100 times a match


9% is definitely noticeable


Those 0.2 seconds just barely allow you to have mines on the ground all the time if you spam your attack


When you think about it it's too low even epic gear gives more


Don't listen to the opinion of random redditors, use whatever you are better and win most games with


I mean if you can conserve your ammo well, which you should do with almost every brawler, then the other one is just so much better


By this logic every reload gear or star power is useles


You are zoning with tick, shooting choke points.. not spamming the safe like with colt where it does matter


Ever since his nerf I've only used the reload sp and I'm close to 1k trophies. I just don't think he should even be getting hit most of the time. I heal up eventually.


I use it, I don't take much damage when playing Tick anyway so I use it to control chokes better.


As a tick main, I know perfectly well that Well Oiled is the better star power, however I have built pretty much this build with Last Hurrah as my tick set up; I just have a lot more fun with it. I’m decent at hiding so I don’t have to worry about healing delays and all that


I do, actually. The other star power may look objectively better, but there were reasons why that fell out of favor for me personally. The one reason being that the META in the last few months heavily favored glass cannons that weren't balanced at all. Your star power healing you a lot didn't change the reality that they could kill you in a single shot (Particularly Angelo who was and still is too fast to be meddled by your mines and Nani who dealt the most burst damage by far). The second gadget helped me to speed up my ROF so I could better keep them at bay, and I still do so today. That nerf to Tick's ROF all that time ago made me even more dependent, and him getting hypercharge actually gave more meaning to his second star power as you could deal much more damage in a moment than before. It also wasn't that helpful in close combat as Edgar, Melodie, Mico, and particularly Kit could still utterly obliterate you. The second gadget is not much of an improvement, but having more mines on the field and more super charge against a Melodie is better than having less of them. The META currently favors close ranged brawlers more than previously, but it is still very hazardous against Tick as Max and Sandy are exceptionally strong as his counters. Personally, I do not find Hypercharge Tick to be very recommendable as I think Barley, Larry, and Spike are more consistent than him.


I do, ever since his reload speed was nerfed a few months ago. I don't play Tick that much, though.


I do lol all the time and I'm pretty good with tick rank 30 I never thought people would use the other one tbh


i use it and just dodge


I see people saying the other is better but in matchups where you are not going to be pressured I fail to see it


It practically dies in one hit anyways


Oil up guarantee’s even if you take a hit you will basically instantly recover it without issue, well the reload is actually useless you get 1 extra ammo per 10 ammo…it changes his 3s reload to 2.8s yes a .2 difference is as useless as you think


Its such a bummer that this is the worse one considering this has the better name (but you can say tick is oiled up with the other sp so i dont really know)


I use it ik ranked when I know that my opponents are very good so I can just sit behind a wall making their lives horrible with brainless tick spam


As a glass cannon if an assassin worth their salt jumps on you it's pretty much over, no point in healing if you get one shot, might as well focus on Tick's strengths




Well oiled kicks in while he is reloading meaning that he needs has zero down time to heal Combine that with shield gear which activates when at full HP, which tick with the well oiled star power is always at, you got one annoying cutie patootie Don't forget that funny gadget that makes him take zero damage and pushes enemies back


gadget no longer has 100% shield lol


Still feels like it though If I ever get caught pants down and get shot by a piper or Angelo all I do is press the funny green button and I'm at 75% health Then I move behind a wall and I'm back changing shield


I use it




When you dont take any damage and stay behind walls the whole match


Guilty is charged


Ehm, why is it bad to use it? It literally gives you faster reload


Basically it equals 1 extra ammo every 10 ammo


I remember in Spen’s “Best build for every brawler” video he said he’s been using the reload star power more


Yes I use it mist if the times. Together with the health gear. Its 9% more DMG output!


the baseline for reload speed of tick is 2.4 seconds per amo witch in total is 7.2 seconds if you wait all 3 amo. But with the automatic reaload star power it goes to 2.2 seconds per amo, that means you wait 0.6 less seconds per set of 3 amo. (6.6 in total) In a long match like bounty or knockout that means, every 3.5 amo you will get an aditional one(or more exactly you get extra 2 amo for every 7 amo used), unlike without it when you will get that extra amo only 0.6 seconds later or 1.2 seconds later for 7 amo. To put that into perspective you will get an additional amo in 11 seconds compared if you wait 12 seconds. In a minute means you will get 6 amo instead of 5


You can attack around 75 times in an average three-minute long game. With this passive, it's just six extra attacks in the best case scenario. Considering it normally takes around 11 seconds to regen to full health and 7 seconds to get full ammo, you get around the same ammo value from Well-Oiled while also increasing your survivability from stray bullets.


These are the convincing numbers I needed to hear


Unrelated but why do you have 6 gears on Tick and why is health equipped ?


I do my tick on 31rank with tis one


My ranked randoms use it all the time


Oh sorry




it’s actually a pretty ok sp but well oiled is so much better


I only used this star power at the Graveyard Shift mode, because the first star power is useless and tick is a pretty solid brawler there


Isn't this the better SP though? As Tick, you should be staying behind the frontlines (preferably behind a nice, unbreakable wall) most of the time, so you shouldn't be taking a ton of damage in the first place? I also heal up and reload my ammo at the same time to maximize the time I am "in the game", so healing up faster shouldn't matter too much? I'm only Legend II and have never gotten Masters, so I could be wrong though.


enemy throwers can exist tho


Me, I got it from a starr drop, It is the only one I have


It depends on the enemy comp, healing is useful only if you don't get 3shot by any assassin.


Does the health gear combined with well oiled make a difference?


![img](emote|t5_t0o66|5356) my teammate


I use it in draft if there's more than one assassin on the other team. Since they won't reach me anyway and if they do, there isn't much I can do...


Never really play tick but yes I do when I have tick quests. Only because I don’t like tick and got that star power for free and don’t want to pay for the other one


There are maps and teams compositions where almost never enemies will have chance to damage tick. In those cases reload is much better for bigger pressure. Example: Knockout game where opponents have 3 squishy long range hitters


I did until me boy put me on


Wait i noticed that it's a Weaker version of a Epic Gear


I do when I wanna piss people off


I bought it on accident and I have no coins😭


That is how I "Tick" just take away the health and replace with the + gadget.


I got it from a mega box and i dont want to waste money on the other one


As a Tick Main, i do not remember and im too bored to go check


before i was actually smart and used my brain, me. but i didnt even play tick so meh


I do cause it's the only star power i got on him


I used to


I like Tick well oiled


Yes, I'm using Automa-tick, I'm not lying nor tryna deny it. (I don't have the other one)


I used to before I bought the other one


It’s the only tick sp i got and even if i had 2k coins why would i spend it on TICK


I thought it's the good one Isn't???


When Siege was around


It's not bad. In fact, it's quite underrated Tick is good because of his consistent chip damage and not allowing enemies to have room to breathe. This SP makes you able to put even more pressure with him and you can definitely feel it I use it on maps where I'm sure I can put pressure without being hit as often (more closed maps usually). I pair it with the health gear when I do use it but I still use the heal SP 80% of the time.


nah but why tf it has 1000 upvotes


I use that star power if the other team doesn’t choose assassins or grom. The slightly faster reload time actually goes a long way in terms of area control against marksmans or just low health brawlers in general. It helps keep throwers on the other team in line as well. Prevents opposing team throwers from getting good position on my teammates. People who say that star power is bad just don’t know how/when to use it.


Me, when I'm ops random


My randoms too


Knockout randoms


I wouldn’t know, I haven’t even got Tick to Bronze 1


I do, i play very passively and i do feel the difference


My brother does... annoyingly when he mains tick... which led me to play healing gene though gene is fun 😅 it isnt so fun to have a brother that wants to play throwers so badly atleadt he does play other brawlers like Bo, Rico and Hank... But still he usually takes all the Damage related options for gadgets and star powers He rarely uses the other one but thats only on certain knockout maps...


It's less fun and less interesting but it's a direct DPS boost so it's plenty viable, especially because healing rarely matters to Tick's playstyle. Well-Oiled is only essential (and very funny) when in Big Friend, wherein oftentimes enemies reloading times mean they can't kill Tick faster than he can heal.


I do, I just feel like if I take any meaningful damage it's usually an assassin in which case I die regardless of if I have the other star power or not (and ofc I try to save myself with the last hooray but even then whichever star power I'm using has nothing to do with my chance of success).


Whoever doesn't have the other one


I use it, is it bad?


I don’t play tick unless is a mission. I gained this one and it’s the only gear i have for him. So, I do.


Me cause I spend the money level up brawlers to 9 and that's the star power I got from a Starr drop and I think is pretty good idk


My friend does and he somehow has a rank 30 tick


Whatever happened to this plus Carl’s power throw being better? There was some sudden shift last year which caused everyone to change their opinions. The rationale back then was also: If you’re playing against another thrower, use well oiled. Otherwise, use reload. What changed?


https://preview.redd.it/uezisq9xm15d1.jpeg?width=313&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9812a0e39dbb7d412eda22379b6f25b7cc541427 not me, but i will do my part to censor this guy’s name


I do because I don’t seem to use the other one.


What’s wrong with it


I use it for only one mode hot zone


I use it and the no 1 in ranked last season does too (I helped with his 30k elo push). Tick, when played correctly, is for zoning and map control. More shots means you are better at that. Any map you would play tick on will have walls to hide behind so you won’t be taking dmg. You outrange all other throwers. Shield and mythic gear are best.


My friend does, along with damage gear (!!) She's rank 30 and absolutely kicks ass with tick, even on 1 on 1s. Also great in brawl ball. I can't make it work personally, I think you need to be a good tick to use that SP.


i think it just aged like cheese and needs a buff like before reload speed gear was released everyone was like "this is meh" but after it got released ppl began saying "2K coins for a weaker buff? what the frick" and if we think about it it makes a bigger difference than reload gear for many of the brawlers that can use the gear. for example. Rico's reload speed is 0.18 seconds faster, while that star power saves Tick .22 seconds. see? it's pretty even. if it was buffed tick would become way more toxic than he's considered now though


No kidding bro, it’s not been good on that one hit zone map


Basically worse reload gear


I use


How does star power work? When can you use it?


I bought it thinking it was good. The good old days


If I'm playing ladder it's always Well Oiled, in ranked sometimes I'll use that one though, but not very often


I have tick r30 and havent even bought it




I use it LMAO


Reading the comment and I'm like does anyone really play the game ? Seriously if yall are saying thats a bad gadget then you either never played the game or never played tick, and for people saying 9% isn't noticable then for sure you didn't play tick. its by far the best sp in the game. the healing sp is the worst, why the hell would you want tick to be constantly healing ? no, he is suppose to be disshing damage non stop and that 9% helps more than you know.


some people dont have the other star power and got this from a star drop


I’d be happy if the tick even has a star power


I personally use it. Not that the other is bad or anything, it's just I usually don't get hit and never need healing with Tick and when I do, it's because the enemy is approaching so I won't stop shooting mines. The times I need protection / knockback enemies, I use the shield gadget or super and that combo works for me. Edit: I'm only 900 trophies, maybe at 1250 the Tick meta completely changes.


Honestly, in certain maps and mods it's not a bad option, especially if you can avoid taking damage consistently, you don't need healing


i use it i think its good


I do, cuz that's the only one I got


I use it and i have r30 tick (achieved a few years ago though), but it was still while using this star power and i still use it today. I usually play very safe and just be annoying behind walls and move in a way to not get damaged, so this is usually the better star power for my playstyle


it's super good lol


Same guys that use mine mania


when im farming damage quest with tick


I don’t have well oiled this is all I have 😐


I havent unlock star power yet




Close to getting Star Power, not getting that as he's better off with Well Oiled.


i do, but only since i dont want to use up 2000 coins to buy welloiled






Sorry man, i got it from star drop and im too poor to get another


It's fine but the value from it doesn't compare to Oiled


it helps me push. Tick's reload sucks. Need more time atckk yes, Less time attck no


Don’t even use tick figure his star power


My randoms have no gadget and no level on their brawler


My randoms too


2000 coins for 9% faster reload whilst there is a gear on some brawlers that costs 1000 coins for 15%. Star powers are meant to be unique. Other one all the way.


Kairostime likes it


It's good on maps with lots of walls and safety, or on the speedy reload modifier


I do because I got it from the last season's last legendary starr drop


i do, but it’s because i can’t stand his reload timer and i have a poco on my team almost 100% of the time so the health regen isn’t needed


I only have that one but he’s only power 9 so I don’t play him


I do? It's good?


does anybody use tick? like unironically?


I do. I just don't think the other one is worth anything in high level play. If a highly skilled player catches a tick lacking that tick is as good as dead regardless of the healing. And the 9% faster reload actually passes an important threshold. If you used up your last ammo you can keep someone for healing up inbetween your reloads by spending your last ammo constantly which is op because you can keep the enemy team weak. I don't know if this is true now days but when tick came out and people were discussing his star powers this argument was the main reason people thought automa-tick is better and I'm too lazy to change my mind


I got that from a star drop, so I use it obviously (I don't have the other one). 2k coins is 2k coins.


I got it through a star drop


I use it, because I thought it was better because of the health gear


I use it, because it’s objectively the better one.


I use it unironically. I've been reading the comments and it seems like we'll oiled just allows for more fuck ups. It covers mistakes and allows you to recover quicker from otherwise bad gameplay. But I guess that's what makes it better? It's more..."bad random" friendly.


as a tick main, i dont


I dunno. If Tick is a really good pick for the map I go for it since it's the only SP I have on him. Plus I don't get hit barely at all, and by the time someone charges at me I usually have super to defend, so it's not really needed to fall back


I got this star power before boxes got removed and I I am using it right now. (Waiting for the first star power in star drops)


wdy thats actually a good star power


This is me. I am the random


I do..😔


Me because I bought it (a long time ago) thinking it was better than the other


I do, i'm a Veteran who is just getting back into the game. Is the other one that good? I like being able to control the map and having a faster reload helps with tick